Fifty GOP National Security Experts: 'None Of Us Will Vote For Donald Trump'


New member
When I look at that set of comments from Trump, I see someone who isn't in command of himself. To me, it's not so much whether we know if it was sarcasm or not sarcasm, it's that he doesn't seem know either. I don't even think it's playing games - he just can't help himself. That's not what I want to see in a president.

Where did you earn your psychology degree?


Hall of Fame
When I look at that set of comments from Trump, I see someone who isn't in command of himself. To me, it's not so much whether we know if it was sarcasm or not sarcasm, it's that he doesn't seem know either. I don't even think it's playing games - he just can't help himself. That's not what I want to see in a president.

Indeed ... he's extremely unbalanced.


Obama suffers from believe your own b s syndrome. It's terminal already. There's no cure.


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like marbles on glass
Even when Trump loses (wondering now if he'll even debate), he stirred up the nativist, nationalistic, sexist, misogynistic voters who are afraid of their disappearing white majority. I doubt they'll go away, and will probably go out looking for someone to take out their pent-up rage on. Probably female, probably a person of color, probably an immigrant.

Here's a new one for the lexicon:

"I'll pull Trump on you"

The video is loaded with profanity, so if you don't want to be exposed to it, just click "show more" underneath the video and you can read the edited transcript.

This is the line, though:

"If there wasn't any witnesses, you know what I'd do to you? I'd pull Trump on ya"

I'm impressed with how cool the cyclist was.

**Edit: The link went dead on the original video, here's another link with the profanities bleeped out:

Last edited:


like marbles on glass
Trump Is Already Helping Putin Consolidate Control of Ukraine
The GOP candidate's pro-Russia comments have become must-see TV in both countries—and they’re demoralizing the Ukrainians.

In short, the rhetoric in the U.S. election campaign—especially Trump’s—is already altering policy in the region, hardening Moscow’s attitude toward Ukraine and at the same time frustrating and confusing the Ukrainians who want to stand up to Putin.


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
^ The pro-baby-killer pro-criminal-Hillary opens her yap.



Know why these 'experts' don't want to vote for Trump?
Because he's transparent- he's not going to deal with too much shenanigans and secrecy.



like marbles on glass
Trump's policy in a nutshell.

It's perfectly stated:

Policy can be analyzed, evaluated, critiqued, changed. But the Trump campaign and really Trump himself only have phrases and impulses and grievances all strung together by sinews of derp.

patrick jane

Trump's policy in a nutshell.

It's perfectly stated:
Policy can be analyzed, evaluated, critiqued, changed. But the Trump campaign and really Trump himself only have phrases and impulses and grievances all strung together by sinews of derp.
The constant drip of clinton's e-mails and the crimes she has committed will take their toll on her weak campaign.
Not to mention the scams from the clinton foundation and her pay for play farce.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Know why these 'experts' don't want to vote for Trump?
Because he's transparent- he's not going to deal with too much shenanigans and secrecy.


...also because they are the very establishment hacks whose nice little nest-eggs will be toppled by the populist Trump.

On another topic: "I Want an Apology for ENDANGERING the Lives of Trump Supporters!"


New member
Oh Lord... ...another tax return pinhead. Why are his taxes any of your business. Nobody's taxes are anyone's business.

Presidential candidates have released their tax returns since the 1970's. Trump publicly stated that Romney should release his returns 4 years ago. Trump said he would release his, but couldn't due to being audited. The IRS has come out to say that they were not the ones prohibiting their release. The release of tax returns has become an expected part of the presidential race.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
There's a difference between being transparent and dismissing one's own self-respect.
Trump doesn't have to bend to your stupid demands.
When the heck did this whole tax release song & dance begin anyway. There weren't even any federal income taxes before the 30's. I wonder who the first candidate was to release them and why. Its all just a distraction from the real issues.