Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear alwight,

Are you up late or up early? Either way, it's cool!! How are you doing? I hope you are happy. Do you have any good news? Found a bad vacuum leak on one of the main vacuum hoses on my car. Could be why I've been having trouble with it. Hey, do you have allergies? I'm trying out something called Flonase and it works excellent! So this is all I will buy from now on. It's the most expensive one they've got for over-the-counter, but if it works that well, I'll go for it. Well, I'll talk to you more soon in a PM.

Warmest Regards & Cheerio, Mate!!



Yes guys, this is precisely where we differ.
For you everything in nature must somehow be devine, whereas for us it just is what it is.

I don't want to start an argument about the existence of deities, however the matter of a constant and permanent devine interaction with nature can be addressed.

So far I was not given a single piece of evidence to support this view that nature cannot do what it does on its own.

Dear TheDuke,

God put into every bit of Himself regarding the things they do 'on their own.' God did that! A caterpillar doesn't weave itself a cocoon to turn into a moth or butterfly except it is written into their being by God. And a black widow spider and a Praying Mantis both kill / eat their male counterparts after sex. Evidently, they don't want their male friends to stick around. That, or they are hungry!

:angel: :cloud9: :angel:



Dear rstrats,

Hi!! I couldn't remember if you were atheist/agnostic or Christian. My Christian includes Catholics also. I am Protestant Christian. I hope you are having a good morning. I'm going to give you some good rep pts. You take good care and we will talk soon, I hope!!

Tons Of Love, In Jesus Christ!!



Dear alwight,

I never knew you were red green color blind. I'm sorry about that! It's in both eyes?? That's a bummer. You don't know what you are missing!! How do you drive a car? Post #13235. Let me know in a PM if you want to.

Cheerio, Mate!!



Programmed genetic info... That's more of the Biblical model. :p

Dear 6days,

I know that God tends to 'fix' any problems with any life form as He is needed. It doesn't take that much time. He just has to speak it and it will be done according to His assessment. He is the Supreme Chemist and Biologist. And Astronomer, Geologist, etc. If it weren't for Him, we wouldn't be here to ask questions.

Much Love From Me, In Jesus Christ,
{Much Love From Me As Jesus Would Have It Be!! I would wash your feet!!}



Dear DavisBJ,

I am glad to have you here when you can make it, but what happened to The Barbarian, Hedshaker, gcthomas, Stuu, noguru {where is he?}, Granite, etc. I do miss them all. Perhaps they would like to talk with TheDuke or Interplanner. Or ME!! I will go and find that post which debunks evolutionists and post it again. You might find it very interesting.

Much Love Coming Your Way!!



New member
Dear DavisBJ,

I am glad to have you here when you can make it, but what happened to The Barbarian, Hedshaker, gcthomas, Stuu, noguru {where is he?}, Granite, etc. I do miss them all. Perhaps they would like to talk with TheDuke or Interplanner. Or ME!! I will go and find that post which debunks evolutionists and post it again. You might find it very interesting.

Much Love Coming Your Way!!

Dear Michael,

It appears that this thread has pretty much cooled off – finally. I would be interested in any updates on your health and imminent involvement in ushering in the millennium.

A few weeks ago I saw a post by The Barbarian where he said he had been informed his presence on TOL was really not appreciated by the TOL moderators. Accordingly, The Barbarian hinted that maybe the time had come for him to terminate his posting on TOL, and he would be riding off into the sunset.


New member
Dear alwight,

I never knew you were red green color blind. I'm sorry about that! It's in both eyes?? That's a bummer. You don't know what you are missing!! How do you drive a car? Post #13235. Let me know in a PM if you want to.

Cheerio, Mate!!

It doesn't bother me Michael, I don't know any different, I wouldn't even know it if I hadn't been told it after taking colour blindness tests. However just as most deaf people are not stone deaf I can nevertheless see the difference between green and red in a good light, but apparently red berries in a green tree may not be so obvious to me.
I drive a car like anyone else, the red light is usually the one at the top. ;)
The only problem I've noticed in real life was at a car wash where the instructions on where to stop the car before the machine would start was on a small red LED panel (On the passengers side, made for left hand drive perhaps?). I never noticed it until the guy behind called me an idiot for not seeing it, but to be fair it was also in bright sunlight, and once I knew where it was my car then became clean. :)


It doesn't bother me Michael, I don't know any different, I wouldn't even know it if I hadn't been told it after taking colour blindness tests. However just as most deaf people are not stone deaf I can nevertheless see the difference between green and red in a good light, but apparently red berries in a green tree may not be so obvious to me.
I drive a car like anyone else, the red light is usually the one at the top. ;)

Dear alwight,

Your doing fine regardless of the eyesight problem. I see that that is all you know. Oh, I wish you could see color as others do. It must be difficult at Christmastime, when a lot of green and red lights are on people's houses. The red light is the top light, but how do you know it is lit up? What color is the top light? Blue? So you can see yellow. That is wonderful. The combination of red and green is what? Purple? So you can't see purple either? I think purple is a combination of red and blue.

The only problem I've noticed in real life was at a car wash where the instructions on where to stop the car before the machine would start was on a small red LED panel (On the passengers side, made for left hand drive perhaps?). I never noticed it until the guy behind called me an idiot for not seeing it, but to be fair it was also in bright sunlight, and once I knew where it was my car then became clean. :)

Yes, I can imagine that would definitely be a problem. Yikes!! I'm comforted that you can live without it, though. It's in both eyes, right? So it must be a brain problem instead of an eye problem. And this eye problem must be because some genomes or DNA are missing or not up to par. What do you think? Well, I will talk with you again very soon.

Warmest Regards & Cheerio!!



For everyone on this Thread:

Jaw-dropping images give us a first glimpse of Mars' liquid water

By Jessica Orwig 5 hours ago

For years, a team of NASA scientists had pondered over the enigmatic dark streaks lining the inner and outer faces of craters on the Martian surface, shown below. But no longer.

NASA announced the answer to the conundrum Monday: The streaks are evidence of flowing water.

(NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona)

Most mysterious about these streaks — which can be as long as a football field — was that they appeared to change in size over time, growing longer during Mars' warm summer months and shrinking during colder seasons:

If these photos were taken on Earth, the immediate conclusion would be flowing water. But this is Mars, a place where liquid water had never before been discovered.
All that changed Monday when the NASA team announced that these dark, mysterious features were, indeed, flowing water.

There are many pieces that had to fit together to finally conclude, beyond a doubt, that this was water and not a bizarre pattern from Martian weather. One of the convincing pieces of evidence was that the streaks flow downhill, as shown here:

(NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona)
And here:

(NASA/JPL/University of Arizona)

But what ultimately convinced the team that it was water, instead of another form of liquid, was when they used instruments on-board NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, a satellite in orbit around the Red Planet.

MRO has an instrument called a spectrometer, which scans the Martian surface and identifies the chemical makeup of what's down there. From these scans, the team identified hydrated salts within the dark streaks.

The importance of these salts is that they "would lower the freezing point of a liquid brine, just as salt on roads here on Earth causes ice and snow to melt more rapidly," NASA explained in a press release.

Here's a false-color image showing how prevalent these streaks are:

(NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona)

This means that frozen salt water could thaw into a liquid at lower temperatures, which is important since the hottest days on Mars only reach about 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

What do you all think about this? From what I understand, Mars has a body of water hidden under layers of rock and dirt/dust. Our Moon, too?! Well, I thought this would be something you'd find interesting, so I am sharing it with you all.

God Bless Your Hearts And Souls!!



Dear patrickj,

Hey, I've got me a star finally, after being here for so very long!! Hey, why don't you post here more often?! You know, you can talk about anything you like here. We don't always stay on topic, because that would be a bit boring. What do you think of what I posted right before this post?? Cool, eh?

May God Increase Your Countenance As He Would!!



Dear patrickj,

Hey, I just sent you a post and you sent me one while I was typing one to you!! Interesting world? Yep, I believe there is water on Mars. Or some liquid. Kool-Aid maybe? Or Pepsi? LOL!! So how are things going with you? Are you joyful about Jesus returning soon? I am!! My heart tells me it's soon. Jesus told us the signs of His coming when He was addressing His disciples. It seems like all is almost ready!! Plus, what Revelation says also. And the last few chapters of Daniel. Well, I will write more later. I've got to check out a PM. You have fun and be thankful for every day you're on Earth, because soon you'll be in Heaven, and not down here anymore. Enjoy the variety down here! But be happier about going to live in Heaven!!

Much Love, In Christ!!



Dear Michael,

It appears that this thread has pretty much cooled off – finally. I would be interested in any updates on your health and imminent involvement in ushering in the millennium.

A few weeks ago I saw a post by The Barbarian where he said he had been informed his presence on TOL was really not appreciated by the TOL moderators. Accordingly, The Barbarian hinted that maybe the time had come for him to terminate his posting on TOL, and he would be riding off into the sunset.

Dear DavisBJ,

But we just had someone post here who debunked evolution. I'm going to go and find it. I'm sorry about The Barbarian! I can't imagine the mods giving him a hard time. He's pretty pleasant to me. What a BUMMER!! Is noguru or Stuu permanently banned too?! I PMed noguru yesterday and have not heard from him yet, which is very unlike him, so maybe he is tired of TOL. I've looked and I don't see where Hedshaker or gcthomas, etc. are posting. I'm going to PM Hedshaker 2nite and see what is going on. I knew Hedshaker even before you. We both have an affinity for good music. Well, Davis, I will find some way to turn this around somehow. I mean, where else will Hedshaker or gcthomas post? I'm glad you've hung in here. There's still much more life in this thread. I'll see what I can do. I will otherwise lose these friends for good and never get to speak with them again!! I can't believe that The Barbarian would leave without saying Goodbye! Well, I'll get going and keep you informed about any info I can gather. You take good care. Maybe they have decided to be Christians and don't want to post because of that?!

Best Wishes,


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:


Hi alwight,

See my Post #13251 to you. I don't think you saw it yet? I wrote to Hedshaker tonight in a PM. And last night too, I see. I did not know that I wrote him twice. How embarrassing!! I wonder where everyone is posting now. I didn't see any signs of anyone on some other thread. That means they are not posting anywhere maybe. I haven't heard from noguru either. Is he perma banned? How about Stuart? Perma banned? Eeeek!! What a way to go. I received an infraction when I first came to this website. I'll tell you about it later. I'd best get going. It is 4 a.m. here, so I am really staying up almost all night. You take care of yourself, and I will chat with you again in a bit!!

Many Blessings & Cheerio, Mate,



Well-known member
Here is a treatment of mutations that also shows that it dead ends (like the fruit fly study of C. elegantis).

Presentation Description:

Covers the fact that evolution is true but going the wrong way. The problem with evolution has never been the survival of the fittest, but the arrival of the fittest, and this is still the most serious problem today with Darwinism. The fact is, we are descending genetically as the scriptures teach, not ascending upward biologically, as evolution incorrectly teaches. A major theory of the source of phenotype variations for natural selection to select from is macro-mutations. The empirical evidence, however, is clear—neither macro-mutations nor micro-mutations can provide a significant source of new genetic information:

The fact is Mutation accumulation does not lead to new species or even to new organs or tissues. What mutations eventually lead to is sickness and death because the vast majority of mutations, over 99.99%, are near neutral or harmful. In each new generation of humans an estimated 100 to 200 new mutations are added to the human gene line. Thus 100 to 200 new mutations are added to the offspring compared to the parents. Both creationists and Intelligent Design advocates conclude that the only plausible source of genetic information is intelligence. Intelligent Design only postulates an intelligent source, and creationists conclude the source is an Intelligent Creator we call God.

The video is


Well-known member
re formless and void
Scottish literary scholar P. James-Griffiths notes that the expressions 'in the beginning...a great chaos...formless and dark are also in a Chinese cosmology, the Shang-Ti. The appearance of such similar expressions to Genesis tighten the steps of history between the 6 days and the spreading of civilization. For catastrophic creationists, this is partly tectonic movement, and partly migration.

"Tracing Genesis Through Ancient Culture" P. James-Griffiths. 26th minute.

Greg Jennings

New member
Here is a treatment of mutations that also shows that it dead ends (like the fruit fly study of C. elegantis).

Presentation Description:

Covers the fact that evolution is true but going the wrong way. The problem with evolution has never been the survival of the fittest, but the arrival of the fittest, and this is still the most serious problem today with Darwinism. The fact is, we are descending genetically as the scriptures teach, not ascending upward biologically, as evolution incorrectly teaches. A major theory of the source of phenotype variations for natural selection to select from is macro-mutations. The empirical evidence, however, is clear—neither macro-mutations nor micro-mutations can provide a significant source of new genetic information:

The fact is Mutation accumulation does not lead to new species or even to new organs or tissues. What mutations eventually lead to is sickness and death because the vast majority of mutations, over 99.99%, are near neutral or harmful. In each new generation of humans an estimated 100 to 200 new mutations are added to the human gene line. Thus 100 to 200 new mutations are added to the offspring compared to the parents. Both creationists and Intelligent Design advocates conclude that the only plausible source of genetic information is intelligence. Intelligent Design only postulates an intelligent source, and creationists conclude the source is an Intelligent Creator we call God.

The video is

C. elegantis is a worm. I think you might mean Drosphilia


Dear Greg Jennings,

How are you doing? I'm glad you decided to post here. Alwight is an agnostic believer also. He's pretty smart about things. I may have others return to the thread here soon. It's up to them. I'm going to see how they are doing. You take care and don't be a stranger.

Best Wishes!!

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