Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
Those goalposts are hard to move?
Baal worship involved trying g to explain nature without invoking the Creator God of the Bible...much like evolutionism of today..
Where in the name of what ever imaginary magical sky king you call holy do you get this misinformation from?

Those that worshiped Baal were not worshipping him as the god of nature. Get your facts right.


New member
Baal worship involved trying g to explain nature without invoking the Creator God of the Bible...much like evolutionism of today..
If I try to understand why thunder follows lighting, if I try to understand weather patterns, if I try to understand why a particular landslide occurred, if I try to understand planetary orbits, etc. etc. – in every case I am trying to explain nature, and I do it without running to the Bible. This attempt to show that the study of evolution is similar to the worship of some heathen God simply by virtue of the study not including one particular God is a pretty pathetic line of reasoning. You can do better than this, 6days. I would be embarrassed if I were you.


New member
If I try to understand why thunder follows lighting, if I try to understand weather patterns, if I try to understand why a particular landslide occurred, if I try to understand planetary orbits, etc. etc. – in every case I am trying to explain nature, and I do it without running to the Bible. This attempt to show that the study of evolution is similar to the worship of some heathen God simply by virtue of the study not including one particular God is a pretty pathetic line of reasoning. You can do better than this, 6days. I would be embarrassed if I were you.

Why should he feel embarrassed evolution is an ancient pagan Greek idea, and it all stems from Babylon.



New member


Check This Out Too!!!

early humanity

Archaeologists discover giant prehistoric monolith at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea
11:34 a.m. ET

Sean Gallup/Getty Images

At the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, archaeologists uncovered a 10,000-year-old man-made monolith that they believe is evidence of a prehistoric civilization. The rock monument's colossal size (12 meters, or about 39 feet in height) suggests that quite a few people would have been needed to move it — something that would have been difficult if, as previously suspected, the inhabitants had been hunter-gatherers living relatively solitary lifestyles.

The find, which is actually the second of its type, has led archaeologists to suspect that civilization may have "already been shifting towards our modern way of life" earlier than previously thought, according to Evoanth. Together, the two monoliths (the other one was found in the Middle East) suggest that different groups in different parts of the world were beginning to develop a modern way of life simultaneously.

"What was it that was driving so many people, so far apart in the same direction?" asks Evoanth. We can't be sure, but it seems the scientists are one step closer to finding out. Becca Stanek

It's probably the Tower of Babel!!



I could care less what ancient cultures had ideas similar to evolution. That changes not one iota of the things that evolution explains. Is that the way you decide if you like or despise a concept – by what cultures had similar ideas before?

Dear everready,

It sounds pretty understandable to me. I'll have to check into it more!! Cool Dude! I've got to get off the puter for a while, like 2 and 1/2 hours or so. My computer crashed yesterday evening and we finally got it back up at about 5 p.m. today. Then I had errands after that. What a day!!

God Bless Your Heart!!


:angrymob: :wave2: :yawn: :angel: :cloud9:


Well-known member
Nature and fertility.


This is why reasonable people just laugh at people like you and 6days. Understanding something does not automatically translate into "worshiping" that/those things, or ancient/iconic representations of that/those things. Following the logic of your claim, one could say that proctology is a worship of people like you and 6days.
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I could care less what ancient cultures had ideas similar to evolution. That changes not one iota of the things that evolution explains. Is that the way you decide if you like or despise a concept – by what cultures had similar ideas before?

Dear DavisBJ,

We finally have seen the roots of the theory of evolution. I knew it was trash, but now I know for sure. So you want to be involved with ancient mythology and pagan beliefs, instead of believing the One True God? Your days are numbered it looks like. Your whole premise of believing in evolution is mindless nonsense, and you won't accept it or realize it. You're just Ancient Greek Darwin Pagan all the way around. The show is over. The gig is up. You've been pouring your hearts into stupid dogma. Don't take too long to change the path your life is taking you. This is the best time for you to jump on the Belief in God bandwagon before it's too late. I'm very serious here. Your religion/evolution has just gone up in smoke. It is spent! Darwin sure screwed up a lot of people's thinking, and their hearts also.

Love Is Reaching It's Hand Out To You! Take It Quickly,


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :thumb:
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I could care less what ancient cultures had ideas similar to evolution. That changes not one iota of the things that evolution explains. Is that the way you decide if you like or despise a concept – by what cultures had similar ideas before?

Well, if you will, considering that you've seen the things you've seen about evolution being a pagan greek belief system, then I feel sorry you. It's so much easier to save face than admit that you were wrong about it, and get IT OUT of your lifes, before it can do more harm. If this doesn't wake you up, you're not too smart, to say the least.


:wave2: :thumb: :wave: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:


New member
Dear DavisBJ,

We finally have seen the roots of the theory of evolution. I knew it was trash, but now I know for sure. So you want to be involved with ancient mythology and pagan beliefs, instead of believing the One True God? Your days are numbered it looks like. Your whole premise of believing in evolution is mindless nonsense, and you won't accept it or realize it. You're just Ancient Greek Darwin Pagan all the way around. The show is over. The gig is up. You've been pouring your hearts into stupid dogma. Don't take too long to change the path your life is taking you. This is the best time for you to jump on the Belief in God bandwagon before it's too late. I'm very serious here. Your religion/evolution has just gone up in smoke. It is spent! Darwin sure screwed up a lot of people's thinking, and their hearts also.

Love Is Reaching It's Hand Out To You! Take It Quickly,

Well, my flip-flopping, God says be OEC, then God says be YEC, pray and get an answer then turn against that answer, pray again and get opposite answer, then doubt that answer friend, I said I would give you a respite. With your generalized ranting above, are you inviting me to re-engage in discussions with you now?


Why should he feel embarrassed evolution is an ancient pagan Greek idea, and it all stems from Babylon.


Dear everready,

Well, you are commended for your work in finally illuminating the FACTS about Evolution. You've done such an excellent job that I'm not even sure any of us has ever had such success. Thanks for all of your hard work and finding just the right webpage link. Awesome!!
Now the paper walls will be ripped down for there is a void now. The walls have come tumbling down.

In Christ's Love And Mine!!


:angrymob: :thumb: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9:



Well, my flip-flopping, God says be OEC, then God says be YEC, pray and get an answer then turn against that answer, pray again and get opposite answer, then doubt that answer friend, I said I would give you a respite. With your generalized ranting above, are you inviting me to re-engage in discussions with you now?

Dear DavisBJ,

You are totally submerged and drowned in this ploy that you've been pervading long enough. This is tons worse than my one or two mistakes. This is an entire downfall of your whole premise, beliefs, and backbone. You might as well jump on the real bandwagon Davis. No hard feelings. Just get your life on track as soon as possible. Believe in an omnipotent God, always present, all-knowing. You've got to start somewhere. Talk with you soon, BJ.

:angrymob: :wave2: :yawn: :thumb: :angel: :cloud9:


New member
Dear DavisBJ,

You are totally submerged and drowned in this ploy that you've been pervading long enough. This is tons worse than my one or two mistakes. This is an entire downfall of your whole premise, beliefs, and backbone. You might as well jump on the real bandwagon Davis. No hard feelings. Just get your life on track as soon as possible. Believe in an omnipotent God, always present, all-knowing. You've got to start somewhere. Talk with you soon, BJ.
Do you want me to believe in the God that answered your prayer and told you that OEC was right, or in the God that answered your prayer and told you that YEC was right?


Well, my flip-flopping, God says be OEC, then God says be YEC, pray and get an answer then turn against that answer, pray again and get opposite answer, then doubt that answer friend, I said I would give you a respite. With your generalized ranting above, are you inviting me to re-engage in discussions with you now?

I do not need your discussions anymore. Your evil thoughts in your heads, trying to make your Evolution seem right, are the same jargon that Darwin used. I'm not interested in hearing more about Darwin, or your thoughts. There are other things to learn. You've got a ways to go, but you could do it. No, your discussions to me don't amount to a hill of beans, or a rat's behind. It's over! I didn't believe you all this time, and now I know why. You were wrong all along.


I am glad I chose YEC again in the end. It goes with what I believe. I'm not changing back that I know of. So if you want to write about that, fine. And we can also talk about the complete and utter ruination of the evolution that you hold so staunchly dear. Nope!

Be a man and stand on your own two feet. I'm starting to wonder if God even wants you to change your mind. Only you know the answer to that, BJ. Do some soul-searching. There will never be a better time to do it that this.

I do care about you and I'm not trying to do anything but help lead you to Christ. Jesus said, No man cometh to the Father, except by Me.

I'm only telling you the truth, dude!!

God Be With Your Doubting Thoughts,


:wave2: :thumb: :cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel:


New member
I do not need your discussions anymore. Your evil thoughts in your heads, trying to make your Evolution seem right, are the same jargon that Darwin used. I'm not interested in hearing more about Darwin, or your thoughts.
Then don't read my posts. Is that too complicated for you to do?
No, your discussions to me don't amount to a ... a rat's behind.
I'm sure you know far more than I do about rat's and their rear ends, since I prefer to avoid such things.
I am glad I chose YEC again in the end. It goes with what I believe.
You chose YEC? But earlier you said God answered your prayer and told you YEC was right. (Remember, not long after you said God answered your prayer and told you OEC was right?) You’ll have to forgive me, but you change your allegiances faster than a two-timing mistress, and I don’t know what side you are on most of the time.
I'm not changing back that I know of.
That's a refrain we have heard from you before. Would you like me to show you the exact post when you said that before?
And we can also talk about the complete and utter ruination of the evolution that you hold so staunchly dear.
Come on, Michael,at least be a little bit consistent within a single post. Above you said you were not interested in hearing any more about Darwin, and now you come up with this.
I'm starting to wonder if God even wants you to change your mind.
No hiccups yet. Sneezing sometimes. Will that help?
I'm only telling you the truth, dude!!
The "be a YEC" truth, or the "be an OEC" truth?
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Well-known member
Then don't read my posts. Is that too complicated for you to do?
I'm sure you know far more than I do about rat's and their rear ends, since I prefer to avoid such things.

You chose YEC? But earlier you said God answered your prayer and told you YEC was right. (Remember, not long after you said God answered your prayer and told you OEC was right?) You’ll have to forgive me, but you change your allegiances faster than a two-timing mistress, and I don’t know what side you are on most of the time.

That's is a refrain we have heard from you before. Would you like me to show you the exact post when you said that before?

Come on, Michael,at least be a little bit consistent within a single post. Above you said you were not interested in hearing any more about Darwin, and now you come up with this.

No hiccups yet. Sneezing sometimes. Will that help?

The "be a YEC" truth, or the "be an OEC" truth?

In regard to science and history, I think people like Michael, 6days, and everready serve as examples of "what not to be". It is obvious that their overwhelming fear of hell (Lord knows what they did/do to be so afraid) blinds them from the clear reality around them. At any rate, it is quite clear that the level of oblivion their chosen theology requires of them amounts to nothing more than a recipe for disaster.



Well-known member
Well, if you will, considering that you've seen the things you've seen about evolution being a pagan greek belief system, then I feel sorry you. It's so much easier to save face than admit that you were wrong about it, and get IT OUT of your lifes, before it can do more harm. If this doesn't wake you up, you're not too smart, to say the least.


:wave2: :thumb: :wave: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:

Honestly Michael, beside the other morons in your tone deaf choir, do you really think anyone takes your claims to "wisdom" seriously?
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