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New member
'Christos' in Greek means 'anointed'.

Kind Cyrus of Persia was GOD's 'anointed/messiah/christ', but he wasn't GOD.

The Lord Jesus is GOD's 'anointed/messiah/christ' and He is GOD in the flesh.

The words 'christ/christos/mashiach/messiah' mean 'anointed'.
They don't mean 'GOD'.


Messiah on the other hand means anointed of Yah Veh Elohim. Cristos in Greek does mean anointed, but the Greeks were under the impression that all their idols were anointed. Messiah is a transliterated title from the Hebrew mashiach and those that are His are called Messianists.

Messiah is specific while cristos is general.


New member
I see you are very confused then. I couldn't care any less what you think of me. Is the thread topic called "What do you think of GT"?
What is wrong with you?

How did you get from that statement that I was have any care to how you perceive me?

Don't worry I don't expect an actual answer. Would want anyone accounting for their own words or anything.

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Well-known member
I asked you to address the scripture in 1 Corinthians 10:9.

You haven't proven anything to me unless you deal with what the scripture I gave to prove that Christ means God, LORD.

I addressed that Scripture earlier and I've had enough nonsense for one night.

Maybe tomorrow on a break from work.


New member one is listening to your bs either buddy.

Talk to me once you have matured in faith. Infact; why speak to me at all?

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I have reported you for using foul language. Your doing so confirms the spirit at work in you.


New member
Don't you know that Paul tells us many do's and don't's?
He tells his audience many do's and don'ts. He condemns the Corinthians for abusing the Lord's Supper. Today, we generally do the Lord's Supper with reverence. It's generally not an issue. Today, the Holy Spirit works in your heart to make application of the commands Paul is giving his audience. One application from Paul's commands to the Corinthians is that God is to be approached with reverence and respect.


New member
I have reported you for using foul language. Your doing so confirms the spirit at work in you.

Oh no! Please, not that! Whatever will I do without the gracious merciful guidance of the great Truster?!


Those who are already found don't need help and those who need help refuse to accept it.

All things are lawful for me, yet some are not expedient for me.
Such as this place of idol worship and contention.


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New member
For the record: The term "God Almighty is tautological, at least is would be, if God meant Elohim, which it doesn't. Jesus God is also tautological if Jesus were a translation of Yah Shua, which it isn't.

You people show not a single drop of veneration for His Holy Name.

God's Truth

New member
He tells his audience many do's and don'ts. He condemns the Corinthians for abusing the Lord's Supper. Today, we generally do the Lord's Supper with reverence. It's generally not an issue. Today, the Holy Spirit works in your heart to make application of the commands Paul is giving his audience. One application from Paul's commands to the Corinthians is that God is to be approached with reverence and respect.

There are so many scriptures where Paul tells us what to do.

Here are a few of many:

Let not good be evil spoken of (ROMANS 14:16)
Let not sin reign in the body (ROMANS 6:12)
Let not him that eateth despise him that does not (ROMANS 14:3)
Let not him that eateth not judge him that does (ROMANS 14:3)
Let not the wife depart from her husband (1 CORINTHIANS 7:10)
Let not the husband put away his wife (1 CORINTHIANS 7:11)
Let not the Christian put away the unsaved companion who wishes to remain (1 CORINTHIANS 7:12,13)
Let not the sun go down on wrath (EPHESIANS 4:26)
Let not fornication, uncleanness, covetousness, filthiness, foolish talking, and jesting be mentioned among you as becometh saints (EPHESIANS 5:3-4)
Let not unworthy widows be supported by the church (1 TIMOTHY 5:9-16)


New member
There are so many scriptures where Paul tells us what to do.

Here are a few of many:

Let not good be evil spoken of (ROMANS 14:16)
Let not sin reign in the body (ROMANS 6:12)
Let not him that eateth despise him that does not (ROMANS 14:3)
Let not him that eateth not judge him that does (ROMANS 14:3)
Let not the wife depart from her husband (1 CORINTHIANS 7:10)
Let not the husband put away his wife (1 CORINTHIANS 7:11)
Let not the Christian put away the unsaved companion who wishes to remain (1 CORINTHIANS 7:12,13)
Let not the sun go down on wrath (EPHESIANS 4:26)
Let not fornication, uncleanness, covetousness, filthiness, foolish talking, and jesting be mentioned among you as becometh saints (EPHESIANS 5:3-4)
Let not unworthy widows be supported by the church (1 TIMOTHY 5:9-16)

These things do not apply to you. You are still under law and as such under wrath.

God's Truth

New member
These things do not apply to you. You are still under law and as such under wrath.

You just cannot help yourself from being a messenger of Satan.

Now I understand better what Paul went through having that thorn in his side. The messenger from Satan following him around and giving lying messages from hell and condemnation, along with slander and insults.

Prove you can control the demons inside you and try to stop yourself.


New member
What is wrong with you?

How did you get from that statement that I was have any care to how you perceive me?

Don't worry I don't expect an actual answer. Would want anyone accounting for their own words or anything.

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The perception I have of you is from your hypocritical words.

peace, peace, friend, friend and then...foul language.

If it walks like a hypocrite and talks like a hypocrite then it is a hypocrite...quack, quack.


New member
The perception I have of you is from your hypocritical words.

peace, peace, friend, friend and then...foul language.

If it walks like a hypocrite and talks like a hypocrite then it is a hypocrite...quack, quack.
I guess the parts of the Bible telling us to stay out of the affairs of others doesn't pertain to you, or perhaps you've given it some wholly new different meaning as you so love to do.

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New member
Oh no! Please, not that! Whatever will I do without the gracious merciful guidance of the great Truster?!


Those who are already found don't need help and those who need help refuse to accept it.

All things are lawful for me, yet some are not expedient for me.
Such as this place of idol worship and contention.


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"He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul: but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding".

The verse fits you perfectly, wear it in shame.
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