Creation vs. Evolution

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M. A. Williams

New member
I think it's quite tragic that, even though what the world may tell us is contrary to what Genesis tells us, we can't simply believe, at least initially, as a matter of faith.

Failing to do so, in my opinion, leads to further complications;

(1) If God, the Creator of all things, could make everything we see and don't see, the forces that govern the atom and the black hole, why would He state contrary to the truth in the first chapters of the first book in the most important collection of literature to His creation?

(2) Following on from the first point -- Why, then, would God allow such doubt to exist at such early stages? If the first few paragraphs fly in the face of everything we know, either we're wrong or the integrity and authority of Scripture is non-existent.

(3) Following on from the second point -- If we're to state the Genesis account of creation is wrong, or that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, how can someone possibly have faith in the accuracy of the rest of the bible? What about the resurrection? That's pretty extraordinary, wouldn't you say? Why are we to believe that and not Genesis? Are people being resurrected today under similar circumstances? No. Therefore, what we see today contradicts the integrity of the resurrection account, no?

Disregarding the authority and integrity of Scripture, beginning in Genesis, is of paramount importance because it's a slippery slope to consider otherwise.

I spent months, years, trying to bend Genesis to my own beliefs. I tried to convince myself that it fit with Theistic Evolution because of things coming after their kind..

All we need to know is right there in front of us. Read it without bias. Absorb it. It's right there! Forget what your Mother or Father told you it means. Forget what your preacher or the preacher of another or any denomination tells you it means. It's right there!

The self-sufficiency of Scripture should matter. It's right in front of you. Black and white. Read it without bias or influence and have faith.

The Devil is in the details indeed and The Devil has created a lot of details that convolute, distort and dissuade from the truth. Evolution is just another one of those things.


Dearest alwight,

The world will not come to an end at all. 1/3 of the people on it will live and rebuilt the Earth. You have heard that the meek shall inherit the Earth? Yep, 1/3 go to Heaven, 1/3 go to sleep for a thousand years and 1/3 inherit the Earth. Now as to who goes to hell, God only knows. Probably they are taken from the 1/3 that go to sleep for a thousand years. Anyway, the Earth will undergo a disaster or change, but it will be okay. At least the people left won't have to worry about others stealing from them, because Jesus will come and people shall observe the words of "Do not steal." And "Do not kill."

The world does not End soon. It will change dramatically, though. You'll be fine, Al. God knows I have a special place in my heart for you and you have been very good to me, lasting longer than them all. He will make note of that, I'm sure.

If I get Windows 10 now, before it comes out, I can get it for free. I'm gonna do it 2morrow nite now because it's too late and I'm going to bed.

Goodnight, Al!!


Dear alwight,

It is probably ridiculous to get Windows 10, but they offered it to me FREE if I get it now. Otherwise I will have to pay for it later. I'm sure that will cost a lot more than FREE. Even if I use it for a month, that will be fine. But we'll see. Maybe I won't bother.

Alwight, there will be many earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, and hail that weighs tons. More than ever before. Much will happen. You see, all of this means mudslides, landslides, bridges gone, roads impassable, no toilets, no A/C or Heat, etc. My book probably does not tell about this. As a matter of fact, I don't think I have it in there. But I speak it on TOL here and you all will tell your loved ones what I've told you. So I am spreading the word better than ever by being on TOL!! Thank God for computers.

Will chat with you soon. Most likely 2nite. Much Love, Al.



Dear Michael,

So instead of having the personal integrity to admit your deceit, the sum of your response is “What you said doesn’t matter and you are a bad man.”

You are a real class act, my good buddy Michael


You are the one without class. You are an unforgiving man. I guess that's one thing Jesus didn't teach you, like He did to all of us who know Him. I did say I was sorry and apologized for the incident. What else do you want? Yes, God is looking down upon you while you are trying to cause problems and havoc. Which one of you and your loved ones has never made a mistake?? You'll have to answer to God for this. I've already asked forgiveness of Him. Now it's your turn. Ask His forgiveness for badgering me and being a low person.



New member

You are the one without class. You are an unforgiving man. I guess that's one thing Jesus didn't teach you, like He did to all of us who know Him. I did say I was sorry and apologized for the incident. What else do you want? Yes, God is looking down upon you while you are trying to cause problems and havoc. Which one of you and your loved ones has never made a mistake?? You'll have to answer to God for this. I've already asked forgiveness of Him. Now it's your turn. Ask His forgiveness for badgering me and being a low person.


I'm sorry Michael but Davis is not a low person just for making you face a few home truths. Anyone can pander to your ego but only a real friend will tell you the way it really is, warts and all. It's worth taking heed now because when the coming months show how wrong all this Armageddon stuff has been it may cushion the blow somewhat. No one else will think less of you when the time comes because no one takes it seriously. But you do, don't you?

So maybe Davis's hard hitting posts are just a precursor of what's to come. Anyone can make mistakes and anyone can be wrong. My advice is, be prepared, and don't take it to heart. It's not really that important in the scheme of things :thumb:


I think that Davis knows full well that he is just as fallible as anyone else Michael and that Satan is no part of that. The point is that there is no reason at all to think that you can't be wrong too.

You can always hope that your God has good things in store for you Michael but you can't know it imo, so I suggest you please yourself while you can, with respect for others of course.

Dear Alwight,

Davis said he made 3 mistakes. I was answering to that. I know I can be wrong. I'm not right all the time. I've said that much often throughout this entire thread. I'm not a Mr. know-it-all. I have to ask God for every thing I need to know to be guided to help people, even if I make a mistake. I did my best to correct my mistake in my last 7th Edition of my book. I please myself already and am happy with my life, tbh. Davis made 3 mistakes, but won't allow me to make even 1. God will forgive him, but he's still going to pay for doing it. If he only really knew!

Warm Regards And Best Wishes, Al,



Here is a good video I found that is accurate.

A Few Things I've Learned About Creationists

But I do not suspect any creationists here will make the connection.

Dear noguru,

Thanks tons for the video, but it is an hour or so long, and I can't say that I can donate that much time out of my day for it. We'll see. I'll mark this post and try to listen to part of it later.

God Bless Your Heart And Soul, Noguru,


:cloud9: :cloud9: :angel: :angel: :thumb:



You have a question directed to you in post #10840.

Dear rstrats,

Hi! Didn't you see in that Post that 6days had a quote box written above it that says what it
does below:


Originally Posted by 6days View Post

Sorry... Its Peter. Paul wrote about it. {Peter had the trance. Paul wrote about it.}

Acts 10:10-15KJV: He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. 11 He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. 12 It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. 13 Then a voice told him, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.”
14 “Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.”
15 The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”

Dear 6days,

Sounds wonderful that you found it. Yes, I do know it was Peter. I do believe you've hit the gold mine, sir!! Thanks so very much. Now I don't have to forfeit the ham that's in the freezer. Or the bacon that is thawing out in the frig. Or turtle soup, frog legs, and snake meat {reptile}; turkey, capons, duck, geese, cornish hens, {birds}; opossum, deer, pigs, cows, horses, bison/buffalo, etc. {four-footed animals}. Kudos!! There you go, rstrats. What God has made is clean!

May God Brighten Your Weekend!!


There. That is the entire post. The quote 6days posted to me and then, my reply. It says, "Get up, Peter, and eat," because Peter was hungry and had a vision that all meat was okay and clean. Don't you see what is written. It's about food, not just Gentiles.

Do you understand it? Peter was hungry. He saw many meats on a sheet. He was told to kill and eat. Then, the angel, I guess, said 'What God has made clean, is clean,' basically. No big mystery. It's also a vision about him allocating the Gentiles and not just the Jews.

So don't be so worried, rstrats! We have the USDA now, and they inspect the meat so that pork doesn't cause worms at all. I don't recall anyone getting worms from pork now, unless they eat it in Mexico or something. Our pork is safe, as long as we don't eat the fat, basically. With the U.S.D.A. {U.S. Dept. of Agriculture}, we don't have to worry about pork or oysters, clams, etc. Even squid and octopus. Though I don't eat that because it's not too tasty, imo.

May God Be With You And Your Loved Ones!!

:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :guitar:
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<off topic>I'm a little apprehensive about Windows 10 tbh. As some of you know my computer is used mainly for Music production and my DAW (digital audio workstation) is Cubase 8, along with a bunch of hardware units connected via USB, firewire, PCI and PCIe. Suffice to say it's no ordinary PC. And since my system (almost) works like a dream in Window 7 I'm a little reluctant to change but, I've been told that it wont be long before support for Windows 7 will be withdrawn all together.... dunno?!</off topic>

Sometime the pace of changing technology in this day-and-age is a bug bare.

<back on topic /> don't worry about updating your PC Michael. There isn't going to be any Armageddon any time soon</on topic>

Dear Hedshaker,

Howdy!! Good to hear from you again. Wow, you know how to use >, etc. Cool!! I may switch to MSN Windows 10 tonite. My computer tech is available around the clock 24 hours. Later at night is my best bet for fastest service. I will see what happens. I can get it free now, or have to pay for it later. Not that I should care, tbh. I guess. It's probably dumb to do it. I do really believe it will all hit the fan this fall, but I can at least see what Windows 10 is like. So I'll probably venture there 2nite.

You must have so much involved with your computer, it's scary. I can't say I envy you. I know that Microsoft likes to get rid of previous Versions of their software, and they sort of force you to upgrade. I don't want to have to pay for it at all.

Well, I hope to chat with you again, ASAP, Hedshaker!

Much Love and Enjoy Your Day to the Max!!


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :thumb: :guitar:

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Did you know that the above scriptures are the ones that trinity uses to prove there is more than one God. They can do this because the Greek word 'Elohim' is plural. So let us see how this fits

In the beginning God(s) (my interpretation that fits trinity) created the heavens and the earth.
On the sixth day, the following is the actual quote from bible:And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.

Let us(Plural) and in our(plural)

Dear iamaberean,

Let us {God And Jesus Christ} make man in Our image...etc. Jesus also said, 'and the glory I had with thee before this world was.' It is a prayer that Jesus prayed to His Father, our God. I think He prayed it before He was to taken by the Roman soldiers. See John 17:5KJV. Then you will find out what you're missing. God and Jesus were together before our world was. Look up the verse and read it. It will be one of the best things you do. Okay, I'm outta here for now.

To iamaberean: May God Give You Abundant Joy Soon!!


:guitar: :singer: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9:

Does that fit your belief?

Let's look in Gen 2

Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Now this is different, one can not change this to mean 3 Gods. For it says: 'And the Jehovah God formed(not created), and when Jehovah is used with the word God, it is singular. This is why I worship the Jewish God, not just any God(s).

All of this to point out that Jehovah God made a covenant with Adam and his descendents, not those that the God(s) created in the sixth day and were told to go out and replenish the earth.


New member
Did you know that the above scriptures are the ones that trinity uses to prove there is more than one God.
I suspect you realize you are being dishonest?
I'm sure you have been told many times that Christians who believe in the trinity believe that "The LORD our God, the LORD is one." Dt. 6:4

They can do this because the Greek word 'Elohim' is plural. So let us see how this fits
That is only one of hundreds of verses that indicate the trinity.


I think it's quite tragic that, even though what the world may tell us is contrary to what Genesis tells us, we can't simply believe, at least initially, as a matter of faith.

Failing to do so, in my opinion, leads to further complications;

(1) If God, the Creator of all things, could make everything we see and don't see, the forces that govern the atom and the black hole, why would He state contrary to the truth in the first chapters of the first book in the most important collection of literature to His creation?

(2) Following on from the first point -- Why, then, would God allow such doubt to exist at such early stages? If the first few paragraphs fly in the face of everything we know, either we're wrong or the integrity and authority of Scripture is non-existent.

(3) Following on from the second point -- If we're to state the Genesis account of creation is wrong, or that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, how can someone possibly have faith in the accuracy of the rest of the bible? What about the resurrection? That's pretty extraordinary, wouldn't you say? Why are we to believe that and not Genesis? Are people being resurrected today under similar circumstances? No. Therefore, what we see today contradicts the integrity of the resurrection account, no?

Disregarding the authority and integrity of Scripture, beginning in Genesis, is of paramount importance because it's a slippery slope to consider otherwise.

I spent months, years, trying to bend Genesis to my own beliefs. I tried to convince myself that it fit with Theistic Evolution because of things coming after their kind..

All we need to know is right there in front of us. Read it without bias. Absorb it. It's right there! Forget what your Mother or Father told you it means. Forget what your preacher or the preacher of another or any denomination tells you it means. It's right there!

The self-sufficiency of Scripture should matter. It's right in front of you. Black and white. Read it without bias or influence and have faith.

The Devil is in the details indeed and The Devil has created a lot of details that convolute, distort and dissuade from the truth. Evolution is just another one of those things.

Dear Joel Brosteen,

God is certainly WITH YOU!! You've finally done it! You've said the Magic Mouthful. You've said Everything evolutionists need to hear. Everyone should listen to your point of view on the scheme of things. Enough of these evolutionists!! The Devil tried to distort me from the truth also, but I didn't stay deceived, and now I know what IS True!! Thanks so much, Joel!! You made my day. I think you will find yourself happy here!!

P.S. This post of yours so does the trick that I've made a copy of it in my MS Word, so that I will always have it nearby!!

Tons Of Blessings Upon Your Soul,


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :thumb:



New member
I suspect you realize you are being dishonest?
I'm sure you have been told many times that Christians who believe in the trinity believe that "The LORD our God, the LORD is one." Dt. 6:4

That is only one of hundreds of verses that indicate the trinity.
Actually, not only is Elohim plural, it also indicates the feminine.

And is of Canaanite origin. Of course then, archaeology indicates that the Hebrews were a tribe indigenous to the area and not coming in to land as the Pentateuch outlines.

Funny how reality never seems to be outlined in the Bible.



Dear 6days,

I can see three persons who have fought and won our point of view tonight!! They are rstrats, see previous post above with my reply and post from the Gospel of John. Also iamaberean, and more than anyone, Joel B. has helped us immensely. There absolutely is nothing more to say. We Creationists / Genesis Believers WIN hands down.

Good to see you here, 6days!! You're one of the best, also, dude!!

Just As I Am, God!!


:first: :ha: :D :angel: :cloud9: :angel: :cloud9:



Actually, not only is Elohim plural, it also indicates the feminine.

And is of Canaanite origin. Of course then, archaeology indicates that the Hebrews were a tribe indigenous to the area and not coming in to land as the Pentateuch outlines.

Funny how reality never seems to be outlined in the Bible.

Dear seehigh,

I had a real close friend named Mark SeaSigh. Just to let you know!! I am not surprised to hear that Elohim is plural. But I do not believe that God is a woman. Otherwise, He would have not said, Let us make MAN in Our Image and Likeness. Sorry about that one!

The Hebrews conquered the land of Canaan, so they surely could have picked up some Canaanite slang or language. Then inherited the land of Canaan as given them by God. And the land of Israel was born!! Yippee!!

Many Prayers For You And Also Pray For Jerusalem!!!



M. A. Williams

New member

Dear Joel Brosteen,

God is certainly WITH YOU!! You've finally done it! You've said the Magic Mouthful. You've said Everything evolutionists need to hear. Everyone should listen to your point of view on the scheme of things. Enough of these evolutionists!! The Devil tried to distort me from the truth also, but I didn't stay deceived, and now I know what IS True!! Thanks so much, Joel!! You made my day. I think you will find yourself happy here!!

P.S. This post of yours so does the trick that I've made a copy of it in my MS Word, so that I will always have it nearby!!

Tons Of Blessings Upon Your Soul,


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :thumb:

Glad you could appreciate it, brother.



I'm sorry Michael but Davis is not a low person just for making you face a few home truths. Anyone can pander to your ego but only a real friend will tell you the way it really is, warts and all. It's worth taking heed now because when the coming months show how wrong all this Armageddon stuff has been it may cushion the blow somewhat. No one else will think less of you when the time comes because no one takes it seriously. But you do, don't you?

Well, thanks for caring, Hedshaker!! I do think DavisBJ has a very unkind way to go about things as a matter of fact. But, will Armageddon happen in Autumn? Do I believe it? Yes, I do!!

So maybe Davis's hard hitting posts are just a precursor of what's to come. Anyone can make mistakes and anyone can be wrong. My advice is, be prepared, and don't take it to heart. It's not really that important in the scheme of things :thumb:

Yes, Buddy, you are right about that and thanks for the advice. I will just let my stress flow right out of my body and let things rest in God's Hands!!

[font="Old English Text MT]Thanks Tons And Cheerio!!


Alwight is :first: :angel: :guitar: :singer: :angel: :cloud9:

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Glad you could appreciate it, brother.

Are you a newbie here? I will give you some good rep pts. That will help you get green boxes. You'll see soon, if you are a newbie. Either way, you get the points and my deep respect and joy because of what you wrote in your post here.

God's Best For Your Heart And Soul!!


:first: ;) :cloud9: :cloud9: :angel: :angel:


M. A. Williams

New member

Dear 6days,

I can see three persons who have fought and won our point of view tonight!! They are rstrats, see previous post above with my reply and post from the Gospel of John. Also iamaberean, and more than anyone, Joel B. has helped us immensely. There absolutely is nothing more to say. We Creationists / Genesis Believers WIN hands down.

Good to see you here, 6days!! You're one of the best, also, dude!!

Just As I Am, God!!


:first: :ha: :D :angel: :cloud9: :angel: :cloud9:

I'm here to stay, as well. I think it's a great responsibility that has fallen to us few that will unashamedly stand by the bible and preach God's Word.

I'm a new member and can't have a signature yet, but when I can, it shall read;

I unashamedly affirm the authority, inerrancy and self-sufficiency of God's Word.

I'm very proactive in the defence of faith, especially origins theology, so we shall no doubt cross paths as we also cross paths with our other brothers-in-arms on the matter.

I'm trying to rename as well. I had hoped to make a sly dig at JO but the opposite has happened with people thinking I am a fan. That cannot stand!

Either way, look forward to holding the wall with you, brother.

Are you a newbie here? I will give you some good rep pts. That will help you get green boxes. You'll see soon, if you are a newbie. Either way, you get the points and my deep respect and joy because of what you wrote in your post here.

God's Best For Your Heart And Soul!!


:first: ;) :cloud9: :cloud9: :angel: :angel:

Yes, I joined yesterday. A lot more literal interpretation folks here than I'd imagined. I think I'll fit in nicely :)

Thanks for the reps!


I'm here to stay, as well. I think it's a great responsibility that has fallen to us few that will unashamedly stand by the bible and preach God's Word.

I'm a new member and can't have a signature yet, but when I can, it shall read;

I'm very proactive in the defense of faith, especially origins theology, so we shall no doubt cross paths as we also cross paths with our other brothers-in-arms on the matter.

I'm trying to rename as well. I had hoped to make a sly dig at JO but the opposite has happened with people thinking I am a fan. That cannot stand!

Either way, look forward to holding the wall with you, brother.

Yes, I joined yesterday. A lot more literal interpretation folks here than I'd imagined. I think I'll fit in nicely :)

Thanks for the reps!

Dear Joel Brosteen,

I have to go for a couple hours and then I will come back and address this post!! Thanks so much for waiting!

Hey, I'm back. I want to notify you that not everyone here is a Creationist. It is maybe tied one way or the other. Well, I see you've met Noguru, so you know he is Christian evolutionist. He doesn't understand that God didn't wait billions of years to make man and woman, even though the Bible says He created man in the same 6 days as He created the stars, and Heaven, and not in that order. Some people just don't have the faith. They want scientific proof of God and His Creation account, or they won't believe. Even though Jesus did not recant it either while He was here, so they STILL won't believe.


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Well-known member
I think it's quite tragic that, even though what the world may tell us is contrary to what Genesis tells us, we can't simply believe, at least initially, as a matter of faith.

Failing to do so, in my opinion, leads to further complications;

(1) If God, the Creator of all things, could make everything we see and don't see, the forces that govern the atom and the black hole, why would He state contrary to the truth in the first chapters of the first book in the most important collection of literature to His creation?

(2) Following on from the first point -- Why, then, would God allow such doubt to exist at such early stages? If the first few paragraphs fly in the face of everything we know, either we're wrong or the integrity and authority of Scripture is non-existent.

(3) Following on from the second point -- If we're to state the Genesis account of creation is wrong, or that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, how can someone possibly have faith in the accuracy of the rest of the bible? What about the resurrection? That's pretty extraordinary, wouldn't you say? Why are we to believe that and not Genesis? Are people being resurrected today under similar circumstances? No. Therefore, what we see today contradicts the integrity of the resurrection account, no?

Disregarding the authority and integrity of Scripture, beginning in Genesis, is of paramount importance because it's a slippery slope to consider otherwise.

I spent months, years, trying to bend Genesis to my own beliefs. I tried to convince myself that it fit with Theistic Evolution because of things coming after their kind..

All we need to know is right there in front of us. Read it without bias. Absorb it. It's right there! Forget what your Mother or Father told you it means. Forget what your preacher or the preacher of another or any denomination tells you it means. It's right there!

The self-sufficiency of Scripture should matter. It's right in front of you. Black and white. Read it without bias or influence and have faith.

The Devil is in the details indeed and The Devil has created a lot of details that convolute, distort and dissuade from the truth. Evolution is just another one of those things.

1.) So we should throw out the conclusions indicated by science because you can't conceive of Genesis not being an accurate scientific historical account but still being valuable theology?

2.) The value of theological text is not inversely related to its lack of scientific content.

3.) The devil does not create evidence. The devil conceals evidence as you are trying to do.

Can you please elaborate on this "self-sufficiency" of scripture hypothesis you are proposing?
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