For Those Who Still Insist That There Was Election Fraud


Well-known member
Oh, she lost big time, ain't denying that and neither could she. She was hardly a candidate fit for office either. The thing is, Trump was stomped by the same margin and he should have had the sense to concede in similar manner. Instead he's only caused damage to the republicans which is why several have simply had enough. He's a man child.
Trump was stomped by the illegitimate fraudulent vote.


Well-known member
I'm sorry GD but there's no substance to this. Sure, some outlets will claim conspiracy, fraud, all manner of unsubstantiated stuff and after a myriad investigations/audits over the past year what have they come up with? Only confirmation that the allegations were baseless and that the election results were legitimate. Where it comes to over here then all the major political parties are crap frankly.
Crooks, thieves, thugs, and liars still claim the 2020 election was fair.


Well-known member
But, but...

I have it on good authority from Brain that everything has been settled.
Brain may actually believe the democrat lies but there is a certainty that tens of thousands of American democrats know for a fact that they committed massive voter fraud for their wicked party.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Brain may actually believe the democrat lies but there is a certainty that tens of thousands of American democrats know for a fact that they committed massive voter fraud for their wicked party.
To be fair, the Re-publicans are as wicked.

And stealing an election is pretty mild in the big scheme of things.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member


I think we'll go with the record, not your hazy and obviously skewed recollections.

It sure was. Nobody conceded, but the general feeling was of pessimism.

Well, you could watch the video.

Have you seen the result of that Georgia case you refuse to address oh yeah that's right you're desperately trying to ignore it.
Dear oh dear, quite the deluded one aren't "we"? You're welcome to go with your own delusions but you're not welcome to invent your own "facts" Stripe. The fact of the matter is that forecasts were made on election night itself that accurately predicted a swing towards Biden once the mail in ballots were counted. It's unassailable. Now you can whine, simper, snivel, stamp your little feet all you want, facts don't change just cos you don't like em'.

Nothing hazy about my recollections dude, just as there's nothing hazy about Trump claiming victory in the vid and the links I even provided for you.

What, specifically are you on about in relation to Georgia exactly?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
But, but...

I have it on good authority from Brain that everything has been settled.
Eh, it has been, for nigh on a year but for some, they just wanna cling onto conspiracy bunk and bat crazy sites that perpetuate what they so desperately want to hear.

Oh well...


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Eh, it has been, for nigh on a year but for some, they just wanna cling onto conspiracy bunk and bat crazy sites that perpetuate what they so desperately want to hear.

Oh well...
Except that, as has been explained to you numerous times, you are willingly ignorant of ongoing litigation.

By definition, there are aspects of the 2020 election that are not settled.

Is it a mental disorder that prohibits you from admitting the truth?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Except that, as has been explained to you numerous times, you are willingly ignorant of ongoing litigation.

By definition, there are aspects of the 2020 election that are not settled.

Is it a mental disorder that prohibits you from admitting the truth?
Oh, that wasn't 'explanation' Stripe, that was just ignorant pomposity on you part. Quite up to speed with stuff thanks, for entertainment value it's been amusing to see the shenanigans unfold this last year, much fodder for satirists!

Um, nah. It was settled long ago.

You tell me, you're the one who denies facts here Stripe. Is that the epitome of a healthy mental balance?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Deciphering Trumpersim has been quite an education...
Well by all means, allow me to translate:

When he said, in the video that you posted purporting to know what he said that "we won" Texas, Florida and Ohio, he meant that those states had been called in his favor.

When he said "we've clearly won" Georgia and North Carolina, he gave the details of where the vote counts were and expressed confidence that they would hold.

When he said it was possible that Biden would take Arizona, he meant that he might lose Arizona.

When he said "we're winning Pennsylvania," he gave the state of the count at that time and expressed — you guessed it — confidence.

When he said: "We were getting ready to win this election," he was conceding the fact that the vote was not over.
When he said: "Frankly, we did win this election," he was expressing confidence based on the numbers they had at the time.

When he said: "We will win this," he was conceding that the fact that the vote was not over.
When he said: "As far as I'm concerned, we already have won it," he was expressing an opinion.

So, now that you speak English, perhaps you can turn your newfound ability toward the things that might actually still have some impact on reality, ie, the Georgia case (and others). That was what the post was about. That you thought it was about Trump's speech is only more evidence that you will do anything to avoid reality.

Oh, that wasn't 'explanation' Stripe, that was just ignorant pomposity on you part.

So when I explained the Georgia case to you, that wasn't an explanation? When WTG provided the link to the Arizona situation, that wasn't an explanation?

Quite up to speed

Oh yeah? You know that the Georgia case is ongoing? You know that the Arizona audit is ongoing?

Um, nah. It was settled long ago.
It appears not.

You tell me, you're the one who denies facts here Stripe. Is that the epitome of a healthy mental balance?

I was telling you. There are ongoing court cases. That, by definition, means that aspects of the 2020 election are not settled. But you insist that it is settled.



Well-known member
To be fair, the Re-publicans are as wicked.

And stealing an election is pretty mild in the big scheme of things.
Stealing an election could be no more consequential than a military coup which results in the deaths of millions of people. I suspect one reason so many judges refused to take up cases of voter fraud was that they also thought stolen elections really did no damage to America.


Well-known member
Dear oh dear, quite the deluded one aren't "we"? You're welcome to go with your own delusions but you're not welcome to invent your own "facts" Stripe. The fact of the matter is that forecasts were made on election night itself that accurately predicted a swing towards Biden once the mail in ballots were counted. It's unassailable. Now you can whine, simper, snivel, stamp your little feet all you want, facts don't change just cos you don't like em'.

Nothing hazy about my recollections dude, just as there's nothing hazy about Trump claiming victory in the vid and the links I even provided for you.

What, specifically are you on about in relation to Georgia exactly?
Trump was right. Democrats stole the election from the American people and look how badly that turned out for everyone, with higher taxes, inflation, gas prices, grocery prices, and the skyrocketing cost of living while freedoms and rights are being destroyed or seriously curtailed by leftist mandates and agendas.


Well-known member
Eh, it has been, for nigh on a year but for some, they just wanna cling onto conspiracy bunk and bat crazy sites that perpetuate what they so desperately want to hear.

Oh well...
Idiots think God is a conspiracy theory and every truth they do not want to believe is a lie.


Well-known member
Biden: “It’s about who gets to count the vote and whether your vote counts at all”

Millions of democrats do not believe their democrat leaders would ever support voter fraud while tens of thousands of democrats and especially democrat leaders know for a fact that democrats have been committing voter fraud for decades. That is why Schumer is threatening to suspend long-established rules in Congress in order to pass voter fraud protections into law.