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New member
That's until it belongs to God and then he cleanses it!

No He doesn't. You might think that you "devotions" cleanse your heart, but you are mistaken. On regeneration He removes the heart of stone and replaces it with a heart of flesh. Yes it is a clean heart, but it's a new heart. If you had this experience you wouldn't talk about such stupidity.

it's just like this nonsense about come to Jesus and He will give you a new life. NO He doesn't. He gives that which is DEAD to be alive in Him.


New member
So Truster, I've explained what I believe the heart to be.

You keep asking everyone else, what and where it is, so what do you believe the heart is?

And I mean heart, not blood pump!

Mistakenly believe.

As I've said; to discover the true and only function of the symbolic heart you first need to discover the difference between soul and spirit.

Read every verse that contains the word spirit and every verse containing the word soul. You must read the verses in context and you do this by going back about 8 veres and forward about the same.

spirit 505 times in scripture

soul 460

You also need to do an exegeses on each word.

This is work, enjoy.


Well-known member
No He doesn't. You might think that you "devotions" cleanse your heart, but you are mistaken. On regeneration He removes the heart of stone and replaces it with a heart of flesh. Yes it is a clean heart, but it's a new heart. If you had this experience you wouldn't talk about such stupidity.

it's just like this nonsense about come to Jesus and He will give you a new life. NO He doesn't. He gives that which is DEAD to be alive in Him.
The heart of stone means the hardness of our hearts, and God softens our hearts by his word. Just as hard ground is softened by the rain. Those scriptures mean that God changes our hearts, but to do so he cleanses us by the power of the holy Spirit within

Psalm 51

Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.

Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.


New member
[MENTION=15467]Truster[/MENTION], the heart is the place within where we feel love, joy, peace, and where we can also feel hate, and hardness etc if we let it in, the latter is what God helps us to overcome through Christ. The heart is the place that God wants cleansed and to be filled with his love and life. It's where the Holy Spirit resides in those born of God, it's where life is. It's where we feel the love of God, and the strength of his power.

Love is an emotion and we also have to put it into action. Love is God and God is love. And those born of God are full of his love and life!

I have seldom, thankfully, been exposed to such conceited, garbled and utter nonsense.

Yes I know I've already commented, but this needs to be said.


New member
The heart of stone means the hardness of our hearts, and God softens our hearts by his word. Just as hard ground is softened by the rain. Those scriptures mean that God changes our hearts, but to do so he cleanses us by the power of the holy Spirit within

Psalm 51

Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.

Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

Either study to show yourself approved of Elohim, or shut up. The tangled web you are weaving using scripture has entrapped you.


Well-known member
Mistakenly believe.

As I've said; to discover the true and only function of the symbolic heart you first need to discover the difference between soul and spirit.

Read every verse that contains the word spirit and every verse containing the word soul. You must read the verses in context and you do this by going back about 8 veres and forward about the same.

spirit 505 times in scripture

soul 460

You also need to do an exegeses on each word.

This is work, enjoy.
How about you just explain what you think it is? Seeing as your are condemning everyone else who answers your questions.

Yet you avoid answering anyone elses, like answering where you think emotions come from, seeing as you have mocked those who say emotions come from the heart.

So if emotions don't come from the heart, where do they come from? It's a simple question?


Well-known member
Either study to show yourself approved of Elohim, or shut up. The tangled web you are weaving using scripture has entrapped you.
It's not studying the scriptures, it's having the life within. Those who wrote the scriptures received revelation from God and his Spirit was giving them what they when they needed it.

I've already said, Jesus said not to think of what we are to say, and that God gives those born of him what we need in that hour, and I have complete faith in God and Christ!


New member
How about you just explain what you think it is? Seeing as your are condemning everyone else who answers your questions.

Yet you avoid answering anyone elses, like answering where you think emotions come from, seeing as you have mocked those who say emotions come from the heart.

So if emotions don't come from the heart, where do they come from? It's a simple question?

Everybody uses words from scripture. Heart is just one of them. I'm pointing out that using a word without knowledge of what it means is discovered in the context in which it is used. I have and will continue to point out these mis-translations or mis-interpretations as and when necessary. The discovery of the truth is the office and function of the Holy Spirit and not mine.


Well-known member
Everybody uses words from scripture. Heart is just one of them. I'm pointing out that using a word without knowledge of what it means is discovered in the context in which it is used. I have and will continue to point out these mis-translations or mis-interpretations as and when necessary. The discovery of the truth is the office and function of the Holy Spirit and not mine.
Ok so what is the heart to you then?

And I mean heart, not blood pump!


Well-known member
Your impiety is so blatantly obvious that it can only proceed from one place. The pit and that is where you belong and will go.

Ok so you can't answer! So, to hide that fact, you just keep condemning people and spewing out hatred from your mouth to try and turn the emphasis from you.

You call others wicked and evil, yet that's all that comes from out of your own mouth, you still have that heart of stone and you can't see the truth, just like the Pharisees. And it's because you're heart is hardened just like there's. God is love and there is no evil or darkness in him, you only speak on darkness and you don't show any light

Satan can quote scriptures, but quoting scriptures isn't having the life of God within. I hope that one day you will see the truth. And I honestly mean that. Where you condemn me to hell, I have nothing like that within my heart, I hope that you will be with God in heaven.

I hope that he can soften the hardness of your heart one day, but he can't do that unless you let him in.

I'm going now, my family have come to visit me.


New member
Ok so you can't answer! So, to hide that fact, you just keep condemning people and spewing out hatred from your mouth to try and turn the emphasis from you.

You call others wicked and evil, yet that's all that comes from out of your own mouth, you still have that heart of stone and you can't see the truth, just like the Pharisees. And it's because you're heart is hardened just like there's. God is love and there is no evil or darkness in him, you only speak on darkness and you don't show any light

Satan can quote scriptures, but quoting scriptures isn't having the life of God within. I hope that one day you will see the truth. And I honestly mean that. Where you condemn me to hell, I have nothing like that within my heart, I hope that you will be with God in heaven.

I hope that he can soften the hardness of your heart one day, but he can't do that unless you let him in.

I'm going now, my family have come to visit me.

I not condemning "people" I'm condemning YOU. I'm telling YOU to repent and trust in the evangelism of salvation that is conditioned on the atoning blood and imputed justness of Messiah alone.


New member
Oh fess up and admit that you condemn everyone you disagree with. And seldom do you directly answer questions. :(

Everyone is condemned by their words and opinions as they deviate from the truth of the evangelism. It is true that I seldom meet people who are in the narrow way and this is to be expected. Note the word "seldom" and not never. I don't offer opinions so people are not agreeing or disagreeing with me. Those that have ears to hear will hear what the Spirit is saying. Others will just do what it is they have been doing since Cain went his own way...

As for answer questions it depends on the question and the spirit at work in the person making the enquiry.


New member
It's the term used in scripture because that is what happened.

Yes it is.
You can call Him a wimp if you wish; won't change the fact that GOD repented several times.

Jonah 3:10 KJV
(10) And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.
Jeremiah 18:10 KJV
If it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them.

GOD repented several times.
GOD converted several times?????

Here, let me help you out.

The answer is "no", GOD did not convert several times.
GOD repented several times.

You're welcome.

The nature of the word repentance makes it impossible that the Eternal Almighty should or indeed could repent. Therefore there must be a seed of confusion set by the translators and that is the case.

Jonah 3:10 should read as, "Elohim sighed of the evil..."

Jeremiah 18:10 "shall sigh of the good".

These both from nâcham to sigh or to breath strongly. Something all parents do with their children. There is another type of sigh and this can be understood as that sigh of love, that swooning that parents have at other times.
Repent is to see one's sin in the presence of light. Elohim is without sin and so there can be no need for Him to repent. Using the term repent has led to much confusion and many opinions. The fact of the matter is simple. The sigh of a Father over unruly or rebellious children fits the bill perfectly. In the 17 times repented is used in the OT sigh is what the original meaning conveys.

My pleasure.


New member
Fearing God will help you not to sin.

You will know Jesus if you obey and you will have love as you have never known before.

The fear you feel is that fear found in the law that binds with rigor to obedience and threatens damnation for non-compliance. You are welcome to it. We* have the perfect law of liberty the law of trust(faith if you must) a trust that works by love, which is the fulfilling of the law.

We* should know by now.

God's Truth

New member
The fear you feel is that fear found in the law that binds with rigor to obedience and threatens damnation for non-compliance. You are welcome to it. We* have the perfect law of liberty the law of trust(faith if you must) a trust that works by love, which is the fulfilling of the law.

We* should know by now.

The New Testament mentions to fear God many times. Are you rewriting the Bible?

The old law was based on fear, and it helped those people who did not have faith to obey.

However, in the new law, the law of Christ, the law that requires faith, fearing God brings delight.

If you are having a hard time stopping a sin, it could be overcame by fearing God.

God's words are life, but you are trying to kill his words. Here, He says to fear, and this is new.

2 Corinthians 7:17 And his affection for you is all the greater when he remembers that you were all obedient, receiving him with fear and trembling.

Acts 10:35 but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right.

Acts 13:26 “Brothers, children of Abraham, and you God-fearing Gentiles, it is to us that this message of salvation has been sent.

2 Corinthians 5:11 [ The Ministry of Reconciliation ] Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade men. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience.

Philippians 2:12 [ Shining as Stars ] Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,

Read this next scripture by Paul,

Romans 3:18 “There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

Man, that is powerful.


New member
They don't understand that, Truster.
They cannot comprehend that grace is UNMERITED.
They cannot conceive that our salvation cannot be judged unless the righteousness and obedience of Christ can be judged.
Who? I was not worthy of the free gift of faith that I received. It was by the mercy and Grace of GOD.

All I did was sincerely pray out of desperation, need, and depravity.


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