Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear Patrick,

That is your best Avatar! I don't think you can beat it. And it's really friendly. I'm glad you are smiling on the inside. Me too!! I feel so full of joy, but I have my reasons. Are you really gaining weight? I'm sorry for you unless you are too skinny. Get some Forskolin and it will help you. I lost 13 lbs {at one time, 19 lbs.}. Just google Forskolin. See which one is the best. The cheap ones are not always the best. You might waste your money. It also goes by Forslean. Puritan's Pride should have it. We'll talk later about it. You have to buy the right one. You don't have to change your diet or exercise. The medicine burns the fat from inside you. Maybe it speeds up your internal metabolism?

Well, buddy, now I'm going to bed early. You sleep well!! Good night!!

Your Twin Brother,


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :rapture:

If you want to type me back, erase this sentence and begin here. It's very simple.

Jose Fly

New member
LIVINGS WATERS is an excellent video with rich marine life photography and very good explanations of the serious problems of Darwinian thought. There are free copies at for making a donation.

So they truly believe they have come across "serious problems" for evolutionary biology, yet can't be bothered to write up their arguments and send them to a scientific journal? It only merits a fund-raising video? Funny how that works.

I'm constantly amazed at how easy some people are to fleece.

patrick jane

So they truly believe they have come across "serious problems" for evolutionary biology, yet can't be bothered to write up their arguments and send them to a scientific journal? It only merits a fund-raising video? Funny how that works.

I'm constantly amazed at how easy some people are to fleece.

the fleecing of america


Well-known member
the fleecing of america

back about 1930 the USGS silenced J Harlan Bretz for saying anything about Lake Missoula. The filmmaker may therefore rightly supposed that independent production is needed to get certain statements out there in the arena.

However, just so you know (because I don't think you've seen the film), the knock-out quotes are not by them. They are by ordinary scientists, Sternberg on mutations, others on the 8 systems in humpback whales that would have had to have been drastically remodeled through mutation but there is no sense to it.

The propaganda mill called PBS also calls out regularly for public help besides all the money it gets from the US debtverment.


Dear alwight,

Hi!! I see you are on TOL 2nite. How are you DOING?? I hope you've been getting a good rest. How's the weather been there lately? Autumn has sprung. My birthday is on Monday. The 12th, Columbus Day. The day Columbus discovered America. Pretty good, eh? And I'm a Libra, you know, well-balanced, weighs everything in the balances. I suppose you have read my post to DavisBJ which I posted here a while back saying that I was wrong about Armageddon happening after the blood moon. I guessed wrong. I made another big mistake. That's two in over two years here. My post to DavisBJ says it best, but I can't remember which post it was. Should have written it down.

We've gotten cooler here, so summer's over. It's still suppose to get up to 90-95 in a few days, but a couple days ago, it was 70 (60 at night). My temps. are in Fahrenheit. I don't know about Celsius. How do you all measure yours there. I know you are on the metric system, right?? And your time is different also. Can't think of the word for it. Greenwich Mean Time?? No, that's probably not it. Military standard time? Oh well.

I can certainly say that I have missed you!! It's been a while to me. I thought of posting to you, but figured it would get lost in the shuffle. I will PM you 2nite also. Well, we got 3/4 inch of rain a couple days ago when a cold front moved in. We had some flooding in certain areas of the Valley {of Megiddo}. I'm glad we didn't get any flooding by my house. I suppose you get a lot of rain because you have sea water on the West and East. Am I wrong? Great Britain probably has the same problem then, eh? Wow, you are so close to Spain and France. How wonderful. I would love to go to either or. I would love to go to Europe, or the Middle East. Especially Israel!! London would be very nice as long as I've got a lot of money. Heheeeheh!! I would visit you, of course.

Well, I'll let you go and PM you. Then I can answer some more posts here. You take wonderful care of yourself and keep remembering the good times!!

Warmest Wishes,

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Dear Hedshaker,

Hey, what's up?? How's the music business doin'?? Are you able to sell some soon?? My nephew sold a song to a band here named "Nine Inch Nails." Have you heard of them? I think the song he sold them was called, "Inflatable Jesus." Well, I thought I'd post to you to see how you were doing. Hope you're getting a lot of sunshine there and that you are happy and maybe joyful. Well, send a post my way and let me know what is happenin' with you!!

Much Love & Cheerio,



New member
Dear alwight,

Hi!! I see you are on TOL 2nite. How are you DOING?? I hope you've been getting a good rest. How's the weather been there lately? Autumn has sprung. My birthday is on Monday. The 12th, Columbus Day. The day Columbus discovered America. Pretty good, eh? And I'm a Libra, you know, well-balanced, weighs everything in the balances. I suppose you have read my post to DavisBJ which I posted here a while back saying that I was wrong about Armageddon happening after the blood moon. I guessed wrong. I made another big mistake. That's two in over two years here. My post to DavisBJ says it best, but I remember which post it was. Should have written it down.
I already posted about Luna eclipses Michael, they come as no surprise to astronomers and they can tell you when the next one is due.

We've gotten cooler here, so summer's over. It's still suppose to get up to 90-95 in a few days, but a couple days ago, it was 70 (60 at night). My temps. are in Fahrenheit. I don't know about Celsius. How do you all measure yours there. I know you are on the metric system, right?? And your time is different also. Can't think of the word for it. Greenwich Mean Time?? No, that's probably not it. Military standard time? Oh well.
I grew up with Fahrenheit but these days it's Celsius here, somehow 0 deg seems colder than 32.

I can certainly say that I have missed you!! It's been a while to me. I thought of posting to you, but figured it would get lost in the shuffle. I will PM you 2nite also. Well, we got 3/4 inch of rain a couple days ago when a cold front moved in. We had some flooding in certain areas of the Valley {of Megiddo}. I'm glad we didn't get any flooding by my house. I suppose you get a lot of rain because you have sea water on the West and East. Am I wrong? Great Britain probably has the same problem then, eh? Wow, you are so close to Spain and France. How wonderful. I would love to go to either or. I would love to go to Europe, or the Middle East. Especially Israel!! London would be very nice as long as I've got a lot of money. Heheeeheh!! I would visit you, of course.
I live on high ground, no chance of flooding here, anyway I'm on the first floor not the ground floor, in the US I believe that the first floor is on ground level, right?

Well, I'll let you go and PM you. Then I can answer some more posts here. You take wonderful care of yourself and keep remembering the good times!!

Warmest Wishes,



Well-known member
As a biographical note on Silvestru (Geology and Deep Time, you tube), he does mention in the presentation that he was given a crock of uniformitarianism that has so many things backward. Like the censorship of Bretz (not even over mentioning a Genesis flood, just a flood affecting 1/4 of N America!), Silvestru found more official censorship in the uniformitarian community than there is sedimentary layers on top of bedrock on the continents! "No one will talk about Monterey Canyon which is 3x the show of Grand Canyon...and underwater!"

Uniformitarianism was slopped together when geology was young and naive.

Jose Fly

New member
back about 1930 the USGS silenced J Harlan Bretz for saying anything about Lake Missoula.

I'm very familiar with Bretz's story. When he first proposed his idea about the Missoula floods, it was rejected and he was ridiculed at times (mostly for not being able to explain where the water came from). But you know what he did? He kept working and collecting data until he had enough to convince his colleagues. That's how science works.

The filmmaker may therefore rightly supposed that independent production is needed to get certain statements out there in the arena.

A filmmaker? Why do they need to make a movie? That's not how science is done. Why can't they follow Bretz's path, collect more data, write it up into a manuscript, and send it to a scientific journal?

However, just so you know (because I don't think you've seen the film), the knock-out quotes are not by them. They are by ordinary scientists, Sternberg on mutations, others on the 8 systems in humpback whales that would have had to have been drastically remodeled through mutation but there is no sense to it.

The propaganda mill called PBS also calls out regularly for public help besides all the money it gets from the US debtverment.

Sorry, you're not making any sense. The fact remains, these creationists refuse to submit their case to the scientific community, so there is no basis for them to complain that no one in the scientific community takes them seriously.


I already posted about Luna eclipses Michael, they come as no surprise to astronomers and they can tell you when the next one is due.

I grew up with Fahrenheit but these days it's Celsius here, somehow 0 deg seems colder than 32.

I live on high ground, no chance of flooding here, anyway I'm on the first floor not the ground floor, in the US I believe that the first floor is on ground level, right?


Dear Alwight,

Yes, I know how to Google lunar eclipses now. Well, I don't use Google. I use Internet Explorer. Yes, 0 degrees IS colder than 32 in Fahrenheit. So you are on the first floor, but not the ground floor. Never heard anything like that. Sounds wonderful!! So you have to walk on stairs? Yes, the first floor here is the ground floor. You know a lot about the USA!! I guess Hedshaker isn't going to post here. I think he is posting on Stuart's old thread. I think Stuu and Noguru were banned for a long time, maybe permanently. I hope not!! They are my buddies indeed!! All that I can do is ask Knight to intervene. I don't know what else to do. You will notice we have some new people here. Interplanner is a loyal poster and the same with TheDuke. At least, he was. Jose Fly too!! DavisBJ has posted recently. I will have to post to him 2nite and see what he is up to. Where is your parking space then, Al?? Is it on first floor or ground floor? We are getting warm again here too. One of my other roommates, Larry, is enjoying the in-ground pool every day. I think it's cold, but he is from Wisconsin, so he loves it just fine. I like mine to be the temperature of bath water. I don't get into it much. Maybe two or three times since we moved here. We've been here four years. Bill goes into it too. We keep it clean all year round. Don't want no pesky mosquitoes. You know, Al, we have black widow spiders here. Also brown recluse spiders. They are worse. We also have Tarantulas, and scorpions, and rattlesnakes. It's downright dangerous!! I'm allergic to insect bites and stings, so I would die if any of them bite me or sting me. I'm supposed to carry around an adrenaline kit, or whatever it's called. Do you have heather on your property? Grass? We have part grass and part stone, with some cacti. We have a fireplace with stained glass on both sides of the fireplace with a design and two skylights, one in the kitchen and one in the family room. Well, I've talked enough about me. Do you have a one bedroom apt? You know, I lived in apts. for quite a while. It's easier to keep clean, that's for sure. Only one or two bedrooms to keep clean. Do you have a back door? In case of fire? A lot of my apts. didn't have a back door. You just have to crawl to the front door if it's too smoky. Are you apt. walls brick or wood. Our house is like cedar bricks/blocks. I don't know how to explain it to you. Do you have any pets? We have two dogs and a cat.

Well, I'd best go for now. You take good care of yourself and enjoy your car. I am looking for a used car now.

Many Good Wishes,



As a biographical note on Silvestru (Geology and Deep Time, you tube), he does mention in the presentation that he was given a crock of uniformitarianism that has so many things backward. Like the censorship of Bretz (not even over mentioning a Genesis flood, just a flood affecting 1/4 of N America!), Silvestru found more official censorship in the uniformitarian community than there is sedimentary layers on top of bedrock on the continents! "No one will talk about Monterey Canyon which is 3x the show of Grand Canyon...and underwater!"

Uniformitarianism was slopped together when geology was young and naive.

Dear Interplanner,

I live in Arizona and the Grand Canyon is northwest of here {I'm in Phoenix}. As far as I know, some geologists found evidence in the sediment layers to suggest that there had been a Great Flood. And now you say there is a canyon 3 times bigger than the Grand Canyon, but it's under water. What good is that. It's probably down there with Atlantis. Also probably a meteor made it. I think we used to be one continent at one time. The borders seem to fit like a puzzle. If you need me to explain it better, let me know. Come and visit the Grand Canyon. So far, I have not been there. It's a long drive. Further than Flagstaff. Well, I'll get going. Thanks for posting your knowledge of things!!

God Bless Your Heart & Soul Tons,

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Well-known member
I'm very familiar with Bretz's story. When he first proposed his idea about the Missoula floods, it was rejected and he was ridiculed at times (mostly for not being able to explain where the water came from). But you know what he did? He kept working and collecting data until he had enough to convince his colleagues. That's how science works.

A filmmaker? Why do they need to make a movie? That's not how science is done. Why can't they follow Bretz's path, collect more data, write it up into a manuscript, and send it to a scientific journal?

Sorry, you're not making any sense. The fact remains, these creationists refuse to submit their case to the scientific community, so there is no basis for them to complain that no one in the scientific community takes them seriously.

Yes, filmmaker, after the science was done and settled. It gets it out to the public in common sense statements so that they can decide apart from the elitism of scientists. Otherwise everything would end up like the stupidity of Obama at the Alaska ice field this summer.

Bretz was never re-accepted by USGS.

The quotes and references I heard were to peers in their work, whether it was the London geology society, or the Australian "Centralia" theory, or Sterberg on mutations. You have way too much "faith" in scientists so far. Uniformitarianism was very naive when Lyell said it had to be based on processes we can now see. How do you do that, anyway, when the "process" is in units of 100M years? Is he a covert time-traveler? That's just hallucinogenic nonsense. OTOH, it was naive in that it had not really circulated well. It had just make a bunch of fundamental declarations before it knew there was Lake Missoula or the Yellowstone caldera, or the yellow band at the top of Everest or Monterey Canyon.

What you'll have to grapple with is that Silvestru was not raised Christian. He was raised uniformitarian. But when you find out that people simply aren't talking about stuff like Monterey Bay for decades, as Silvestru found about the "scientific" community, it rightly makes you suspicious.

Failing to be suspicious is exactly where Lewis found his uniformitarian science pal in "Religion and Science", a conversation in GOD IN THE DOCK.

“Religion and Science”
C.S. Lewis (Literature, Oxford, d.1955) in GOD IN THE DOCK, #7 abridged

“Miracles,” said my friend, “Oh, come. Science has knocked the bottom out of all that. We know that Nature is governed by fixed laws.”

“But, don't you see,” said I, “that science never could show that anything [was beyond Nature]?”

“Why on earth not?”

“Because science studies Nature. And the question is whether anything besides Nature exists—anything “outside.” How could you find that out by studying simply Nature?'

“Look here,” he said “Could this 'something outside' that you talk about make two and two five?”

“Well, no,” said I.

“All right. The idea of their being altered is as absurd as the idea of altering the laws of math.”

“Half a moment. Suppose you put a nickel into a drawer today and another in the same drawer tomorrow. Do the laws of arithmetic make it certain that you'll find 15 cents there the next day?”

“Of course, provided non one's been tampering with your drawer.”

“Ah, but that's the whole point,” I said. “The laws of arithmetic can tell you what you'll find, with absolute certainty, provided that there's no interference. If a thief has been at the drawer of course you'll get a different result. But the thief won't have broken the laws of math—only the laws of the land. Now, aren't the laws of Nature much in the same boat? Don't they all tell you what will happen provided there's no interference?...The laws will tell you how a billiard ball will travel on a smooth surface if you hit it in a particular way—but only provided no one interferes. If they do, you won't get what the scientist predicted.”

“No, of course not. He can't allow for monkey tricks like that.”

“Quite. And in the same way, if there was anything outside Nature, and if it interfered—then the events which the scientist expected wouldn't follow. That would be what we call a miracle. In one sense it wouldn't break the laws of Nature...But they can't tell you if something is going to interfere. I mean, it is not the expert at math who can tell you how likely someone is to interfere with the pennies in my drawer. A detective, or a psychologist, or a metaphysician would be better.”



Well-known member
On the question of whether the Christian message, from its view of creation to the final judgement, appeals to our need for proof, the answer is a resounding yes.

Maybe the sharpest way to see this is the first miracle Jesus did or "performed" as the text says (as opposed to things that just happened to him as he was born or a child). He was speaking to quite a few people gathered at a large house. Luke 5. In fact, his opposition was there, represented as about as completely as it could be: Pharisees and teachers of the Law from every village in Galilee, Judea and from Jerusalem. A paralyzed man was brought but he had to be lowered after undoing part of the roofing. Instead of the (empirical) healing first, Jesus announced that his sins were forgiven because he saw his faith in action. The opposition objected to him saying so, because it is the domain of God.

So he went to the epistemology of the situation: any fake could say what he just said, right? So Jesus knows the only way to prove himself is to match this with a physically demonstrable event: to heal the man.

The key phrase, the one on which all Christian truth rests is, "so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins..." What I mean is with the hundred people there, we have something that risks undermining the whole ideology and enterprise. If anything had failed here, the whole thing would have been a discarded pile of trash. There would be no further account; the opposition could always go back to this and stop the whole thing.

There appears to be a tone-deafness on the part of our friends here who don't believe creation or the flood. We are 'walking' on the evidence; the more science we have, the more improbably this world is and thus the more indication of infinite design and production powers.

This week, watching LIVING WATERS, I learned that the humpback itself is a matter of 8 complicated systems that could never just happen. The most important being the reproductive system, and it has a temperature moderating system for its testes that seems to have been designed at BMW. The mathematician Sternberg worked out that only 1 shift/mutation in genes could happen in 9 million years, so tough whaling if that testes-cooler is 1 degree off and the sperm dies off. But 8 systems had to work perfectly from whale day 1, you see. All at the same time. And then there's their external environment that had to be just right for them, and all of its factors.

Which is why the scientists who wrote THE PRIVILEGED PLANET are saying that the earth was designed with the privilege of being observable and for observing the glory of God. Which happens to be the Christian inscription over the door at the British lab where Crick and Watson made their key discoveries.


On the question of whether the Christian message, from its view of creation to the final judgement, appeals to our need for proof, the answer is a resounding yes.

Maybe the sharpest way to see this is the first miracle Jesus did or "performed" as the text says (as opposed to things that just happened to him as he was born or a child). He was speaking to quite a few people gathered at a large house. Luke 5. In fact, his opposition was there, represented as about as completely as it could be: Pharisees and teachers of the Law from every village in Galilee, Judea and from Jerusalem. A paralyzed man was brought but he had to be lowered after undoing part of the roofing. Instead of the (empirical) healing first, Jesus announced that his sins were forgiven because he saw his faith in action. The opposition objected to him saying so, because it is the domain of God.

So he went to the epistemology of the situation: any fake could say what he just said, right? So Jesus knows the only way to prove himself is to match this with a physically demonstrable event: to heal the man.

The key phrase, the one on which all Christian truth rests is, "so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority to forgive sins..." What I mean is with the hundred people there, we have something that risks undermining the whole ideology and enterprise. If anything had failed here, the whole thing would have been a discarded pile of trash. There would be no further account; the opposition could always go back to this and stop the whole thing.

There appears to be a tone-deafness on the part of our friends here who don't believe creation or the flood. We are 'walking' on the evidence; the more science we have, the more improbably this world is and thus the more indication of infinite design and production powers.

This week, watching LIVING WATERS, I learned that the humpback itself is a matter of 8 complicated systems that could never just happen. The most important being the reproductive system, and it has a temperature moderating system for its testes that seems to have been designed at BMW. The mathematician Sternberg worked out that only 1 shift/mutation in genes could happen in 9 million years, so tough whaling if that testes-cooler is 1 degree off and the sperm dies off. But 8 systems had to work perfectly from whale day 1, you see. All at the same time. And then there's their external environment that had to be just right for them, and all of its factors.

Which is why the scientists who wrote THE PRIVILEGED PLANET are saying that the earth was designed with the privilege of being observable and for observing the glory of God. Which happens to be the Christian inscription over the door at the British lab where Crick and Watson made their key discoveries.

Dear Interplanner,

Even a hummingbird is a marvelous miracle from God. They are allowed to flap their wings so fast for so long, it is a site to behold. And they have a beak so long, it can handle almost any task. Same with bees' wings and flies, even, but this is a bird, a mammal. And their long beak could easily be used for self defense. Yes, science has shown us that everything is by Divine intervention. If you want to call it intelligent design, go for it.

Much Love, In Christ,



Well-known member
Here's a few resources for those wondering if the Biblical deluge is a cartoon series that didn't end... Some of the topics retroactively have to do with creation because 'the land is set upon the deep (water)' or 'the mountains melted like wax' etc.

Annotated Bibliography

Ager, D. THE NATURE OF THE STRATIGRAPHICAL PROCESS. A peer scientist disputes Lyell's basis for uniformitarianism by evidence about rapid deposition and the Epeiric sea over north America.


Baugh, C. PRE-FLOOD ARTIFACT DEVASTATES UNIFORMITARIANISM. Youtube. A hammer made of sophisticated metal from England in a 'strata' where it does not 'belong.'

Baugh, C. THE WORLD AND MANKIND BEFORE THE FLOOD. Youtube. “Bizz-artifacts” of the ancient world re longevity, giantism.

Boudreaux. NEW THEORY FOR THE PRE-FLOOD CANOPY re sugilite, a trace found all over the earth's surface. Youtube.

Bretz, J H. 1920s. Geologic catastrophism in connection with Lake Missoula.

CENTRALIA THEORY. A newer catastrophic view that the entire central 80% of Australia is a rapid deposit zone as part of a global event.

Clemens, J. Research on granitic magmatism. Geologist Association of London.


Dona, K. ARTIFACTS FROM PRE-FLOOD WORLD & FALLEN ANGELS. Pres. By Habsburg Haus curator. Youtube. “Bizz-artifacts” of the ancient world.

FINDING NOAH. Oct.8.2015 limited screening.

Haynes. MAMMOTHS... Research on the thousands of mammoths in permafrost.

Hovind, K. FLOOD OF NOAH. Youtube. Hundreds of flood legends around the world. Hovind tends to wander off topic.

Hovind, K. THOUSANDS OF DRAGON LEGENDS AROUND THE WORLD. Youtube. Hovind tends to wander off topic.

Howorth, 1887. Early research on mammoths unable to explain the huge numbers found in permafrost.

James-Griffiths, P. TRACING GENESIS THROUGH ANCIENT CULTURE. Youtube. Extensive and well-illustrated comparative legend and literature.

Giem, P. IS PLUTO YOUNG? Youtube.

Guthrie. FROZEN FAUNA... Research on the plant life around the time and place of the huge numbers of frozen mammoths.

Job 9. 'God moves and overturns mountains.'


LIVING WATERS. See nrbtv (Direct 378). This is a rich photoessay against several aspects of Darwinism.

Lyell. Mid-1800s scientist who developed the idea of uniformitarianism 'to free geology from Moses.'

THE MAN WHO FOUND TIME. Re Hutton (mid-1700s) and the first attempts to state that there are vast amounts of time manifesting in the universe.

Mial, A. (research on failures of uniformitariansm) Springer International Publishing.

National Geographic Society. (100 mammoths at Hot Springs, South Dakota).

Nurre, P. EGYPTIAN CHRONOLOGY AND THE BIBLE. Comparing new archeology with Biblical record.

Oard, M. THE LAKE MISSOULA FLOOD. Seattle creation conference 2015.

Oard, M. WHAT HAPPENED TO WOOLLY MAMMOTHS? Seattle creation conference 2015.

Psalm 104. The creation psalm with a few verses on the deluge, if not on Gen 1:2.

Psalm 136. The earth is set on top of water.

Siccar Point, Scotland. This site is contested as a clinching site by both uniformitarians and Biblical creation/deluge believers.

Silvestru, E. GEOLOGY AND DEEP TIME. Youtube. Vertical tectonics, rapid sedimentary deposits by a highly-trained ex-uniformitarian.


Steno, N. Mid-1600s 'father of geology' and his Biblical basis.

Tolmachoff. 1929. Studies on woolly mammoths as anomalies.

Vereshagin. MAMMOTH CEMETERIES. Research on cause of death of thousands of mammoths in permafrost.

Walker, T. (THE GENESIS DELUGE). Seattle creation conference 2015.

Walker, T. MEGA-CATASTROPHE. Seattle creation conference 2015.

Waltke, B. CREATION AND CHAOS. Study of ancient near east legend to show how Gen 1's mission is to declare that the LORD is the redemptive-creator.

Ward. CALL OF THE DISTANT MOUNTAINS. Research on the anomalies of woolly mammoths.


Creation vs Evolution: Is there Evidence for Creation?

The idea that God created the world and life is often thought to have been disproved by evolutionary theory. Is there any scientific evidence for creation?

CREATION VS EVOLUTION- The Universe Had a Beginning

The truth is that the scientific evidence overwhelmingly supports creation. Let me attempt to point out just some of this evidence here. First, the scientific community is now almost unanimous in affirming that the universe had a beginning. This is usually referred to in scientific terms as “The Big Bang Theory.” Of course, this implies that someone or something brought the universe into existence.

CREATION VS EVOLUTION- The Universe Is Fine Tuned

Secondly, the universe bears all the marks of having been “finely tuned” to make life possible. For example, the elementary forces of gravity, electromagnetism, and the atom are precisely what they need to be. The earth’s size, distance from the sun, rotational period, composition, and many other factors are all just right. The chances of there being even one planet where all of these factors converge by accident are very slim indeed.


Thirdly, the evidence is mounting that life on earth simply could not and did not come into existence through natural processes in a primordial “soup.” For example, the experiments to prove that it could have happened are suspect because little progress has been made possible due to the ingenious designs on the part of experimenters.

CREATION VS EVOLUTION- Biological Evidence of Intelligent Design

Fourthly, the genetic code of all biological life on earth contains evidence of intelligent design. This is because the genetic code contains information comparable to the information in complex computer programs as well as information in books.


Fifthly, the fossil record continues to be an embarrassment to the Darwinian theory of evolution. The many transitional forms which Darwin predicted would be found simply have not surfaced. This fact has forced evolutionists to modify Darwin’s Theory, often in absurd ways. In short, it is the theory of naturalistic evolution which is in serious trouble scientifically today, while the Biblical teaching of creation never looked better. On the evidence for creation, that’s the CRI perspective. I’m Hank Hanegraaff.


A list of recommended readings on creation and evolution is available from CRI in our bibliography on Science and the Bible (DC740/$0.25). We recommend Scaling the Secular City by J. P. Moreland (advanced reading) (Baker) (B128/$13), especially chapters 1, 2, and 7 and What is Creation Science? by Henry M. Moris and Gary E. Parker (SB890/$12). These resources are available through CRI. For shipping and handling information, please call CRI or refer to our Resource Listing. To place a credit card order, call toll-free (888) 7000-CRI. To receive a free copy of our Resource Listing, fax us at (704) 887-8299 or write us with your request at P.O. Box 8500, Charlotte, NC 28271.

March 13th, 2009 by Christian Research Institute | Type: Standard
Filed Under: Apologetics, Perspectives
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