Does God know the future?


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intro2faith said:
Do you think He does?
It is something I've been giving a lot of consideration lately, but I still learn towards God knowing the future. So to answer in 1 word....Yes.


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intro2faith said: one is responding yet...hehe.
Please tell me if you think my view is totally twisted...I don't really want to be twisted! ;)

Our problem is with your view of foreknowledge and the incoherence in light of free will. Calvinism, Arminianism, or Open Theism? They all approach election from a different angle. They are not all equally correct.


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intro2faith said:

I know exactly where you're coming from. :) That is what I believe too. (and for everyone besides Freak who is reading this: NOOO I do NOT believe in the elect!) I just believe that God knows who will ultimately come to Him and who will not. Not that He MADE them choose Him or not, just that He knows their choice.

Does the future exist for God to see who will or will not choose Him?


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intro2faith said:
Could it be that those who are saved are ALWAYS saved, but those who "renounce" their faith were never truly saved to begin with?

This is true for some, but not all cases (point x in time does not fix point y in time, except at death when our destinies are sealed):

i) A person is unsaved and remains unsaved. Unbeliever------>unbeliever OR a person is saved and remains saved. Believer----->believer.

ii) a person is saved, then reverts back to godlessness. Believer------->unbeliever (apostasy is falling away from the truth).

iii) a person appears to be saved (mistaken identity), but is not in reality. They then manifest their true nature and quit the hypocrisy. They were stillborns into the kingdom. They did not have a genuine heart conversion and 'fall away'. Unbeliever---->unbeliever.

The parable of the soils/seed highlight each of these groups (read the context and grammar carefully).

There is also a difference between a careless sinner, a convicted sinner (may even appear to have remorse and look saved), and a converted sinner (repentant believer). God alone knows the heart and state of a man.

There is also a difference between struggling and isolated lapses, and defiant renunciation and rebellion to the end.

It is disingenuous to think a 'believer' can be identical to unbelievers or their own former state of selfishness and still be saved. By definition, they are an unbeliever.

It is a false dichotomy (logical fallacy) to assume that because they are not believing in the end that they never were a believer or that they are a believer despite a state of unbelief just because they believed in the distant past. The third alternative is some once believed, but later apostasized. Some of these will return to the faith, while others never do (Charles Templeton; Judas).


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kmoney said:
It is something I've been giving a lot of consideration lately, but I still learn towards God knowing the future. So to answer in 1 word....Yes.

How does God know the future if it is not there yet to know? He knows it as possible until it becomes actual. Other things are predictions/probabilities. What He does know about the future is what He will make happen (He does not make everything happen). He knows that Russia will not blow up the planet, because He has the power to return and thwart this. His Second Coming is in His control. Our sun will not die and freeze us, nor will things blow up or get hit by a comet. God can stop these things, since He has promised to not destroy us with a flood and will return to set up His kingdom. This does not mean He dictates or knows who will win an Olympic Gold Medal trillions of years ago. The future event would have already happened to be a possible object of knowledge for the omniscient God to know. He does not just 'see' into the future. The film is not completed to view. Speculative ideas of 4th dimensions are not needed in light of the biblical revelation that God experiences His Story in an everlasting duration of time/sequence/succession. Time is an aspect of His being and does not limit Him. He simply does not know every future detail because it is logically unknowable, even for an omniscient being (cf. omnipotence does not mean to do self-contradictory, illogical things).


Truth Smacker
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intro2faith said:

I know exactly where you're coming from. :) That is what I believe too. (and for everyone besides Freak who is reading this: NOOO I do NOT believe in the elect!) I just believe that God knows who will ultimately come to Him and who will not. Not that He MADE them choose Him or not, just that He knows their choice.
This brings us back to the topic of the thread. Can those who God knows will choose Him choose to reject Him instead?

If not then how can you say that we have a free will?

If so, then how can you say that God's knows what we will do?

This is the dillema which you started the thread to explore. So far we have the Open Theists presenting a reasoned case that resolves the logical dillemma while nancy, Freak, and yourself seem content to live with the contradiction in spite of a perfectly Biblical alternative. Why? What is in it for you to cling to a position that is irrational and unecessary? I don't get it.

Resting in Him,

Z Man

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Knight said:
I think you might be missing the point.

He is God an no one can stop Him, He can bring an event to pass.
Sounds like my kinda theology!
Think of it like this (keep in mind this is just a example). I tell my wife that tomorrow at 3PM I will mow the lawn. In a sense I have partially closed the future in that 3PM is settled for lawn mowing time. :D Now I am just a man. I could get sick, or lazy or maybe my lawn mower wont start. So there is a real possibility that I might not mow the lawn tomorrow at 3PM.

God on the other hand is God.

If He determines that the rapture will happen on June 8th 2025 at 3PM who is gonna stop Him?
Yeah! Now that's what I'm taking about Knight! Bout time you got something right! :D
In essense He partially closed the future.
Uh.... I sense trouble here.. partially closed?
Now, I am not asking that you convert to open theism but can you at least see how it is logical from the open view position to state that the future can be partially settled?
I have a question here; one that I think SOTK already brought up, but no one seriously took a look at them.

You state that God is God, and that no one can stop Him and that He can bring an event to pass. My question is this; how can God do such a thing without infringing upon a person's 'freewill'?

This is the eternal 'Open Theists Dilemma'...

Z Man

New member
Freak said:
I stand against limited atonement. It is a lie!
John 10:14-15
I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I LAY DOWN MY LIFE FOR THE SHEEP.

Nathon Detroit

Z Man said:
You state that God is God, and that no one can stop Him and that He can bring an event to pass. My question is this; how can God do such a thing without infringing upon a person's 'freewill'?

This is the eternal 'Open Theists Dilemma'...
Infringing upon a will does not remove it.

Look what God went through with Jonah.

God put Jonah in a fish for three days in an attempt to get Jonah's will to conform to God's will. None of this removed Jonah's will! Influencing a person is not the same at all as controlling a person.

This is all really basic stuff.

Nathon Detroit

Z Man said:
John 10:14-15
I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I LAY DOWN MY LIFE FOR THE SHEEP.
I must have missed the part where He says He picks the sheep individually a millennia ago. :rolleyes:

Z Man

New member
godrulz said:
How does God know the future if it is not there yet to know?
Because He's eternal, not limited by time. He lives outside of time. Eternity means yesterday, today, and forever, all at once. If God was a piece of paper, time would be a line drawn upon it.

Z Man

New member
Knight said:
Infringing upon a will does not remove it.

Look what God went through with Jonah.

God put Jonah in a fish for three days in an attempt to get Jonah's will to conform to God's will. None of this removed Jonah's will! Influencing a person is not the same at all as controlling a person.

This is all really basic stuff.
You said God is God, and no one can stop Him. But at the same time, you believe He 'influences' people to conform to His will. I don't see 'freewill' anywhere in any of this.

If you truly beleive all of this, why isn't everyone saved? Does not God desire that all be saved? Isn't He God? Who can stop Him from saving them?


Well-known member
Z Man said:
You said God is God, and no one can stop Him. But at the same time, you believe He 'influences' people to conform to His will. I don't see 'freewill' anywhere in any of this.

If you truly beleive all of this, why isn't everyone saved? Does not God desire that all be saved? Isn't He God? Who can stop Him from saving them?
God is NOT in the business of having us as robots. If you feel loving God By him forcing you, that isn't love. We wants us to FREELY give our love for Him as He does for us. What is your problem with this basic relationship with God?

Nathon Detroit

Z Man said:
If God was a piece of paper, time would be a line drawn upon it.
God isn't a piece of paper or anything remotely close to a piece of paper.

God is a Living God.

God is not an inanimate object yet God is a animated Living being.

I realize you are attempting to make an analogy but words have meanings and its important that we make accurate analogies and use words that more closely drive home the point we are trying to make.


The flaws of Clete's airplane analogy. An airplane is an object separate from members in the plane.

The body of Christ ARE the members of the body. It is not some distinct object from the members.

Nathon Detroit

Z Man said:
You said God is God, and no one can stop Him. But at the same time, you believe He 'influences' people to conform to His will. I don't see 'freewill' anywhere in any of this.
When I said God is God and no one is going to stop Him I am referring to when God wants to bring something to pass.

He wiped out the world with a flood.

He will eventually come back to judge the earth.

God is God and can do these things when He pleases.

If you truly beleive all of this, why isn't everyone saved? Does not God desire that all be saved? Isn't He God? Who can stop Him from saving them?
Some people choose to reject God and God isn't going to force them to love Him.

God makes it clear that it is men who choose to reject Him....

Romans 1:17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.” 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man — and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

Z Man, your theology flies in the face of the verses above. You would have us believe that it was God and not man that forced certain people to have no hope for atonement and it was God who forced them to reject Him even though God says He desires all men come to Him.


New member
Z Man said:
You said God is God, and no one can stop Him. But at the same time, you believe He 'influences' people to conform to His will. I don't see 'freewill' anywhere in any of this.

This is the whole point, Zman, if God wants something done His way then He has the option to make it happen at once or He can utilize His superior intelligence to influence specific individuals to conform to His will. He chooses the latter primarily because of His desire to have a relationship with His creation. You think He chose the former since you believe He has exhaustively & completely made up His mind light years ahead of time.

why isn't everyone saved?

This is very simple really: Lots of people think that Jesus is or was not God and do not think that He died for our sins & was resurrected, so there really is nothing to look forward to (heaven) & are simply satisfied with their ignorant thoughts of an earthy grave after death & that's the end of it. Others are foolish and selfish enough to actually think they can save themselves from eternal damnation. :doh:

Does not God desire that all be saved?

Of course, why would He painstakingly go through the horrendous process of the crucifixion.

Nathon Detroit

nancy said:
The flaws of Clete's airplane analogy. An airplane is an object separate from members in the plane.

The body of Christ ARE the members of the body. It is not some distinct object from the members.
Are you kidding?

Come on nancy! Seriously!!! Turn on your noggin'.

When a plane flies, it flies a body of people. Clete wasn't referring to the plane itself the metal and wires etc. yet the group of people who choose to ride on the plane.

Its amazing how your theology forces you to make the most insane comments.