excellent example of MADism:


Literal lunatic
me too...but I start with the flesh first and then move to spiritual aspects...

We are to learn not only what He taught but HOW He taught and He used human analogy all the time...like being reborn...

"I hate, I despise your feast days, And I do not savor your sacred assemblies. " They obeyed the big important things but neglected the little things you know like LOVE...what profits a man learning sacrifice and NOT mercy? They obeyed but did not have the right attitude in their daily lives and with each other...

Learn one and you will learn the other...

sure it does...see breathing is analogous to obedience and well Christians obey because they are grateful they are alive first...they don't obey to become alive...even doesn't work biologically...you can't breath before you are biologically alive...outside the womb

not all those who are alive realize Who made them alive and thus wish to obey Him their creator...it really isn't rocket surgery

not trying to prove anything trying to help you see that before that which is spiritual there is a physical...and He knew that but not all that breath do

The way to salvation was planned before I was even thought of by my folks...it was made possible before I was born...and of course He saved me before I knew I needed to be...

and then when I finally got my new reborn naked backside spanked I began to breath...I wanted to obey...to LIVE and more abundantly...

Interesting that breathing is both voluntary and involuntary. :)

Right Divider

Body part
Since the beginning of time, there has always been a remnant of godly men who were gifted with knowledge of the grace of God and the gospel promise of a Savior. e.g. Noah (Genesis 6:8)
Dumb as a box of rocks.

Noah finding grace in the eyes of God is NOT, I repeat NOT the gospel of the grace of God.

Your false religion has you completely blinded to even the simplest of truth.


New member
Let me get my hankie out...You are quite irrelevant, cry baby, and bore me.

Your page:This page has had 86 visits


The great saint John W's page:

This page has had 16,529 visits

Are you serious? You think a tally is proof of what, exactly, given few there be that find it, and are you kidding me, do you presume to be the "great saint John W."? If so, you are in for great big fall, "saint" John.


New member

indeed, that's what it means that the Bible says predestined
. It is nothing like Calvin's "predestination" doctrine.

Condemnation (of the law) ministers death to the hearer (the flesh), so that the spirit may live. Condemnation found in men's doctrines just minister death, period. Easy way to tell what is and is not, of the Spirit. There is nothing in their doctrine that ministers life (except to whom THEY deem worthy), yet G-d is not a respecter of persons.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Are you serious? You think a tally is proof of what, exactly, given few there be that find it, and are you kidding me, do you presume to be the "great saint John W."? If so, you are in for great big fall, "saint" John.

The drone won't defend her own argument.

And that is Mr. the great saint John W, to you. I just might recognize you, in the future, if you behave. But, until then, please take your seat.

God's Truth

New member
Let me get my hankie out...You are quite irrelevant, cry baby, and bore me.

Your page:This page has had 86 visits


The great saint John W's page:

This page has had 16,529 visits

John, do you really think God cares how many visits you got to your site?

You act as if you do not know bad people get a lot of visits too.

God's Truth

New member
What part of faith without works is dead, did you miss?

They make excuses for what James says, they say what he says is about AFTER you are saved. I try to explain to them that if they are right about it being AFTER one is saved, then that dead faith James speaks about AFTER you are saved...that it is not the living faith before you are saved that is required to GET saved.

Then there are some other answers I got from some, they think what Peter says was just for the Jews and the Old Testament crowd with a new twist where they obey the Old Testament and believe in Jesus. Hahahahaha

They don't grasp that believing in Jesus puts one in the New Covenant, and to get in the New Covenant one must having living faith, and that is, faith with right action/obedience.

God's Truth

New member
We are to learn not only what He taught but HOW He taught and He used human analogy all the time...like being reborn...
No, your human analogy argument is not from the scriptures.
You can’t use an analogy from yourself and claim it is truth.
You have to use the analogies from the Bible and then give your understanding of it.

"I hate, I despise your feast days, And I do not savor your sacred assemblies. " They obeyed the big important things but neglected the little things you know like LOVE...what profits a man learning sacrifice and NOT mercy? They obeyed but did not have the right attitude in their daily lives and with each other...
What a joke. If you would have only of listened more carefully, you would have been given knowledge. They did NOT obey BECAUSE they did NOT do right but then they gave a meaningless sacrifice. The sacrifice BECAME meaningless BECAUSE they were still sinners.
They sinned, gave a sin offering, but were not really sorry for their sins is what made the offering bad.
God says He did not like it that they could sin, give a sin offering and then still be called a child of God because of the sacrifice works. God says He is going to make a New Covenant that the purification/ceremonial works would be no more, so that only those who truly did right could be a child of His.

Those are the works that no longer save. People misunderstand Paul and think he is saying obedience does not save anymore. You have all been misled to believe and teach that false doctrine of faith alone to get saved and to stay saved.
Stay humble to hear God and do not get defensive when I say something. Maybe then you can hear both sides and reach a right belief.
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God's Truth

New member
Learn one and you will learn the other...
I know what born again means and I asked you if you did but all you did was result to insults.
You keep comparing the spiritual rebirth with the physical birth and our breathing as the guide. What nonsense. Stop with the human analogy because it is not working for you when we are speaking of something spiritual. Your human analogy is off, unlike the human analogies in the Bible. God gives to everyone a spirit at conception. However, God gives the Holy Spirit upon acceptance; and God does NOT save you until He accepts you. To be accepted, you have to believe and do right.
If you do not recognize what I said in the Bible, just ask me for the scripture reference from where I got my beliefs.

God's Truth

New member
The way to salvation was planned before I was even thought of by my folks...it was made possible before I was born...and of course He saved me before I knew I needed to be...

and then when I finally got my new reborn naked backside spanked I began to breath...I wanted to obey...to LIVE and more abundantly...

You are a Calvinist or a Lutheran.

You have been led astray from the truth by false teachers.

You should have checked out everything you were taught before you believed it.

You are a grown man/woman and have no excuse not to now, for the Bible is more available than ever.

We have to obey God not men.

God's salvation is found in Jesus Christ and by no other.

Let go of the denominational teachings and search for God's Truth, not man's.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You are a Calvinist or a Lutheran.

You have been led astray from the truth by false teachers.

You should have checked out everything you were taught before you believed it.

You are a grown man/woman and have no excuse not to now, for the Bible is more available than ever.

We have to obey God not men.

God's salvation is found in Jesus Christ and by no other.

Let go of the denominational teachings and search for God's Truth, not man's.

Jesus died for all sins that you repent of.
