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New member
You think love is an emotion and so for you it is. Love in the regenerate is a spiritual exercise that has emotional benefits. You say the treasure is found on the surface, but our treasure comes from deep within. It is worked within us by the Holy Spirit.
Love is not an exercise. Perhaps I am mistaken. Could you reference scripture please?

Thank you in advance


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New member
You are correct in a sense. He seeks for peace, but I have that peace. Not of works lest I should boast, but of grave through trust. The peace I have was declared by the Father at my trial. When my Saviour spoke in my defence and was heard of the Father, who declared, that I was not guilty due to the imputed justness from His Son and my Saviour.

Enmity stopped there and then and a split second later I, in time, became a recipient of the power that is in the evangelism of glory. I am truly humbled at the remembrance of that moment and its life communicating effects.

To the praise of the glory of His grace, amen and halalu Yah.

Me me me

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God's Truth

New member
The nature of the word repentance makes it impossible that the Eternal Almighty should or indeed could repent. Therefore there must be a seed of confusion set by the translators and that is the case.

Jonah 3:10 should read as, "Elohim sighed of the evil..."

Jeremiah 18:10 "shall sigh of the good".

These both from nâcham to sigh or to breath strongly. Something all parents do with their children. There is another type of sigh and this can be understood as that sigh of love, that swooning that parents have at other times.
Repent is to see one's sin in the presence of light. Elohim is without sin and so there can be no need for Him to repent. Using the term repent has led to much confusion and many opinions. The fact of the matter is simple. The sigh of a Father over unruly or rebellious children fits the bill perfectly. In the 17 times repented is used in the OT sigh is what the original meaning conveys.

My pleasure.

You just went against Tambora and what she thought her perfect defense against repenting of sins.

However, your word changing of the Bible does not really help anything.

God might have repented, stopped, turned away from something, but it was not from sins; but, we humans are told to repent, and it is FROM SINS.

Some people have a hard time understanding how God can repent of doing harm to someone, but we humans have to repent of our sins. Madists therefore change the meaning of repent when it comes to the New Testament. They say we did not have to repent of our sins, and that we have to repent/change our mind about God. This gives the madist an excuse why they do not have to repent of sins.

We have to do more than change our mind about God, for many of those that Paul preached to never even heard of God and Jesus, so changing their mind about God is absolutely meaningless. However, everyone has sinned, and changing your mind about sin is what one must do to be saved.

So what I see here is that Tambora goes against the word 'repent' and takes away from the holy words of God when He tells us to repent; and, you go against the holy words of God when you try to change the words of the Bible.

So what are humans to do? They are to repent of their sins. They are to confess their sins and have every intention of giving up all of them.

Even if they had not yet given up all their sins when they are saved, they should have a knowledge of what their sins are, and they should have a knowledge of knowing they are wrong and that the sins must be dealt with.


New member
You just went against Tambora and what she thought her perfect defense against repenting of sins.

However, your word changing of the Bible does not really help anything.

God might have repented, stopped, turned away from something, but it was not from sins; but, we humans are told to repent, and it is FROM SINS.

Some people have a hard time understanding how God can repent of doing harm to someone, but we humans have to repent of our sins. Madists therefore change the meaning of repent when it comes to the New Testament. They say we did not have to repent of our sins, and that we have to repent/change our mind about God. This gives the madist an excuse why they do not have to repent of sins.

We have to do more than change our mind about God, for many of those that Paul preached to never even heard of God and Jesus, so changing their mind about God is absolutely meaningless. However, everyone has sinned, and changing your mind about sin is what one must do to be saved.

Unless you acquaint yourself with Hebrew root meanings you have no right to comment. You haven't done so.


New member
As it would to any, how do you call them?

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I don't call anyone anything. I use scripture to do that. Scripture works on the rule of contrast. For instance when the scripture says, there is no peace unto the wicked, it is safe to say there is peace unto the just. No grey areas just straight forward truth.

So when the scripture speaks of regeneration or the regenerate, by the law of contrasts, it conveys the fact that anyone not regenerate is unregenerate.

God's Truth

New member
Madists say we do not have to repent from SINS.

They say 'repent' means we merely have to change our mind about God.

NONSENSE! Even the demons know God is One, and they are not saved.

We have to change our mind about sins.

John 8:24 I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins."
John 8:21 Again He said to them, "I am going away, and you will look for Me, but you will die in your sin. Where I am going, you cannot come."
Luke 13:2 To this He replied, "Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered this fate?

Luke 13:4 Or those eighteen who were killed when the tower of Siloam collapsed on them: Do you think that they were more sinful than all the others living in Jerusalem?
Luke 13:3 I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.
John 5:14 Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, "See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you."
John 8:11 "No one, Lord." she answered. "Neither do I condemn you." Jesus declared. "Now go and sin no more."
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New member
Madists say we do not have to repent from SINS.

They say 'repent' means we merely have to change our mind about God.

NONSENSE! Even the demons know God is One, and they are not saved.

We have to change our mind sins.

John 8:24 I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins."
John 8:21 Again He said to them, "I am going away, and you will look for Me, but you will die in your sin. Where I am going, you cannot come."
Luke 13:2 To this He replied, "Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered this fate?

Luke 13:4 Or those eighteen who were killed when the tower of Siloam collapsed on them: Do you think that they were more sinful than all the others living in Jerusalem?
Luke 13:3 I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.
John 5:14 Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, "See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you."
John 8:11 "No one, Lord." she answered. "Neither do I condemn you." Jesus declared. "Now go and sin no more."

If you think you can "change your mind" in repentance then do it. I'll be able to tell when it happens, because the first utterance will be, " I didn't do anything". That is the sign of true repentance.


I didn't call you a fool, said absolutely nothing about you, at all, merely posted what I'd been exposed to of some studies on the Babylon subject over some years and shared them, even a presentation by a real theologian, whether you agree or not. So, as usual around here, that's just unfounded slander, and you, apparently, like many here, have your shorts in a bunch over something you're hallucinating, which is a personal problem.

No, I didn't call you fool, though you're now making one of yourself. The ignore list could become like a phone directory around here. Sorry to have contributed anything, since it's beyond your sad and trollish ilk to ever have just a little grace and say, "I disagree, but thanks." And, for goodness sake, just cut with the "get thee behind me Satan" crap, like you're qualified to invoke some rebuking admonition from Christ, when you so slander and don't even display any more emotional maturity and stability than the Gadarene demoniac.

Woe is me. I'll never be able to sleep again, that you're displeased.

NOTE: This post belongs in a thread of mine called 'Mystery, Babylon The Great.' I was wondering where it went. Now I won't have to retype it. Am Sorry!! Thanks!!

Dear WonderfulLordJesus,

I told you what I was told about the symbolism in question and you still treat me like someone who is without knowledge about the subject. What does it take for you then? Your cute little saying like panties in a bunch is childish. I am not a fool or uncertain concerning the subject, though you still try to insinuate that I am. Why don't you realize that I'm not speaking about a hallucination, but instead what I heard and was told regarding the matter?

I do not have you or anyone presently on an ignore list and I welcome real interest in what I've had to say. Your trial at cute little sayings once again insinuating that I am a Gadarene demoniac is again childish. And I'm sure you'll have no trouble sleeping. Just trouble waking. What you had to offer was substandard ilk about a subject you evidently don't know much about. And even though I tell you about the symbolism of the 'whore,' you still seem to think you know better and that I am hallucinating.

I'm not looking for a spat here. The explanations that all three of you gave were stories made up by Satan and whispered into your mind, and you should know that much. Because I am positive of what I speak, since it was given to me divinely, I don't have ANY questions about it. Your attempt at being sarcastic falls short also. This kind of answer from you begs for something more viable and helpful. But you'd rather pass up on that chance also.

I'm not trying to be difficult here. It's you, who will never sleep again, that offers childish sayings. Why don't we just come to grips with the fact that I was told that this whore was about a city and I was told that the city was Hollywood. What don't you understand? You seem to still think that I'm being untruthful about the situation. Let's not offer anything but stable knowledge of the meaning of the symbolism and address it.

I would rather that we could discuss some more facts about it all. I was told that the city would have a great earthquake indeed, and that I had the Lord said to me, 'Come out of her, my people, that ye be not be partakers of her sins, and that you do not receive of her plagues, which shall come in ONE day, death, famine and mourning.' Just like a mighty angel took a great millstone and cast it into the sea, so shall L.A. and Hollywood, cease from being any more. See Rev. 18:21KJV and Rev. 18:4KJV. I think it is best to discuss the situation head on and not make any more senseless chatter about it. That, I've tried to do, so sue me.

I will discuss more about the subject later.

God Be With You,

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