Creation vs. Evolution

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New member

Dear TheDuke,

I believe it was because he intentionally blasphemed the Holy Ghost a number of times. On this thread, that is grounds for banning, evidently. I figure you don't understand who the Holy Ghost is, but Jesus said "He who blasphemes the Holy Ghost shall not forgiven, not in this life, nor the life to come." {See Matt. 12:31,32 KJV}.


Well the question is who decides what blasphemy is?

If, for example, one makes the statement that "the holy ghost is as real as Casper" does that count?


New member

Dear Interplanner,

Are you saying that we have proof that biological evolution can't be? In other words, evolution is false? That would be quite a discovery!! Poor fruit fly!! Thanks for your input here. I gave you some good rep pts.

God's Very Best For You!


Hey guys,

Nice try. I wonder if this will be the final nail in the coffin of evolution, just like the countless previous attempts....

1) the argument from detrimental mutations is nothing new, it's known very well that most mutations aren't beneficial - most! Not all! see the point?

2) What influence does the time of reproduction in the lifecycle of an organism have on the rate of mutation, that makes you think it matters?

3) The Speaker Dr. Nelson is not a scientist, but a philosopher. This of course doesn't disqualify him at all, but raises the question - how probable is it, that he will gain insight in a foreign field, where 1000's of highly qualified individuals have failed to do so?


Yes guys, this is precisely where we differ.
For you everything in nature must somehow be devine, whereas for us it just is what it is.

I don't want to start an argument about the existence of deities, however the matter of a constant and permanent devine interaction with nature can be addressed.

So far I was not given a single piece of evidence to support this view that nature cannot do what it does on its own.

Dear TheDuke,

I'm not saying everything in nature is Divine. I say it is nurtured and tended to by a Divine Creator. If it needs a change in biology or chemistry, He does it. That's it. It's like having your own fish tank, or terrarium, or, in God's case, your world. You tend to them, as needed. Some times, they can go without attention for days. But you still have to check on them. God and Jesus have many helpers: angels. There are many indeed. I can't put a number on them, so I won't even try. Good Angels are full of God's Spirit, so they are an extension of Him. They keep their eyes on everything and help as necessary, and when they need help, they let God or Jesus know. God is quite capable of changing a gene or genome, or RNA, DNA, or a proton, neutron, electron or nuclei. He is a Master Chemist and Biologist!! He made man and the animals out of the ground of the Earth. {See Gen. 2:19KJV}. Well, that raps it up for now. Look at the big picture.

Best Wishes,



Col. 1:17 He (Jesus) existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together.

Dear 6days,

Thanks for your proclamation and reassurance. You're 100% right. We know this because we have read some very important words. Some don't know them because they haven't read them yet. They are in the Bible and they speak for themselves. Also, we've found them in songs, poems, fiction, non-fiction, etc. It helps boost that the message is true/real!!

May God Bless You Tons, 6days!!


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9:


Lewis spoke of natural miracles vs supernatural ones. In the natural category was the ongoing preservation by God to which we have become so accustomed that we think of it as a power of nature itself. But just the precision of them alone (see Gonzalez and Richards) are enough to question that.

Supernatural ones are when the natural ones are abridged, quickened, shortened.

He said that modern naturalism attacks both things about the Bible, not just the unpredictable supernatural ones.

This is why the opening minutes of CREATION (BBC) the bio-pic about Darwin are so critical and carefully made. At the beginning of research Darwin was merely fascinated to be able to express the processes more scientifically, but they were God's. Huxley seized on them as refutations of the existence of God because they would and should run the world on their own. Then he made Darwin his emotional hostage until he agreed to publish ORIGINS, even though God was the only hope Darwin had about the loss of his 10 yr old daughter, about which Huxley could care less.

Dear Interplanner,

Very interesting! I'm glad Darwin came around some. I read somewhere that Darwin regretted his theory of evolution and turned to belief in God. I guess that was because of the loss of his daughter, eh? I think Huxley is an awful person. So Darwin did change his ways. Why don't other evolutionists know about these things. They just don't want to admit it, right? Very illuminating!!

Much Love, In Jesus Christ,



Well the question is who decides what blasphemy is?

If, for example, one makes the statement that "the holy ghost is as real as Casper" does that count?

Dear TheDuke,

Yes, it might count! But only God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost would really know. It sounds like something borderline. It is saying, in other words, that the Holy Ghost isn't real, since Casper isn't real, and that's not very good at all!!

Best Wishes,



Hey guys,

Nice try. I wonder if this will be the final nail in the coffin of evolution, just like the countless previous attempts....

1) the argument from detrimental mutations is nothing new, it's known very well that most mutations aren't beneficial - most! Not all! see the point?

2) What influence does the time of reproduction in the lifecycle of an organism have on the rate of mutation, that makes you think it matters?

3) The Speaker Dr. Nelson is not a scientist, but a philosopher. This of course doesn't disqualify him at all, but raises the question - how probable is it, that he will gain insight in a foreign field, where 1000's of highly qualified individuals have failed to do so?

Dear TheDuke,

This one is for Interplanner!!



Well-known member
Hey guys,

Nice try. I wonder if this will be the final nail in the coffin of evolution, just like the countless previous attempts....

1) the argument from detrimental mutations is nothing new, it's known very well that most mutations aren't beneficial - most! Not all! see the point?

2) What influence does the time of reproduction in the lifecycle of an organism have on the rate of mutation, that makes you think it matters?

3) The Speaker Dr. Nelson is not a scientist, but a philosopher. This of course doesn't disqualify him at all, but raises the question - how probable is it, that he will gain insight in a foreign field, where 1000's of highly qualified individuals have failed to do so?

I don't know how you know he is not a biologist; the entire 30 mins was spent with microscopic slides of C. elegantis. In my view, if he was a philosopher, he would have spent far more time on a wide range of evidence of "Murphy's Law"--if things can break down at all, they will. Not just C. e.

It is far more likely that most people in the evolution industry 1, don't do philosophy at all because no one has ever talked them through what it implies for life in a wholistic sense. That stopped when T. Huxley emotionally badgered Darwin. Scientists will run for miles if they can avoid such things.

2, don't ever operate mentally out of the pristine, laboratory confines of a 'closed system of natural cause and effect' or 'naturalistic uniformitarianism.' This is why even Dr. H. Ross (a type of theistic evolutionist) was pretty bad at refuting the question of 'would this item (this stone, galaxy, magnetic field) look like this if it had been there millions of years?' There are many places and things where we can go see things that are known to be about 10K old, yet we are told by doctrinaire scientists that they are millions. But more to the point, the average person can go look and see what's going on.

One early example I remember of this was hearing about the physical appearance and altitude of the peaks of Patagonia. Not only do they not look millions old, they don't look like they were "placed" there (to use a metaphor on the unresolved issue of whether they drifted slowly or were quickly rammed in place in a deluge) at 1/4" per year during those millions. Instead they look like they were rammed there pretty quickly at speeds of about 50 mph.

2A, and then there are programs like NPRs "Nature" last night titled "A World of Misfits." The misfits are maybe clowns of evolution because they shouldn't be there. They all had features that made them slow or easily attacked and killed. Yet here they are still thriving. Among the examples are mudskimmers in Japan, hogmoles in NZ, penguins on the S NZ that live in a tropical forest (the parents leave helpless chicks all day to get food), black footed albatross. All not exactly the survival of the fittest.


Well-known member
A telltale sign of the digital age. As proof that the modern generation does not know its philosophic roots or those of the times we live in, this just happened to me on my iPhone.

I was writing to a friend and needed to use the world 'uniformitarianism.' If you had done basic philosophy 50 years ago in college, you would know that this is the world view of the West since T. Huxley, Dewey, Langdell (Harvard Law) etc. The universe is a 'closed system of natural causes and effects.' All science was done this way to attempt to explode a belief in a Creator.

I made a mistake while typing the word and put 'un formitarianism'. The corrector selected both parts and said 'no replacements found.'

Exactly my point. It will correct me on Obama, on liberalism, on many other things, but it does not know what uniformitarianism is.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
1) the argument from detrimental mutations is nothing new, it's known very well that most mutations aren't beneficial - most! Not all! see the point?
Your beneficial mutations do not help your common decent narrative. See J. B. S. Haldane and his dilemma.

2) What influence does the time of reproduction in the lifecycle of an organism have on the rate of mutation, that makes you think it matters?
Because of substitution costs. Again, J. B. S. Haldane and his dilemma.

Actually, the fact that you didn't know this is an indictment against your ability to be qualified to speak on the topic.

3) The Speaker Dr. Nelson is not a scientist, but a philosopher. This of course doesn't disqualify him at all, but raises the question - how probable is it, that he will gain insight in a foreign field, where 1000's of highly qualified individuals have failed to do so?
Yes, you have consensus on your side; but not science.

Jose Fly

New member
The Speaker Dr. Nelson is not a scientist, but a philosopher. This of course doesn't disqualify him at all, but raises the question - how probable is it, that he will gain insight in a foreign field, where 1000's of highly qualified individuals have failed to do so?

Given that he presented his arguments at an obscure creationist conference, rather than taking the time to write it up and send it to a prominent scientific journal, I'd say his chances of having any impact at all on science is about the same as it has been for creationism over the last


Hey guys,

Nice try. I wonder if this will be the final nail in the coffin of evolution, just like the countless previous attempts....

1) the argument from detrimental mutations is nothing new, it's known very well that most mutations aren't beneficial - most! Not all! see the point?

2) What influence does the time of reproduction in the lifecycle of an organism have on the rate of mutation, that makes you think it matters?

3) The Speaker Dr. Nelson is not a scientist, but a philosopher. This of course doesn't disqualify him at all, but raises the question - how probable is it, that he will gain insight in a foreign field, where 1000's of highly qualified individuals have failed to do so?

Dear TheDuke,

This is once again for Interplanner,

God Bless Your Heart And Soul,



I don't know how you know he is not a biologist; the entire 30 mins was spent with microscopic slides of C. elegantis. In my view, if he was a philosopher, he would have spent far more time on a wide range of evidence of "Murphy's Law"--if things can break down at all, they will. Not just C. e.

It is far more likely that most people in the evolution industry 1, don't do philosophy at all because no one has ever talked them through what it implies for life in a wholistic sense. That stopped when T. Huxley emotionally badgered Darwin. Scientists will run for miles if they can avoid such things.

2, don't ever operate mentally out of the pristine, laboratory confines of a 'closed system of natural cause and effect' or 'naturalistic uniformitarianism.' This is why even Dr. H. Ross (a type of theistic evolutionist) was pretty bad at refuting the question of 'would this item (this stone, galaxy, magnetic field) look like this if it had been there millions of years?' There are many places and things where we can go see things that are known to be about 10K old, yet we are told by doctrinaire scientists that they are millions. But more to the point, the average person can go look and see what's going on.

One early example I remember of this was hearing about the physical appearance and altitude of the peaks of Patagonia. Not only do they not look millions old, they don't look like they were "placed" there (to use a metaphor on the unresolved issue of whether they drifted slowly or were quickly rammed in place in a deluge) at 1/4" per year during those millions. Instead they look like they were rammed there pretty quickly at speeds of about 50 mph.

2A, and then there are programs like NPRs "Nature" last night titled "A World of Misfits." The misfits are maybe clowns of evolution because they shouldn't be there. They all had features that made them slow or easily attacked and killed. Yet here they are still thriving. Among the examples are mudskimmers in Japan, hogmoles in NZ, penguins on the S NZ that live in a tropical forest (the parents leave helpless chicks all day to get food), black footed albatross. All not exactly the survival of the fittest.

Dear Interplanner,

I know. We are shown something 6,000 years old and told that it is 2 million years old, and neither side can prove otherwise, so it goes on as if it is true. Same thing with the age of the Universe and Earth, and man/woman. It's all ridiculous. God has had 7,000 years to expand the Universe, so for Him, that is plenty of time. Much more than He'd need. He made heaven and the host of heaven, and Earth all within six days. Not a million years {365 million days instead of 6 days}. If it were a million, the Bible would say a million. Would the Bible then lie?

Thanks for your staunch support, IP!!

May God Rock You In His Arms,


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :guitar: :singer:
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A telltale sign of the digital age. As proof that the modern generation does not know its philosophic roots or those of the times we live in, this just happened to me on my iPhone.

I was writing to a friend and needed to use the world 'uniformitarianism.' If you had done basic philosophy 50 years ago in college, you would know that this is the world view of the West since T. Huxley, Dewey, Langdell (Harvard Law) etc. The universe is a 'closed system of natural causes and effects.' All science was done this way to attempt to explode a belief in a Creator.

I made a mistake while typing the word and put 'un formitarianism'. The corrector selected both parts and said 'no replacements found.'

Exactly my point. It will correct me on Obama, on liberalism, on many other things, but it does not know what uniformitarianism is.

Dear Interplanner,

I wonder what would have happened if you spoke it into your computer? It sounds like some Mussolini gov't. or something like nurses' aides' required apparel!!



Hey DavisBJ, Hedshaker, gcthomas, alwight, and 6days!!!

Good Morning Y'all!! Hope it's one of your best!! I just woke up. I fell asleep on the sofa instead of bed. So what have you all have planned for the day? I suppose your day is almost over for some of you. Hedshaker, is it midnight there? gcthomas, don't be a stranger!! DavisBJ, haven't heard from you for awhile. That's regrettable. Alwight and 6days, my two favorite people on the TOL website. I'll be getting back to all of you today, I hope!! gcthomas, post here and tell me what's new! Every one let me hear about how you are doing. I'm not a fly on your wall so I have no idea what's up! Well, will close for now. We've been friends for a long, long time.

Warmest Wishes!!


patrick jane

Hey DavisBJ, Hedshaker, gcthomas, alwight, and 6days!!!

Good Morning Y'all!! Hope it's one of your best!! I just woke up. I fell asleep on the sofa instead of bed. So what have you all have planned for the day? I suppose your day is almost over for some of you. Hedshaker, is it midnight there? gcthomas, don't be a stranger!! DavisBJ, haven't heard from you for awhile. That's regrettable. Alwight and 6days, my two favorite people on the TOL website. I'll be getting back to all of you today, I hope!! gcthomas, post here and tell me what's new! Every one let me hear about how you are doing. I'm not a fly on your wall so I have no idea what's up! Well, will close for now. We've been friends for a long, long time.

Warmest Wishes!!


i'm ok Michael, thanks for asking -




Where are YOU??!! Really miss you!! I woke up early accidentally!! We're discovering that evolution is debunked!! Finally!!! Evolution is a joke. God made everything and tends to it all, as needed, even now, of course. If a genome or RNA needs changing, He does it. That's what a Good Chemist/ Biologist does.

Love Ya!!

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i'm ok Michael, thanks for asking -

Dear patrick jane,

What the heck you doing up so early?! Of course, Good Morning To You!! I had to shout out to some of my friends because they are on this morning and I want them to visit me so I can hear what they've been up to.

Patrick, did TOL take away all of your stars?? I don't need to get more good rep pts., but I'm still going to be more conscientious. and rep my friends. I will give you some more good rep., Patrick, and it won't be so bad because I have a lot of rep to pull from. Patrick, is it true that the rep you give others is subtracted from your own rep power?? I will be repping you all day today, when I am on this website. I have this feeling I'm going to get a long nap today. Heeeeheee!!

Well, you remain in sync! God Bless You Forever!!


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :guitar:

P.S. I'm going to go away for a bit and post some.

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