"Demonic possession," or mental illness?

patrick jane

Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

According to scripture all of humanity is demonically possessed. Only those that are regenerate are set free from the captivity of sin and Satan.
So, you're free from sin and satan? No more temptation for you and you can't sin anymore?

patrick jane

You are such a spiritually ignorant fellow and such a cry baby I'm not going to waste my time answering.
That's what I expected from a pompous, pride filled child of the devil. Please put me on ignore, because you can't answer questions that show your errors.


Not much demonic controlled people today. But there are some. And there will be much more once the Tribulation begins.

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Well-known member
You have a genuine compassion for others that's both reassuring and refreshing.
:think: While we are often what we say, I've seen, when push comes to shove, some of these same reach out in incredible compassion, lest we fulfill and us/them mentality. Such carries its own negligence and harm.

I'd be interested in what you'd say to those who would reference a literal, historical interpretation of scriptural accounts of possession.
I've met people who claim it. Most of what I've seen in mental capacity is chemical imbalance. My uncle, a beautiful person who horribly abused his body and mind with drugs, might have been diagnosed with demonic influence and I think spiritually, there are consequences to our choices. Perhaps that is why 'this comes not out without prayer and fasting' Mark 9:29 And perhaps His application to us, is to pray a lot and strive as any kind of medical, psychological, and spiritual help must surely endure. At the end of much prayer, fasting, and trying to help my uncle, he one day asked for a Bible and asked me to pray for him. His mind was not whole, but I believe God heard his prayer. Luke 23:42 For me, the remedy for all is our universal need for our Savior. Mark 2:17


Well-known member
So you mean that whenever someone gets drunk, they are really demon possessed?
Ephesians 5:18 In whatever sense one is filled with God or not, we are what we eat. Alcoholics are often said to be 'wrestling with their demons.'

Having been around alcohol and/or drug abuse from a number of people around me, yes, alcohol has led to some horrific and thus 'demonic' (evil) ends from drunk driving accidents and harm to family friction and poor behavior. Even an atheist would call a good bit of it 'demonic' and or 'satanic and devil influenced' by expression (don't want to go into it that far, some things are best not brought to others' lives or thoughts).