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Here is what scripture says.

1 John 3:8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

Shalom. This is good. Thank you. A good reminder. And a good answer. Shalom. Jacob


Well-known member
Shalom. Fellowship with others is the mark of the Christian, or the mark of the believer. Fellowship with God is of utmost importance. If you do not fellowship with others, even if your fellow Jewish brethren, you may be missing out on all that God wants with and for you, and even that you may not be right with God. But God is above all of us.



Romans 8:8-14 instructs us that those with the spirit of (from) God and are led by it are the sons of God.

Those that "walk by the spirit" Galatians 5:16-17, I Corinthians 12:7-10 instructs us that every believer has the ability to manifest that spirit and what those manifestations are profitable for.

Those that make use of God's gift of spirit to us are those that are doing some of what God wants us to be doing as sons of God.


So do you understand how believers are not under the law?


Yes. We are not under the law we are under grace. So we are not to sin. And sin is transgression of the law. Remember, you are under grace and you are not to continue in sin thinking that because of God's grace and because you know God's grace will always be there you can choose to sin without consequence.

Shalom. Enjoy the Sabbath!



Romans 8:8-14 instructs us that those with the spirit of (from) God and are led by it are the sons of God.

Those that "walk by the spirit" Galatians 5:16-17, I Corinthians 12:7-10 instructs us that every believer has the ability to manifest that spirit and what those manifestations are profitable for.

Those that make use of God's gift of spirit to us are those that are doing some of what God wants us to be doing as sons of God.

Shalom. Keep studying. Enjoy the Sabbath. Shalom. Jacob.


Shalom. Sin is transgression of the law. See the following.

1 John 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.


So we have obey 613 laws?

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Well-known member
Shalom. Keep studying. Enjoy the Sabbath. Shalom. Jacob.

With the fulfillment of the law by Jesus Christ, we are no longer bound by the law to keep the sabbath. Galatians 4:9-11; Colossians 2:16Although it is very clear that God would have us do the godly labor, ie, renewing our mind and believing His word, that entitles us to the rest that God has for us.

Hebrews 4:1-11 ...


So we have obey 613 laws?
The word Torah means instruction and involves 613 commands, commandments, or laws. God's law includes or involves all of these. If you are a man then obeying the commands for women is not for you, for starters. Obey the commandments for men. If you want to you can learn the commandments for women, but you do not need to obey them yourself. If you are married, they are for you in so much or in so far or so much as they are for your wife.

The New Testament Scriptures have 1050 commandments. I do not know how many commands or commandments are found in the rest of the TaNaKh. The TaNaKh is the Torah (instruction), the Nevi'im (prophets), and the Kethuvim (writings). The word Torah can mean Law.

Do you know about the Five Books of Moses, the Law of Moses, the Law, the Mosaic Law, etc...? Some people use the word or term Pentateuch to refer to the first five books of the Bible, or what they call the Old Testament, or the TaNaKh. Torah can mean Law, Instruction, Direction. Beyond the Torah the rest of the TaNaKh has or continues with God's instruction for us.

You are correct about there being 613 laws in the Torah.

I hope that this helps you.




With the fulfillment of the law by Jesus Christ, we are no longer bound by the law to keep the sabbath. Galatians 4:9-11; Colossians 2:16Although it is very clear that God would have us do the godly labor, ie, renewing our mind and believing His word, that entitles us to the rest that God has for us.

Hebrews 4:1-11 ...

Shalom. I do observe the Sabbath. Shalom.



The word Torah means instruction and involves 613 commands, commandments, or laws. God's law includes or involves all of these. If you are a man then obeying the commands for women is not for you, for starters. Obey the commandments for men. If you want to you can learn the commandments for women, but you do not need to obey them yourself. If you are married, they are for you in so much or in so far or so much as they are for your wife.

The New Testament Scriptures have 1050 commandments. I do not know how many commands or commandments are found in the rest of the TaNaKh. The TaNaKh is the Torah (instruction), the Nevi'im (prophets), and the Kethuvim (writings). The word Torah can mean Law.

Do you know about the Five Books of Moses, the Law of Moses, the Law, the Mosaic Law, etc...? Some people use the word or term Pentateuch to refer to the first five books of the Bible, or what they call the Old Testament, or the TaNaKh. Torah can mean Law, Instruction, Direction. Beyond the Torah the rest of the TaNaKh has or continues with God's instruction for us.

You are correct about there being 613 laws in the Torah.

I hope that this helps you.


It tells us that meshak must wear her hat

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It tells us that meshak must wear her hat

I did not or do not know that. I do not know why you are responding this way to me. I am not meshak. And I do not know that she must wear her hat. Perhaps you have a reason for saying this. I do not know what it is or what it would be.





I did not or do not know that. I do not know why you are responding this way to me. I am not meshak. And I do not know that she must wear her hat. Perhaps you have a reason for saying this. I do not know what it is or what it would be.


She is famous for obeying the law to earn salvation here. Legalism means women must wear hats and dresses. She must try hard and do better or she won't be saved according to her and most here


She is famous for obeying the law to earn salvation here. Legalism means women must wear hats and dresses. She must try hard and do better or she won't be saved according to her and most here


I am not familiar with what you are talking about. It is my belief that it does not apply. What you are saying is not based in or on reality. I say this knowing that women are to wear women's clothing and that women are to wear a head covering. I do not know the setting or situation of which you speak. When I was a child I attended a Breaking of Bread or Lord's Supper service weekly. Women wore a head covering different likely from what was worn in Biblical times. But they were not hats. Are you saying that some women wear hats? In what situation? I might have heard of this, but I am wondering about where you get it from the Bible. As a Jew I observe Torah.





I am not familiar with what you are talking about. It is my belief that it does not apply. What you are saying is not based in or on reality. I say this knowing that women are to wear women's clothing and that women are to wear a head covering. I do not know the setting or situation of which you speak. When I was a child I attended a Breaking of Bread or Lord's Supper service weekly. Women wore a head covering different likely from what was worn in Biblical times. But they were not hats. Are you saying that some women wear hats? In what situation? I might have heard of this, but I am wondering about where you get it from the Bible. As a Jew I observe Torah.


And worship on Saturday, right?

If you want to obey laws then you can't drive to church on Sabbath. You can't cook on that day. You can't use the heater. No fires on that day


And worship on Saturday, right?

If you want to obey laws then you can't drive to church on Sabbath. You can't cook on that day. You can't use the heater. No fires on that day

Shalom. I would love to discuss these things with you. I do not have or own a home or house of my own. I do not own a car. If there was (were) a synagogue within walking distance that might be different than my present situation. I do not go to church on any day. I also do not observe Saturday. The Sabbath, Shabbat, is the seventh day of the week. My understanding is that on this day of rest you can stay at home. Going to synagogue is a privilege and a blessing, which we all have as Jews. As with Torah study. The blessing of going to synagogue on Shabbat is among other things, hearing the Torah read. Shalom.



Shalom. I would love to discuss these things with you. I do not have or own a home or house of my own. I do not own a car. If there was (were) a synagogue within walking distance that might be different than my present situation. I do not go to church on any day. I also do not observe Saturday. The Sabbath, Shabbat, is the seventh day of the week. My understanding is that on this day of rest you can stay at home. Going to synagogue is a privilege and a blessing, which we all have as Jews. As with Torah study. The blessing of going to synagogue on Shabbat is among other things, hearing the Torah read. Shalom.

So no flock to tend.

