Creation vs. Evolution

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Mike, please explain why I am responsible for YOUR actions.



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Dear Silent Hunter,

There you go again! Making it look like you're the innocent one. The reason I have for MY actions, was because of YOUR initial actions, and you know it. I was only apologizing because I thought I might have overreacted. I did not overreact after all!! Now I remember why! I'm sorry I ever thought to apologize to you. It won't happen again. You deserved everything you got! Go back, read why YOU said, and then wonder why I reacted the way I did. I didn't overreact at all, not ONE BIT!! I shake off the dust of my feet upon you!! God knows, I tried.

I will find your posts and mine, and give them to you for everyone to read. Then we'll see who was fair. Okay??


FOUND!! See Post #18694; Page 1227:

Quote Originally Posted by Silent Hunter View Post
Stripe seta a new personal best. MORE of Stripe's #1 greatest hits all in one day! It's not often we get to see so many of his canned idiot responses. It IS a miracle!

Only a moron would try to make it look like I contradicted myself when it is obvious to even Rosenritter that I didn't.

I concede THE FACT that Stripe has proven, [bold]with evidence[/bold], that he IS a complete moron. A special "attaboy" to Stripe for confirming what everyone already knows (except Michael Cadry of course, who has issues Sigmund Freud could only dream of unraveling).

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Dear Silent Hunter,

I have no issues that need to be addressed by Freud or anyone else. All I have is the truth. It's too bad that you don't know how to be "Silent," like your moniker suggests. All you have to do is call everyone names. Yippee!! Stripe, 6days, and Rosenritter know far more than you could even hold a candle to. Your little mental bursts are more of an issue to be honest. Childish too, while trying to sound so intellectual. Intellect will get you nowhere, Silent. You need a healthy dose of Wisdom instead! Stripe, 6days and Rosenritter have some, but it looks like you fall short in that department. I really have better things to do. So go hunt someone else. And you know where you can stick that Tapatalk, don't you??


There you go, Silent Hunter or S.H. as you like to address yourself now! And by the way, that is the worst thing I've EVER said on this thread {about sticking it}!!

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Silent Hunter

Well-known member
(except Michael Cadry of course, who has issues Sigmund Freud could only dream of unraveling).
Dear Silent Hunter,

I have no issues that need to be addressed by Freud or anyone else. All I have is the truth. It's too bad that you don't know how to be "Silent," like your moniker suggests. All you have to do is call everyone names. Yippee!! Stripe, 6days, and Rosenritter know far more than you could even hold a candle to. Your little mental bursts are more of an issue to be honest. Childish too, while trying to sound so intellectual. Intellect will get you nowhere, Silent. You need a healthy dose of Wisdom instead! Stripe, 6days and Rosenritter have some, but it looks like you fall short in that department. I really have better things to do. So go hunt someone else. And you know where you can stick that Tapatalk, don't you??

Dear Silent Hunter,

I've been meaning to do this for the past couple nights, but things kept coming up. I just want to say that I am sorry for snapping at you the other day, to say the least. You just put me in a bad way, and I lashed out. Please don't do it again. I realize that you are an atheist and you are welcome here. Just be more considerate next time.

Once again, I apologize, and hope that you'll forgive me.

Very Sincerely,

Mike, please explain why I am responsible for YOUR actions.



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Dear Silent Hunter,

There you go again! Making it look like you're the innocent one. The reason I have for MY actions, was because of YOUR initial actions, and you know it. I was only apologizing because I thought I might have overreacted. I did not overreact after all!! Now I remember why! I'm sorry I ever thought to apologize to you. It won't happen again. You deserved everything you got! Go back, read why YOU said, and then wonder why I reacted the way I did. I didn't overreact at all, not ONE BIT!! I shake off the dust of my feet upon you!! God knows, I tried.

I will find your posts and mine, and give them to you for everyone to read. Then we'll see who was fair. Okay??

Dude, you have serious issues. Compare how much I wrote to yours. You exhibit a classic sign of bipolar disorder, manic thinking (racing thoughts). Some of your posts go on and on and on, skipping from one thought to another. Everyone sees it but you.

You've gone off on Jose, Jonah, and a host of others for perceived slights at one time or another, apologized, then go off again. Either grow a thicker skin or get your medication adjusted.

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Dude, you have serious issues. Compare how much I wrote to yours. You exhibit a classic sign of bipolar disorder, manic thinking (racing thoughts). Some of your posts go on and on and on, skipping from one thought to another. Everyone sees it but you.

You've gone off on Jose, Jonah, and a host of others for perceived slights at one time or another, apologized, then go off again. Either grow a thicker skin or get your medication adjusted.

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My issue is caring about what is said on my Thread!! You just got found out, is all. Go and see how I found our original verses. No, I don't have bipolar disorders! The only one that sees such a thing is you. That doesn't work here! You think Jose, Jonah and DavisBJ are a host of others. Who is "everyone sees it," but you? You're quite new to this thread! You've been here maybe one or two months. My skin is Thicker than You could ever hope for. I've been through TONS more than you have. Do you have a book in the downtown Phoenix Library since 2003?!! Enough said.



It's clear that Silent Fart is guilty as accused, of messing with Mike

Thanks so very much for upholding my honor, patrick!!! Silent Hunter is beyond what words can explain!! He doesn't even believe in God or an Eternal Life, and he thinks he knows ME!!

God Be With You Always And Forever,


Silent Hunter

Well-known member
My issue is caring about what is said on my Thread!! You just got found out, is all. Go and see how I found our original verses. No, I don't have bipolar disorders! The only one that sees such a thing is you. That doesn't work here! You think Jose, Jonah and DavisBJ are a host of others. Who is "everyone sees it," but you? You're quite new to this thread! You've been here maybe one or two months. My skin is Thicker than You could ever hope for. I've been through TONS more than you have. Do you have a book in the downtown Phoenix Library since 2003?!! Enough said.

If you cared about what was said on "your" thread you'd reel in Stripe, fact check 6days, and quit ranting like a child when you don't get your way. I was found out? Really? I guess you didn't notice while you were raving like a madman that I posted our exchange before you did. Bipolar? You just haven't been officially diagnosed. I'm not really "new" to the thread, I've followed at least two of these evo v cre therads from the beginning just without posting. I don't really care what you've been through any more than you'd care about my life; the difference is, I don't complain about it. If your "book" is half as bad as your writing style here I'm wondering who would read it. Can't really say what buying into christianity has to do with anything but I'm glad it works well as the crutch that gets you through life.


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Well-known member
Are you sure you read through it? If so, I have to wonder why you posted it since it makes that case that the Hebrew flood story is largely folklore borrowed from the Babylonians.

There are about 500 accounts of massive floods with unusual similarities and details. Why would a tiny tribe of Mayans bother with a detail about a family of 8 on the only 'raft' that survived it?


New member
Where do you get the temerity to lecture people on geological processes when you have no idea what isostasy is? …
You seem conversant with some of the technical aspects of Baumgardner’s claims. Do you agree with Baumgardner – think he is on the right track on how the flood happened?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
You seem conversant with some of the technical aspects of Baumgardner’s claims. Do you agree with Baumgardner – think he is on the right track on how the flood happened?

How about you correct your fellow Darwinist on his mistake. :up:


New member
How about you correct your fellow Darwinist on his mistake. :up:
I have said nothing about whether or not I am conversant enough with Baumgardner’s ideas to critique them. Nor was I challenging anything you have said on the subject in the recent flurry of exchanges. If you are conversant enough to think one of my “fellow Darwinists” is wrong, then you must feel you understand Baumgardner’s idea. Why the reluctance to tell us if you agree with Baumgardner?


New member
If you were not familiar with Christianity, and someone handed you a Bible and said it was absolutely true, then as you started reading you saw that it claimed that the first man was made of mud.....
Start at the beginning.....
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth....."
Keep reading....
"Then the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man's nostrils, and the man became a living person."
That seems logical and fits the evidence.

If you were not familiar with atheism, but understood science and told someone that everything came from nothing, and that life comes from non life, you would be laughed at.

Evidence supports Biblical creation and the Gospel message of our need of the Savior.


If you cared about what was said on "your" thread you'd reel in Stripe, fact check 6days, and quit ranting like a child when you don't get your way.

I do care about what was said on my thread. I trust Stripe and 6days quite well, and not you. I don't need to fact check 6days because he is one smart cookie, full of wisdom, and loving, and understanding, which I could only wish you were.

I was found out? Really? I guess you didn't notice while you were raving like a madman that I posted our exchange before you did. Bipolar? You just haven't been officially diagnosed.

I know that you copied my initial posts to you by getting it off of what I had already posted on this Thread. It was while I was polishing my thread on what I had already published. Does that sound about right? If you say no, then you are a liar. You couldn't have found it before me, because I had help locating the posts you had made. And I was very quick in finding the exact posts you mention. You couldn't have done it faster. Bipolar you think? You are full of misunderstanding. You would say anything to get your way. Who are you joking?

I'm not really "new" to the thread, I've followed at least two of these evo v cre therads from the beginning just without posting. I don't really care what you've been through any more than you'd care about my life; the difference is, I don't complain about it.

Oh, you've followed my Creation Thread from the beginning, eh? Then why, after all of these years, did you start posting now?? DavisBJ has done more homework than you could ever have. I'm not complaining about my life. I couldn't be so blessed at all. It is wonderful. If God entered your life, you would shout it from the roofs. But then, you'd be thought of as a nut, now wouldn't you?

If your "book" is half as bad as your writing style here I'm wondering who would read it. Can't really say what buying into christianity has to do with anything but I'm glad it works well as the crutch that gets you through life.

I've been told that my book is quite nice, to be honest. Not one complaint, except from you and DavisBJ. My writing style must be okay. I've been on this thread with over 1/2 million views and 18-some thousand posters. Look around, Silent, and see how you are surrounded by people who believe in God and Jesus Christ. You're quite outnumbered. So Christianity must be pretty popular, I dare say. Amen!!


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There you go Hunter. I'm sure everyone would wonder why I'm so Upset. Even Jesus got upset and overturned the money changers tables. I am not even close to being Him. I love Him dearly, which is one reason I go on with this thread. Sometimes I wonder why I have to argue with atheists. I'm only trying to help them learn about God and get saved, to escape their otherwise horrid future. I'd rather you make it to Heaven, where we can still talk and have fun!! God didn't create the spirit inside you to die. He created it to live forever, like His Spirit. Same with souls. Spirit does not die. It just exists in a different form. That is why there's a Hell and a Heaven. Do you understand at all?? And you wonder why some of my posts are so long?? And I can imagine DavisBJ is taking notes now. I see that he is on this thread right now because I see his name at the bottom of my posts here.

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New member
Start at the beginning.....
OK, I will look at it -
"In the beginning
A number of separate scientific disciplines have independently concluded that “the beginning” (whatever that means) was billions of years ago.
God is not within the field of science, though history shows man has regularly concocted whatever idea of “God” fits their fancy. If you had been a righteous virgin or an innocent infant in a tribe near the Hebrew nomads, you might have serious reasons to dislike the Old Testament God.
created the heavens
Thanks to science we now know “the heavens” encompasses trillions of times more than ancient humans could see.
and the earth....."
A microscopic speck of dust in an arm of a nondescript ordinary galaxy somewhere among billions of galaxies that weren’t even known to exist until modern science came along. Some people actually think that God was kinda showing off, creating a huge universe just to impress some transient intelligent life forms on that minor planet. Imagine that, a magic trick that is so vast that millennia of believers had no way of even seeing the trick.
Keep reading....
Like when you read “Lord of the Rings”?
"Then the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground
Yeah, the undefined magician made mud-man.
He breathed the breath of life into the man's nostrils, and the man became a living person."
Gross. Gotta pile of mud, poke a couple holes in it about where nostrils might be and then clamp mouth over rudimentary nose in the mud and blow. Eyes open in the mud, it starts to wiggle, and first thing it says is, “Any girls around here?” Love those creationist science fables.
That seems logical and fits the evidence.
Maybe you got a youtube video of the creation of mud-man? Neat.
If you were not familiar with atheism, but understood science and told someone that everything came from nothing, and that life comes from non life, you would be laughed at.
I know of believers who do believe that life came from non-life, and many are engaged in actually studying and researching. There is a long list of concepts in science that religious bigots laughed at, until it became clear that science had it right. Then you jokers slap a “Godditit” sticker on the idea and say you had it first.
Evidence supports Biblical creation
and the Gospel message of our need of the Savior.
Maybe you need that crutch. I am willing to be held accountable for my own actions. Too bad you aren’t.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I have said nothing about whether or not I am conversant enough with Baumgardner’s ideas to critique them. Nor was I challenging anything you have said on the subject in the recent flurry of exchanges. If you are conversant enough to think one of my “fellow Darwinists” is wrong, then you must feel you understand Baumgardner’s idea. Why the reluctance to tell us if you agree with Baumgardner?

Didn't think you would.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Forming entire mountain ranges in a single year or less requires so much energy that it would boil off the oceans.

Almost none [of that energy would go toward cooking water]. There are mountains being lifted... They are still lifted.

Jose made a fundamental error, claiming that because there was energy involved, it must be converted to heat and go toward boiling oceans. It is such elementary mistakes — or at least your refusal to correct them — that show you Darwinists are not interested in a rational conversation.

Or you could advise S. Munter on the correct use of the word "could." :chuckle:


New member
Dissension in the Ranks

Dissension in the Ranks

Didn't think you would.
The fascinating part is what you are so diligently trying to avoid. You ask me to correct a “fellow Darwinist”, while you yourself refuse to correct a fellow creationist. You have long been an ardent supporter of Walt Brown and his hydroplate theory explanation for the global flood. But the explanation for the global flood put forth by Baumgardner, who is one of the most famous creationists, conflicts with Walt Brown’s explanation. Just a couple years ago Bob Enyart had a program dedicated to supposedly showing why Baumgardner is wrong and Walt Brown is right. If Walt is right, then Baumgardner is wrong. And if Baumgardner is right, then Walt is wrong. Or both are nuts. Which is it? Do you dare to stand up and be counted?
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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The fascinating part is what you are so diligently trying to avoid. You ask me to correct a “fellow Darwinist”, while you yourself refuse to correct a fellow creationist. You have long been an ardent supporter of Walt Brown and his hydroplate theory explanation for the global flood. But the explanation for the global flood put forth by Baumgardner, who is one of the most famous creationists, conflicts with Walt Brown’s explanation. Just a couple years ago Bob Enyart had a program dedicated to supposedly showing why Baumgardner is wrong and Walt Brown is right. If Walt is right, then Baumgardner is wrong. And if Baumgardner is right, then Walt is wrong. Or both are nuts. Which is it? Do you dare to stand up and be counted?

We know why you're desperate to change the subject. :troll:


New member
Stripe is phonier than a $3.00 bill

Stripe is phonier than a $3.00 bill

We know why you're desperate to change the subject.
I could care less what you think you know about me. Fact remains, you haven’t got the personal integrity to take a stand, or you are too technically incompetent to defend whichever champion you side with.
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