Creation vs. Evolution

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Are you naturally this stupid, or do you have to work at it?

Just following your lead, Stripey.

Which "fact" are you referring to?

"Did you know lobsters stuff grains of sand in their 'ears'? They do this because they have a 'sensor' that detects the sand along with gravity acting on the sand to tell them which way is up and down when swimming. But when the shed their exoskeleton, they lose the grains of sand, so they simply pick up new sand grains and stuff it in their ears, and once again they can navigate. Guess who programmed the lobsters to know how to do that?"

That lobsters use grains of sand to determine up from down or that goddidit?

And please refer to the post you refer to here "That's something like how Darwinists are controllable: Just get a creationist to cite a fact and they will do everything in their power to reject it."


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Just following your lead, Stripey.

Which "fact" are you referring to?

"Did you know lobsters stuff grains of sand in their 'ears'? They do this because they have a 'sensor' that detects the sand along with gravity acting on the sand to tell them which way is up and down when swimming. But when the shed their exoskeleton, they lose the grains of sand, so they simply pick up new sand grains and stuff it in their ears, and once again they can navigate. Guess who programmed the lobsters to know how to do that?"

That lobsters use grains of sand to determine up from down or that goddidit?

And please refer to the post you refer to here "That's something like how Darwinists are controllable: Just get a creationist to cite a fact and they will do everything in their power to reject it."
"A mind is a terrible thing to waste."


Why the sun going blank means a ‘Game of Thrones’-like winter is coming

June 29, 2016 | 9:03am

You may not have noticed but our sun has gone as blank as a cue ball. As in, it’s lost its spots. According to scientists, this unsettling phenomenon is a sign we are heading for a mini ice age.

Meteorologist and renowned sun-watcher Paul Dorian raised the alarm in his latest report, which has sparked a mild panic about an impending “Game of Thrones”-style winter not seen since the 17th century.

“For the second time this month, the sun has gone completely blank,” Dorian says.“ The blank sun is a sign that the next solar minimum is approaching and there will be an increasing number of spotless days over the next few years.

“At first, the blankness will stretch for just a few days at a time, then it’ll continue for weeks at a time, and finally it should last for months at a time when the sunspot cycle reaches its nadir. The next solar minimum phase is expected to take place around 2019 or 2020.”

According to NASA, the sun goes through a natural solar cycle approximately every 11 years. The cycle is marked by the increase and decrease of sunspots — visible as dark blemishes on the sun’s surface, or photo-sphere. The greatest number of sunspots in any given solar cycle is designated as…“solar maximum.” The lowest number is “solar minimum.”

“During Solar Max, huge sunspots and intense solar flares are a daily occurrence. Auroras appear in Florida. Radiation storms knock out satellites. Radio blackouts frustrate CB radio as well. The last such episode took place in the years around 2000-2001,” the space agency’s website explained.

“During solar minimum, the opposite occurs. Solar flares are almost non-existent while whole weeks go by without a single, tiny sunspot to break the monotony of the blank sun. This is what we are experiencing now.”

Given that the sun is the main driver of all weather and climate, the sinister-sounding “blankness” to which Dorian refers has some experts predicting a “Maunder Minimum” phase similar to one which began in 1645 and which is referred to as the “Little Ice Age.”

The Maunder Minimum, named after solar astronomer Edward Maunder, lasted for a brutal 70 years and conditions were so cold, the Thames froze over.

A slightly less intense ice age-like period called the Dalton Minimum — after British meteorologist John Dalton — arrived decades later and lasted from about 1790 to 1830.

“If history is any guide, it is safe to say that weak solar activity for a prolonged period of time can have a cooling impact on global temperatures in the troposphere which is the bottom-most layer of Earth’s atmosphere — and where we all live,” Dorian says. Dorian’s findings back research by professor Valentina Zharkova of Northumbria University, who warned that a predicted sharp decline in solar activity between 2020 and 2050 was a sign that another ice age was coming.

“I am absolutely confident in our research,” Zharkova said. “It has good mathematical background and reliable data, which has been handled correctly. In fact, our results can be repeated by any researchers with the similar data available in many solar observatories, so they can derive their own evidence of upcoming Maunder Minimum in solar magnetic field and activity.”

And there are other consequences of a sun without spots. Not least for astronauts who face the risk of having their DNA “shattered” by cosmic rays, whose potency surges during periods of solar weakness.

According to Dorian, cosmic rays surge into the inner solar system “with relative ease” during periods of solar minimum. “Solar wind decreases and sun’s magnetic field weakens during solar minimums, making it easier for cosmic rays to reach the Earth,” he explained.

“This is a more dangerous time for astronauts as the increase in potent cosmic rays can easily shatter a strand of human DNA. Also, during years of lower sunspot number, the sun’s extreme ultraviolet radiation drops and the Earth’s upper atmosphere cools and contracts.

“With sharply lower aerodynamic drag, satellites have less trouble staying in orbit — a good thing. On the other hand, space junk tends to accumulate, making the space around Earth a more dangerous place for astronauts."




Dear Silent Hunter,

I've been meaning to do this for the past couple nights, but things kept coming up. I just want to say that I am sorry for snapping at you the other day, to say the least. You just put me in a bad way, and I lashed out. Please don't do it again. I realize that you are an atheist and you are welcome here. Just be more considerate next time.

Once again, I apologize, and hope that you'll forgive me.

Very Sincerely,



New member
Scientists just confirmed there's a second layer of information hidden in our DNA

Fiona MacDonald, Science Alert

… a group of physicists have been able to demonstrate for the first time through simulations how this hidden information controls our evolution….
Mike, sometimes you actually post things that are supportive of evolution (as in this case). It was probably just a flub on your part, but thanks anyway.


Dear 6days,

You always come up with some interesting things, like about the lobsters and sand in their ears. Where do you find out all of this info? I just came by this Sun thing that I just posted about, and I still hope that the winters up north will be warmer than normal. It's a good article, if someone wants to read it through. So what are you doing up at 3:30 a.m. tonight? That's what time it is here!

Look forward to hearing from you!!

God Bless You TONS!!



Mike, sometimes you actually post things that are supportive of evolution (as in this case). It was probably just a flub on your part, but thanks anyway.

Dear DavisBJ,

Actually, I felt one outweighed the other. It wasn't a flub. Every once in a while, I run across certain articles that I think my TOL friends will want to read or learn about. What do you think about my recent article regarding the Sun's black spots? Quite revealing!

But yes, thanks, and remember that I always have God in my heart whenever I do things.

God Bless You Tons For Writing!



The second layer of information is about God

Dear patrick,

You know me like a good book, eh?!! That's why I posted it. Oh well, it is after 4 a.m. here now, so you will be my last post of the day. Everyone just woke up all at once and there were tons of people coming onto TOL! It was kind of dead when I first came on.

OK, Good Night, Patrick!! Hope you have a spectacular day today!!

May God Love You Until Forever!!!



Well-known member
Gee....7 short paragraphs. I'm convinced! :rolleyes:

There is a little arrow thingy at the bottom of the first page that allows you to read the rest ... not that you have any great interest in reading that which you don't want to.

In the post before the one I responded to you complain of no sources. I give you one with sources and you only read the first page and dismiss it for brevity.

You are a troll awaiting his next banishment.


Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Dear Silent Hunter,

I've been meaning to do this for the past couple nights, but things kept coming up. I just want to say that I am sorry for snapping at you the other day, to say the least. [Bold]You just put me in a bad way, and I lashed out. Please don't do it again.[/bold] I realize that you are an atheist and you are welcome here. Just be more considerate next time.

Once again, I apologize, and hope that you'll forgive me.

Very Sincerely,

Mike, please explain why I am responsible for YOUR actions.



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Well-known member
Evolution is a racist theory developed to ruin minimal government, especially in the US, so that elite big gov--ed--business--entertain could take over, through Hilary. It is completely unscientific, as shown by recent programs on NPR (unaware) on huge fossil finds in Patagonia, and "Building North America." Total slop called science to dictate the masses.

It says so on the first page of its bible, on the title page.

The ruin of free, Christian, independent government was Huxley's career dream; quite possibly to beat back against the American Revolution.

--Marcus Sanford


New member
The second layer of information is about God
If that be true, then it must be that evolution is something real that God uses. Lots of faithful Christian scientists see no conflict between evolution and God. But in Mike’s article, rather than being true to what the article actually said, you, like 6days, saw an opportunity to whip out a ready-made “God diddit” sticker to slap on something that made no mention of God. It would be better not to degrade your faith that way by pimping out what science has found as though science were something you can prostitute for your own sordid pleasure.

Jose Fly

New member
There is a little arrow thingy at the bottom of the first page that allows you to read the rest ... not that you have any great interest in reading that which you don't want to.

In the post before the one I responded to you complain of no sources. I give you one with sources and you only read the first page and dismiss it for brevity.

Are you sure you read through it? If so, I have to wonder why you posted it since it makes that case that the Hebrew flood story is largely folklore borrowed from the Babylonians.


New member
I asked:
Do you have any scientific evidence that shows that people actually lived for multiple centuries before dying?
6 replied:
Yes, there is scientific evidence people without the genetic burden that we have, could live 1000 years. Creationists have always been able to explain how some Old Testament people were able to live so many years. Finally science now agrees!. A study from the University of Utah says, "if all processes of aging could be eliminated and oxidative stress damage could be repaired, ‘one estimate is people could live 1,000 years.’” Those processes and stress are a progressive product of a cursed world. Mutations accumulate causing a genetic burden on the human race. It is no surprise that ancient humans could live such long lives.
We know you are not a scientist, but your dishonesty gives good reason to suspect you are even less of a Christian.

Your article focused on telomeres, and touched lightly on “oxidative stress” and on “glycation”.

Here is what the article said about telomeres and living an unusually long life:

Could we extend lifespan by preserving or restoring the length of telomeres with telomerase? … Scientists are not yet sure.

On oxidative stress and how we get it:

A major cause of aging is "oxidative stress." It is … caused by oxidants, which are highly reactive substances containing oxygen. These oxidants are produced normally when we breathe …

And the scientific evidence relating to oxidative stress and living a long life:

In one study, scientists exposed worms to two substances that neutralize oxidants, and the worms' lifespan increased an average 44%.

On glycation and how we get it:

It happens when glucose, the main sugar we use as energy, binds to some of our DNA, proteins, and lipids, leaving them unable to do their jobs. The problem becomes worse as we get older, causing body tissues to malfunction, resulting in disease and death.

And the scientific evidence relating to glycation stress and living a long life:

Glycation may explain why studies in laboratory animals indicate that restricting calorie intake extends lifespan.

So we have one “scientists are not yet sure”, one study on worms living 44% longer life, and a weight-watcher’s diet helps.

You wrest this into an unqualified claim that:
Creationists have always been able to explain how some Old Testament people were able to live so many years. Finally science now agrees!
When you say:
… Those processes and stress are a progressive product of a cursed world. Mutations accumulate causing a genetic burden on the human race. It is no surprise that ancient humans could live such long lives.
You are ignoring science and doing no more than surmising about part of an ancient religious fable about a mud-man and his rib-wife, and them getting kicked out of a nice garden because she talked with a snake.

Show at least some integrity next time, please.
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New member
The Bible has never been proven wrong.
If you were not familiar with Christianity, and someone handed you a Bible and said it was absolutely true, then as you started reading you saw that it claimed that the first man was made of mud, his wife was cloned from his rib, they and their kids sometimes gabbed with animals, and rivers turned to blood, and there is a mountain that you can see all the nations from the top of, and slaughtering the inhabitants of lands is OK if you keep the virgins as war booty for the soldiers, sticks and snakes change into each other, beheading infants is fine, and inside a fish is a good resting place, and your wife might turn to pure sodium chloride, and … … …
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