Discussion thread for AMR and God's Truth Trinity Debate.

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Kudos to you, AMR for the debate!

Irregardless whether I agree with your view of the doctrine (which I do, BTW), your debating skills were certainly up to par.

My comment on this statement .......
Considering this sacred topic for discussion, GT frequently complained that “too many words” are being written about the topic. Sadly, I am not surprised, given this era’s propensity to desire everything in vapid “sound bites”—quick fixes for the McTheology®-minded.
..... is that I sorely miss when these type of forums had long, in-depth posts that dug deep into the matter being discussed; instead of the "flyby answer and move along" way that has become popular.

Not just that the posts were long. Anyone can make a long post. But the posts that gave a full explanation of one point without jumping all over the map before moving on to another.


New member
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Kudos to you, AMR for the debate!

Irregardless whether I agree with your view of the doctrine (which I do, BTW), your debating skills were certainly up to par.

My comment on this statement .......
..... is that I sorely miss when these type of forums had long, in-depth posts that dug deep into the matter being discussed; instead of the "flyby answer and move along" way that has become popular.

Not just that the posts were long. Anyone can make a long post. But the posts that gave a full explanation of one point without jumping all over the map before moving on to another.

The age of the cell phone and android.

Ask Mr. Religion

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Kudos to you, AMR for the debate!

Irregardless whether I agree with your view of the doctrine (which I do, BTW), your debating skills were certainly up to par.
Kind words. Thank you, Tambora.

My comment on this statement .......
..... is that I sorely miss when these type of forums had long, in-depth posts that dug deep into the matter being discussed; instead of the "flyby answer and move along" way that has become popular.

Not just that the posts were long. Anyone can make a long post. But the posts that gave a full explanation of one point without jumping all over the map before moving on to another.
I agree. As A4T implied, the world gets smaller daily with technological advances and we have grown impatient with anything that requires more than a few minutes of our attention.



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Definition of IRREGARDLESS
: regardless
Usage Discussion of IRREGARDLESS
Irregardless originated in dialectal American speech in the early 20th century. Its fairly widespread use in speech called it to the attention of usage commentators as early as 1927. The most frequently repeated remark about it is that “there is no such word.” There is such a word, however. It is still used primarily in speech, although it can be found from time to time in edited prose. Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead.

I told them that irregardless of what you read in books, they's some members of the theatrical profession that occasionally visits the place where they sleep. —Ring Lardner, The Big Town, 1921

probably blend of irrespective and regardless
First Known Use: circa 1912



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There are many words that get added because they end up in common usage, even if incorrect. I am just suggesting that proper English would not use it even if it is recognized now.

Swears and slang may be words, but that does not make them the best choice to communicate intelligently.


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There are many words that get added because they end up in common usage, even if incorrect. I am just suggesting that proper English would not use it even if it is recognized now.

Swears and slang may be words, but that does not make them the best choice to communicate intelligently.

Funny thing though, that word is neither slang nor swear and what you call proper right now, would have been considered a travesty of the english language 200 years ago. :)


Well-known member
There are many words that get added because they end up in common usage, even if incorrect. I am just suggesting that proper English would not use it even if it is recognized now.

Swears and slang may be words, but that does not make them the best choice to communicate intelligently.

Dang it. That lets out an awful lot of us rednecks. We'd just as well put some duct tape over our mouths and sit around on our thumbs. :sigh:


Get your armor ready!
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There are many words that get added because they end up in common usage,
That's how all words get started.
There wasn't a beginning book that specified all the words that should be used properly. People just started communicating any way they could.

Swears and slang may be words, but that does not make them the best choice to communicate intelligently.
Who says I was trying to communicate intelligently?
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