For Those Who Still Insist That There Was Election Fraud


Well-known member
Well, what 'malarkey' exactly? That really was my honest view on proceedings and from election night itself. I'm a total cynic where it comes to politicians of any brand so the 'dems' aren't anything to shout about but this ongoing fraud stuff is really only embarrassing to republicans now. Anyway, good to see you too. :)
How many ballots for Biden that showed up at democrat precincts after polls closed have been verified to have been legitimately cast? 100%? Not even close. As far as I know, no democrat has ever adequately explained how tens of thousands of ballots for Biden that showed up at democrat precincts without chain-of-custody records were validated.
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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Multiple investigations and audits later verified what most already knew.

Recounting the ballots does not address the problems that have been raised, including chain of custody and improper legislative actions.

"It is the canvas" that is important, "not the count."

This whole thing effectively stemmed from Trump himself on election night. He gave a monumentally ill advised victory speech just a few hours after the initial votes had come in.

No, he was confident of victory on election night, but did not give a "victory speech."

Now he must have surely been aware of what major news outlets were already reporting

On election night, not early the next morning, they were pessimistic.

- that his initial lead wasn't going to last long because the mail in ballots were going to be predominantly in favour of Biden.
That narrative began the next morning.

Sure enough, that's what happened and can't have been breaking news for anyone keeping up to speed with events.

Sure enough, it's easy to make a prediction after the fact.

He was never going to go gracefully from that point. Trump is too much of an egotist to do that so what other recourse for him but to claim fraud? His fan base would be on board with that, especially the hardcore supporters and so then we have Powell's kraken, Giuliani & Lindell, Qanon and all of it's only resulted in embarrassment for republicans along with lawsuits for those accusing vote machine manufacturers with tampering, all of which unsubstantiated.

All of the work you will point to is easy to call "unsubstantiated."

You ignore anything that undeniably benefitted Biden.

It's no wonder that many republicans are fed up with it all as they know how bad it makes them look, all because Trump couldn't relinquish office with any dignity.

Fluff. The attitudes you push onto people are irrelevant.

There was always going to be a higher voter turnout the last election than in 2016.

No, there wasn't.

That took mighty legislative pushes that were improperly conducted on the back of a pandemic.

You say it yourself: Without mass mail-in ballots, Trump wins easily.

Trump has been one of the most divisive presidents in history

So what?

There was nothing credible to suggest widespread voter fraud as all of these audits etc have confirmed.

Plenty, in fact. As has been outlined. As you ignore.

The "audits" you speak of are nothing more than CNN reports on a few outcomes. You know nothing of the work that has been done in them or the problems they exposed.

Trump is simply the sorest of losers as demonstrated with his phone call to Raffensberger pleading for him to find him another 11,000 votes.


You have no idea what is going on. You read one side of 10 percent of the story and craft a narrative around it.

Were there instances of fraud? Probably. Realistically, there's probably cases of fraud in any election but nothing to suggest the claims made.

Try addressing the actual claims being made. This isn't about "voter fraud."

Biden's hardly doing a stellar job as president.
We know.


Well-known member
Well, no, not really. Multiple investigations and audits later verified what most already knew. This whole thing effectively stemmed from Trump himself on election night.
Trump did not cause tens of millions of people to question the legitimacy of the election in light of clear evidence of fraud. Common sense did.


Well-known member
Now he must have surely been aware of what major news outlets were already reporting - that his initial lead wasn't going to last long because the mail in ballots were going to be predominantly in favour of Biden. Sure enough, that's what happened and can't have been breaking news for anyone keeping up to speed with events.
The major news outlets had been accusing Trump of Russian collusion for years in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Of course Trump knew news outlets were broadcasting false propaganda because they are owned by democrat hacks who hated Trump and America. Everyone with a clear head could see that.


Well-known member
He was never going to go gracefully from that point.
Trump left the White House gracefully in spite of knowing the democrats had stolen the election. Democrats are the ones who do not leave gracefully, as was demonstrated by the way the Clinton mob trashed the WH when they departed in 2001.

By Mike Allen
June 3, 2001
White House officials yesterday released a list of damage they say was done by outgoing staffers of President Bill Clinton, including obscene graffiti in six offices, a 20-inch-wide presidential seal ripped off a wall, 10 sliced telephone lines and 100 inoperable computer keyboards.


Well-known member
There was always going to be a higher voter turnout the last election than in 2016. Trump has been one of the most divisive presidents in history but there was nothing credible to suggest widespread voter fraud as all of these audits etc have confirmed. Trump is simply the sorest of losers as demonstrated with his phone call to Raffensberger pleading for him to find him another 11,000 votes.
Summary of Trump's call: Look, Raffey, there were a hundred thousand unverified votes for Biden with questionable origins. Surely there is a possibility that even a tenth of those votes were fraudulent and you could find fraud if you were honest and even looked for it.

Summary of lying leftist perversions of Raffensberger's recollection of the call: Trump called me and begged me and then threatened me to report at least 11,000 votes that were fraudulent, giving him the win, but I simply could not do that because I am not a crook.


Well-known member
FTR, if Clinton had pulled this stunt in 2016 I'd say the same about her and she's no great shakes, in fact America was royally short changed with it's choice of primary candidates. Biden's hardly doing a stellar job as president either so this isn't simply about bashing Trump.
It was not Hillary that pulled the stunt you are referring to, but the black loser in the Georgia governor's race.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
For example, in Georgia the law requires that a machine system produce a ballot that the voter can verify.

The Dominion machines do indeed spit forth a printout that has the voter's selections in text form, but it is alongside a QR code, which, as should be obvious, is completely unreadable to the voter.

Only one out of the text and the code are scanned by the tabulation machines. Guess which one...

Brain has no interest in any such details.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Recounting the ballots does not address the problems that have been raised, including chain of custody and improper legislative actions.

"It is the canvas" that is important, "not the count."

No, he was confident of victory on election night, but did not give a "victory speech."

On election night, not early the next morning, they were pessimistic.

That narrative began the next morning.

Sure enough, it's easy to make a prediction after the fact.

All of the work you will point to is easy to call "unsubstantiated."

You ignore anything that undeniably benefitted Biden.

Fluff. The attitudes you push onto people are irrelevant.

No, there wasn't.

That took mighty legislative pushes that were improperly conducted on the back of a pandemic.

You say it yourself: Without mass mail-in ballots, Trump wins easily.

So what?

Plenty, in fact. As has been outlined. As you ignore.

The "audits" you speak of are nothing more than CNN reports on a few outcomes. You know nothing of the work that has been done in them or the problems they exposed.


You have no idea what is going on. You read one side of 10 percent of the story and craft a narrative around it.

Try addressing the actual claims being made. This isn't about "voter fraud."

We know.
The "canvas" has been addressed all ends up Stripe. Everything to do with anything resembling "improper" procedure has been found lacking in substance.

Um, yeah, he did Stripe. One of the most stupid moves a president has ever made but pretty much in keeping with his narcissistic and petulant persona.

Um, garbage. I followed proceedings on election night and the predictions from major news outlets was precisely what happened. The forecasted swing to Biden and initial leads for Trump would be diminished, lessened and overturned. It was not a narrative they were pushing the following morning by any stretch. Were you following on "catch up news" or something?

After that glaring error on your part there's precious little point with the rest of your post. Mail in ballots are just as valid as ones made at polling booths and you've brought nothing to the table that hasn't been accounted for and dismissed already.


Hall of Fame
After that glaring error on your part there's precious little point with the rest of your post. Mail in ballots are just as valid as ones made at polling booths and you've brought nothing to the table that hasn't been accounted for and dismissed already.

Oddly enough, Former Guy didn’t WHINE about the mail in ballots from 2016 being fraudulent. OR about the GOP members who won their seats in 2016 and 2020. Such a selective crybaby …

He is desperately trying to convince the world that the majority of people don’t despise him …


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The "canvas" has been addressed all ends up.


You are simply ignorant of what is going on.

Everything to do with anything resembling "improper" procedure has been found lacking in substance.

Yeah, and that explains why there is ongoing litigation into election issues.

You are simply ignorant of what is going on.

Um, yeah, he did


He expressed confidence on the night of Nov. 3. He did not declare victory.

You have been beguiled by a narrative.

Um, garbage. I followed proceedings on election night and the predictions from major news outlets was precisely what happened. The forecasted swing to Biden and initial leads for Trump would be diminished, lessened and overturned. It was not a narrative they were pushing the following morning by any stretch. Were you following on "catch up news" or something?

Nope. On election night, there was pessimism. The next morning was when the mail-in narrative was pushed.

After that glaring error on your part there's precious little point with the rest of your post.

We know. You're only comfortable when the discussion is over who says what and when, and what they meant. When it comes to data and research, you run screaming for the hills.

Mail in ballots are just as valid as ones made at polling booths and you've brought nothing to the table that hasn't been accounted for and dismissed already.

Except for the ongoing litigation that you were not even aware of.


Well-known member
Um, garbage. I followed proceedings on election night and the predictions from major news outlets was precisely what happened. The forecasted swing to Biden and initial leads for Trump would be diminished, lessened and overturned. It was not a narrative they were pushing the following morning by any stretch. Were you following on "catch up news" or something?
Massive voter fraud was not a spur-of-the-moment affair. The fraud was planned well in advance. Of course leftists in the media knew what was coming if Trump was to end up leading in early returns. As it turned out Trump had such a tremendous lead that tens of thousands of last-minute ballots had to be brought in and that caused several problems the democrats had not counted on, such as computers being overloaded and having to be shut down for reprogramming, truckloads of boxed ballots had to be shipped in without any chain-of-custody records, counting had to be done late at night after observers were banned, hundreds of mimeographed ballots had to be brought in for Biden, and so forth.


Well-known member
Oddly enough, Former Guy didn’t WHINE about the mail in ballots from 2016 being fraudulent. OR about the GOP members who won their seats in 2016 and 2020. Such a selective crybaby …

He is desperately trying to convince the world that the majority of people don’t despise him …
Nobody should accept voter fraud if it helps their own prospects. Everyone should oppose any and all voter fraud no matter who benefits or does not benefit. Democrats tarnish themselves by resisting investigations into voter fraud and by resisting efforts by lawmakers to pass laws designed to hinder voter fraud.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Nobody should accept voter fraud if it helps their own prospects. Everyone should oppose any and all voter fraud no matter who benefits or does not benefit. Democrats tarnish themselves by resisting investigations into voter fraud and by resisting efforts by lawmakers to pass laws designed to hinder voter fraud.
Actually, everyone should oppose voting.

Nations would be far better off picking a man by drawing straws than they are with elected bureaucrats.


Well-known member
Actually, everyone should oppose voting.

Nations would be far better off picking a man by drawing straws than they are with elected bureaucrats.
Or patriots and commies could fight it out to see who gets to pick the king of America, God or the devil.