Creation vs. Evolution

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Greg Jennings

New member
Dear Greg Jennings,

How are you doing? I'm glad you decided to post here. Alwight is an agnostic believer also. He's pretty smart about things. I may have others return to the thread here soon. It's up to them. I'm going to see how they are doing. You take care and don't be a stranger.

Best Wishes!!


I am good Michael. Thank you for asking and for the friendly words


I am good Michael. Thank you for asking and for the friendly words

Dear Greg,

Thanks for your kind words also!! You're new here, eh?? How did you get so much good rep so quickly? It took me 2 years to get the same amount that you have now. But now, I have a star also, because of a very kindhearted lady. She never ceases to amaze and shock me!! Cool, eh? Well, we have two agnostics here and two Christians. I used to have more of both. But they've gone for a while. I would expect they will come here to debate us Christians. 6days is another creationist Christian and he pops in when possible. Once or twice a week. Well, you'll see how it goes as time goes on. I should get going. I have to write a Private Message to someone. Stay cool!!

Have a wonderful weekend!!



New member
Dear alwight,

Your doing fine regardless of the eyesight problem. I see that that is all you know. Oh, I wish you could see color as others do. It must be difficult at Christmastime, when a lot of green and red lights are on people's houses. The red light is the top light, but how do you know it is lit up? What color is the top light? Blue? So you can see yellow. That is wonderful. The combination of red and green is what? Purple? So you can't see purple either? I think purple is a combination of red and blue.
Nobody sees colours through other people's eyes Michael. For all we know we each see the world differently.
I usually see red and green lights fine as far as I'm concerned, but my perception of red and green is probably just not as vivid as for someone who is not colour blind.
Many more males than females are colour blind, it's genetic, perhaps even an evolved hunting trait rather than a defect.
Btw I gather that Town Heretic is much more colour blind than I am. You may not know that Colour blind people can usually see better than other people in low light.
Many other creatures just don't see in colour at all, it's all about how the eye is constructed or evolved.
But I wish I had the vision I had when I was young and didn't need glasses.

Yes, I can imagine that would definitely be a problem. Yikes!! I'm comforted that you can live without it, though. It's in both eyes, right? So it must be a brain problem instead of an eye problem. And this eye problem must be because some genomes or DNA are missing or not up to par. What do you think? Well, I will talk with you again very soon.

Warmest Regards & Cheerio!!

It's all about things called rods and cones in the eye itself.
I can still see fine these days except for reading, I really don't need glasses when driving except seeing the instruments inside the car is just a bit too blurry. I can see distances well, but I can't read anything these days without glasses.
For other people it's the other way around, some take their glasses off to read but then cant see distance. We are all different and individual in many ways and should tolerate other people's differences.

Greg Jennings

New member
Dear Greg,

Thanks for your kind words also!! You're new here, eh?? How did you get so much good rep so quickly? It took me 2 years to get the same amount that you have now. But now, I have a star also, because of a very kindhearted lady. She never ceases to amaze and shock me!! Cool, eh? Well, we have two agnostics here and two Christians. I used to have more of both. But they've gone for a while. I would expect they will come here to debate us Christians. 6days is another creationist Christian and he pops in when possible. Once or twice a week. Well, you'll see how it goes as time goes on. I should get going. I have to write a Private Message to someone. Stay cool!!

Have a wonderful weekend!!


To be honest I did not even notice the rep until you told me about it just now. I don't know how I got it. I just try to be respectful and kind to people here even when I disagree with them. It seems to me that you too are a kind person and your rep reflects that


Dear rstrats,

I've been wanting to give you some good rep pts, but you haven't posted here yet, so I can't. Are you Christian or Atheist? Hope to hear from you soon.

God's Best For You!!



Nobody sees colours through other people's eyes Michael. For all we know we each see the world differently.
I usually see red and green lights fine as far as I'm concerned, but my perception of red and green is probably just not as vivid as for someone who is not colour blind.
Many more males than females are colour blind, it's genetic, perhaps even an evolved hunting trait rather than a defect.
Btw I gather that Town Heretic is much more colour blind than I am. You may not know that Colour blind people can usually see better than other people in low light.
Many other creatures just don't see in colour at all, it's all about how the eye is constructed or evolved.
But I wish I had the vision I had when I was young and didn't need glasses.

It's all about things called rods and cones in the eye itself.
I can still see fine these days except for reading, I really don't need glasses when driving except seeing the instruments inside the car is just a bit too blurry. I can see distances well, but I can't read anything these days without glasses.
For other people it's the other way around, some take their glasses off to read but then cant see distance. We are all different and individual in many ways and should tolerate other people's differences.

Hey hey,

Alwight, I have to wear reading glasses to read with. But I'm 20/20 otherwise. I had a cataract operation and they sucked out my eyes' lenses, and then put in new lenses in my eyes. The insurance company paid for it. I wanted to get Lasik Surgery, but I could not afford it. Then, I got the cataracts and the eye doctor said he would not fit me for contact lenses until I got the operation. So I did and he gave me an exam, and I saw 20/20. I can see type that is about 8-10 pt. without my glasses, but that 6 pt. sized type I can't see. They use that size a lot on food heating instructions.

Had another accident today. It's like my accelerator is sticking or something mechanically wrong. I have to see if I am accidentally stepping on the brake and accelerator at the same time. I don't believe I am, but that's what Bill is saying. I don't agree with him. I will call my mechanic friend in Michigan tomorrow. He taught me how to work on cars, so I'm pretty good. Bill is just as good as Bill. They are both named Bill. Still, Bill, my mechanic in Michigan, is the best at working on cars. He's put in engines, transmissions, the whole thing. I've done a lot, like replacing ball joints, and adjusting tie rods, and putting on quarter panels, etc. I put together a carburetor in Driver's Ed during high school. I was born in Dearborn, Michigan. Just thought I'd mention that. Well, I should get going 'cause this is getting lengthy. If you're not on TOL, just answer my PMs when you come back on TOL. Your appreciated Tons!!

Have A Great Weekend!! Make It Count!!

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Dear Friend, Hedshaker,

I hope this finds you in good spirits and happiness. Sure do miss you here. We have three more new members here: Interplanner, TheDuke, and Greg Jennings!! You might like to share with them. Two agnostics/atheists, and one Christian. Come and add your expertise on how you think and feel!! Well, it's up to you! Hope to hear from you soon!!

Ciao & Cheerio!!



Dear DavisBJ,

What's new lately? I hope that you are doing well. Joyful and content. It's not looking too good for me, as far as Armageddon happening this Autumn. Otherwise, other things would have to have happened relating to the Blood Moon. Might as well tell you sooner than later. So get out your bar of soap. I know it will happen. I just don't know when, after all. I'm never going to predict it again. Everyone will find out when it happens. I don't feel badly though. At least I am still full of joy and hope, looking for His Return, sooner than later. Oh well, take all of the jabs you want. I deserve it. I am very upset, though, that He didn't show up when I thought He would. Talk about a fantastic bummer. I don't know when, but I do know it will happen. But Jesus said Himself that "No man knows the day and hour, but My Father only." Something to that effect. Well, I tried. Sorry to get your hopes and dreams shattered and to everyone else, the same. I don't know if I will keep this thread going or not. It's served us well though. I think Stuu and noguru are either permanently banned, or are taking a long hiatus: Bummer no. 2!! Oh well, this thread was not hinging on Jesus' Return when I first started it over two years ago. It's about Creation vs. Evolution. Will chat with you soon!!

Many Blessings!

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Dear Michael,

It appears that this thread has pretty much cooled off – finally. I would be interested in any updates on your health and imminent involvement in ushering in the millennium.

A few weeks ago I saw a post by The Barbarian where he said he had been informed his presence on TOL was really not appreciated by the TOL moderators. Accordingly, The Barbarian hinted that maybe the time had come for him to terminate his posting on TOL, and he would be riding off into the sunset.

Dear DavisBJ,

Well, I thought I'd best answer part of your post that relates to me. My health is questionable. I'm suppose to go in for an appt. at the Pulmonary Specialist on Oct. 8th. He will find out if I have a nodule in my upper right lung. My doctor did an x-ray of my lungs and thought he saw a nodule there. So he referred me to a specialist. I'll let you know after I go there. If the nodule is cancerous, then I won't have the radiation treatments on my prostate gland area. They removed my cancerous prostate gland and left some cancer in me when they did the operation. So, I have to get radiation for that. But if it has spread to my right lung or another place, then it would be useless to get the radiation treatments, because it will cost me $6,000 for my copay for each area that the cancer has spread to. My copay is a percentage of each area of cancer they have to use radiation. They charge me full price for each area that they have to radiate. Okay, I'll get going on this. Too lengthy. Just trying to explain it to you. Looking forward to hearing from you. Hope you have a wonderful day 2morrow.

I Hope Life Treats You Kindly!!

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To be honest I did not even notice the rep until you told me about it just now. I don't know how I got it. I just try to be respectful and kind to people here even when I disagree with them. It seems to me that you too are a kind person and your rep reflects that

Dear Greg,

Thank you for thinking that I'm kind. You have a very nice Avatar. Do you know what that is? I just learned all of these things over 2 years ago. I didn't know what an avatar was. I hope you enjoy checking in on this thread when you can and hopefully you'll make some new friends or new sparring partners. This thread was really hopping for over a year, but cooled down about 3 weeks ago. I tried to give the thread to my good friend, 6days, but he said it was too much for him. It takes some doing. But I've made tons of friends over the past two years plus. So it's all been worth it. I still consider them as friends, even if they've come and gone. One of my friends got banned permanently, but I have his phone no. and he has mine, so we talk with eat other every week, usually on the weekend. Oh well, I'd best get going. I have to go on Twitter. Chat with you again soon, buddy!!

Warm Regards,



Dear Interplanner,

Is the above post about me? I can see what you mean, but I don't know if it is for me or not. A copy of my book says many true facts, but thankfully I didn't include Armageddon's time in it. Everyone makes mistakes. President Obama was given a copy, and also Benjamin Netanyahu. Also a number of former presidents and dignities, and churches. They know that the time is upon us now. Jesus did say that when we see certain things, know that the time is near. I've made two mistakes on this thread in 2 years and 4 mos. I'm trying to do the best I can. Everybody be prepared, for we don't know the 'hour' when He will return. Hopefully we won't be drunk as a skunk, but we will wise up fast when He comes. It will hit us all like a ton of bricks. I hope it doesn't happen when I'm sleeping or having a drink. I don't drink hardly anything at all. Rarely. Maybe four times a year. Vodka and V8 juice. Delicious! I don't have any vodka now, but I have Vegetable Juice and it is delicious with or without vodka. I don't even have to add salt. Cool, eh? Yes, Jesus is coming in the very near future. But, as I found out the hard way, no one even knows the season. Rough stuff!! I hope you aren't upset with me. I try! I know I treat atheists as I do all friends. The righteous don't need me. They are already saved. I go to others where I'm needed. I also have many Christian friends, thank God!! Well, I'll get going for now. Much Love To You All!!

God Bless Those Who Never Make Mistakes!!


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :guitar: :singer: :rapture:

Greg Jennings

New member
Dear Greg,

Thank you for thinking that I'm kind. You have a very nice Avatar. Do you know what that is? I just learned all of these things over 2 years ago. I didn't know what an avatar was. I hope you enjoy checking in on this thread when you can and hopefully you'll make some new friends or new sparring partners. This thread was really hopping for over a year, but cooled down about 3 weeks ago. I tried to give the thread to my good friend, 6days, but he said it was too much for him. It takes some doing. But I've made tons of friends over the past two years plus. So it's all been worth it. I still consider them as friends, even if they've come and gone. One of my friends got banned permanently, but I have his phone no. and he has mine, so we talk with eat other every week, usually on the weekend. Oh well, I'd best get going. I have to go on Twitter. Chat with you again soon, buddy!!

Warm Regards,


Im glad you like my avatar Michael. I do as well. I've always found wolves to be one the most beautiful creatures on the Earth. It's too bad that your thread cooled off. I looked over some twenty pages or so of it and when it was rolling it was very entertaining and interesting. I couldn't help but notice your posts on your medical situation. It breaks my heart to hear that you have cancer. My sister died of breast cancer about ten years ago so I know how you and your family must feel. I hope you get better. There is always hope so don't even consider giving up. Something interesting is that those with a belief in a god have a higher rate of recovery from illnesses like cancer. Keep your spirits up. You'll be in my thoughts


Well-known member
Dear Interplanner,

Is the above post about me? I can see what you mean, but I don't know if it is for me or not. A copy of my book says many true facts, but thankfully I didn't include Armageddon's time in it. Everyone makes mistakes. President Obama was given a copy, and also Benjamin Netanyahu. Also a number of former presidents and dignities, and churches. They know that the time is upon us now. Jesus did say that when we see certain things, know that the time is near. I've made two mistakes on this thread in 2 years and 4 mos. I'm trying to do the best I can. Everybody be prepared, for we don't know the 'hour' when He will return. Hopefully we won't be drunk as a skunk, but we will wise up fast when He comes. It will hit us all like a ton of bricks. I hope it doesn't happen when I'm sleeping or having a drink. I don't drink hardly anything at all. Rarely. Maybe four times a year. Vodka and V8 juice. Delicious! I don't have any vodka now, but I have Vegetable Juice and it is delicious with or without vodka. I don't even have to add salt. Cool, eh? Yes, Jesus is coming in the very near future. But, as I found out the hard way, no one even knows the season. Rough stuff!! I hope you aren't upset with me. I try! I know I treat atheists as I do all friends. The righteous don't need me. They are already saved. I go to others where I'm needed. I also have many Christian friends, thank God!! Well, I'll get going for now. Much Love To You All!!

God Bless Those Who Never Make Mistakes!!


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :cloud9: :guitar: :singer: :rapture:

No, Michael, it is a presentation of a chemical engineer analyzing how a 'raqiyah' might function. A 'raqiyah' was the firmament of Gen 1.

I hope you are well.


I'm glad you like my avatar Michael. I do as well. I've always found wolves to be one the most beautiful creatures on the Earth. It's too bad that your thread cooled off. I looked over some twenty pages or so of it and when it was rolling it was very entertaining and interesting. I couldn't help but notice your posts on your medical situation. It breaks my heart to hear that you have cancer. My sister died of breast cancer about ten years ago so I know how you and your family must feel. I hope you get better. There is always hope so don't even consider giving up. Something interesting is that those with a belief in a god have a higher rate of recovery from illnesses like cancer. Keep your spirits up. You'll be in my thoughts

Dear Greg,

You are so exceptional!! I'm glad you got to go through some previous pages. It was hopping for a long time. It's just a lull here for now. Wait a few days. Yes, I do love your white wolf very nice. I love them too! Don't worry about my cancer. I'm fine with it all. I don't think it will kill me. I don't know how I will die, but I doubt if it is from cancer. I've got God. How can I want more? I'm in good Hands. I'm very joyful and happy!! I hope you are too!! You seem to be such a thoughtful person!! I'm going to make this post nice and different. If you want to post me back, just go to the bottom of all of the typing and start your reply there. It's easy. OK, will get going for now.

Much Love Coming At You!!


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :guitar:



No, Michael, it is a presentation of a chemical engineer analyzing how a 'raqiyah' might function. A 'raqiyah' was the firmament of Gen 1.

I hope you are well.

Dear Interplanner,

Well, how wonderful!! See how people can misinterpret things and regret it later? Especially those that deal with relationships. You must have excellent communication. No, this is the first time I have heard of 'raqiyah' or 'sugilite canopy.' Yes, it sounds like a canopy that God stretched over the heaven. I'd like to know why we keep seeing a Universe instead of the end of it. It must end somewhere. But man is not privy to it. God wants it that way, I think. It's like a veil or fourth dimension is present. Looking too many 'light years' away, it is too vast of a Universe. It's debatable. Well, I will make this post nice too. Will chat with you soon!! Thanks for understanding.

Praise God!!!


:angel: :cloud9: :angel: :cloud9: :guitar: :rapture:


Well-known member
It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:


Well-known member

Dear Interplanner,

Well, how wonderful!! See how people can misinterpret things and regret it later? Especially those that deal with relationships. You must have excellent communication. No, this is the first time I have heard of 'raqiyah' or 'sugilite canopy.' Yes, it sounds like a canopy that God stretched over the heaven. I'd like to know why we keep seeing a Universe instead of the end of it. It must end somewhere. But man is not privy to it. God wants it that way, I think. It's like a veil or fourth dimension is present. Looking too many 'light years' away, it is too vast of a Universe. It's debatable. Well, I will make this post nice too. Will chat with you soon!! Thanks for understanding.

Praise God!!!


:angel: :cloud9: :angel: :cloud9: :guitar: :rapture:

It only existed from day 2 to the Flood, assuming the translation and the workup are correct. (There seems to be two firmaments, one horizontal, one vertical up in the atmosphere). The rare element sugilite has been found everywhere on earth, not in connection with other elements (like crystalized quartz near quartz) but simply scattered randomly all over, which is consistent with a canopy collapsing into global water and drifting to the bottom.
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