God is Jesus vs. Jesus is God

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God is Jesus vs. Jesus is God

RD you have been given copies of this verse in at least 20 translations that most disagree with you.
Heb 1:3

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keypurr thinks that the "Christ spirit" is a photo copy of God and took over the "Jesus body".

Not so RD, I believe that God created his exact image in EVERY WAY and gave it/him his fullness. That spirit image is the true son who God used to create all. That son is not Jesus, that son is the logos. Jesus is the body prepared to hold the logos. Jesus is also the Lamb, the saviour, sent to die for us.

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That you refuse to understand that the CHARACTER of God is the fundamental essence of God is your own problem.

Go deeper, go out of the Greek. I have gone your road and it does not lead you to truth. Why do the translations differ from your stalled understanding of Heb 1:3? Are they wrong also?

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Right Divider

Body part
Not so RD, I believe that God created his exact image in EVERY WAY and gave it/him his fullness.
So the Bible says that there is ONE God.... but keypurr says that there are TWO.

That spirit image is the true son who God used to create all. That son is not Jesus, that son is the logos. Jesus is the body prepared to hold the logos. Jesus is also the Lamb, the saviour, sent to die for us.
You are a total mess!


Well-known member
So the Bible says that there is ONE God.... but keypurr says that there are TWO.

You are a total mess!

Creations are not God. Jesus is a creation and so is the logos.

It is the Trinity that creates more than one God.

Keypurr has only one God, the same God that Jesus has.

Do not distort my words RT. Read them and learn.

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That scripture was written in Greek, but I can see why you want to reject it...

Also in Hebrew and Aramaic. Do not stop learning friend, we will never have all the truth since man has been used by Satan to distort truth.

There is ONLY ONE GOD, the Father.

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Right Divider

Body part
Creations are not God. Jesus is a creation and so is the logos.

It is the Trinity that creates more than one God.

Keypurr has only one God, the same God that Jesus has.

Do not distort my words RT. Read them and learn.
Nowhere does the Bible say that God "copied" Himself.

And, AGAIN, you LIE about the doctrine of the trinity. ONE God, Three PERSONS.... just like the Bible describes.


Well-known member
Not so RD, I believe that God created his exact image in EVERY WAY and gave it/him his fullness. That spirit image is the true son who God used to create all. That son is not Jesus, that son is the logos. Jesus is the body prepared to hold the logos. Jesus is also the Lamb, the saviour, sent to die for us.

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So if I understand this correctly, you're saying there was this guy, a human, born to Mary and Joseph. When the time came, God thru His infinite wisdom, put this EXACT image in EVERY WAY of Himself onto this human?


Well-known member
So if I understand this correctly, you're saying there was this guy, a human, born to Mary and Joseph. When the time came, God thru His infinite wisdom, put this EXACT image in EVERY WAY of Himself onto this human?

Close, but no cigar. The logos became flesh in the body God provided. See that in Heb 10:5. Jesus is that body, he was given the logos which came with the power of the Father at his anointing. In other words, he was anointed with the logos at that time. Acts 10:38. Jesus is not the logos (word), the word was IN him. Jesus became the Christ at his baptism. The logos spoke through the body of Jesus, Jesus did not exist until Mary gave birth to him. But the logos was at the creation.

The logos is a spirit exactly like his creator, given the power of the Father. He is second only to the Father, he had the glory that his Father gave to him. God created everything through this Son, and when the time was right God SENT him to us to take the form of man (Jesus), bring us light then die as a human Lamb to save he world.

Thats what I believe drbrumley.

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Well-known member
Close, but no cigar. The logos became flesh in the body God provided. See that in Heb 10:5. Jesus is that body, he was given the logos which came with the power of the Father at his anointing. In other words, he was anointed with the logos at that time. Acts 10:38. Jesus is not the logos (word), the word was IN him. Jesus became the Christ at his baptism. The logos spoke through the body of Jesus, Jesus did not exist until Mary gave birth to him. But the logos was at the creation.

The logos is a spirit exactly like his creator, given the power of the Father. He is second only to the Father, he had the glory that his Father gave to him. God created everything through this Son, and when the time was right God SENT him to us to take the form of man (Jesus), bring us light then die as a human Lamb to save he world.

Thats what I believe drbrumley.

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Ok, so this human had Mary as His mother, and Joseph as His father or was God the Father, making this human who will have the Logos put upon Him really some sort of demigod?
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