Everything Christian

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I don't know how you can think what I was saying did not relate to the subject. You started a conversation and I had no problem being involved in your thread, unto the glory of God and mutual edification, and the edification of the church. How can we make things right, whether there are punishments or infractions or what not? We have a responsibility to each other in Christ.

I specifically stated at the beginning of the thread, I only
wanted Grace Gospel believers to post their opinions. I
asked you to discontinue derailing my thread and you refused.
You're a liar as well.


I specifically stated at the beginning of the thread, I only
wanted Grace Gospel believers to post their opinions. I
asked you to discontinue derailing my thread and you refused.
You're a liar as well.
You asked me about what I believe to make sure it was okay for me to post, which is something I wondered as well. I thought I passed your test but began to withdraw after I realized you didn't want me on your thread anymore. But I did keep responding to your posts.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You asked me about what I believe to make sure it was okay for me to post, which is something I wondered as well. I thought I passed your test but began to withdraw after I realized you didn't want me on your thread anymore. But I did keep responding to your posts.

And, I kept telling you I wanted to stick with the thread topic and you wouldn't do it.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You asked me about what I believe to make sure it was okay for me to post, which is something I wondered as well. I thought I passed your test but began to withdraw after I realized you didn't want me on your thread anymore. But I did keep responding to your posts.

I believe you're lying.


And, I kept telling you I wanted to stick with the thread topic and you wouldn't do it.
You related a verse to me. I believe you think there were two gospels. But believing there is one gospel and that salvation is by grace is where I stand. I believe the verse but I wonder if it was about audience and who they were called to rather than the gospel being different based on who you are presenting it to.


Well-known member
There is nothing wrong with being a Jew and observing the Law. It is God's Law after all. When people speak of bondage to the Law they are identifying sin (not that the Law is bad, for the Bible says the Law is good). The problem is sin not the Law.

That being said, no one needs to observe all of the Law to be saved. In fact, no one can be saved by observing even one command of God. For all have sinned and the wages of sin is death. Even one sin deserves the death penalty. Then the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord. This is not the condemnation that is rightly deserved by the Law.

If someone gave me a mirror and I intently gazed into it...and more and more discover things I don't like about myself - things that disturb me and make me think I need to seek help - and I seek help...if I seek help from a doctor who then gives me more insight into why I am having those things show up - and also what the real causes of those blemishes are (which are underlying symptoms of a deeper, more serious problem) - if that physician then heals me and provides understanding as to what issues I have and what I need to do to overcome them (or what I need to take) - what would you think of me if I clung to that mirror as though it were of use in healing or diagnosing me?

The Jew clings to the mirror because the physician gave it to him. But instead of going to the physician, the Jew focuses on the mirror and what he can do about what he sees. The physician's "advice" and counsel replace anything the mirror could do. It doesn't make the mirror wrong, it just means that anyone who spends a lot of time with it is likely to worry more about what it shows than what the physician has counseled. The physician's counsel reveals something deeper that the mirror only shows symptoms of - but the one who clings to the mirror is more likely to focus on the symptoms than the real problem.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You related a verse to me. I believe you think there were two gospels. But believing there is one gospel and that salvation is by grace is where I stand. I believe the verse but I wonder if it was about audience and who they were called to rather than the gospel being different based on who you are presenting it to.

Enough of your lying non-sense.


Don't be a smart aleck. You KNOW what you did.
I know I contributed to your thread and learned from you that you do not believe I know what a grace believer is. I am a believer and I believe salvation is by grace. I am a former dispensationalist by upbringing. I know about the two-gospel theory. I also know the different translations show differently.

I know it was late or early when you posted, and I had the time to contribute, learn from you, or otherwise participate in what you are doing. As a fellow believer I don't know what else to say, except that we had many posts and by that time no one else had responded and you wanted to tell me that I didn't understand even while I was interacting with you about the topic. I don't know what more you can expect of me, but I did try (I tried). I am sorry to have failed you. I don't think I have failed Christ. But I know I always have room to learn and I hope I can learn from this situation. Thank you for voicing your concern or disapproval. I can learn even from this.


New member
You cannot be both... to be Jewish is to cling to the law... to be Christian is to be free from it.

Also, given how the Jewish people behaved in the Old Testament, I would be ashamed to call myself a Jew, if I were one.

Given how Christians have acted in the last 2000+ years, I think the shame needs to be spread around equally. Let's see: the inquisition, the constant diasporas from one country to the next, the Holocaust, Martin Luther's excesses, the Spaniards to the Aztecs, the Europeans to the Native Americans, Jim Baker, the English to just about everybody they conquered, just to name a few off the top of my head. Peace


What does it mean to be a Christian?

I am both Jewish and Christian though neither by birth both by choice. I observe things considered to be Jewish by most Christians.

Can you share what you believe Christianity to be about? What is Christian and what does it mean to be Christian or to be a Christian?
If you don't know how you stubbled across your belief in Jesus then you're the elect meaning you're gareenteed to enter the gates of heaven


Shalom. This is an interesting or curious idea. Shalom. Jacob
What is the source of your thoughts? When you touch the hot stove, the nerves in your hand travels to your arm. From there it travels to your shoulder and neck. From there it travels up your neck into your brain. You brain processes pain and your brain tells your neck that you better get busy and do something. That same message are sent to your arms. The message is, "you get hurry up and get with the program and quit sleeping around!". The commands flows down to your hands and analyzes why you're having pain. Then your hand gathers intelligent info and travels back up your arm shoulder, neck and brain. Then more commands travel back down to your hands and commands your finger to back away from the hot stove as quickly as you can. You still got burned cause you're totally depraved and way too slow to respond. If you really had free will like the dumb devil tells you then you'll never get burned for the rest of your life. Most here don't have common sense. That's why I don't post here any more. Dumb and dumber movie is far smarter than most here.

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Well-known member
What does it mean to be a Christian?

I am both Jewish and Christian though neither by birth both by choice. I observe things considered to be Jewish by most Christians.

Can you share what you believe Christianity to be about? What is Christian and what does it mean to be Christian or to be a Christian?

It is the relationship of the Father, God, with His children


What is the source of your thoughts? When you touch the hot stove, the nerves in your hand travels to your arm. From there it travels to your shoulder and neck. From there it travels up your neck into your brain. You brain processes pain and your brain tells your neck that you better get busy and do something. That same message are sent to your arms. The message is, "you get hurry up and get with the program and quit sleeping around!". The commands flows down to your hands and analyzes why you're having pain. Then your hand gathers intelligent info and travels back up your arm shoulder, neck and brain. Then more commands travel back down to your hands and commands your finger to back away from the hot stove as quickly as you can. You still got burned cause you're totally depraved and way too slow to respond. If you really had free will like the dumb devil tells you then you'll never get burned for the rest of your life. Most here don't have common sense. That's why I don't post here any more. Dumb and dumber movie is far smarter than most here.


What matters is that you change to how God wants you to be, the person He wants you to become. You can say after this occurs that you believe you are in right standing with God and that you are the person God has made you to be, because He does not allow any of us to sin. He doesn't want us to. We will not get away with it. There is always guilt when we do. Unless there is something we do not see at the moment we sin. We may learn of what we have done wrong later. It is important to educate yourself about what God's word says. You can observe God's commandments as He wants you to do. This will come with time if you feel you are not there yet. It requires doing what God wants you to do. You can start with prayer and repentance. All have sinned, so if you have already repented in your life you may be okay unless you still need to repent. Some people believe that we should constantly repent our entire lives. Well, repenting is for what you have done wrong. So if you have not repented of wrong doing yet, even for specific sins, may God help you with that. We all need to do this if we have not done so already, and we may find that we still need to, whether because we sin or because we realize we have sinned.

Does scripture say that the believer does not sin?




It is the relationship of the Father, God, with His children

Shalom. Fellowship with others is the mark of the Christian, or the mark of the believer. Fellowship with God is of utmost importance. If you do not fellowship with others, even if your fellow Jewish brethren, you may be missing out on all that God wants with and for you, and even that you may not be right with God. But God is above all of us.




Well-known member
Does scripture say that the believer does not sin?

Here is what scripture says.

1 John 3:8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.



What matters is that you change to how God wants you to be, the person He wants you to become. You can say after this occurs that you believe you are in right standing with God and that you are the person God has made you to be, because He does not allow any of us to sin. He doesn't want us to. We will not get away with it. There is always guilt when we do. Unless there is something we do not see at the moment we sin. We may learn of what we have done wrong later. It is important to educate yourself about what God's word says. You can observe God's commandments as He wants you to do. This will come with time if you feel you are not there yet. It requires doing what God wants you to do. You can start with prayer and repentance. All have sinned, so if you have already repented in your life you may be okay unless you still need to repent. Some people believe that we should constantly repent our entire lives. Well, repenting is for what you have done wrong. So if you have not repented of wrong doing yet, even for specific sins, may God help you with that. We all need to do this if we have not done so already, and we may find that we still need to, whether because we sin or because we realize we have sinned.

Does scripture say that the believer does not sin?


Sin like what?

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