Creation vs. Evolution

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Taken from Bill Nye "The Science Guy"

Dear All,

Bill Nye "The Science Guy" assures us that the particular fossils found in the successive layers of sediments, wherever they are found around the earth, do not appear in the previous or later sediment layers. If this is true, none of those particular life forms, unique only to those sediment layers, evolved at all, but were destroyed when that period ended.

So, if evolution did occur to those species, it must have occurred during the very brief period between those time frames, for which there is no fossil evidence. And the change would have been quite drastic.

Or, if evolution did occur during the forming of those layers, the evolved species within all perished when that period abruptly ended, thus interrupting the whole evolutionary process.

So, if everything perished in the previous layer, what was left to evolve in succeeding layers?


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :thumb:



Dear The Barbarian,

First, click on your 'go advanced' button. What have you been up to? Where have you been? It's been too long since we've heard from you. I mean all of the people on this site plus me, of course. What do you think of the Post above yours? From Bill Nye? About Evolution. It is interesting. Check it out. Well, I made a pot of Ham Soup today. It was really tasty. We've got some leftovers, but it won't be long. I guess I can go off topic on this thread. Well, hope to hear from you soon.

Much Love, In Jesus Christ, Just Like He Taught Us To Love One Another!!


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :rapture:

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Well-known member
Dear noguru,

I'm sorry. I thought that you might forgive me as Jesus and God told us to do. If Jesus said it, then God said it. I'm not trying to be incompetent or arrogant. I, of course, was quite upset about things. If God can forgive me, and Jesus also, then you can't.
It's okay. I am asking for too much, I think.

Much Love, In Christ!!


Hello Michael, two things I would like to bring to your attention.

1.) Can you please stop using those silly fonts when you respond to me? I think they are unnecessary, they look silly because they do not change the utter lack of understanding you display in your posts, and it is tedious to have to delete them when I respond to you. I would appreciate it greatly if you just stuck to the standard fonts, or you could change the color to white (like I did with the following text)so the look of your posts accurately represents the content of your posts. You could even make the font size real big like an 8 because it would not matter a bit.

Michael's post are devoid of scientific content.

2.) Being forgiven by Jesus does not change the fact that you have absolutely no understanding of the science of origins. So it is good that you are forgiven by Jesus, but that still does not alleviate your incompetence.

I wish you peace and understanding (as unreasonable as that hope seems right now).


Dear Noguru,

Please do allow one mistake on my part, which has basically hurt no one. Nothing has changed in my book in the 7th Edition but the subject of Creation. The rest of the book is helpful enough. I do try to give access to my book through my website for Free. I'm sure I'd sell more books if I didn't, but I want people to get the message of the WHOLE book for FREE!! It is the gift God has given me, so I give it to you free. Plus, they've taken down my older books at the downtown Phoenix Library. Now, the just have the 7th Edition on the shelves. All is well, for the most part, I believe.

May Jesus Help You To Not Judge Me,


:doh: :cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :rapture:

I just saw your last post. I have removed the color and font for your post as to plain text. I also don't care if you have a science of origins or not. I've got what God intended for me to have; not science books.


Well-known member
Hello Michael, two things I would like to bring to your attention.

1.) Can you please stop using those silly fonts when you respond to me? I think they are unnecessary, they look silly because they do not change the utter lack of understanding you display in your posts, and it is tedious to have to delete them when I respond to you. I would appreciate it greatly if you just stuck to the standard fonts. Or you could include the following disclaimer before and after any post, to be honest and accurate about the content of your posts.

Michael's posts are devoid of scientific content.

2.) Being forgiven by Jesus does not change the fact that you have absolutely no understanding of the science of origins. So it is good that you are forgiven by Jesus, but that still does not alleviate your incompetence.

I wish you peace and understanding (as unreasonable as that hope seems right now).
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Well-known member
Dear Noguru,

Please do allow one mistake on my part, which has basically hurt no one. Nothing has changed in my book in the 7th Edition but the subject of Creation. The rest of the book is helpful enough. I do try to give access to my book through my website for Free. I'm sure I'd sell more books if I didn't, but I want people to get the message of the WHOLE book for FREE!! It is the gift God has given me, so I give it to you free. Plus, they've taken down my older books at the downtown Phoenix Library. Now, the just have the 7th Edition on the shelves. All is well, for the most part, I believe.

May Jesus Help You To Not Judge Me,


:doh: :cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :rapture:

I just saw your last post. I have removed the color and font for your post as to plain text.

Michael, I do not want to read your book. Judging from your contributions on this site, I certainly have no confidence in anything you write in a book.

Your elevator seems to not make it to the top floor, is that the case, Michael?

:doh: :cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :rapture:

Again I wish you peace and understanding, hopefully one day in the near future.
Your dear friend, Noguru



You said that Paul wrote about Peter's vision. I've asked where Paul has done that? So far you have yet to answer that question. Why? Why won't you show any writing by Paul where he talks about Peter's vision?

Also, you said that the voice told Peter: 'What God has made clean, is clean'. Where does the voice say that?

Dear rstrats,

It says, "What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common." That means What God has cleaned, don't call that common. I see what you mean also that Paul probably did not record this (Peter's vision). He may have. Perhaps, but I don't know where Peter had his vision or who it was that lived in the house whose roof that Peter was on. Someone in Joppa, it seems. I was just going with what 6days said to me. It is quite possible that Paul wrote the book of Acts and also included Peter's vision. It could have been Cornelius' house. After checking further into it, I see what you mean. Sorry it took me so long to answer. I had to do some studying and investigating to know what to tell you. It is possible that he was at someone else's house. Don't know. All I know about is his vision. That he also was hungry, smelling what was cooking in the house. Now it could have been a pork shoulder or crab legs with butter and garlic. They never said whose roof he was on when he had his vision.

You ask why I try to sneak like the serpent in the garden of Eden? Where have I done that? And where does scripture say that the serpent was sneaking around?

And you still haven't addressed my post #10733 reply to the request that you made to me in your post #10709. Why not?

Dear rstrats,

I will look into it right now. I'm sorry about the serpent phrase.

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re: "Try reading Acts 10 KJV and also Act 11 KJV, and tell me what do you think."

If the dietary rules were canceled at the time of the crucifixion why do you suppose Peter, who walked with and was taught by the Messiah for 3 years and who was filled with the Holy Spirit, didn't know about it some 10 years later?

So what did Peter understand the vision to mean? Well, at first he went away wondering what it was all about. He certainly didn't understood it in a literal way, for immediately after the vision it is stated that "Peter was inwardly perplexed as to what the vision which he had seen might mean" (vs. 17) It wasn't until after the messengers from Caesarea had summoned him and he had arrived at the home of Cornelius, that Peter had realized the meaning of the vision, for he said: "You yourselves know how unlawful it is for a Jew to associate with or visit any one of another nation; but God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean "(Acts 10:28).

For Peter, the vision had absolutely nothing to do with animals or eating, but was a reference to men being declared clean before God. After this vision, we never see or hear of Peter instructing another to eat unclean animals, and neither do we see any instances of Peter doing so himself. The Bible is full of metaphors and the vision was obviously a metaphor for its intended meaning. Think about it - if the vision had a dual purpose, and if Peter had understood it as such, I should imagine that he would have been shouting it from the rooftops since it would have increased their available food sources by a considerable margin.

DEAR rstrats,

You could be right. The vision could mean something different. I've checked into your posts. I advise anyone else to check it out also. It could certainly be what you've said though. I can handle that. That means no New England Clam Chowder, or Manhattan Clam Chowder, pork, bacon, oysters, octopus, crab legs, etc. Wow, have we been screwing up!! I believe you rstrats. It could have had nothing to do with food after all. I'm very sorry about it and will bring it to 6days attention also. We are both mistaken. I apologize. Very good perception, rstrats.


:idea: :readthis: :doh: :angel: :cloud9:
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Hello Michael, two things I would like to bring to your attention.

1.) Can you please stop using those silly fonts when you respond to me? I think they are unnecessary, they look silly because they do not change the utter lack of understanding you display in your posts, and it is tedious to have to delete them when I respond to you. I would appreciate it greatly if you just stuck to the standard fonts. Or you could include the following disclaimer before and after any post, to be honest and accurate about the content of your posts.

Michael's posts are devoid of scientific content.

I'm Very Happy With That!!

2.) Being forgiven by Jesus does not change the fact that you have absolutely no understanding of the science of origins. So it is good that you are forgiven by Jesus, but that still does not alleviate your incompetence.

I wish you peace and understanding (as unreasonable as that hope seems right now).

Dear noguru,

I had science in school and chemistry also, and human physiology, and merit algebra trig. I used to correct the teacher when he would mess up an equation and tell him what he did wrong in Trig. I had the usual Darwin's thing told to me and I never thought much about it. We did other things in science class also. Like studying about different animals and mollusks, etc. That's where we also learned about hydrogen and it's reaction to fire. Explosion, but in a test tube. I make a mistake and you can let yourself disbelieve the remainder of what I've written. It won't get you nowhere much, for others shall see that "I made a mistake." Hopefully their hearts will be big enough to not condemn me, noguru. Thanks for everything!

May Jesus Touch Your Heart To Consider Total Or Real Forgiveness Someday,

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No Michael, you have no credibility in my eyes, sorry. But that is the truth. You demonstrate that you are incompetent and arrogant in regards to science. And that you try to compensate for that by claiming faith in God and being "extra" friendly with people, until they are honest with you. And then you get rather venomous in a very irrational manner. IOW, your critique has no substance. The fact that you try to appeal to our friendship as a way to convince me of your nonsense does not work on me.

Dear noguru,

Well, that is Real Forgiveness, Isn't It?? NOT!! I am not arrogant or incompetent regarding Science. I do okay. You all believe in "Science" and when something is wrong and you find it out later, and then you say hooray! But I do something wrong and find out later, and I don't say hooray! I say instead, I'm sorry about the mistake I've made. I repent of it. Please accept my apology. That is the difference between Science and Jesus Christ.

I've really just had enough. And I do not try to be "extra friendly" at any time. I have close friends and you have your close friends. You would forgive them in an instant if they made a mistake about something. But for me, you won't; and you tell me peace in one post and the opposite in another. Whatever, Friend!! Thanks a lot!



Michael, I do not want to read your book. Judging from your contributions on this site, I certainly have no confidence in anything you write in a book.

You could have read my book long before this happened. You just didn't want to take the time. So I was wrong about an instance; that doesn't mean everything else in it is wrong. Considering your contributions on this site, I don't really find ANY from you since I've been here. Just blabbing about evolution and saying you are a Christian under your Avatar.

Your elevator seems to not make it to the top floor, is that the case, Michael?

:doh: :cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :rapture:

Again I wish you peace and understanding, hopefully one day in the near future.
Your dear friend, Noguru

Dear Noguru,

Why do you say, "your dear friend" and then you don't act like it. And yes, my elevator can make it to the top floor. You will see what the Lord thinks about Evolution. It won't take much longer. I've found Science to be misleading people all of my life. Errors in carbon-14 dating; and the Piltdown man; and errors about 'Lucy.' I'm not judging you. I am just telling you to wise up. I'm tired of the subject. It's too bad to lose your friendship after all of this. It is not worth it; all of this bickering. We should be actual friends. Don't you know what love is, noguru. Jesus taught us about it. Will you wash my feet? I would wash yours in an instant. I know that you are a mixed-up Christian who wants to believe in Evolution's story of how we got here, etc. instead of God's story.


:mmph: :readthis: :angel: :angel: :angel:
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New member
So, if everything perished in the previous layer, what was left to evolve in succeeding layers?



:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :thumb:
Hi Michael,
your understanding of evolution is something I have to agree with noguru about, pretty woeful.

First of all scientists are typically clever people who do understand the issues and evidence, while creationists typically aren't and don't even want to understand beyond a literal Genesis.
You have probably been reading and parroting far too many creationists.
Don't you think that your rather overly simplistic understanding isn't something that science can indeed fully explain?

What you and YECs refuse to grasp here is that the boundary between different geological strata does not indicate a sudden change or a mass destruction or extermination at all, not in human lifetime terms anyway. There is usually plenty of scope and time within the boundary for much change and adaption to happen.
Also evolution can happen very rapidly indeed if it is required to.
When there is no real requirement for much change then it may not happen to any extent while the particular environment remains the same. It's typically environment change that stokes evolutionary changes to happen.

Only very rarely do fossils occur, they don't represent a steady timeline but require specific conditions. The likelihood of finding any helpful transitional fossils within the boundaries is fairly remote.
You also need to understand that the geological column is a record of the particular local environment, it doesn't show how evolution was happening more globally. As local environments change life from outside may find it more to their liking and move in.

If you accept that the fossils found within the geological column represents a record of the life around at different time periods on Earth then there are many more species around today than in the past, which is a sign of evolution not a sudden creation...
I could go on...
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Charred Remains of 1,500-Year-Old Hebrew Scroll Deciphered

By Elizabeth Goldbaum 7 hours ago

How the scroll may have originally looked – revealed by imaging software.

A burned 1,500-year-old Hebrew scroll found on the shore of the Dead Sea was recently deciphered, 45 years after archaeologists discovered it, researchers in Israel have announced.

"The deciphering of the scroll, which was a puzzle for us for 45 years, is very exciting," Sefi Porath, the archaeologist who discovered the scroll in 1970 in Ein Gedi, Israel, said in a statement from The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA).

The Ein Gedi parchment scroll is the oldest scroll discovered from the Hebrew Bible since the Dead Sea Scrolls, which date to the end of the Second Temple period, about 2,000 years ago.

The parchment scroll was so charred that it was illegible to the naked eye. Only with advanced technology did the scroll reveal the opening verses of the book of Leviticus, the third book of the Hebrew Bible. [The Holy Land: 7 Amazing Archaeological Finds]

Scorched scrolls

The researchers weren't expecting to be able to pull information from the burned scroll. "This discovery absolutely astonished us; we were certain it was just a shot in the dark but decided to try and scan the burnt scroll anyway," said Pnina Shor, curator and director of the IAA's Dead Sea Scrolls Project.

A fragment of the recently deciphered Ein Gedi scroll.

The fire damage to the Ein Gedi scrolls made them impossible to open, so the IAA worked with scientists from Israel and abroad to scan the scrolls with a micro-computed tomography machine (micro-CT), which is "just like what they do in the doctor's office but at a very high resolution, probably a hundred times more accurate than the medical procedures that we do," said Brent Seales, a professor of computer science at the University of Kentucky. Seales analyzed the scans with a digital imaging software that virtually unrolled the scroll and allowed him to visualize the text.

Seales wanted to unpack the layers of the scroll to reconstruct how the text would look if the scroll were opened. "Initially, we didn't know if there would be writing, or what the writing would be, so it was absolutely a big mystery revealed right at the lab," Seales told Live Science.

'Garden of Eden'

The scrolls were unearthed in Ein Gedi, which translates to "Spring of the Goat," a desert oasis on the western shore of the Dead Sea, about 20 miles (32 kilometers) southeast of Jerusalem. Based on ruins of a Chalcolithic, or early Bronze Age, sanctuary dating to the year 4000 B.C., Ein Gedi's first known residents established themselves there about 5,000 years ago.

The oasis is notable in the Bible as the site where King David fled to escape the jealous and vengeful King Saul. David survived and eventually succeeded Saul as King of Israel from around 1010 to 970 B.C.

"Ein Gedi was a Jewish village in the Byzantine period (A.D. 4th to 7th centuries) and had a synagogue with an exquisite mosaic floor and a Holy Ark," said. This marked the first time that an archaeological dig had uncovered a Torah scroll in a synagogue, Porath noted. [Image Gallery: Ancient Texts Go Online]

Burned bits of potential scroll from Ein Gedi, which will be researched.
The Holy Ark is a chest or cupboard, often ornately carved, with doors that open away from each other to reveal the Torah scrolls. These arks typically sit toward the front of a synagogue.

Ein Gedi "was completely burnt to the ground, and none of its inhabitants ever returned to reside there again, or to pick through the ruins in order to salvage valuable property," Porath said. During archaeological excavations of the burned synagogue, researchers found fragments of the burned scrolls; a bronze, seven-branched candelabrum (or menorah); the community's money box holding 3,500 coins, glass and ceramic oil lamps; and perfume vessels, Porath explained.

"We have no information regarding the cause of the fire, but speculation about the destruction ranges from Bedouin raiders from the region east of the Dead Sea to conflicts with the Byzantine government," Porath said.

Although the Ein Gedi scrolls were recovered not too far from the well-known Dead Sea Scrolls, they are considered separate Seales said, because they were found in a synagogue.

The Dead Sea Scrolls were hidden from approaching Roman armies in caves near Qumran in the Judean Desert, which extends east of Jerusalem to the Dead Sea. The ancient scrolls weren't discovered again until 1947, when a Bedouin shepherd of Arab ancestry happened upon them.

The iconic Dead Sea Scrolls date from the third to first centuries A.D. Although Hebrew is most frequently used throughout the scrolls, about 15 percent is in Aramaic, and several writings are in Greek. The 230 manuscripts are often referred to as "biblical scrolls" because they are copies of works that make up the Hebrew Bible.

The text

On the newly deciphered scroll, the text (from the beginning of the book of Leviticus), translated from the original Hebrew, reads as follows:

“The Lord summoned Moses and spoke to him from the tent of meeting, saying: Speak to the people of Israel and say to them: When any of you bring an offering of livestock to the Lord, you shall bring your offering from the herd or from the flock. If the offering is a burnt offering from the herd, you shall offer a male without blemish; you shall bring it to the entrance of the tent of meeting, for acceptance in your behalf before the Lord. You shall lay your hand on the head of the burnt offering, and it shall be acceptable in your behalf as atonement for you. The bull shall be slaughtered before the Lord; and Aaron’s sons the priests shall offer the blood, dashing the blood against all sides of the altar that is at the entrance of the tent of meeting. The burnt offering shall be flayed and cut up into its parts. The sons of the priest Aaron shall put fire on the altar and arrange wood on the fire. Aaron’s sons the priests shall arrange the parts, with the head and the suet, on the wood that is on the fire on the altar." (Leviticus 1:1-8KJV).

The biblical text marks the first time a Torah scroll was found inside a synagogue in any archaeological excavation, according to the IAA.

"The knowledge that we are preserving the most important find of the 20th century and one of the Western world's most important cultural treasures causes us to proceed with the utmost care and caution, and use the most advanced technologies available today," Porath said.

"This collection at the IAA is full of other fragments that might be analyzed, so in a way, this is a beginning rather than an ending," Seales said.

Elizabeth Goldbaum is on Twitter. Follow Live Science @livescience, Facebook & Google+. Original article on Live Science

• Gallery of Dead Sea Scrolls: A Glimpse of the Past
• Religious Mysteries: 8 Alleged Relics of Jesus
• In Photos: Amazing Ruins of the Ancient World


Well-known member
You could have read my book long before this happened. You just didn't want to take the time. So I was wrong about an instance; that doesn't mean everything else in it is wrong. Considering your contributions on this site, I don't really find ANY from you since I've been here. Just blabbing about evolution and saying you are a Christian under your Avatar.

Dear Noguru,

Why do you say, your dear friend and then you don't act like it. And yes, my elevator can make it to the top floor. You will see what the Lord thinks about Evolution. It won't take much longer. I've found Science to be misleading people all of my life. Errors in carbon-14 dating; and the Piltdown man; and errors about 'Lucy.' I'm not judging you. I am just telling you to wise up. I'm tired of the subject. It's too bad to lose your friendship after all of this. It is not worth it; all of this bickering. We should be actual friends. Don't you know what love is, noguru. Jesus taught us about it. Will you wash my feet? I would wash yours in an instant. I know that you are a mixed-up Christian who wants to believe in Evolution's story of how we got here, etc. instead of God's story.


:mmph: :readthis: :angel: :angel: :angel:

Michael, it is not just one error that you make. Every post you make is a comedy of errors. You certainly are a good source of entertainment, but not a good source for science. Your claims to have had science, chemistry, physiology... in school don't amount to a hill of beans. The proof is in the pudding, and you have no pudding. Please do not take this as me judging you in regard to your "eternal salvation", that is something only God can do. But when it comes to science your methodology and understanding is horrendous. I am not going to keep :deadhorse:. I have seen what I need to see in regard to your ability to understand anything that requires rigorous logic.

I did not read your book because I have seen all the glaring misconceptions and misrepresentations you make on a regular basis here. Again, it is not just one error, 99% of them you do not even realize . And personally I do not have time to keep a career, spend time with Amy and her children, exercise regularly, eat and take care of the rest of things in life, while at the same time correcting all your errors. Addressing your errors would become another full time job if it were done adequately. That is really something you should be working on for yourself, since you are the one who is trying to broadcast your ideas to the public.

I have considered looking at your book for its comedic value though. Have you considered getting into comedy? Because science does not seem to be your forte. You should put your efforts into something for which your character is a good fit.

You are quite inept at science, but don't be alarmed. I still wish you peace and understanding. Though I do realize any hope for the latter is probably in vain.

Your dear friend
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New member
I think that Davis knows full well that he is just as fallible as anyone else Michael and that Satan is no part of that.
Al, don’t tell Michael what I am about to confide in you. My world is collapsing around me. I found that I had bumped one of the switches on my personal mistake-o-meter™, and inadvertently set it so it was only reporting the mistakes I have made in the previous hour. 5 mistakes per hour (average), extrapolated over decades - just think what Cadry would do with such ammunition against me. About a week ago he sent me a TOL friend request, but already he has gone from considering me a friend to calling me Satan. And what’s even worse, is he hasn’t given me a rep in ages. I’m going to go cry now.


Active member
re: "... I made a pot of Ham Soup today. It was really tasty."

Isaiah speaks about "a rebellious people which walk in a way that is not good, after their own thoughts; a people that provoke Me to anger continually to My face" (65:2,3). One of the reasons these people provoke the Lord is because they "eat swine's flesh, and broth of unclean meat is in their pots" (65:4). Before the new heavens and new earth are established, the Lord declares that He will consume those people "who eat swine's flesh, detestable things, and mice" (Isa.66:17). The context of this prophecy is the end times, right before the new heaven and new earth. This would certainly seem to suggest that the Lord will still expect an obedience to His dietary laws.

I offer this as an additional comment for your use in considering the current applicability of the levitical dietary laws.


New member
<off topic>I'm a little apprehensive about Windows 10 tbh. As some of you know my computer is used mainly for Music production and my DAW (digital audio workstation) is Cubase 8, along with a bunch of hardware units connected via USB, firewire, PCI and PCIe. Suffice to say it's no ordinary PC. And since my system (almost) works like a dream in Window 7 I'm a little reluctant to change but, I've been told that it wont be long before support for Windows 7 will be withdrawn all together.... dunno?!</off topic>
For a couple of days I have seen reference to the free upgrade to Window 10 in these discussions, but I am seeing comments that it will happen “tomorrow night”. On my laptop that I have with me, I have a small indicator that says Win 10 is coming out on the 29th???

Back home I have several computers, but I don’t want to risk them all on the uncertainties inherent in the initial release of a new OS. I am running Win 7 (I love it) on most of my computers, but a couple of my family members are on Win 8. Most of my computers are not touch screen, so Win 8 isn’t very attractive to me. (And, for over 16 years, I have tried to keep all my computers running 24/7 with BOINC (primarily SETIathome and Einsteinathome) using whatever spare CPU power is available.)


New member
Good buddy Michael,

My initial urge was to simply trash most of what you posted in your last post to me. My reason was that I was responding to a couple of specific claims you made, but your counter-response pretty much ignored the claims that you had made. But, there are a few items that I think may be worth commenting on.
You think they are blithering, asinine, nonsensical claims.
Yup, for the same reason you call a duck a duck. I tried to use the most accurate word.
Some scientists have said the Big Bang theory was similar to God's creation of the Universe.
That has squat to do with your original claim. Here is what you originally said that I was responding to:
Where do you think they got the idea for the Big Bang theory? I'll tell you. They got it from the Bible. From the words, "and He said, Let there be light, and there was light."
I contested that the idea for the big bang came from scripture. I said it was the result of asking a natural question about the observation that Hubble made about the Galaxies receding from each other. Now can you present some specific evidence that supports what you originally said about the idea for the big bang coming from scripture?
And your 'over a million times factor' is for people who are without faith.
Untrue. A whole lot of people of faith have no issue with old earth timelines. In the case of the big bang, it is a very elementary calculation to come up with the date, if you know the Hubble constant. Do you object to applying simple math to measured data?
We believe He did it at least 6-7,000 years ago.
By “we” you mean that small minority who demands that Genesis be read as an accurate physical description of creation. Don’t pretend your narrow view of the Genesis creation account is recognized as scientifically valid outside your own YEC club.
You forget that it says that "God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night
I didn’t forget it at all, and I fail to see what relevance that has to the big bang.
You have your scientific timeline and we have a Biblical timeline.
That’s fine. Yours is a religiously derived belief, based on documents filled with supernatural lore. Science restricts itself to the natural world.
I don't believe in your millions and billions. Your dating methods are full of BS.
We have covered this before. And you are quite correct when you say you simply “don’t believe”. As a scientist, I try to ascertain what nature tells me. Kinda silly for me to expect nature to bend to my personal preferences.
Now, DavisBJ, you may not believe in God or in the Bible, but you are way outnumbered by other people in the world.
Do you think that nature cares a whit for popular opinion?
The Bible is still the #1 selling Book.
Do you think that nature cares a whit about what is written in a popular book?
These people don't have faith for nothing.
Why people have faith has nothing to do with the big bang.
They just believe the Truth, unlike you. Do you know that our Bible says, in the first book of Genesis, that God made the grass, plants, etc. on the day before He made our Sun and Moon, and the stars of Heaven. I mean, the trees and plants needed some sunlight to grow. And He did all of this within six days.
And many many good Christians who are scientists understand that multiple lines of scientific evidence show that literal Genesis is wrong as a scientific account.

When earlier you said:
Science has referenced the Bible on many occasions.
I responded with:
More nonsense. Actually, reference to the Bible is very rare in science.
You responded
No, not more nonsense. That's what you say to everything.
I call a duck a duck.
I can think of a number of instances.
Then presents enough of those instances to show you are right.
Did you know that our Moon is full of water, to be poured on the Earth during a Great Flood. There are tons of water in it. They don't have to have scriptural text. Scientists said so. You missed that, eh? Look how you narrow it down. Science has continually been trying to discover ancient cities, reasons for the Heavy Salt in Sodom and Gomorrah, reasons that agree with the Creation story, the Great Flood, the parting of the Red Sea, etc." You just try to weasel yourself out of everything, don't you?
OK, watery moon, searching for ancient cities, lots of salt in Sodom and Gomorrah, flood, parting of the Red Sea. I am aware on several of these where religiously motivated studies and research were done. Is that it? Tell you what. I’ve got all of the “Scientific American” magazines and the “Science” magazines going back some years. Of the thousands of articles in those, how many reference the Bible?

Side subject – Michael, I know you view me as a sort of arch-nemesis right now, but that perception is one you choose, not me. Friendship is fine. So is truth. But when they come in conflict, I am inclined to politely but firmly, not compromise. The best way to curry my favor is to show that you too put a premium on truth.

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