"Demonic possession," or mental illness?


Eclectic Theosophist
Spirit-release therapy..............

Spirit-release therapy..............


To the OP I say that the possibility/probability in each case must examine BOTH 'psychological' and 'spiritual' elements/dynamics involved that are affecting the individual,...so each case will be unique unto itself, since each 'personality' is unique.

Special care and caution is to be given in 'treating' mental illness which does include the possibility of spirit-influences/attachments, etc. Even beyond the traditional/biblical record of demonic possession and the casting out of evil spirits (which Jesus told his disciples to do as part of 'healing the sick')....there are therapists trained in the method of 'spirit-release' which is a kind of exorcism, which identifies spirit-attachments and helps to 'release' them, which in turn affects the freedom and healing of the individual (there is more involved of course on a therapeutic and counseling level, with both the afflicted and the spirits themselves as a kind of communication is involved, giving info. that guides the healing process along. NOTE: that in this process help is afforded to the spirits as well, to move along to the Light, to be set free from their attachments {the host} as well. - this assuming there are earthbound human spirits involved. - there may also be fragmentary sub-selves or energy-fragments of personalities involves as well).

So,...even healers outside of traditionl Chrisianity or a church-setting....can do 'Spirit-release' work, if properly trained. NOTE: This is only after a proper and accurate diagnosis has been rendered and proven (exhausting all other probablilities)...that 'spirits' are involved in any way. Like anything, one must use all the tools available to 'discern' and 'diagnose'....logically....in the best interest of the patient.


Sample book and related works by therapist on 'Spirit-release' here. (shared for info. on subject )

Soul Rescue Site (info. and resources)


So,...I recognize that both 'mental' and 'spiritual' elements may be present in the case of one who is acting more or less 'insane',....and only a proper research and diagnosis can tell what is the case,...so one can pursue the proper path to healing. Again, this is both rational and logical. Spiritual discernment of course also helps....and don't forget...."discerning of spirits" is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned by Paul.

At this point I remain open to learn more in this field, as it relates to 'healing' in general, because IF there are spirits involved in any kind of human experience...then there must be the place for 'spirit-release' therapies (within psychological counseling) and within a more religious/church prayer/healing context....learning from all schools of knowledge on the subject. That's my current view with where I'm at on the subject ;)



New member
As you label yourself an Atheist, you won't understand nor accept my explanation. Suffice it to say it IS distinguishable in the spiritual realm.

What hogwash, I don't need to accept your explanation to gain a rudimentary understanding of it.

I'm interested in how you think, being able to understand someone without necessarily agreeing with them is part of the glue that holds modern society together.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
You don't have to look far to find the darkness. Who has injured another that they care about or don't and feels good about it? At the moment of injury, part of us know we should not do it, but darkness says go ahead. How does it feel after? If your conscience is not seared, if you are not a psychopath... It never feels good to harm, to wrong another, to be selfish and demean others. Does God then want to shame us into a shameful, depressive, suicudal state for our wrongs. That is the darkness talking seeking to kill and destroy. God tells us We were wrong and that He loves us, and it's never too late to lay down our pride and turn to Him and be cleansed renewed and empowered with His goodness to fight the darkness, the demonic to have victory through His limitless power, love and goodness. The brain is a causality of this war, but don't be deceived there is much more than meets the eye. The darkness is coming after us all. We all know this.
And I say, "though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, because you are with me." Psalm 23


like marbles on glass
what happens when you don't obey?

what happens when

you don't pay your taxes
you exceed the speed limit
go though a red light

do you actually have to do it to find out?

I can only answer the second one: I exceed the speed limit all the time, and what happens is it takes less time to get where I'm going.

What I'd really like to know is what would happen if I just kept going.

But you didn't answer the first part of my post.

I doubted everyone
everything except the rules and authority without a question

I preferred order to chaos
will continue to do so

Why didn't you question the rules and authority? Was it because they represented order and that's what felt comfortable and reassuring?

But how could you doubt everyone without doubting their rules and authority?

Maybe rules and authority provide a framework for life that's comfortable. Familiar. A place for everything, and everything in its place, so stepping outside that box isn't an option for a lot of people, especially if it's deeply ingrained both by genetics and by environment.

I think, regarding religion, and fundamental religion in particular (whatever the denomination), that fear has a lot to do with it. I think the same about conservative rhetoric. That apocalyptic, maranatha-the-world-can't-get-any-worse kind of thinking that can have such a particularly American flavor. And not intending this for you, but probably for me: maybe fear does a pretty good job of stifling doubt. Until it doesn't anymore.


New member
Please notice the responses you receive to this thread from unbelievers designed to encourage you to accept this explanation and consider that source. Also notice the responses you receive from true Bible believers and consider that source as well, if you are indeed looking for a Biblical answer.

All acute or chronic dis-ease (lack of physical perfection) is the result of sin having entered into God's perfect creation and ultimately results in physical death. As a result of 6000 years of mistakes piled on mistakes in the genome, we now have health pressures that have steadily increased and will continue to increase as time goes on. There is no one who is not subject to this law of eventual death.

As a result of the disobedience of the head of our race (Adam), our Creator God has pulled back just enough of His protective and sustaining power to allow us to peek into a universe entirely ruled by a Satanic reign of chaos. Not taking these things seriously usually results in an escalation of Satanic symptoms. Fleeing the devil results in an increase of God's protecting power.

Thus, a common cold, cancer, and demonic possession originate from the same source. The difference lies in the danger posed to the individual. It is Biblical to understand that demonic possession, although curable, is much more dangerous as it poses an immediate threat to the soul - that one is closer to the "event horizon" of hell.

The Father, in elevating His Son to the highest position of authority, has provided a permanent and everlasting solution to Paradise Lost but not everyone will embrace the Son and be cured of sin. Why? Disobedience.

"Just enough"?? Wow.....on the verage, 21,000 children die each day around the world from preventable causes. I'm not even going to into the other horrid stuff that happens daily to the people who had nothing to do with Adam. (OK< so Adam is a ficitonal / mythical character, but let's pretend that the legend was true, just for the sake of the conversation.) Let me repeat the question - what did these CHILDREN do to deserve this? I can see how G-d is just looking down, with folded arms (while a child suffers and dies), "wll, kiddo, you got what was coming to ya"!!! :)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Maybe rules and authority provide a framework for life that's comfortable.

maybe? that is a given
I can't believe you would question that

so you didn't go to catholic schools
your questions certainly suggest that

I have made my position clear
can't see where you are coming from
you don't want to be told what to do
neither did eve


Well-known member
so what is your point?

there are consequences when you don't obey

I have already made that point

Adam did obey, he obeyed the wrong person. There is no inherent virtue in obedience, obedience does not exempt you from critical thinking and questioning.


like marbles on glass
And you sidestepped the question again. I asked you twice why you didn't question rules and authority, and how you could "doubt everyone" without doubting their rules and authority.

maybe? that is a given
I can't believe you would question that

I don't question the value in them depending on context. I said "maybe" out of courtesy, trying not to tell you what you thought. But you went all black and white, as if there was nothing in between "rules" and "no rules." Come on, I know you know better than that. And you should know that there's a difference between rules and routine. One implies penalty for non-compliance, the other implies comfortable familiarity. Routine is very reassuring for people of all ages, but children especially. They find security in knowing what to expect.

so you didn't go to catholic schools
your questions certainly suggest that
Only about three years were public schools, the rest were Catholic or Christian. I went to a lot of different schools. When the ball on the school roulette wheel bounced on Catholic, there I went.

I remember one Catholic school having to kneel on the ground and have my school skirt hemmed to where it met the ground. That was in the school rules, but no one really paid attention to them except my mom. So when I got to school, I rolled up the waistband on my skirt so I'd look like the rest of the girls. One day I forgot to roll it back down when I got picked up after school, and boy, did I get in trouble for that. :chuckle: Also, in third grade my parents pulled me out of a different Catholic school because the nun yanked me out of my desk and spanked me. Memories... But I was a good kid overall.

I have made my position clear
can't see where you are coming from
you don't want to be told what to do
neither did eve
I don't think you've made your position clear at all, since you haven't explained how you can doubt everyone, but not doubt what they do. They're suspect, but their rules aren't? That doesn't make sense.

And about Eve: Because she broke the rules and ate a piece of fruit, she brought death and eternal damnation down on the heads of millions/billions of unsuspecting people? Or is her story the easiest excuse for men to subjugate women that the world has ever seen?
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Ben Masada

New member
"Demonic possession" or mental illness?

"Demonic possession" or mental illness?

Mental illness, of course! There is no such a thing as literal demonic


like marbles on glass
"Just enough"?? Wow.....on the verage, 21,000 children die each day around the world from preventable causes. I'm not even going to into the other horrid stuff that happens daily to the people who had nothing to do with Adam. (OK< so Adam is a ficitonal / mythical character, but let's pretend that the legend was true, just for the sake of the conversation.) Let me repeat the question - what did these CHILDREN do to deserve this? I can see how G-d is just looking down, with folded arms (while a child suffers and dies), "wll, kiddo, you got what was coming to ya"!!! :)

I was thinking something along those lines, about people talking about looking to the sky for the return of the Lord - while looking right over the heads of countless souls suffering their hell right here on earth, and those poor souls not even knowing that when they're finished with this hell, they'll be shuttled off to an eternal hell in a world beyond.


like marbles on glass
Children obey out of fear. Adolescents obey out of understanding. Adults obey out of love.

No, I don't think I can agree with that at all. None of those are absolutes.

Not all children obey out of fear, and plenty of adults do. Think about it. Not all adolescents understand, and very many adults don't obey out of love.

You can take all those and shake them up and you might have some generalities emerge from almost unlimited possible combinations - but not those three absolutes.
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