Discussion thread for AMR and God's Truth Trinity Debate.

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God's Truth

New member
Wow, this thread has... um... devolved. LOL.
What is so funny?

Is there any way this could migrate back toward some kind of productive discourse? I'd like to see this deescalated and have the opportunity to ask genuine questions that challenge the status quo.

What an unnecessary question. Just ask your questions and see if anyone answers.

Personally, I've grown to appreciate those with whom I've had differences; and I've been greatly corrected to the core of my being to bear fruit in all things during these discussions.

A few comments...
I'm not a Multihypostatic Trinitarian (Orthodox), but the true original formulation doesn't and can't represent Polytheism. Modern conceptualizations can "drift" to Polytheism, though. The accusations of the Trinity doctrine presenting three gods is silly.

I guess you are like the others, merely denying that the trinitarian doctrine does make three gods…just because you say so.

The trinitarian doctrine does make three Gods.

The trinitarian doctrine says that God the Father is God, that Jesus Christ the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God---but they are NOT the same.

That makes three different Gods. You can deny it all you want and call it silly, but you cannot explain how it does not make three Gods.

It shouldn't be misrepresented as such. All positions should be criticized for what they are rather than an inaccurate caricature of what they're somehow erroneously perceived to be.

Would a MultiHypoTrin please expound on Hebrews 1:3 and what "the express image (charakter) of his hypostasis" is?
Speak according to the scriptures. All your manmade words about the scriptures are ridiculous.

What explanation is there for all the various specific references to "the one God and Father" if the Father is a hypostasis and God is an ousia (with those three alleged underlying hypostases)?

What, very specifically, is the ekpoureuomai procession of the Holy Spirit in John 15:26? And why would anyone support the Filioque (and the Son) clause?

But the biggie is.... If God alone is UNcreated, where did the supernatural realm of existence come from, and why is God inherently "in" it without having created it?
God created things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities.
How could anyone believe God IS eternity, and yet that same eternity is where we spend our everlasting life along with the angelic host? Why would anyone ascribe to such Panentheism (everything is in God like He's a giant fishbowl for creation)?
What in the world are you trying to say?

These are all conversational, not adversarial. AMR? Lon?

This thread was made to discuss AMR’s and my one on one about the trinity.


Well-known member
Wow, this thread has... um... devolved. LOL.

Is there any way this could migrate back toward some kind of productive discourse? I'd like to see this deescalated and have the opportunity to ask genuine questions that challenge the status quo.

Personally, I've grown to appreciate those with whom I've had differences; and I've been greatly corrected to the core of my being to bear fruit in all things during these discussions.

A few comments...
I'm not a Multihypostatic Trinitarian (Orthodox), but the true original formulation doesn't and can't represent Polytheism. Modern conceptualizations can "drift" to Polytheism, though. The accusations of the Trinity doctrine presenting three gods is silly. It shouldn't be misrepresented as such. All positions should be criticized for what they are rather than an inaccurate caricature of what they're somehow erroneously perceived to be.

Would a MultiHypoTrin please expound on Hebrews 1:3 and what "the express image (charakter) of his hypostasis" is?

What explanation is there for all the various specific references to "the one God and Father" if the Father is a hypostasis and God is an ousia (with those three alleged underlying hypostases)?

What, very specifically, is the ekpoureuomai procession of the Holy Spirit in John 15:26? And why would anyone support the Filioque (and the Son) clause?

But the biggie is.... If God alone is UNcreated, where did the supernatural realm of existence come from, and why is God inherently "in" it without having created it? How could anyone believe God IS eternity, and yet that same eternity is where we spend our everlasting life along with the angelic host? Why would anyone ascribe to such Panentheism (everything is in God like He's a giant fishbowl for creation)?

These are all conversational, not adversarial. AMR? Lon?

I don't subscribe to that idea.

GOD does not exist 'in' or 'within' any realm transcendentally. Before creation, GOD was/is. Some mistakenly believe that before creation, GOD inhabited heaven, but GOD created the heavens and the earth. There was no heaven before creation.

Our eternity has a beginning and does not equate with GOD's eternity.
GOD is infinite being. There will never be the case where a created being did not have a beginning in time, thus we shall always be finite beings.


TOL Subscriber
What is so funny?

The degeneration; and it's a sad funny, not a "ha-ha" funny.

What an unnecessary question. Just ask your questions and see if anyone answers.

I did (below). You're just lashing out right now because you're hurting and rejected, or whatever. The quality of your life in Christ is more important than being right or attempting to show others they're not, in your estimation.

Since I think you're a believer, I encourage you to not let anything affect your fruit in these heated forum debates.

I guess you are like the others, merely denying that the trinitarian doctrine does make three gods…just because you say so.

No, it's because the original Trinity doctrine very specifically isn't three gods at all. That was the whole point of formulating it.

The one ousia is the singular essence of Divinity. The multiple hypostases are just the particular substantial realities underlying that singular Divinity.

In human terms, the ousia is mankind and the hypostases are individuals within mankind. There aren't multiple mankinds as a species.

Multiple ousios would be multiple gods. One ousia isn't, even though I consider the Orthodox Trinity doctrine to be unbiblical and impossible according to the text. But it's not Polytheism. You just don't understand it.

The trinitarian doctrine does make three Gods.

No, it does not. It's in error scripturally, but it isn't inherently Polytheistic. It IS conceptually perceived by many as much to Polytheistic. The difference is in whether there are multiple minds/wills in the "persons", or if the singular mind/will is in the "being". The latter DOES trend too close into functional Polytheism.

The trinitarian doctrine says that God the Father is God, that Jesus Christ the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God---but they are NOT the same.

And if you really wanted to understand it, I could probably explain it better than they can themselves. But you don't seem to want to know the difference.

That makes three different Gods. You can deny it all you want and call it silly, but you cannot explain how it does not make three Gods.

I could explain it in volumes, even though I disagree with it; and I can also simply show how it CAN be Polytheistic. You just don't want to give up your bias and misrepresentation, and that's your prerogative.

But one ousia is one God. That's the whole point of the formulation. The ousia is the singular essence as Spirit. You just have more of a rough "street" understanding than a true theological one. I can help you with that if you sincerely want to know the difference. If you don't, no biggie.

Speak according to the scriptures. All your manmade words about the scriptures are ridiculous.

Um... They're not manmade at all. I intermix the inspired Greek terms for clarity with others who know the difference. I quoted a phrase of Hebrews 1:3 in English/Greek. Scripture isn't ridiculous.

Wow, you're just raw hurting. I've been through over four years of gradually becoming that way. By God's grace, I've come out of all that now. I'd suggest a break from the forum if it drives you to such lengths.

God created things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities.


What in the world are you trying to say?

That God created the supernatural realm of eternity just as He created the natural realm of temporality. You don't really understand that, either.

I'd be patient to help you understand these points, but I don't think you want to see the error of your assertions and understanding.

This thread was made to discuss AMR’s and my one on one about the trinity.

Right. But it sure went to the dumpster. I was at least trying to stay on the overall topic and diffuse all the feces that is stinking up the forum.

The Trinity doctrine, even though I reject the Orthodox formulation, is not representative of Polytheism. It doesn't depict three gods; it's just not scripturally possible. No need to caricature it to a false understanding.

I pray the peace that passes understanding for you. Life is too short for this. I let it hold me captive much too long. Just let it go and rest in Him.

Have a blessed week. :)


TOL Subscriber
I don't subscribe to that idea.

GOD does not exist 'in' or 'within' any realm transcendentally. Before creation, GOD was/is. Some mistakenly believe that before creation, GOD inhabited heaven, but GOD created the heavens and the earth. There was no heaven before creation.

Our eternity has a beginning and does not equate with GOD's eternity.
GOD is infinite being. There will never be the case where a created being did not have a beginning in time, thus we shall always be finite beings.

The problem is... a Multihypostatic Trinity isn't compatible with any viable "how" for creating the third heaven of eternity.

God spoke/breathed both created realms into existence by His literal Logos and Pneuma. The Orthodox formulation starts AFTER that, and presumes the apparent threeness to be three hypostases underlying a singular ousia. That's not God's constitution.

God's Truth

New member
The degeneration; and it's a sad funny, not a "ha-ha" funny.
It is not funny in any way.
I did (below). You're just lashing out right now because you're hurting and rejected, or whatever.
Don’t tell me what I am doing and why. I am replying to your post. I am not lashing out. I expect most people to reject the truth. This is nothing new.
The quality of your life in Christ is more important than being right or attempting to show others they're not, in your estimation.
Jesus is more important than anything is.
The truth matters and we are to contend for the faith.

Since I think you're a believer, I encourage you to not let anything affect your fruit in these heated forum debates.
I have done nothing wrong.
No, it's because the original Trinity doctrine very specifically isn't three gods at all. That was the whole point of formulating it.
You can keep denying it all you want but it does not make it so.
The trinity doctrine makes three Gods.

The one ousia is the singular essence of Divinity. The multiple hypostases are just the particular substantial realities underlying that singular Divinity.

In human terms, the ousia is mankind and the hypostases are individuals within mankind. There aren't multiple mankinds as a species.

Multiple ousios would be multiple gods. One ousia isn't, even though I consider the Orthodox Trinity doctrine to be unbiblical and impossible according to the text. But it's not Polytheism. You just don't understand it.
I understand it.
No, it does not. It's in error scripturally, but it isn't inherently Polytheistic. It IS conceptually perceived by many as much to Polytheistic. The difference is in whether there are multiple minds/wills in the "persons", or if the singular mind/will is in the "being". The latter DOES trend too close into functional Polytheism.
You are NOT proving or disproving anything.
The trinity doctrine makes three Gods.
And if you really wanted to understand it, I could probably explain it better than they can themselves. But you don't seem to want to know the difference.
You speak nonsense. Stop trying to say what I am thinking, doing, feeling, and wanting.
I could explain it in volumes, even though I disagree with it; and I can also simply show how it CAN be Polytheistic. You just don't want to give up your bias and misrepresentation, and that's your prerogative.
You just don’t want to give up your bias and misrepresentation.
But one ousia is one God. That's the whole point of the formulation. The ousia is the singular essence as Spirit. You just have more of a rough "street" understanding than a true theological one. I can help you with that if you sincerely want to know the difference. If you don't, no biggie.
You cannot explain it away, or you would have already. Listen, AMR already said that Jesus did not have the same Spirit as God. Give it up you are wrong. The trinitarian doctrine says that they are distinct and different. Since they say they are distinct and different that makes three different Gods.
Um... They're not manmade at all. I intermix the inspired Greek terms for clarity with others who know the difference. I quoted a phrase of Hebrews 1:3 in English/Greek. Scripture isn't ridiculous.

Wow, you're just raw hurting. I've been through over four years of gradually becoming that way. By God's grace, I've come out of all that now. I'd suggest a break from the forum if it drives you to such lengths.
Your slander means nothing to me. You are trying to be rude as the others. Stop personally attacking; but then again, that is the only way you can defend your false doctrine, it is with personal attacks.
Right. But it sure went to the dumpster. I was at least trying to stay on the overall topic and diffuse all the feces that is stinking up the forum.

The Trinity doctrine, even though I reject the Orthodox formulation, is not representative of Polytheism. It doesn't depict three gods; it's just not scripturally possible. No need to caricature it to a false understanding.

I pray the peace that passes understanding for you. Life is too short for this. I let it hold me captive much too long. Just let it go and rest in Him.

Have a blessed week.

Pray for yourself.


Well-known member
You cannot explain it away, or you would have already. Listen, AMR already said that Jesus did not have the same Spirit as God. Give it up you are wrong. The trinitarian doctrine says that they are distinct and different. Since they say they are distinct and different that makes three different Gods.

Well, we can clearly see GT didn't listen to what AMR said during their debate. She is absolutely unteachable, AND she can't keep from claiming people say what they don't say. That's either being a liar or it's being just plain dumb.

AMR said:
As we will see this phrase is not pneumatological (“Jesus” equals “Spirit”) as GT would like it to be, but Christological. No, the first phrase the Lord is the Spirit is not teaching that the “Lord” in the phrase is “the Spirit” in the phrase. Examination of the second phrase the Spirit of the Lord makes it clear that “the Lord” that we turn to and “the Spirit of the Lord” are distinguished from one other—two different persons. He to whom we turn is Jesus Christ, so the Spirit of the Lord is Jesus Christ’s “Spirit”, who is the Spirit of the living God referred to in 2 Corinthians 3:3. From Romans 8:9-10 we clearly see the “Spirit of Christ” is the Spirit of God.


New member
Well, we can clearly see GT didn't listen to what AMR said during their debate. She is absolutely unteachable, AND she can't keep from claiming people say what they don't say. That's either being a liar or it's being just plain dumb.

It does appear that she didn't comprehend what AMR said. I read that post of his and was struck by it's clarity.


TOL Subscriber
It is not funny in any way.

Don’t tell me what I am doing and why. I am replying to your post. I am not lashing out. I expect most people to reject the truth. This is nothing new.

Jesus is more important than anything is.
The truth matters and we are to contend for the faith.

I have done nothing wrong.

You can keep denying it all you want but it does not make it so.
The trinity doctrine makes three Gods.

I understand it.

You are NOT proving or disproving anything.
The trinity doctrine makes three Gods.

You speak nonsense. Stop trying to say what I am thinking, doing, feeling, and wanting.

You just don’t want to give up your bias and misrepresentation.

You cannot explain it away, or you would have already. Listen, AMR already said that Jesus did not have the same Spirit as God. Give it up you are wrong. The trinitarian doctrine says that they are distinct and different. Since they say they are distinct and different that makes three different Gods.

Your slander means nothing to me. You are trying to be rude as the others. Stop personally attacking; but then again, that is the only way you can defend your false doctrine, it is with personal attacks.

Pray for yourself.

Well... I tried. It was really more an honest effort to reach out to you in neutrality as a person rather than over a doctrinal topic.

And my prayer wasn't condescending or about doctrine. I'm just thankful for a few others who prayed for me and wanted to let you know I was passing it on, that's all.

I'm not a MultiHypostatic Trinitarian. I'm not defending the error of Orthodoxy. All I'm doing is clarifying that it's not representative of Polytheism unless perceieved as the multiple "persons" each having individual minds/wills.

Actually, I share your concerns and am closer to your perspective than to the Orthodox formulation. I just understand it and don't misrepresent it; and I've come to the point by God's grace that I don't have to have the quality of my soul determined by the words, beliefs, or actions of others while I contend for the truth against the Orthodox Trinity doctrine.

Do you consider the Father to also be the Son?


New member
I do not mind you repeating the same thing repeatedly, even after I have already explained it to you. I do not mind because when I repeat the truth, more people have the chance to read it.

You are not repeating the truth, GT, for you say that a sinner has to add something to the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary by OBEYING TO BE SAVED.

The Bible is the powerful Word of God.
The Bible tells us how to be saved.

In this we agree wholeheartedly.

When we do what the Bible says when we want to be saved, then Jesus will save us.

A sinner does not want to be saved.
A sinner has no idea what 'being saved' mean.
If you were to tell a sinner, 'you, mr/mss/mrs sinner have to be saved.' You think they would answer, 'Oh, GT, you are so right.'

A sinner has to be wooed by the Holy Spirit to even stop long enough to hear the presentation of the Gospel.

Jesus did EVERYTHING. Sinners? Zero.

If Jesus did not die for us on the cross, there would be no one to obey to be saved.

You lost the one-on-one debate.
Yes, I know, you do not believe that, but you did.
No offense intended.
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God's Truth

New member
Well, we can clearly see GT didn't listen to what AMR said during their debate. She is absolutely unteachable, AND she can't keep from claiming people say what they don't say. That's either being a liar or it's being just plain dumb.

Your hateful heart is showing.

God's Truth

New member
Well, we can clearly see GT didn't listen to what AMR said during their debate. She is absolutely unteachable, AND she can't keep from claiming people say what they don't say. That's either being a liar or it's being just plain dumb.
The trinitarian doctrine says the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Jesus are NOT the same. They say Jesus had his own spirit, that the Holy Spirit indwelt him, and that he only shared the same Spirit of God.

You are not teachable, glorydaz.

God's Truth

New member
It does appear that she didn't comprehend what AMR said. I read that post of his and was struck by it's clarity.

That is sad.

I understood exactly what AMR said. He got out of answering many questions, and did not even answer in the manner, which was asked of him. He also got many questions wrong. He could not speak according to the word, but would change what the scriptures do say, for instance: he kept saying that Jesus shared God's essence, but he would not change essence to the Spirit, not even for the sake of the discussion would he, but more importantly, not for the sake of what the scriptures say.

He also showed exactly how he twists the scriptures. He twists the scriptures by speaking too much, bringing up the Greek and some English grammar mumbo jumbo that has no bearing on the truth that is written. Then Walla...the scripture no longer says what it plainly and clearly says. It is completely changed.

God's Truth

New member
You are not repeating the truth, GT, for you say that a sinner has to add something to finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary by OBEYING TO BE SAVED.
You said I said that a sinner has to add something to the finished work. You stray from what is written and said.
Jesus saves us all on his own. We can become those he chooses to save. He chooses those who believe and obey him.
See John 14:23 and Acts 5:32.
A sinner does not want to be saved.
A sinner has no idea what 'being saved' mean.
If you were to tell a sinner, 'you, mr/mss/mrs sinner have to be saved.' You think they would answer, 'Oh, GT, you are so right.'
You are speaking nonsense.
There are sinners who want to be saved. God does not save people who do not want to be saved.

A sinner has to be wooed by the Holy Spirit to even stop long enough to hear the presentation of the Gospel.
That is not in the scriptures. When ANYONE speaks the words of the Bible, the message, THOSE WORDS FROM GOD is what draws them…when they hear about the greatest love ever.
False teachers have misled you.
Jesus did EVERYTHING. Sinners? Zero.
Jesus saves those who obey. I have given you many scriptures that tell us that, but you do not like what the scriptures say.
You lost the one-on-one debate.
Yes, I know, you do not believe that, but you did.
No offense intended.
You are a crooked person. You do not speak truth, and you did intend to offend.


New member
The trinitarian doctrine says the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Jesus are NOT the same.

Is Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit one and the same?

No, they are not the same.

Since Christ at His baptism prays to the Father AND the Holy Spirit descends in the form of a dove, they cannot be the same for there are three present at Jesus' baptism: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


TOL Subscriber
You didn't lose the debate based on the fact that the Multihypostatic Trinity is correct and scriptural. It's not.

You lost the debate because of AMR's superior skills and content, while you presented emotional conceptualizations.

Saying that you lost the debate is neither personal nor hateful. One can neutrally make that observation without it being insulting or demeaning in any way whatsoever.

You didn't present any substantial and cohesive scriptural challenge to refute the opponent or establish your position as superior.

You're no further from truth than the Multihypostatic Trinity doctrine, but you didn't make much progress in the debate according to neutral and objective standards of such a debate.


TOL Subscriber
Is Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit one and the same?

No, they are not the same.

Since Christ at His baptism prays to the Father AND the Holy Spirit descends in the form of a dove, they cannot be the same for there are three present at Jesus' baptism: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

And the baptism doesn't mean F/S/HS are three hypostases for the one ousia, either.


New member
You said I said that a sinner has to add something to the finished work. You stray from what is written and said. Jesus saves us all on his own. We can become those he chooses to save. He chooses those who believe and obey him.
See John 14:23 and Acts 5:32.

The only person that is 'adding' to the finished work of Jesus Christ is GT by saying that a person has to obey (do something) TO BE SAVED.

Jesus accomplished all that we need TO BE SAVED and STAY SAVED on the Cross.

All that we need, we have in Jesus.

All we need to do TO BE SAVED, to be JUSTIFIED before God, is to TRULY BELIEVE in Jesus Christ and what He did at the Cross. This is why the Bible says we are justified by faith (Rom. 5:1) BECAUSE OF HIM.

You are speaking nonsense.
There are sinners who want to be saved. God does not save people who do not want to be saved.

How easy it would be if sinners wished to be saved.
Jesus would not have had to die on the Cross of Calvary.
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New member
That is not in the scriptures. When ANYONE speaks the words of the Bible, the message, THOSE WORDS FROM GOD is what draws them…when they hear about the greatest love ever. False teachers have misled you.

So, let me see if I understand you correctly, you are saying that the Holy Spirit did not woo you to Jesus Christ and what He did at the Cross of Calvary for you to be able to hear THOSE WORDS FROM GOD for your salvation?

The Holy Spirit did not propitiate those circumstances so that you could hear the message to be saved?

The Holy Spirit had nothing to do with your salvation, right?

You did that all on your own, right?

Jesus saves those who obey.

Salvation is all about BELIEF: Jn. 3:16, Rom. 10:9-10, Rom. 3:22, Rom. 3:24, Rom. 3:26, Rom. 3:28-30, Rom. 4:3, Rom 4:5, Rom. 4:11, Rom. 4:16, Rom. 5:1, Rom. 5:9, Rom. 9:30, Rom. 9:33, Rom. 10:4, Rom. 10:9-10, Rom. 11:6, Gal. 2:16, Gal. 2:21, Gal.3:5-6, Gal. 3:8, Gal. 3:14, Gal. 3:22, Gal. 3:24, Eph. 1:13, Eph. 2:8, Phil. 3:9, 1 Tim. 1:16

I have given you many scriptures that tell us that, but you do not like what the scriptures say.

And I have explained to you with verses that the Bible says, believe first and THEN be saved.

GT has it the other way.

You are a crooked person. You do not speak truth, and you did intend to offend.

Your opinion and it is noted.


"Then they said to Him, “What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?” Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you BELIEVE in Him whom He sent.” (John 6:28-29)
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