Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear patrick,

It's not THAT hard to read. I give people more credit than that. Just takes a little doing. It beats the same old font all of the time. You want a different color to help you read it. …

A standard font in normal size and black color is best, Michael.

A couple months ago I, along with several others, expressed our feelings that we preferred to focus on the ideas being expressed, and that wild colors and fonts are a distraction. A couple times after that you mentioned that you had previous jobs where you had to use various fonts and colors and sizes, and that you enjoyed doing it and were going to keep indulging yourself.

None of us can take away the graphics you are so enamored with, but at least be aware that indeed you are indulging your childish whims.


New member
6days wants to pretend like there is no evidence trail leading to an answer, and instead decided that, to paraphrase, "God wanted to give us goosebumps because he thought they were cool, and he gave them to every other mammal because they have a function." See the disconnect there?
Actually... what was said.....
"Your assumptions in that statement are all based on your belief system... not science. Evolutionists have made similar arguments in the past about many organs they thought had become useless due to common ancestry. Science later proved them wrong.
Likewise with goosebumps.... there are other possible answers than just dismissing something as vestigial because you don't understand it. Also, it possible we have features that God designed into us which have lost function due to mutations and genetic burden.

BTW.... goosebumps quite likely are a heightened emotional response.... nothing at all to do with hairy ancestors."


Actually... what was said.....
"Your assumptions in that statement are all based on your belief system... not science. Evolutionists have made similar arguments in the past about many organs they thought had become useless due to common ancestry. Science later proved them wrong.
Likewise with goosebumps.... there are other possible answers than just dismissing something as vestigial because you don't understand it. Also, it possible we have features that God designed into us which have lost function due to mutations and genetic burden.

BTW.... goosebumps quite likely are a heightened emotional response.... nothing at all to do with hairy ancestors."

The boldened portion is what I paraphrased from. I don't believe that you believe that you're right


So in your opinion how do i correct "the problem" you allege i have. I understand how evolution is an explanation for biodiversity. I think that even a person who does not accept evolution should at least understand it, dont you think?

Dear noguru,

You ask, I'll tell you. Bypass that thought called evolution out of your life for a bit. Let it be replaced with creation, the story that was told us by Moses in Genesis. God did not give it to anyone to write the story of Genesis to just some amateur. He knew it would be scrutinized. Whether Moses wrote them or another, they are true and have lasted for 2,000 years. They are full of power and conviction. Don't settle for some layman named Darwin to darken your doorstep. What makes Darwin think he is more than Moses? Our Bible is not faulty. It has eclipsed and surpassed anything besides it. The Qur'an doesn't hold a candle to the Bible. Neither does ANY book. The Bible is No. 1!! You've got one foot into evolution and the other foot in Creation, and your foot is barely in Creation compared to your foot in evolution. OK, I will let this sink in for a while. If you want anything else, just PM me.

Much Love Always, In Jesus Christ,



Dear 6days,

Excellent post!! I believe some nerves are anchored to the coccyx also? It must be hard to defend some little bones in the human spine. They are there for a reason though and our tailbone has to end some way. Right? Kudos, 6days!!



Well-known member
Dear noguru,

You ask, I'll tell you. Bypass that thought called evolution out of your life for a bit. Let it be replaced with creation, the story that was told us by Moses in Genesis. God did not give it to anyone to write the story of Genesis to just some amateur. He knew it would be scrutinized. Whether Moses wrote them or another, they are true and have lasted for 2,000 years. They are full of power and conviction. Don't settle for some layman named Darwin to darken your doorstep. What makes Darwin think he is more than Moses? Our Bible is not faulty. It has eclipsed and surpassed anything besides it. The Qur'an doesn't hold a candle to the Bible. Neither does ANY book. The Bible is No. 1!! You've got one foot into evolution and the other foot in Creation, and your foot is barely in Creation compared to your foot in evolution. OK, I will let this sink in for a while. If you want anything else, just PM me.

Much Love Always, In Jesus Christ,


Michael the Bible is obvious not a scientific text on biodiversity. There is no claim in the Bible that it was meant to be. That is something humans added to the text. I look at evidence when it comes to science. Just like any reasonable person would. I have my feet exactly where they should be, in reality.


Michael, thanks for the update on your personal medication regimen. However, as it relates to the vestigial organ question, your post offers no relevant information.

A whole lot of people, like you, may feel gratitude for that small job that appendix God gave you does. But for me, and more than 300,000 new cases each year, that God-given appendix turned out to be a life-threatening malfunctioning piece of garbage, and had to be removed. The appendix gives you a small benefit, yet like so many of us, if you had it removed your life would be almost unchanged. For me it was something that I would have been much better off never having had.

Dear DavisBJ,

I'm really sorry that you had to have an appendectomy. I keep wondering when mine is going to go. It's not something I would like, and it could be fatal. I have always been careful of pains in the right abdomen and elsewhere {left abdomen, etc.}. I hope you did not experience much pain from it. Eeeeeekkk!!

I take a probiotic that kills the bacteria that causes me to crave sweets and sugar. I need it badly. I'm taking in too much sugar. But so far, my diabetes isn't flaring back up {Type II diabetes}. I don't think I would inject myself with insulin. I think that I would die first. I do hope your problem is solved with the removal of your appendix, and that the other organs in your body do fine.

Much Love, In Christ,


:cheers: :guitar: :guitar: :singer: :thumb: :angel:


New member
Dear alwight,

But what he proposed isn't true and it is preposterous. Darwin is a joke! Please don't be mad at me, Al!!

If it really is as preposterous as you say Michael then you should have no problem in highlighting its errors, falsifying and winning a Nobel prize? :plain:


Michael the Bible is obvious not a scientific text on biodiversity. There is no claim in the Bible that it was meant to be. That is something humans added to the text. I look at evidence when it comes to science. Just like any reasonable person would. I have my feet exactly where they should be, in reality.

Dear noguru,

Do what you want to do, for it is your choice. While your feet are in reality, you might miss the boat in spirituality. Go, do what you want.



If it really is as preposterous as you say Michael then you should have no problem in highlighting its errors, falsifying and winning a Nobel prize? :plain:

Dear alwight,

Really! I should make a go of it, eh? Darwin is just a man with wrong thoughts. He is a mere man, not at all a God. Or even God's Son Jesus. I am not impressed with him.

Warmest Regards,


:guitar: :guitar: :singer: :singer: :angel: :cloud9:


New member
Dear alwight,

Really! I should make a go of it, eh? Darwin is just a man with wrong thoughts. He is a mere man, not at all a God. Or even God's Son Jesus. I am not impressed with him.

Warmest Regards,


:guitar: :guitar: :singer: :singer: :angel: :cloud9:
However I think that the Nobel committee will probably require somewhat more than your belief and impression of Darwin himself Michael.
You might want to start with providing evidence showing a young Earth and a global flood, that would really cut to the chase and rule out Darwinian evolution at a stroke, without having to delve into all that nasty technical stuff like speciation, common descent, fossil record and genetics.:eek:


Well-known member
Dear noguru,

Do what you want to do, for it is your choice. While your feet are in reality, you might miss the boat in spirituality. Go, do what you want.


Well thank you for the permission Michael. Also i think you should note that i have more confidence in my spirituality than yours. I do not see spirituality as a contradiction of reality. My spirituality enhances my real experiences. I do not use spirituality to hide from reality.

Cross Reference

New member
Well thank you for the permission Michael. Also i think you should note that i have more confidence in my spirituality than yours. I do not see spirituality as a contradiction of reality. My spirituality enhances my real experiences. I do not use spirituality to hide from reality.

Is Jesus Christ real to you? In what way?


Well-known member
However I think that the Nobel committee will probably require somewhat more than your belief and impression of Darwin himself Michael.
You might want to start with providing evidence showing a young Earth and a global flood, that would really cut to the chase and rule out Darwinian evolution at a stroke, without having to delve into all that nasty technical stuff like speciation, common descent, fossil record and genetics.:eek:

What do you think was the point of referring to 'formless and void' in Gen 1 and how this is similar to 2 Pet 3?


Well-known member
Ah, yes, master. That sounds nice. I take it you also believe He was the great teacher, believe what He said about Himself and you are being obedient to what He expects of you. That's great!

So i take it you dont think he was a great teacher?

Again you are inaccurate about most of that. Obedience is not a requirement. Trying for understanding is. But since i am human i err, and can never have absolute understanding. This is why investigation and quiet calm contemplation is neccessary.

But i can assure you of one thing. The opinion of someone like you, who demonstrates a disdain for understanding things accurately, does not matter to me in the least.

Cross Reference

New member
So i take it you dont think he was a great teacher?
I thought that was my question to you. Why don't you answer it?

Again you are inaccurate about most of that. Obedience is not a requirement. Trying for understanding is. But since i am human i err, and can never have absolute understanding. This is why investigation and quiet calm contemplation is neccessary.

But I thought you said you listen to every word He says?? And you don't obey what He says?? How do you reconcile that with yourself??

You don't really mean to call Him your master, do you? I mean, He really isn't your master, right?

Jose Fly

New member
If it really is as preposterous as you say Michael then you should have no problem in highlighting its errors, falsifying and winning a Nobel prize? :plain:

Funny how that works, isn't it? All these extra-confident creationists at ToL who are so sure that it's trivially easy to overturn the operational framework of all the life sciences....

....yet not a single one of them can be bothered to actually write up a manuscript and send it in to a journal. It's a mystery I tell ya. :rolleyes:


New member
What do you think was the point of referring to 'formless and void' in Gen 1 and how this is similar to 2 Pet 3?
If this is a test then I fail, can you be more specific?

Doulas Adams wrote about the "Big Bang Burger Bar" (Creation of the universe: Genesis?) and "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe" (1 Peter 3?). :)
I would suggest that both Moses and Paul had rather less understanding of factual reality than Douglas Adams.
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