Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
Thanks to science we now know “the heavens” encompasses trillions of times more than ancient humans could see.
In Genesis 22 God refers to the stars as so numerous they are uncountable "... beyond number, like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore."
Some people actually think that God was kinda showing off...
Sort of :) Ha.
He was revealing His majesty and power to us.
Maybe you need that crutch. I am willing to be held accountable for my own actions. Too bad you aren’t.
Jesus is my crutch. Yes I need Him!
RE. accountability... "But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken." Matt. 12:36


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I could care less what you think you know about me.
We know.

For a start, you could stick with your oft-cited, never adhered to declaration that I am not worth talking to.

Fact remains, you haven’t got the personal integrity to point out obvious errors among those who hold to your religious sect.


New member
Do you have better estimates? If not, then Baumgardner's are the best we have.

You're not making sense. If you think "piling water on tectonic plates" makes mountain ranges in less than a year, why isn't that going on now (since we have water on plates now)?

For the most part they are.

Why not?

I thought you were an expert in this area. After all, you assured us that the fossil record supports the flood and contradicts evolution, but now you're saying you're not an expert? If you're not an expert, why should anyone take your say-so as unquestioned gospel?

Nice try at a red herring, but I'm not falling for it.
I get the impression that you aren't understanding why mass amounts of water weight on flat plates could cause deformation, when you are asking why our water isn't causing fast effects now.

When one part starts to bend down water goes .... Down. That means weight force Increases in the weakest spot that started to break. And it accelerates in that pattern. Water does not flow uphill.

When one part is pushed down other connected portions are pushed up. So not only does water start to run off but oceans form deep while ridges get pushed higher.

Currently the water of the world already collected in the lowest spots. We call those OCEANS. An equilibrium. Which means that which had the potential to form as such has formed.


New member
In Genesis 22 God refers to the stars as so numerous they are uncountable "... beyond number, like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore."

He was revealing His majesty and power to us.
Revealing His majesty and power to whom? If the vast majority of the faithful lived and died before even 0.001% of the stars could possibly be seen, how did that massive creation reveal anything more to their eyes than the miniscule part they could already see?

Assume you are a magician, and you say you can pull rabbits out of a hat. On stage you pull 2 rabbits out of a hat. Then you go outside where almost no one can see you and you pull 967,000 more rabbits out the hat. So what? The only ones that saw it and were impressed were yourself and the 2 guys that happened to be walking by.
"But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken." Matt. 12:36
Assuming there is a “day of judgement”, that is what I have already clearly stated is exactly what I would hope to be the case. I have no desire to dump the responsibility for my failings off on some other dude.


New member
If you were not familiar with Christianity, and someone handed you a Bible and said it was absolutely true, then as you started reading you saw that it claimed that the first man was made of mud, his wife was cloned from his rib, they and their kids sometimes gabbed with animals, and rivers turned to blood, and there is a mountain that you can see all the nations from the top of, and slaughtering the inhabitants of lands is OK if you keep the virgins as war booty for the soldiers, sticks and snakes change into each other, beheading infants is fine, and inside a fish is a good resting place, and your wife might turn to pure sodium chloride, and … … …
The fish was a good resting place?

Jonah 2:1-2 KJV
Then Jonah prayed unto the Lord his God out of the fish's belly, [2] And said, I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the Lord , and he heard me; out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou heardest my voice.

How does anyone read that and determine it is a GOOD resting place? Probably the same way you misread your other conclusions.


New member
We know.

For a start, you could stick with your oft-cited, never adhered to declaration that I am not worth talking to.

Fact remains, you haven’t got the personal integrity to point out obvious errors among those who hold to your religious sect.
if you think that is a failing of mine, then I must walking in your steps on that score.

You haven’t got the personal integrity to take a stand, or you are too technically incompetent to defend whichever champion you side with.


New member
Start at the beginning.....
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth....."
Keep reading....
"Then the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man's nostrils, and the man became a living person."
That seems logical and fits the evidence.

If you were not familiar with atheism, but understood science and told someone that everything came from nothing, and that life comes from non life, you would be laughed at.

Evidence supports Biblical creation and the Gospel message of our need of the Savior.
Even Full Metal Alchemist admits man is made of dirt... Cheap dirt, in fact. The trick is that assembled dirt doesn't live on its own.

The evolution dogma keeps insisting that it does, that life forms from non life, even that amino acids randomly form when their environments break down the components several times faster than lucky combination processes.

"Breath of life" is a good summary of the part that we don't call mud.


New member
Rose doesn’t see the elephant in the room

Rose doesn’t see the elephant in the room

The fish was a good resting place?

Jonah 2:1-2 KJV
Then Jonah prayed unto the Lord his God out of the fish's belly, [2] And said, I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the Lord , and he heard me; out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou heardest my voice.

How does anyone read that and determine it is a GOOD resting place? Probably the same way you misread your other conclusions.
And your focus is on the descriptor “good”, while ignoring how scientifically ludicrous living inside a fish for several days is at all? Are you for real?


New member
OK, I will look at it -

A number of separate scientific disciplines have independently concluded that “the beginning” (whatever that means) was billions of years ago.

God is not within the field of science, though history shows man has regularly concocted whatever idea of “God” fits their fancy. If you had been a righteous virgin or an innocent infant in a tribe near the Hebrew nomads, you might have serious reasons to dislike the Old Testament God.

Thanks to science we now know “the heavens” encompasses trillions of times more than ancient humans could see.

A microscopic speck of dust in an arm of a nondescript ordinary galaxy somewhere among billions of galaxies that weren’t even known to exist until modern science came along. Some people actually think that God was kinda showing off, creating a huge universe just to impress some transient intelligent life forms on that minor planet. Imagine that, a magic trick that is so vast that millennia of believers had no way of even seeing the trick.

Like when you read “Lord of the Rings”?

Yeah, the undefined magician made mud-man.

Gross. Gotta pile of mud, poke a couple holes in it about where nostrils might be and then clamp mouth over rudimentary nose in the mud and blow. Eyes open in the mud, it starts to wiggle, and first thing it says is, “Any girls around here?” Love those creationist science fables.

Maybe you got a youtube video of the creation of mud-man? Neat.

I know of believers who do believe that life came from non-life, and many are engaged in actually studying and researching. There is a long list of concepts in science that religious bigots laughed at, until it became clear that science had it right. Then you jokers slap a “Godditit” sticker on the idea and say you had it first.


Maybe you need that crutch. I am willing to be held accountable for my own actions. Too bad you aren’t.
Independent scientific disciplines determine world is billions old? Because they were there to measure, right?

You can't even make a proper case for an old moon or planets by the popular old universe theories.... At least there are all these inconvenient fact evidences that have to be ignored.


New member
And your focus is on the descriptor “good”, while ignoring how scientifically ludicrous living inside a fish for several days is at all? Are you for real?
Because we know that there are no ocean critters large enough to swallow a man whole, right? And that a being strong enough to create the world and raise the dead couldn't slow a human's metabolism a bit if he needed to?

Gotta love it how the typical humanist response is to assume God (definition of which is the creator of all things that can create life from non-life) has the intelligence of a small animal ...

If I wrote a story of this fantastic being called "Fred" where he left their his house and sat down in his car, I'd expect you to consistently question this plausibility of "Fred" with "How is it scientifically possible for him to sit down in his car without opening the door?"

I don't NEED to say he opened the door. It's just part of the power of Fred. And he's intelligent enough to do hundreds of other tasks that seem simple to him but overwhelmingly complex to you. If I described them in mathematical form you wouldn't have the endurance to read my short story about Fred's day.
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New member
Because we know that there are no ocean critters large enough to swallow a man whole, right?
That is a start. Then there is the problem of breathable oxygen, being bathed in digestive juices for a few days, etc.
And that a being strong enough to create the world and raise the dead couldn't slow a human's metabolism a bit if he needed to?
When you invoke a divine superpower you abandon any pretense you are adhering to science.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
I do care about what was said on my thread.
No you don't, else you'd do as I suggest. Your understsnding of the subject of "your" thread is less than my dog's.
I trust Stripe and 6days quite well, and not you.
Why, because they claim christianity and I don't. That's not a very reasonable method of evaluating honesty.
I don't need to fact check 6days because he is one smart cookie, full of wisdom, and loving, and understanding, which I could only wish you were.
It's hard to understand how you can reach this conclusion. Have you ever actually met either of us? The difference between 6days and me is that he says things you agree with that aren't necessarily true, I say things you don't agree with that are true.
I know that you copied my initial posts to you by getting it off of what I had already posted on this Thread.
Where else do you think I would get them?
It was while I was polishing my thread on what I had already published. Does that sound about right? If you say no, then you are a liar. You couldn't have found it before me, because I had help locating the posts you had made. And I was very quick in finding the exact posts you mention. You couldn't have done it faster.
You needed help? I'm using a cell phone and found and posted the links before you. Don't believe me? Every post and edit is time stamped, check and see for yourself.
Bipolar you think?
Absolutely. There's no doubt in my mind.
You are full of misunderstanding. You would say anything to get your way. Who are you joking?
Your ranting only adds more evidence to prove my point.
Oh, you've followed my Creation Thread from the beginning, eh? Then why, after all of these years, did you start posting now??
Is there some unwritten rule requiring that everyone following a thread post on it?
DavisBJ has done more homework than you could ever have.
So? Like 6days, your own "research" consists of finding whatever agrees with your beliefs. Psychologists call that confirmation bias.
I'm not complaining about my life.
So far today, no.
I couldn't be so blessed at all. It is wonderful.
If cancer is a blessing from your version of deity, please excuse me if I take a pass.
If God entered your life, you would shout it from the roofs. But then, you'd be thought of as a nut, now wouldn't you?
You can't see yourself, can you?
I've been told that my book is quite nice, to be honest. Not one complaint, except from you and DavisBJ. My writing style must be okay.
They were being polite. Who would you trust more, someone who tells you what you want to hear or someone somewhat more critical?
I've been on this thread with over 1/2 million views and 18-some thousand posters. Look around, Silent, and see how you are surrounded by people who believe in God and Jesus Christ. You're quite outnumbered. So Christianity must be pretty popular, I dare say. Amen!!
Appeal to popularity? Is that how you objectively evaluate truth, by how many people agree with you?
There you go Hunter. I'm sure everyone would wonder why I'm so Upset. Even Jesus got upset and overturned the money changers tables. I am not even close to being Him. I love Him dearly, which is one reason I go on with this thread. Sometimes I wonder why I have to argue with atheists. I'm only trying to help them learn about God and get saved, to escape their otherwise horrid future. I'd rather you make it to Heaven, where we can still talk and have fun!!
God didn't create the spirit inside you to die. He created it to live forever, like His Spirit. Same with souls. Spirit does not die. It just exists in a different form. That is why there's a Hell and a Heaven. Do you understand at all??
What "forms" does a "spirit" have? Are there more than two?
And you wonder why some of my posts are so long?? And I can imagine DavisBJ is taking notes now. I see that he is on this thread right now because I see his name at the bottom of my posts here.
Paranoid much?

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Jose Fly

New member
Jose made a fundamental error, claiming that because there was energy involved, it must be converted to heat and go toward boiling oceans.

So you're saying entire continental plates could jet around, subduct, collide, and form mountain ranges in a single year and not give off any heat?

Again you top yourself Stripe. :chuckle:

And that makes me wonder just what you think Baumgardner was referring to when he wrote the section entitled "The Thermal Problem"? I guess maybe he should have contacted you and you could have explained how all that could happen in such a short time and not give off a single joule of heat. :chuckle:

Jose Fly

New member
When one part starts to bend down water goes .... Down. That means weight force Increases in the weakest spot that started to break. And it accelerates in that pattern. Water does not flow uphill.

When one part is pushed down other connected portions are pushed up. So not only does water start to run off but oceans form deep while ridges get pushed higher.

Currently the water of the world already collected in the lowest spots. We call those OCEANS. An equilibrium. Which means that which had the potential to form as such has formed.

So there were no oceans before the flood? In the couple of thousand of years before the flood the water wasn't at its lowest point? :idunno:

Is this yet another miracle, in addition to the ones Baumgardner already admitted are required?


No you don't, else you'd do as I suggest. Your understsnding of the subject of "your" thread is less than my dog's.Why, because they claim christianity and I don't. That's not a very reasonable method of evaluating honesty.

Dear Silent H.,

I know plenty about the subject of my thread and your are mistaken to say it's less than your dog's. How childish. I've known 6days and Stripe quite long actually. Way longer than you for sure! Years compared to 2 months, like you. 6days and Stripe are saints and they will be in Heaven for their strong belief in God!

It's hard to understand how you can reach this conclusion. Have you ever actually met either of us? The difference between 6days and me is that he says things you agree with that aren't necessarily true, I say things you don't agree with that are true.

I've been a pen pal with him longer than I have with you, by years more. I have also got his picture. He doesn't ALWAYS agree with what I say. He says things that are true. You are the one who says things that are not true.

Where else do you think I would get them?You needed help? I'm using a cell phone and found and posted the links before you. Don't believe me? Every post and edit is time stamped, check and see for yourself.Absolutely. There's no doubt in my mind.Your ranting only adds more evidence to prove my point.

You certainly did not find the posts before me, especially on your phone, and I know every post is time-stamped. It is just that I made some changes hours after I initially wrote the post. I made my first initial post before you did. The time just changes after each edit you make. You are just a deceiver, like Satan!! You certainly don't inherit the deceit from God. It's one or the other. And no, I'm not bipolar and I'm not ranting here. I am just responding to your words and sometimes I get upset! Like I said, Jesus did get upset too and overturned the tables in the house of God.[/quote]

Is there some unwritten rule requiring that everyone following a thread post on it?So? Like 6days, your own "research" consists of finding whatever agrees with your beliefs. Psychologists call that confirmation bias.So far today, no.

No, there's no written rule about posting here. There's no need for it. You waited almost 3 years to finally post here? Also, my information does not come from who or what agrees with my beliefs. And no, there is no confirmation bias here. And I don't often complain about my life at all. Ask others. I do say that I am very joyful.

If cancer is a blessing from your version of deity, please excuse me if I take a pass.You can't see yourself, can you?They were being polite. Who would you trust more, someone who tells you what you want to hear or someone somewhat more critical?Appeal to popularity? Is that how you objectively evaluate truth, by how many people agree with you?:yawn:What "forms" does a "spirit" have? Are there more than two?Paranoid much?


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I was just fine with my cancer. Yippee!! It's gone now. God just puts me through things that other everyday normal people encounter. I am not Jesus, who never got sick supposedly, and I cannot heal people or walk on water. I have a lot of faith, but walking on water would take many days of prayer and fasting indeed. Jesus fasted 40 days. I can't do it. And no, I'm not a nut. You just believe I may be because I'm privy to things that you know nothing about!

I also do not judge things on their popularity. It's just a fact that many, many more people believe in God and the Bible than the things you believe. You are just acutely outnumbered and in your own la-la land, not even believing in your own Creator. Just wait til you face Him. And you will! Also, from what I've read in the Bible, there are seven Spirits of God. I know of two, that's all. And no, I'm not paranoid much. I just know that looking down on the bottom of the pages, it says who is also on the thread while I am. It's that simple.




New member
I've known 6days and Stripe quite long actually. Way longer than you for sure! Years compared to 2 months, like you. 6days and Stripe are saints and they will be in Heaven for their strong belief in God!
Michael Cadry joined TOL on June 2013, Silent Hunter joined TOL on October 2009. SH has definitely interacted with Stripe and 6days before this thread, shortly after joining I would think, so therefore he knows them for at least ~4 years longer than you.
And no, I'm not paranoid much.
You're just paranoid/obsessed with DavisBJ....


New member
So there were no oceans before the flood? In the couple of thousand of years before the flood the water wasn't at its lowest point? :idunno:

Is this yet another miracle, in addition to the ones Baumgardner already admitted are required?

Come on, surely you are capable of better critical thinking than that. But maybe the concept is new to you and I doubt that you stopped to read anything so I'll help.

Step one, the world is created with both land and water. However, there is no rain, rather plants receive their moisture through mist. Think of that "primordial environment" that you sometimes hear described when evolutionists try to fit in how all the abundance of ferns and giant insects fit into things...

Genesis 2:4-6 KJV
(4) These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,
(5) And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
(6) But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

Step two, skip forward about 1600 years. God sends a flood to destroy the earth. For some reason, rain falls for the first time, and it continues to rain. And although much water came from the rains, there is another source of water, namely the "fountains of the deep."

Genesis 7:10-12 KJV
(10) And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
(11) In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
(12) And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.

In other words, water came from above, but it also came from below. Some came from the atmosphere (which formed a continual mist until this time) but the rest came from below the earth. Now what does this mean with basic math?

It means that if Current Oceans = former Massive Rains + former Massive Fountains + Former Oceans, that the former oceans are less than current oceans. I could write this mathematically as:

Former oceans < current oceans

Were there oceans before the flood? Undoubtedly so, but not in the scale that we have now. Let's translate this for you. They were smaller and/or shallower because they had less water mass in them. That also means that they weighed less.

When water from beneath the earth is moved to above the earth and covers everything by 15 cubits that is a lot of water. Were you to flatten the today's mountains and valleys with the water you find in today's oceans would cover the planet well over. Today's oceans are exceedingly deep.

I don't know if you have taken engineering courses, but there is a concept that certain materials can bear certain loads before they begin to deform and/or break. If you take large amounts of a heavy substance out from underneath something and instead place it on top, you may start to exceed its limits.

When the limits of a tectonic plate are reached, it does not "vaporize" the water on top of it. It may start to shift and slide or bend. If there are vacated spots beneath it (where water is no longer) it may start to collapse in that area. When one section starts to dip in, more water flows in, the weight and stress increases, and an ocean starts to deepen.

When an ocean starts to deepen, water flows in. If water flows in, it is flowing AWAY from someplace else. And as on part of the plate sags and starts to break, other portions get pushed up. Imagine smashing through a piece of wood with your hand, notice that you may break the board but the edges of the board go up.

Oceans and mountains would form together. For the most part, water drains into the oceans. In other places it may get stuck in lakes or larger watersheds. Should one of the large lakes later break loose it would quickly carve through that rock forming a canyon. But ultimately, water flows downhill and collects in the oceans.

So when you ask "there were no oceans before the flood?" Of course there were, but they couldn't have had the same depth and water volume as today because a lot of the world's water wasn't in the oceans. It was beneath the ground and in the atmosphere.

You asked about other miracles. Who is counting? From the perspective of a hamster, we perform multiple miracles just driving to work each day. We think of it as a single task and think nothing of the individual actions. Triggering this flood was a miracle, and it changed the earth environment permanently. Whether the tool of this triggering was a series of volcanoes, a comet strike, or the Divine Hammer of God the effect is the same and it still requires god-like intervention.


Rosenritter: It is difficult to know where to start. Are you the reincarnation of Duane Gish?
You ask if Jose has taken any engineering courses and then make reference to strength of materials, have you taken any such courses?
If so, have you done any calculations on the effect of extra water on tectonic plates? If so, please provide them. How much water, how did you determine the strength of the "plates" etc.
Let's start there.
But as an aside, in an earlier post did you not ask whether the scientists who have calculated the age of the universe we actually there to measure the age? Yet you seem able to tell us what happened during the Flood, were you there?


New member
Revealing His majesty and power to whom?
To us. 'Lift up your eyes on high And see who has created these stars, The One who leads forth their host by number, He calls them all by name; Because of the greatness of His might and the strength of His power' iS.40:26
If the vast majority of the faithful lived and died before even 0.001% of the stars could possibly be seen, how did that massive creation reveal anything more to their eyes than the miniscule part they could already see?
Adam and Eve could see the stars. Without the aid of a telescope we can look skyward on dark nights and be filled with awe. With the aid of a telescope we can see further into the heavens. Future generations will still see and know more than us about creation.
Assuming there is a “day of judgement”, that is what I have already clearly stated is exactly what I would hope to be the case. I have no desire to dump the responsibility for my failings off on some other dude.
Assuming you are drowning and unable to swim. Your mom jumps in and wants to save you. You don't have to dump the responsibility on her.

Jesus has 'jumped in' so to speak. You don't have to dump the responsibity on Him. But, you need to know He has 'jumped in' because He loves you, Davis. "This is real love--not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins." 1Jn 4:10
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