1. Chapter, verse, where I am required to answer any/all questions, especially from devil children, such as yourself, as you satanically assert.
Come on, you wicked witch-give me the scripture.
I thought so-you won't-without your SOF, you have NADA, you vile Galatians 1 perverter.
2. You did not answer my question, witchie poo, Endora, married to wimpie banned Billie Bob Boy:
Why do you assert that the Lord Jesus Christ did not die for our sins, and forgive us all trespasses, Naggie poo?
Show us where any MADist said that, wicked one. Let's go-give the quotes. I never said the law was done away with-I have repeatedly said just the opposite, satanic accuser.
Tetelestai, Pate, others............have said that-not me.
Show us where any MAD proponent has asserted that "all the Law is null and void for Christians"-names, and quotes. If not, shut your devilish trap.
Am I clear, Naggie Endora?
Tell us, Naggie...
Hebrews 8 KJV
13 In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.
Does the NC, replace the OC? Has it today? Is the OCC vanished? Hebrews says it has not-"ready to vanish." So, if it has, where is the law, you so blubbering cite, if the OC is gone, replaced by the NC? Watch the spin, disjointed mumbo jumbo, from her SOF, not the bible....Watch....
Not a peep.
Real tough lady, are you, with your "Johhnie" spam, aren't you, satanist? Say that to my face, would you, as we know that wimp Billie Bob boy husband would not, as he was banned, and wimped out from TOL, right, Calvinist demon? Yes...