excellent example of MADism:

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I know what born again means and I asked you if you did but all you did was result to insults.
You keep comparing the spiritual rebirth with the physical birth and our breathing as the guide. What nonsense. Stop with the human analogy because it is not working for you when we are speaking of something spiritual. Your human analogy is off, unlike the human analogies in the Bible. God gives to everyone a spirit at conception. However, God gives the Holy Spirit upon acceptance; and God does NOT save you until He accepts you. To be accepted, you have to believe and do right.
If you do not recognize what I said in the Bible, just ask me for the scripture reference from where I got my beliefs.

Jesus died for all sins that you repent of.



New member
The drone won't defend her own argument.

And that is Mr. the great saint John W, to you. I just might recognize you, in the future, if you behave. But, until then, please take your seat.

You are so full of yourself it's unbelievable, and you telling me to take a seat, is WAY above your pay grade.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I am quite brilliant,and humble. Ask your friends in the neighborhood about me....

Don saint John "House Godfather Rifleman" W

God's Truth

New member

Here are words from Jesus Christ while he walked the earth:

Luke 13:3 I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.

Here are words from Jesus Christ after he ascended to heaven:

Revelation 9:20 The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the works of their hands. They did not stop worshiping demons and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk. 21 Furthermore, they did not repent of their murder, sorcery, sexual immorality, and theft.

Here is the Apostle Paul, the apostle to the same teachings of Jesus Christ:

2 Corinthians 12:21 I am afraid that when I come again my God will humble me before you, and I will be grieved over many who have sinned earlier and have not repented of the impurity, sexual sin and debauchery in which they have indulged.


New member
I don't need to slow down and read more carefully. You just don't want to be corrected on anything.

I said we can actually stop sinning.

You said, "No we cannot. That is why Jesus died for our sins. The sins that we CAN stop are the WILLFUL, DELIBERATE sins. Adamic sins are the ones we can't help, not even realizing sometimes when we are sinning. But DELIBERATE sins are ones that we know we are doing and don't."

Just listen to your confused post.

Adamic sins stands for Adam!

You said we can, we cant, willful, not willful.

And what in the world do you think is a not willful sin?

I guess I'm speaking to a babe that still needs milk. You don't understand the basic principles of salvation! "NOT WILLFUL sin" is the sin we inherited from Adam This is the sin that Jesus died for, because sin and death is due to Adam and not each of us. We INHERITED IT from Adam.

"WILLFUL sin" is sin that we know we are doing and that it's wrong but we still do it. Is that too hard for you to understand, dear? Looks like you have a whole lot of Scripture to catch up on.

We CAN stop WILLFUL sinning. That is true. But we cannot be completely devoid of sinning, because we are still Adam's descendants. Read Romans chapter 5 and then get back to me. Tell me if you understand the facts about sinning after reading that. We can be covered by Jesus' sacrifice, but we still sin.

"If we make the statement: 'We have no sin,' we are misleading ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous so as to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (I John 1:8,9) When we DELIBERATELY sin and do not ask forgiveness, we are not cleansed from unrighteousness.

Do you get the difference?


New member

Jesus came first for those who already belonged to God, they were God's, God gave them to Jesus. They were God's and they had to go through Jesus to remain God's.

John 17:6 "I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word.

The rest of the Jews were cut off from God and they were bound over to where the Gentiles were. Now all are treated the same. We are all condemned unless we come to God through Christ. God does not care to whom anyone is blood related anymore.

Stop yelling at me like a crazy person. I haven't said anything that disagrees with what you just said.


New member
No, your human analogy argument is not from the scriptures.
It's not just humans..."Let everything that has breath praise the LORD." That is David getting poetic...

You can’t use an analogy from yourself and claim it is truth.
sure I can...it comes under the "test everything hold on to what is good" clauses...
You have to use the analogies from the Bible and then give your understanding of it.

Ummm...ok so by letting everything that has breath praise the Lord well that is the point...be alive...breath...praise your creator for being alive to breath to praise...

can't breathe without being alive...Yahushua breathed the Spirit on the disciples but NOT when He was dead ya dig?

Adam's first act was to inhale...after He breathed to make him alive...

Why you so vexed about this? Was just trying to be helpful...if it ain't then drop it...

What a joke. If you would have only of listened more carefully, you would have been given knowledge. They did NOT obey BECAUSE they did NOT do right but then they gave a meaningless sacrifice. The sacrifice BECAME meaningless BECAUSE they were still sinners.
They sinned, gave a sin offering, but were not really sorry for their sins is what made the offering bad.
God says He did not like it that they could sin, give a sin offering and then still be called a child of God because of the sacrifice works.

Right...the LAW FAILED TO TRANSFORM THE HEART...they obeyed the sacrifices offerings and sacred assemblies but it meant nothing as they hadn't transformed into the LOVE and MERCY Spirit part...it the works part FAILED BECUASE IT WAS NOT DESIGNED TO DO THAT...it was designed to show sin and Who could transform their hearts to LOVE and MERCY works

God says He is going to make a New Covenant that the purification/ceremonial works would be no more, so that only those who truly did right could be a child of His.
well technically He did NOT say He was going to make a New Covenant THAT THE PURIFICATION/CEREMONIAL WORKS WOULD BE NO MORE...or so that only those who truly did right could be a child of His...He said He was going to make a New Covenant and the Laws would be written in the hearts and minds of the co-signers...

Sabbath remained as it was 1 of the 10 and not a ceremonial purification law ok?

Those are the works that no longer save.
those are the works that NEVER SAVED...those are the works that were done by those ALREADY SAVED..duh

People misunderstand Paul and think he is saying obedience does not save anymore. You have all been misled to believe and teach that false doctrine of faith alone to get saved and to stay saved.
well umm again the works are done because we are saved...I ain't no Judaizer ok?

People struggle with Paul because the Catholics made up their own works and made them to save...these are certainly NOT the works outlined in scripture...not the festivals or rituals...not even the same calendar...Sunday worship, Easter and Christ mass required...obligated mortal sin if missed...etc

So when Luther came around he was so faith alone oriented and Catholic works resistant he swung too far to the other extreme and missed the work given to us by HIM still to do...which still includes a sabbatismos rest for the people of Yah BTW...Heb 4:9

But by in large Paul is twisted (by first century Jews who wish to slander and then later Christians)into teaching a change in the Law occured and that is called FALSE TESTIMONY by the author of acts...

Stay humble to hear God and do not get defensive when I say something. Maybe then you can hear both sides and reach a right belief.
lol...NO YOU!!


New member

It is sad that you make up excuses to reject parts of the Bible, like Hebrews 6:4-6 and 10:26-29. It is clear that sins that are done WILLFULLY and without repentance are not covered by Jesus' blood.

"For if we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left." (Heb.10:26) Read 27-29 also, if you will.


New member
I know what born again means and I asked you if you did but all you did was result to insults.
You keep comparing the spiritual rebirth with the physical birth and our breathing as the guide.
oh good grief...drop it then...why so histrionic? Maybe you just disagree because you didn't come up with it...I never said breathing is our guid I said being alive comes first then the breathing...just like being saved first from faith comes the obedience...we obey because we are saved is all I intended...

What nonsense. Stop with the human analogy because it is not working for you when we are speaking of something spiritual. Your human analogy is off, unlike the human analogies in the Bible. God gives to everyone a spirit at conception. However, God gives the Holy Spirit upon acceptance; and God does NOT save you until He accepts you. To be accepted, you have to believe and do right.
If you do not recognize what I said in the Bible, just ask me for the scripture reference from where I got my beliefs.

See even you get it Spirit at conception...lol...let all who have breath acknowledge at least that and praise