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Well-known member
I'm not here to discuss the truth. Truth is to be received and absorbed. Not discussed, torn apart or argued over. If you want or need that sort of behaviour go and play with the "REFORMED" calvinists.

You told him to ask you questions, and then instead of answering him, you refuse to do so? Why ask him to ask questions if your aren't prepared to answer him?

And he's right, your the one saying that emotions don't come from the heart, so where do their come from?


Well-known member
No I can't, because I am besieged, before and behind.

There is a scripture for that and it applies perfectly. As they all do. It's not about giving that which is holy or casting pearls, but they also apply.
I'm always besieged by many of you at times but I always try to answer.


New member
I'm not here to discuss the truth. Truth is to be received and absorbed. Not discussed, torn apart or argued over. If you want or need that sort of behaviour go and play with the "REFORMED" calvinists.

I know the truth is in God and his son and I know what you mean it is given to you to know.

But didn't Jesus talk of the scriptures of the old testament to bring them into the new to teach.

But also you said to me you want to talk about the truth and nothing but the truth.

Sorry I don't get what you mean now?


Well-known member
You wouldn't recognise the truth in scripture if it walked up to you and slapped you in the face. You do see the words, but not the truth contained within.
I think you need to apply those words to yourself. You said that you came in here to expose darkness, you will need to be brought out of the darkness first!


New member
You told him to ask you questions, and then instead of answering him, you refuse to do so? Why ask him to ask questions if your aren't prepared to answer him?

And he's right, your the one saying that emotions don't come from the heart, so where do their come from?

He stepped outside the parameters and I did warn him. Just like I've warned you, but to no avail.

"Yah Veh shall send upon thee cursing, confusion and rebuke in all that thou extendest thine hand unto for to work, until thou be desolated and until thou destruct suddenly; at the face (because) of the evil of thy exploits, whereby thou hast forsaken me".


Well-known member
He stepped outside the parameters and I did warn him. Just like I've warned you, but to no avail.

"Yah Veh shall send upon thee cursing, confusion and rebuke in all that thou extendest thine hand unto for to work, until thou be desolated and until thou destruct suddenly; at the face (because) of the evil of thy exploits, whereby thou hast forsaken me".
What on earth are you on about? stepping outside what parameters?

Jesus said, don't think of what you will say, for you will be given what you need within that hour.

I have complete faith in God and I trust that he will deliver. I don't have any parameters!


New member
I think you need to apply those words to yourself. You said that you came in here to expose darkness, you will need to be brought out of the darkness first!

Do you have nothing that you can say except trying to turn my words against me? Satan himself has sometimes brought and offered me a plate of doubtnuts which are far fresher than yours, but I never take one.

doubtnuts will of course be reused by those that think it sounds good, but have never been offered the plate, because they have no trust and he has no need to offer the doubtnuts.


Well-known member
Do you have nothing that you can say except trying to turn my words against me? Satan himself has sometimes brought and offered me a plate of doubtnuts which are far fresher than yours, but I never take one.

doubtnuts will of course be reused by those that think it sounds good, but have never been offered the plate, because they have no trust and he has no need to offer the doubtnuts.
I don't need to turn your words against you, you do a good job of doing that yourself!


New member
What on earth are you on about? stepping outside what parameters?

Jesus said, don't think of what you will say, for you will be given what you need within that hour.

I have complete faith in God and I trust that he will deliver. I don't have any parameters!

The covenant and all the pre-evangelisms are to be found in Messiah, but only by those that are in Messiah. You are still in Adam.


Well-known member
The covenant and all the pre-evangelisms are to be found in Messiah, but only by those that are in Messiah. You are still in Adam.
Well, Adam was the one with parameters, he couldn't enter in to eat off the tree of life, Jesus doesn't have any. He is always ready to speak the truth and is full of life!

If you have the Spirit of God within, you won't need parameters! God's Spirit is free!


New member
Well, Adam was the one with parameters, he couldn't enter in to eat off the tree of life, Jesus doesn't have any. He is always ready to speak the truth and is full of life!

If you have the Spirit of God within, you won't need parameters! God's Spirit is free!

Do you think for a single and solitary second that anyone is impressed, bothered or even intimidated by your pretence? You are of that spirit of pretence that was forewarned by John as being a beast with two horns like a lamb. You are of the earth and your feeble imitation of the truth and vicious behaviour when confronted by the saints is ample proof of this.

The King of Terrors will soon turn on his own and you'll be amongst them. Unless you are granted repentance, but you're not lost are you?


Well-known member
[MENTION=15467]Truster[/MENTION], the heart is the place within where we feel love, joy, peace, and where we can also feel hate, and hardness etc if we let it in, the latter is what God helps us to overcome through Christ. The heart is the place that God wants cleansed and to be filled with his love and life. It's where the Holy Spirit resides in those born of God, it's where life is. It's where we feel the love of God, and the strength of his power.

Love is an emotion and we also have to put it into action. Love is God and God is love. And those born of God are full of his love and life!


New member
Truster, you're the one that said emotions don't come from the heart. You have belittled others who say they do. So where do emotions come from then if they are not from the heart?

I know they come from the heart!

"The heart* is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked".

You were saying?

heart* not the blood pump.


Well-known member
Do you think for a single and solitary second that anyone is impressed, bothered or even intimidated by your pretence? You are of that spirit of pretence that was forewarned by John as being a beast with two horns like a lamb. You are of the earth and your feeble imitation of the truth and vicious behaviour when confronted by the saints is ample proof of this.

The King of Terrors will soon turn on his own and you'll be amongst them. Unless you are granted repentance, but you're not lost are you?

Truster, you need to take a good read of what you have written here, then take a long hard look at yourself. Because this is exactly what you are like!

I hope one day you will see the truth, but it's not going to happen until you come off the pedestal you have set up for yourself and let God remove the stony heart that you have within.


New member
[MENTION=15467]Truster[/MENTION], the heart is the place within where we feel love, joy, peace, and where we can also feel hate, and hardness etc if we let it in, the latter is what God helps us to overcome through Christ. The heart is the place that God wants cleansed and to be filled with his love and life. It's where the Holy Spirit resides in those born of God, it's where life is. It's where we feel the love of God, and the strength of his power.

Love is an emotion and we also have to put it into action. Love is God and God is love. And those born of God are full of his love and life!

A compilation of words that have been thrown into a mixer and then poured out. You are so confused, by every wind of doctrine, you are being tossed and turned.

But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters expel filth and mire. There is no shalom, saith my Elohim, to the wicked.

Is 57: 20, 21.


Well-known member
A compilation of words that have been thrown into a mixer and then poured out. You are so confused, by every wind of doctrine, you are being tossed and turned.

But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters expel filth and mire. There is no shalom, saith my Elohim, to the wicked.

Is 57: 20, 21.
So Truster, I've explained what I believe the heart to be.

You keep asking everyone else, what and where it is, so what do you believe the heart is?

And I mean heart, not blood pump!
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