Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
I agree completely, up to that bit, and I join you in your Ha!

Where we differ is that I believe evidence can decide arguments, but you deny yourself that tool.

All you really have is superstition and hearsay.

It is nice to have you back here again! :)


Well-known member
Many times 6days has been corrected on his misrepresentation of what astrophysicists/cosmologists actually claim the evidence indicates. But, in line with his character, he continues to propagate the deception ignoring the correction. Yet some here think he can be trusted simply because he slaps the label "Christian" on his beliefs.


Well-known member
That is kind of funny coming from someone who believes a Microbe can become a microbiologist

Microbiologists are made up of many microbes. But you are too much of an idiot to acknowledge reality.

I suspect 6days is nearing the end of his onslaught of one line inaccurate claims about natural explanations.

The Barbarian

(Barbarian, regarding the claim that most people believe in creationism)
Notice that 50% of Americans say that evolution is a fact. And only a minority of 42% deny it.

Ohhhhhh.... Ok..... so it must be true, when 50% believe it! Ha

You're a little confused. I was just educating someone about his mistaken belief that most people are creationists. In fact, they are a minority even in this country, where Seventh-Day Adventism was invented.

Evolutionists like to go with the flow... same direction dead fish are going.

Sounds like someone's a little cranky, today.

Btw.... if you ask the question the correct way, you could get 100%.

I don't think that excuse is going to help. Let's look at some more polls....


But no matter how you ask the question.... no matter what majority opinion is...God says " For in six days, the Lord created the heaven and the earth"

Your problem is you won't accept what God meant by "days." Once you set aside your pride and accept it His way, all your difficulties end.

Worth a try.

The Barbarian

6days writes:
That is kind of funny coming from someone who believes that life can come from non life

You're talking about God:
Genesis 1:24 And God said: Let the earth bring forth the living creature in its kind, cattle and creeping things, and beasts of the earth, according to their kinds. And it was so done.

Of course, creationists deny His word on this. Which is a shame. It really doesn't matter if He chose to do it that way. So many of you are so eager to establish your new religion, that you toss God out with the other parts you don't like.


New member
(Barbarian, regarding the claim that most people believe in creationism)
Notice that 50% of Americans say that evolution is a fact. And only a minority of 42% deny it.

You're a little confused. I was just educating someone about his mistaken belief that most people are creationists. In fact, they are a minority even in this country, where Seventh-Day Adventism was invented.

Sounds like someone's a little cranky, today.

I don't think that excuse is going to help. Let's look at some more polls....


Your problem is you won't accept what God meant by "days." Once you set aside your pride and accept it His way, all your difficulties end.

Worth a try.

He accepts what a day means, pride doesn't enter into it.

Genesis 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.



New member
Barbarian said:
Your problem is you won't accept what God meant by "days."

So God said He created in six days... but He didn't mean it?
The questions were. ....

Would you be offended if God created man from the dust on the 6th day?

Would you be offended if God created woman from man's rib?

Would you be offended if God created light before He created the sun?

Would you be offended if God created birds and whales before He created land animals?

Would you be offended if God covered the highest mountains in Noah's day under 15 cubits of water?

It seems you are offended because you continually use the same argument that Satan used in Eden....'Did God really say that?'


Well-known member
So God said He created in six days... but He didn't mean it?

God was setting up a way for humans to acknowledge his creative power through meditation on a Sabbath. He was not describing science. That much is very clear.

Would you be offended if God created man from the dust on the 6th day?

No. Would you be offended if your were wrong and it is figurative speech?

Would you be offended if God created woman from man's rib?

No. Would you be offended if your errors were made clear to you?

Would you be offended if God created light before He created the sun?

No. Would you be offended by reality as we know it?


New member
Barbarian said:
6days said:
That is kind of funny coming from someone who believes that life can come from non life

You're talking about God:
Genesis 1:24*And God said: Let the earth bring forth the living creature in its kind, cattle and creeping things, and beasts of the earth, according to their kinds. And it was so done.*

Of course, creationists deny His word on this. Which is a shame. It really doesn't matter if He chose to do it that way. So many of you are so eager to establish your new religion, that you toss God out with the other parts you don't like.

Are you attempting to say that scripture tells us that life comes from non life?

Shame on you! There is no life in "earth". Life came from our Creator... "And God said..."

"In the sight of God, who gives life to everything...." 1 Tim. 6:13


Well-known member
Not at all. Atheists believe life came from non life.

Life comes from non life right now as we post. Inanimate chemicals are the building blocks of life. We all know this to be so. Perhaps that confuses you, but not all of us are confused by reality.


Well-known member
It is the common argument of evolutionists.

But... like my Momma taught me, "If everyone else jumps off a cliff, why should you?"

Right, and that is exactly why you come to websites like this. So that you can find others who agree with your specific world view. It is common for humans to find like minded individuals. But what is uncommon for people like you, is to actually understand that which you oppose.


New member
Life comes from non life right now as we post. Inanimate chemicals are the building blocks of life. We all know this to be so. Perhaps that confuses you, but not all of us are confused by reality.

Life doesn't come from non life.

Let God be true and every man a liar Romans 3:4

Acts 17:24 God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;

25 Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;



New member
Life comes from non life right now as we post. Inanimate chemicals are the building blocks of life. We all know this to be so. Perhaps that confuses you, but not all of us are confused by reality.

You're joking right? Inanimate chemicals come to life? Has this ever been observed?

Frosty the Snowman isn't a documentary. Things don't just come to life. It is egregious that you would say we know nonliving chemicals can come to life. This has never been observed and manes no sense
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