Creation vs. Evolution

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Evolution started spreading like a cancer in the early 60's, its a doctrine of demons that has sent many souls to hell and will continue to do so until Jesus returns.
Correct... Christian parents need teach their children, from a young age, the truth in God's Word. Good apologetic teaching is the parents responsibility...not the church, nor the school, nor the TV.*

Without good teaching....without good answers to tough questions, kids begin to think that mom and dad believe without reason. (Ex. "Why did God let Fluffy die" dhould be answered from a Biblical prtspective). Compromise is Satan's weapon. In the Garden of Eden, *Satan said 'Did God really say...?'

Today, Satan still attacks with *that same phrase.*
'Did God really mean six days?'

'Did God really create whales and birds before land animals?'

'Did God really impose physical death only after humans sinned?'

Satan causes people to doubt Genesis...which in turn causes them to doubt much of scripture. IE.
'Did God really cover the highest mountains with water?'

'Did God really part the Red Sea?'

'Was Jesus really born of a virgin?'

"Recent and irrefutable statistics are forcing us to face the truth. Respected pollster George Barna was one of the first to put numbers to the epidemic. Based on interviews with 22,000 adults and over 2,000 teenagers in 25 separate surveys, Barna unquestionably quantified the seriousness of the situation:*six out of ten 20-somethings who were involved*in a church during their teen years are already gone.1*Despite strong levels of spiritual activity during the teen years, most 20-somethings disengage from active participation in the Christian faith during their young adult years—and often beyond that......

..Those who no longer believe that all of the accounts and stories in the Bible are true:

39.8% first had doubts in middle school
43.7% first had their doubts in high school
10.6% had their first doubts during college


Well-known member
Correct... Christian parents need teach their children, from a young age, the truth in God's Word. Good apologetic teaching is the parents responsibility...not the church, nor the school, nor the TV.*

Without good teaching....without good answers to tough questions, kids begin to think that mom and dad believe without reason. (Ex. "Why did God let Fluffy die" dhould be answered from a Biblical prtspective). Compromise is Satan's weapon. In the Garden of Eden, *Satan said 'Did God really say...?'

Today, Satan still attacks with *that same phrase.*
'Did God really mean six days?'

'Did God really create whales and birds before land animals?'

'Did God really impose physical death only after humans sinned?'

Satan causes people to doubt Genesis...which in turn causes them to doubt much of scripture. IE.
'Did God really cover the highest mountains with water?'

'Did God really part the Red Sea?'

'Was Jesus really born of a virgin?'

"Recent and irrefutable statistics are forcing us to face the truth. Respected pollster George Barna was one of the first to put numbers to the epidemic. Based on interviews with 22,000 adults and over 2,000 teenagers in 25 separate surveys, Barna unquestionably quantified the seriousness of the situation:*six out of ten 20-somethings who were involved*in a church during their teen years are already gone.1*Despite strong levels of spiritual activity during the teen years, most 20-somethings disengage from active participation in the Christian faith during their young adult years—and often beyond that......

..Those who no longer believe that all of the accounts and stories in the Bible are true:

39.8% first had doubts in middle school
43.7% first had their doubts in high school
10.6% had their first doubts during college

So in other words, without your fallacious and twisted indoctrination of history, scripture, science..., starting at a very young age, people would not be inclined to accept your nonsense.

And then you wonder why some accuse you people of child abuse.


New member
Thinking a bit about my example of two containers with 10 gas molecules in each. My idea is OK from a statistical standpoint, but as an example of a violation of the second law of thermo it lacks the necessary element of a difference in energy eigenstates as the mixture changes. It is a technical point, and probably not worth expounding on here, but I felt it important to acknowledge the error.

My apologies to 6days.
Ha.... thanks, but I'm not sure I could understand it anyway.


New member
So in other words, without your fallacious and twisted indoctrination of history, scripture, science..., starting at a very young age, people would not be inclined to accept your nonsense.

It's more the other way around. You have to teach evolutionary nonsense young. A rational adult cannot believe nothing exploded and turned into everything. Only a fool would believe such a thing. Such a fool isn't worthy to teach anything.


Well-known member
It's more the other way around. You have to teach evolutionary nonsense young.

No non sense. I understand science, theology, history, math...., quite well. If you think your understanding is superior to mine, then let's hear about how it is superior?
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Jose Fly

New member
"Recent and irrefutable statistics are forcing us to face the truth. Respected pollster George Barna was one of the first to put numbers to the epidemic. Based on interviews with 22,000 adults and over 2,000 teenagers in 25 separate surveys, Barna unquestionably quantified the seriousness of the situation:*six out of ten 20-somethings who were involved*in a church during their teen years are already gone.1*Despite strong levels of spiritual activity during the teen years, most 20-somethings disengage from active participation in the Christian faith during their young adult years—and often beyond that......

..Those who no longer believe that all of the accounts and stories in the Bible are true:

39.8% first had doubts in middle school
43.7% first had their doubts in high school
10.6% had their first doubts during college

Well yeah. If you teach kids nonsense like YEC and directly tie it to Christianity, a bunch of 'em are going to walk out the door.

This is like watching Raelians lament kids leaving after they told them there's a spaceship behind Haley's Comet.


New member
seehigh said:
Interesting, and important, but it still doesn't answer the question of normal bacteria that have been known to be cured by antibiotics which then developed a resistance.

Bacteria are cured by antibiotics? Is your first name "Mark"?


Well-known member
A rational adult cannot believe nothing exploded and turned into everything. Only a fool would believe such a thing. Such a fool isn't worthy to teach anything.

I agree. That is not what the evidence in science indicates. That is a misrepresentation on your part. I am almost certain you have been corrected on this error previously, but yet you never correct your errors. Yet you people want to claim credibility by simply slapping the label "Christian" on yourself and peddling deceitful ideas.

You are the fool for continuing to push that which is obviously false, when all else can see you deceit very clearly.


Well-known member
No to the second part and what the heck are you asking in the first part? I read the words but they don't seem to make any sense in context.

You should have specified "bacterial infections are cured", rather than "bacteria are cured". He is trying to point out a minor error in your post, to divert attention from the vast number of more egregious errors in his posts.


New member
You should have specified "bacterial infections are cured", rather than "bacteria are cured". He is trying to point out a minor error in your post, to divert attention from the vast number of more egregious errors in his posts.
Oh my goodness you're correct.

Well, oooops!


Well-known member
Oh my goodness you're correct.

Well, oooops!

This is why I make a concerted effort to be precise in my ideas and concise with my wording. Otherwise, as loose and fast YECs often are with words and ideas, they will quite readily try to focus on other's lack of precision as a way to avoid their own incompetence.


New member
Barbarian notes everready's dishonesty:
Ah, you're one of those "God doesn't mind a lie if it's for a good cause" people. Kinda suspected that.

The Catholic Church holds that God is the Creator of nature. But you already knew that, didn't you?

Eveready doubles down on the lie:

Yep. Another guy who thinks lying serves God.

You've been reminded before, but just so you can't say we didn't tell you...

Paragraph 4. The Creator
279 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."116 Holy Scripture begins with these solemn words. The profession of faith takes them up when it confesses that God the Father almighty is "Creator of heaven and earth" (Apostles' Creed), "of all that is, seen and unseen" (Nicene Creed). We shall speak first of the Creator, then of creation and finally of the fall into sin from which Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to raise us up again.

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Did you think this time, you'd get away with it? Let's look at the statment:

“Science is a way of getting close to creation, to really getting intimate with creation, and it’s a way of getting intimate with the Creator,” he claimed. “It’s an act of worship.”

Hmm... I get that. One of the ways that we can know about God, is His creation, as He tells us:

Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him, from the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made; his eternal power also, and divinity: so that they are inexcusable.

Such a statement in no way means one worships nature. But you already knew that didn't you? Professing to be wise, you have demonstrated the foolishness of dishonesty.

Learn from it.

“Science is a way of getting close to creation, to really getting intimate with creation, and it’s a way of getting intimate with the Creator,” he claimed. “It’s an act of worship.”

Nothing more than Baal worship, the god of nature, among other things.

Knowing Jesus is the only way to get close to his creation.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

You don't get there by worshiping nature.



New member
Again you misrepresent what I posted. One has to wonder why it is you keep doing this. Is it because you lack the intestinal fortitude to actually address my words squarely?

I did not claim God was a creation. I was referring to your interpretation of Genesis, which is a creation. And you want us to worship your ideas as God.

Jesus is not your interpretation of Genesis.

That's not what i asked, who do You say Jesus is?



New member
“Science is a way of getting close to creation, to really getting intimate with creation, and it’s a way of getting intimate with the Creator,” he claimed. “It’s an act of worship.”

Nothing more than Baal worship, the god of nature, among other things.

Knowing Jesus is the only way to get close to his creation.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

You don't get there by worshiping nature.

You don't understand who Baal was do you?

There is no etymology at all that would indicate he ever was a god connected with worship of nature.

I think you have to do just a bit more studying before spouting off garbage like this.


Well-known member
That's not what i asked, who do You say Jesus is?


You are trying to use "word" as it applies to Jesus to also cover your interpretation of Genesis. I am quite aware of trinitarian views of Jesus in Christianity. And I am also aware of your attempt to conflate these uses of "word".


New member
You don't understand who Baal was do you?

There is no etymology at all that would indicate he ever was a god connected with worship of nature.

I think you have to do just a bit more studying before spouting off garbage like this.
Actually there is quite a bit of similarity between Baal worship and modern day evolutionism. Baal worship involved trying to explain the world around them without invoking the Creator God of the Bible


New member
Actually there is quite a bit of similarity between Baal worship and modern day evolutionism. Baal worship involved trying to explain the world around them without invoking the Creator God of the Bible
Please stop embarrassing yourself.

You keep showing that you just don't understand how Baal fit into the Levant pantheon.


New member
Please stop embarrassing yourself.

You keep showing that you just don't understand how Baal fit into the Levant pantheon.
Those goalposts are hard to move?
Baal worship involved trying g to explain nature without invoking the Creator God of the Bible...much like evolutionism of today..


New member
Actually there is quite a bit of similarity between Baal worship and modern day evolutionism. Baal worship involved trying to explain the world around them without invoking the Creator God of the Bible
Actually there is quite a bit of similarity between Baal worship and knitting. Knitting involves planning on what pattern to sew into the quilt without invoking the Creator God of the Bible. :noway:
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