Creation vs. Evolution

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Ben Masada

New member
Creation vs. Evolution

Creation or Evolution depends on how you walk, by faith or by sight. By faith, God has caused you to exist. By sight, you must have come from the ape.


Well-known member
Creation or Evolution depends on how you walk, by faith or by sight. By faith, God has caused you to exist. By sight, you must have come from the ape.

While I see your point, I think it is a rather simplistic outline of the reality here. I think I will go with someone much more qualified than you on these issues, like Jacob Bronowski as he chronicles human progress in "The Ascent of Man".


It is obvious that their overwhelming fear of hell (Lord knows what they did/do to be so afraid) blinds them from the clear reality around them.

they needn't do anything in their own lives, simply being born in the state of sin makes their god angry enough at them to sentence them to an eternity of damnation. And note that the sin was committed 6000+/- years ago by an ancestor.

Ben Masada

New member
While I see your point, I think it is a rather simplistic outline of the reality here. I think I will go with someone much more qualified than you on these issues, like Jacob Bronowski as he chronicles human progress in "The Ascent of Man".

Why don't you submit this issue to the poll? I want to see you lose disastrously. You ought to know only two well that there are more creationists than evolutionists.


Well-known member
they needn't do anything in their own lives, simply being born in the state of sin makes their god angry enough at them to sentence them to an eternity of damnation. And note that the sin was committed 6000+/- years ago by an ancestor.

Yes, but their own transgressions must be/have been pretty hefty for them to not be able to see beyond that fear and let it blind them from reality.


Well-known member
Why don't you submit this issue to the poll? I want to see you lose disastrously. You ought to know only two well that there are more creationists than evolutionists.


Do you believe this response is relevant and coherent?

Perhaps I am missing your point, are you claiming the popularity of your overly simplistic idea is good support for it over the epic work I included?

The Barbarian

Creation or Evolution depends on how you walk, by faith or by sight. By faith, God has caused you to exist. By sight, you must have come from the ape.

Would you be offended if God created the first humans from other hominids? If so, why? In reality, what you pose as a choice, are just two ways of looking at the same thing.

The Barbarian

Why don't you submit this issue to the poll? I want to see you lose disastrously. You ought to know only two well that there are more creationists than evolutionists.

The vast majority of the world's Christian acknowledge that evolution is consistent with God. Even in the United States the home of Seventh-Day Adventism (the people who invented young Earth creationism) more people acknowledge evolution than deny it:


Notice that 50% of Americans say that evolution is a fact. And only a minority of 42% deny it.

And there are few countries (primarily Muslim nations) that have as many deniers as the United States.


New member
Barbarian said:
Would you be offended if God created the first humans from other hominids?

Would you be offended if God created man from the dust on the 6th day?*

Would you be offended if God created woman from man's rib?

Would you be offended if God created light before He created the sun?

Would you be offended if God created birds and whales before He created land animals?

Would you be offended if God covered the highest mountains in Noah's day under 15 cubits of water?

It seems you are offended because you continually use the same argument that Satan used in Eden....'Did God really say that?'


New member
Would you be offended if God created man from the dust on the 6th day?*

Would you be offended if God created woman from man's rib?

Would you be offended if God created light before He created the sun?

Would you be offended if God created birds and whales before He created land animals?

Would you be offended if God covered the highest mountains in Noah's day under 15 cubits of water?

It seems you are offended because you continually use the same argument that Satan used in Eden....'Did God really say that?'
You mean there are more than one imaginary supernatural entities? Now you threw a Satan into the mix? Love to see the proof for that one outside the Bible.


New member
Notice that 50% of Americans say that evolution is a fact. And only a minority of 42% deny it.
Ohhhhhh.... Ok..... so it must be true, when 50% believe it! Ha
Evolutionists like to go with the flow... same direction dead fish are going.
Btw.... if you ask the question the correct way, you could get 100%. But no matter how you ask the question.... no matter what majority opinion is...God says " For in six days, the Lord created the heaven and the earth"


Would you be offended if God created man from the dust on the 6th day?*

Would you be offended if God created woman from man's rib?

Would you be offended if God created light before He created the sun?

Would you be offended if God created birds and whales before He created land animals?

Would you be offended if God covered the highest mountains in Noah's day under 15 cubits of water?

It seems you are offended because you continually use the same argument that Satan used in Eden....'Did God really say that?'

Except those things did not happen. I am not offended by your statements, just amazed at your irrationality.


New member
Ohhhhhh.... Ok..... so it must be true, when 50% believe it! Ha
I agree completely, up to that bit, and I join you in your Ha!

Where we differ is that I believe evidence can decide arguments, but you deny yourself that tool.

All you really have is superstition and hearsay.

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