Creation vs. Evolution

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It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

Dear Aimiel,

I could tell you a secret, but I don't know if you or other readers here can handle it. Otherwise, I do agree with your post. Thanks for finding it. I will PM you soon!!



New member
This should answer most if not all of your questions concerning the flood.

An even better source would be the book “The Biblical Flood”, written by a Davis A. Young, a Professor of Geology at a Christian College (Donald Patten held a Master’s Degree in Geography). “The Biblical Flood” was written 30 years after the book you link to, by a devout Christian actually trained in Geology, and shows that there was no world-wide flood a few thousand years ago.


It only existed from day 2 to the Flood, assuming the translation and the workup are correct. (There seems to be two firmaments, one horizontal, one vertical up in the atmosphere). The rare element sugilite has been found everywhere on earth, not in connection with other elements (like crystalized quartz near quartz) but simply scattered randomly all over, which is consistent with a canopy collapsing into global water and drifting to the bottom.

Dear Interplanner,

I believe there are two firmaments too. I'm thinking sugilite then is not so rare if it is found all of the Earth. Sounds very interesting though. It may happen again during Armageddon!! We'll see what happens.

Praise The Lord,



New member
Dear DavisBJ,

… It's not looking too good for me, as far as Armageddon happening this Autumn. Otherwise, other things would have to have happened relating to the Blood Moon. Might as well tell you sooner than later. So get out your bar of soap. I know it will happen. I just don't know when, after all. I'm never going to predict it again. Everyone will find out when it happens. I don't feel badly though. …

Dear Michael,

Though you express mild disappointment at what seems to be the imminent falsification of your predictions about the rapture by years end, I think few of the readers of this thread are seeing anything other than what many have said – it just ain’t gonna happen. I don’t expect that you will do much more than make the minimum shift in your thinking necessary to accommodate your new situation, but largely you will still live in your fantasy world. It’s too bad, because there is so much to learn and understand and appreciate about the real world – the one governed by Mother Nature. It is sad when someone (you) feels it preferable to build such an all-encompassing fantasy world to live in.


Well-known member

Dear Interplanner,

I believe there are two firmaments too. I'm thinking sugilite then is not so rare if it is found all of the Earth. Sounds very interesting though. It may happen again during Armageddon!! We'll see what happens.

Praise The Lord,


Rare in scientific sense: very low % of total surface composition. I hope you grow to a broader faith apart from what may or may not happen in "Armageddon." It would be best if you realized that what is going on geo-politically may not after all be anything predicted; however, what is clear from all NT passages about the end of the world is the judgement of individuals by God. There is a very sane treatment of the Revelation that says it was for the 1st century Christians to understand why they were a target and why Israel was collapsing and how they could still have a basis for faith when so many they knew had died.


Great workup of vertical tectonics. God is at work in the geologic revolution that is going on!

Presentation starts at 34th min.

Dear Interplanner,

I'm sorry about it, but I have so much time to be on the computer and I cannot spare 1/2 hour to watch a video. It does really sound interesting, so I may see if I can get the time to watch it. It sounds right up my alley. I don't want to be up til 5a.m. again 2nite. Thank you very much for sending it to me. Is it pro-Great Flood? God is awesome in EVERYTHING He does!!

God Bless Your Heart, Interplanner!!!


:angel: :cloud9: :guitar: :singer: :angel: :cloud9:


An even better source would be the book “The Biblical Flood”, written by a Davis A. Young, a Professor of Geology at a Christian College (Donald Patten held a Master’s Degree in Geography). “The Biblical Flood” was written 30 years after the book you link to, by a devout Christian actually trained in Geology, and shows that there was no world-wide flood a few thousand years ago.

Dear Davis,

I am not going to read a book that is anti-Biblical and you should know that. It contradicts the word of God, and the Epic of Gilgamesh, etc. I'm not much of a book-reader anymore either. After writing and editing my book, which in in it's Seventh Edition, I don't want to read more than the posts I get on this site, basically. I don't read the newspaper or any books anymore. I'm tired of it. I used to love reading and I can read 500 wpm. I can type 122 wpm with 3 mistakes. I took speed-reading in high school and I read sentences or paragraphs all at once. I also took typing, but I could only type 70wpm then. Once I started working jobs that required typing, my speed increased. Then when the automatic printers came out, I thought, well if that printer can print that fast, then I will try to type that fast. Well, the printer typed 250wpm, and I only got to 120, so whatever. I was in the World's Fastest Typist Contest in NYC in Manhattan. Trouble was, their typewriters had their space bars up at the top. So I didn't even try. What a bunch of shite!! Really broke my spirit but that was the last typing contest I ever participated in. I'm not going to learn how to type with the space bar on top of the keyboard. It is useless to me. Well DavisBJ, please post more often. I miss you guys an awful lot. I'm going to give you a nice-looking post and I know you don't like it, but hopefully you can appreciate art!! I was a typesetter for most of my life. It's a skill of using different fonts and colors, and arrangements, to make a good advertisement for newspapers, magazines, or presentations, etc. I can't describe it better here, but I used to work for Advertising Agencies. I don't suppose you've heard of Campbell-Ewald, or International Paper, etc. Well, sure is good to hear from you again. Will chat again soon, I hope. Bless You!!

Warmest Regards,


:cloud9: :angel: :guitar: :singer: :angel: :cloud9:


Dear Michael,

Though you express mild disappointment at what seems to be the imminent falsification of your predictions about the rapture by years end, I think few of the readers of this thread are seeing anything other than what many have said – it just ain’t gonna happen. I don’t expect that you will do much more than make the minimum shift in your thinking necessary to accommodate your new situation, but largely you will still live in your fantasy world. It’s too bad, because there is so much to learn and understand and appreciate about the real world – the one governed by Mother Nature. It is sad when someone (you) feels it preferable to build such an all-encompassing fantasy world to live in.

Dearest DavisBJ,

You don't understand. I know I made a mistake about the timing, but I still fully believe that it's going to happen soon. I'm not going to guess when again except it's only a matter of a few months to a few years. I won't guess again. I've learned my lesson. It's too embarrassing. No, the only thing I've done wrong has been trying to put a date on it because everyone kept asking me about it, pressing me to give them a date. When I say everyone, I mean MANY. Also, there is NO MOTHER NATURE. It is God Who does it all. I don't think He'd like you to call Him Father Nature, either. It's Lord, God, or even Father, but no Father Nature. I don't make mistakes that often BJ, but it happens sometimes. It's embarrassing, but life goes on, even after you go to Heaven. Do you think living down here on Earth for a few years is all there is?? NO, BJ, It's Not!! We're here and you're here for a PURPOSE. God has more in store for His people than just less than a century on Planet Earth. He created this Earth as a stepping stone towards entering Heaven. God made a soul and spirit so that it could not die. The body might die, but not the spirit or soul. God didn't consider of making things that don't last forever. Just like Light lasts forever. Darkness lasts forever. Water almost lasts forever. Maybe the same with Hydrogen, Oxygen and Helium. Of those three, I don't know. But I suppose atoms last forever {like protons, neutrons, electrons, and nuclei, etc.}. Well, I have to rush this time. I'll be back later on 2nite {in a couple hours}. So I won't make this post fancy, because it takes time. Will chat more real soon, if you don't mind.

Blessings From Above,



This should answer most if not all of your questions concerning the flood.


Dear everready,

Thanks for the reference book, but I don't read books anymore. Just posts here and on other people's threads, and the TV Guide. After writing and editing, and rewriting my book, I got disenchanted with reading and writing. You'll find out more when you read my other post on this page to DavisBJ, I believe. I had to rewrite and edit my book 7 times. It is in it's Seventh Edition. And I still didn't include all that I would have liked to include in the book. Thanks for your offer!!

Much Love Coming Your Way!!


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :guitar: :singer: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :rapture:


Rare in scientific sense: very low % of total surface composition. I hope you grow to a broader faith apart from what may or may not happen in "Armageddon." It would be best if you realized that what is going on geo-politically may not after all be anything predicted; however, what is clear from all NT passages about the end of the world is the judgement of individuals by God. There is a very sane treatment of the Revelation that says it was for the 1st century Christians to understand why they were a target and why Israel was collapsing and how they could still have a basis for faith when so many they knew had died.

Dear Interplanner,

Okay! I get what you are saying. Low percentage in comparison to what else in the dirt and water. I'm considering geopolitical situations, like Israel being surrounded by her enemies, and the US just turns their backs because we have a former Muslim president, and Russia is in Syria and soon could be in Israel. I'm talking about very poor Holocaust survivors not having a meal sometimes and go to bed hungry. I donate $100 or so every month for them. IP, you can be sure that Revelation's scriptural verses are very much for a part of us here now on Earth. Maybe unnecessary for some of the Earth's inhabitants, but very important for us Christians. The book of Daniel also holds much information about the end of days. Read chapter 12, at least. They are hard books to understand, but when you know what they mean, BAM, they are as intriguing and masterpieces of paragraphs as they could ever be. The Lord helped me to understand much of both books, and the rest of the Bible, but it is wrong for me to say it because you won't believe me. Well, I'll go for now and I look forward to hearing from you again soon.

God Bless Your Life Tons!!


:angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :guitar: :rapture:


Well-known member

Dear Interplanner,

Okay! I get what you are saying. Low percentage in comparison to what else in the dirt and water. I'm considering geopolitical situations, like Israel being surrounded by her enemies, and the US just turns their backs because we have a former Muslim president, and Russia is in Syria and soon could be in Israel. I'm talking about very poor Holocaust survivors not having a meal sometimes and go to bed hungry. I donate $100 or so every month for them. IP, you can be sure that Revelation's scriptural verses are very much for a part of us here now on Earth. Maybe unnecessary for some of the Earth's inhabitants, but very important for us Christians. The book of Daniel also holds much information about the end of days. Read chapter 12, at least. They are hard books to understand, but when you know what they mean, BAM, they are as intriguing and masterpieces of paragraphs as they could ever be. The Lord helped me to understand much of both books, and the rest of the Bible, but it is wrong for me to say it because you won't believe me. Well, I'll go for now and I look forward to hearing from you again soon.

God Bless Your Life Tons!!


:angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :guitar: :rapture:

Let's remember what subject this thread is about... There are several others going on so-called 'end-time' events.

I have been familiar with these teachers for years and they are usually doing very poor work with both the OT and the Rev. The 1st chapter of the Rev is emphatic that it is about things happening right then, right away, right after. A little hard to find 2000 years in language like that.

Yes, things look very badly for Israel the nation right now, but that is to assume that God is doing things with ethnic groups anymore, which the NT says is not the case. In fact, Gal 3:17 indicates that it was Israel that replaced the worldwide message of the Promise with the Law about them and their destiny. Paul calls it voiding and replacing--the original replacement theology problem. Done by the Judaism that opposed him and his Gospel.

Our hope for the end of our lives is not in a set of geo-political events (who knows what direction they will actually go when nuclear activity starts?), nor in pre-knowing everything, but only in Christ--the Christ of the resurrection. Our hope is fixed on him and that we are in Him, Col 3:1-4.

The clearest passage of Dan (9) was read by Christ to be about the disaster that happened to Israel in the generation after the Gospel. None of the other visions of Daniel were mentioned in ordinary letters by the apostles.


Let's remember what subject this thread is about... There are several others going on so-called 'end-time' events.

I have been familiar with these teachers for years and they are usually doing very poor work with both the OT and the Rev. The 1st chapter of the Rev is emphatic that it is about things happening right then, right away, right after. A little hard to find 2000 years in language like that.

Yes, things look very badly for Israel the nation right now, but that is to assume that God is doing things with ethnic groups anymore, which the NT says is not the case. In fact, Gal 3:17 indicates that it was Israel that replaced the worldwide message of the Promise with the Law about them and their destiny. Paul calls it voiding and replacing--the original replacement theology problem. Done by the Judaism that opposed him and his Gospel.

Our hope for the end of our lives is not in a set of geo-political events (who knows what direction they will actually go when nuclear activity starts?), nor in pre-knowing everything, but only in Christ--the Christ of the resurrection. Our hope is fixed on him and that we are in Him, Col 3:1-4.

The clearest passage of Dan (9) was read by Christ to be about the disaster that happened to Israel in the generation after the Gospel. None of the other visions of Daniel were mentioned in ordinary letters by the apostles.

Dear Interplanner,

I will delve into this subject the next time I can get on the computer, probably a few hours from now. I just don't want to see you hanging. I haven't forgotten to answer you or anything like that. I have to dash.

God's Best For You!!



Well-known member
LIVINGS WATERS is an excellent video with rich marine life photography and very good explanations of the serious problems of Darwinian thought. There are free copies at for making a donation.



Let's remember what subject this thread is about... There are several others going on so-called 'end-time' events.

I have been familiar with these teachers for years and they are usually doing very poor work with both the OT and the Rev. The 1st chapter of the Rev is emphatic that it is about things happening right then, right away, right after. A little hard to find 2000 years in language like that.

Dear Interplanner,

I do realize that Jesus' disciples thought things would happen in their lifetime, but it was a different time that God had in mind. It is written, 'and when the whole world has had access to the Bible, then shall the end be.' Something to that effect.

Yes, things look very badly for Israel the nation right now, but that is to assume that God is doing things with ethnic groups anymore, which the NT says is not the case. In fact, Gal 3:17 indicates that it was Israel that replaced the worldwide message of the Promise with the Law about them and their destiny. Paul calls it voiding and replacing--the original replacement theology problem. Done by the Judaism that opposed him and his Gospel.

Jesus said when you shall see Israel surrounded by armies, know that the time is near. Even the U.S. is not helping, one of Israel's staunch allies, just because of our President Obama being a Muslim when he was younger, and he wants Israel to be taken over by Arabs. We should have impeached him before his second term.

Our hope for the end of our lives is not in a set of geo-political events (who knows what direction they will actually go when nuclear activity starts?), nor in pre-knowing everything, but only in Christ--the Christ of the resurrection. Our hope is fixed on him and that we are in Him, Col 3:1-4.

The clearest passage of Dan (9) was read by Christ to be about the disaster that happened to Israel in the generation after the Gospel. None of the other visions of Daniel were mentioned in ordinary letters by the apostles.

See Daniel 10:14KJV. "Now, I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days; for yet the vision is for many days." I know that no one expected it would be 2,000 years afterwards, but God wanted people all around the world to first hear the Gospel, and then shall the time be. Well, it took 2,000 some years!

Interplanner, "I'm having trouble with my computer 2nite. It's going awfully slow, so I have to call my computer guy and have him fix it over the phone. I pay my Cable Company $15 a month for their service. They are exceptional!! I'm very pleased to have them on call when I need them.

Well, will get going for now. Chat with you again soon, I hope!!

Praise God And Jesus, And The Holy Ghost!!!


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :guitar: :singer:
Last edited:



I know what you mean. Free for a Donation!! LOL!! Hey patrick, I liked your last Avatar better, without your glasses and with a big, nice smile. Just letting you know. You don't look like me with your glasses on. It makes your face look a bit fatter too. It's up to you. Just letting you know. I'm impartial. Of course, a smile ALWAYS looks better.

So, I see you have a Silver Membership now. I'm so glad for you. It's worth it. You can do much more. Ask someone where the list is that tells you what you get with each level of Membership. I can't remember where it is. One of the moderators would surely know. See the benefits of a silver membership. Okay, I'll get going for now. I can't wait for the computer guy to fix this slow problem. It seems like it's getting better now though. I don't understand it. Maybe it was just a busy time of day and that's why it was slow. People getting off of work and going on their computers. Well, you take good care. I may be back in a couple hours.

May God Bless Your Soul And Heart!!


:guitar: :singer: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :angel:


LIVINGS WATERS is an excellent video with rich marine life photography and very good explanations of the serious problems of Darwinian thought. There are free copies at for making a donation.

Dear Interplanner,

I might check out the video as long as it's not too long. I'm on the computer a few hours a day and it keeps me busy!! Thanks so much for thinking about me!!

Much Love, In Jesus Christ,


patrick jane


I know what you mean. Free for a Donation!! LOL!! Hey patrick, I liked your last Avatar better, without your glasses and with a big, nice smile. Just letting you know. You don't look like me with your glasses on. It makes your face look a bit fatter too. It's up to you. Just letting you know. I'm impartial. Of course, a smile ALWAYS looks better.

I'm smiling on the inside - :chuckle:

I'm gaining wait
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