Creation vs. Evolution

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It's pretty obvious from your before and after statements.

OK. ... good. But why do you think this 'feature' is vestigial?

In other mammals, the arrector pili serve the purpose of fluffing hair up in order to increase body warmth. We no longer even have the hair necessary to make these pili useful


Really good comments! .. mostly :)

But.... you have things backwards slightly. It was Barbarian trying to move goal posts who brought the word 'useless' into this particular conversation.*

6days: "We have knowledge of mutation rates, genetic drift, sexual selection, adaptation, so called "junk DNA, so called 'vestigial organs, 'Psuedogenes' and more.
And then we have BELIEFS about our common Designer... or common ancestor."
Barbarian: "of course, there are many, many vestigial organs, such as the appendix. Please don't bother showing us the creationist misconception that "vestigial" means "useless.

Dear 6days,

No, vestigial does not mean useless. You are right. The appendix has a reason and so does the coccyx. God gave us everything we need to live well with. Sometimes, I hurt in my appendix area, but it passes. I'm so bummed if I have to get mine taken out, like two of my sisters. So far, I've been blessed and lucky.

Well, I'm doing my best getting through all of these posts. I love hearing from you, buddy!! Every post from you is a treat!!

Much Love Coming Your Way!!


The Barbarian

OK. ... good. But why do you think this 'feature' is vestigial?

The little muscle that erects hairs has two functions in mammals with substantial hair. First, it fluffs up the hair to make it a more effective insulator when the animal is cold. Second, if the animal feels threatened, it makes the animal look larger and therefore more formidable to an enemy.

Chimps for example, show both of these, and they have enough hair to make it useful. We don't. But our hair still stands up if we are cold or if we feel threatened.



Some time ago...I think it was you who mentioned Bible discrepancies. *I asked you to pick the best example...just one that you thought was the real deal. If it was you... you refused and listed several.*

Now... same thing again... I challenged you with "But, since you think there are countless vestigial parts....list the one you think is most and let's discuss it."

Afraid to list your best example? You think you need backups incase your #1 example fails?*

BTW... you arw welcome for the science class today learning about the coccyx and appendix.

Dear 6days,

My favorite, of course, is my appendix. What about diverticuli? They grow, but are not necessary. People can die from them growing too much!! My girlfriend, Salli, her father died from them. You see, I did have a number of girlfriends in my life, but we never had sex. I did not want to have sex unless we were married. And I could never afford a diamond ring in order to get married. Life has been an adventure!! I'm still a virgin with women. May God Always Be With You, Buddy!!

Much Love, Of Course, In Jesus Christ!!



The fact that you think you corrected me is amusing, but I digress

Fine. If you want one example here it is: arrector pili (the things that cause goosebumps)

Beat me

Dear Kdall,

I HATE getting goosebumps. I'd rather get the Holy Ghost!! You can get them being scared, or well-pleased, etc. Yes, seems to serve no purpose except to be taken aback. A totally unnecessary experience. That's the best example! Good Call!!



New member
In other mammals, the arrector pili serve the purpose of fluffing hair up in order to increase body warmth. We no longer even have the hair necessary to make these pili useful
Your assumptions in that statement are all based on your belief system... not science. Evolutionists have made similar arguments in the past about many organs they thought had become useless due to common ancestry. Science later proved them wrong.
Likewise with goosebumps.... there are other possible Answers than just dismissing something as vestigial because you don't understand it. Also, it possible we have features that God designed into us which have lost function due to mutations and genetic burden.

BTW.... goosebumps quite likely are a heightened emotional response.... nothing at all to do with hairy ancestors.


Your assumptions in that statement are all based on your belief system... not science. Evolutionists have made similar arguments in the past about many organs they thought had become useless due to common ancestry. Science later proved them wrong.
Likewise with goosebumps.... there are other possible Answers than just dismissing something as vestigial because you don't understand it. Also, it possible we have features that God designed into us which have lost function due to mutations and genetic burden.

BTW.... goosebumps quite likely are a heightened emotional response.... nothing at all to do with hairy ancestors.

Translation: "Oh no.....I'm clearly wrong......deflect, deny, dodge, and repeat."


New member
ISo let me ask you directly, is it possible for an organ to perform a useful function, and yet be vestigial?
It's possible for us to have a useless organ that has nothing to do with common ancestry beliefs. Our bodies have the accumulated effect of thousands of years of mutations. We are not as fit as God's original design.


New member
It's possible for us to have a useless organ that has nothing to do with common ancestry beliefs. Our bodies have the accumulated effect of thousands of years of mutations. We are not as fit as God's original design.
Except of course, people live longer than 100 years ago, 500 years ago, 1000 years ago, 3000 years ago, 15,000 years ago.


OK. ... good. But why do you think this 'feature' is vestigial?
In other mammals, the arrector pili serve the purpose of fluffing hair up in order to increase body warmth. We no longer even have the hair necessary to make these pili useful
Your assumptions in that statement are all based on your belief system... not science. Evolutionists have made similar arguments in the past about many organs they thought had become useless due to common ancestry. Science later proved them wrong.
Likewise with goosebumps.... there are other possible Answers than just dismissing something as vestigial because you don't understand it. Also, it possible we have features that God designed into us which have lost function due to mutations and genetic burden.

BTW.... goosebumps quite likely are a heightened emotional response.... nothing at all to do with hairy ancestors.

Translation: "Oh no.....I'm clearly wrong......deflect, deny, dodge, and repeat."

My comment was last on the previous page. I want to make sure everyone saw your ridiculous comeback


True... Good post.

Dear 6days,

That IMJerusha!! She's pretty keen, eh? She can hold her own and is just a treasure to me. She's my good friend, you know. I'm so glad she came here and posted. Awesome, is all I can say!!

Much Love, 6days!!



New member
My comment was last on the previous page. I want to make sure everyone saw your ridiculous comeback

You didn't like the fact I pointed out that goosebumps may be a design feature?
You didn't like me pointing out goosebumps in humans have nothing to do with hairy ancestors?
You didn't like that your assumptions are based in beliefs... not science?


My comment was last on the previous page. I want to make sure everyone saw your ridiculous comeback

Dear Kdall,

I don't think 6days comeback is ridiculous whatsoever. It makes sense to me. Goosebumps are completely unnecessary, but did perhaps be an asset to those ancestors of ours. Maybe a sensation of fear, or danger being near, or watching something awesome.

Bless You For Being There, Kdall,



Dear Kdall,

I don't think 6days comeback is ridiculous whatsoever. It makes sense to me. Goosebumps are completely unnecessary, but did perhaps be an asset to those ancestors of ours. Maybe a sensation of fear, or danger being near, or watching something awesome.

Bless You For Being There, Kdall,


The reason it is ridiculous is that in other mammals it has a very clear function. We know exactly what they are for, yet 6days wants to pretend like there is no evidence trail leading to an answer, and instead decided that, to paraphrase, "God wanted to give us goosebumps because he thought they were cool, and he gave them to every other mammal because they have a function." See the disconnect there?


Except of course, people live longer than 100 years ago, 500 years ago, 1000 years ago, 3000 years ago, 15,000 years ago.

Dear seehigh,

You hit the nail on the head. People used to live like almost 1,000 years. Can you imagine that?? And they stayed healthy for an extremely long time. No doctors?? God was with them then, whereas He decided not to help men live that long, so He capped it on to 120 years max for man. Of course, that just means around 120, give or take a year or so. Good post, seehigh. I'm proud of you to bring this up!!

Much Love, In Christ,



The reason it is ridiculous is that in other mammals it has a very clear function. We know exactly what they are for, yet 6days wants to pretend like there is no evidence trail leading to an answer, and instead decided that, to paraphrase, "God wanted to give us goosebumps because he thought they were cool, and he gave them to every other mammal because they have a function." See the disconnect there?

Dear Kdall,

So it was animal's sense of danger that it happened? I'm just guessing. I did not read 6days response yet. I'm not going in order here right now. That's because I am a number of pages behind. A backlog, if you will. Keep up the good work, Kdall. It is nice to see you here. I'm proud of you!!

P.S. I've got to run for a bit and get some dinner. In a bit!!

God Watch Over You And Your Loved Ones,



New member
If there is life on other planets... Christ died for them!

By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
Let’s see how this plays out. A prophet of God on a faraway world, explaining Christ to the inhabitants:

“Dear faithful, Christ, on faraway earth, died for us all. Of course we are not going to get any of the specifics of His life, where He went, how He died, etc, for another 600 million years, when the first signals from Earth finally reach us. But rejoice, because those worlds that are another 12 billion light-years past us won’t be privy to the specifics until another 100 million generations of their people have lived and died.

The silly people on earth think Christ died for them. What they failed to understand is that only one cell on His left earlobe was assigned to absorb the evils of earth, the other billions of cells are assigned to atone for our brethren that are in the billions of others galaxies.”​
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