Creation vs. Evolution

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For a couple of days I have seen reference to the free upgrade to Window 10 in these discussions, but I am seeing comments that it will happen “tomorrow night”. On my laptop that I have with me, I have a small indicator that says Win 10 is coming out on the 29th???

Back home I have several computers, but I don’t want to risk them all on the uncertainties inherent in the initial release of a new OS. I am running Win 7 (I love it) on most of my computers, but a couple of my family members are on Win 8. Most of my computers are not touch screen, so Win 8 isn’t very attractive to me. (And, for over 16 years, I have tried to keep all my computers running 24/7 with BOINC (primarily SETIathome and Einsteinathome) using whatever spare CPU power is available.)

I know people who still swear by XP, despite it long being unsupported by Microsoft.

In my case I have a system mostly geared toward a single end, music production. The software I use can be quite fussy with device drivers. My Audio interface, for example, as 18 inputs and 20 outputs including ADAT ans SP/DIF, not to mention I have extra DSP devices connected via PCIe, firewire and USB. Getting it all to work sweetly is no mean feat so I don't mind admitting a little apprehension about updating to a new operating system.

I might stick with Windows 7 for a while since there isn't much about Win 10 that is of much use to me, but I will probably have to upgrade at some point, and the upgrade is free for the immediate future. I may keep a back up of my present system, just in case ;)


New member
Al, don’t tell Michael what I am about to confide in you. My world is collapsing around me. I found that I had bumped one of the switches on my personal mistake-o-meter™, and inadvertently set it so it was only reporting the mistakes I have made in the previous hour. 5 mistakes per hour (average), extrapolated over decades - just think what Cadry would do with such ammunition against me. About a week ago he sent me a TOL friend request, but already he has gone from considering me a friend to calling me Satan. And what’s even worse, is he hasn’t given me a rep in ages. I’m going to go cry now.
I manually reset my own mistake-o-meter™ every morning. :doh:

Let's just say that Michael seems to like a bit of drama in his life and be at the centre of it. :)


New member
alwight said:
First of all scientists are typically clever people who do understand the issues and evidence

Like Dr John Sanford, geneticist, *who "breathed evolution" and now says the evidence is overwhelming in *favor of Biblical creation.

alwight said:
What you and YECs refuse to grasp here is that the boundary between different geological strata does not indicate a sudden change or a mass destruction or extermination at all
We totally agree that the boundary between geological strata *does not indicate a sudden change change
Read peer reviewed "Defining the Flood/post-Flood boundary in sedimentary rocks"

alwight said:
Also evolution can happen very rapidly indeed if it is required to.*
Yes...that is the Biblical creationist model. God has given organisms a genome allowing rapid adaptation and the ability to survive in various environments.*

alwight said:
Only very rarely do fossils occur, they don't represent a steady timeline but require specific conditions. The likelihood of finding any helpful transitional fossils within the boundaries is fairly remote.

The likelihood of finding "helpful transitional fossils" depends on a a persons belief system. That is why we see grand announcements of transitionals such as "Ida" and "Sediba". .. then slow quiet retractions as science shows it isn't transitional at all.*

alwight said:
If you accept that the fossils found within the geological column represents a record of the life around at different time periods on Earth then there are many more species around today than in the past, which is a sign of evolution not a sudden creation...

If you accept that's the fossils found within the geological column represents an order of burial from the great flood, we see evidence of sudden appearance of various life forms, and the catastrophic extinction.*


New member
alwight; said:
First of all scientists are typically clever people who do understand the issues and evidence
Like Dr John Sanford, geneticist, *who "breathed evolution" and now says the evidence is overwhelming in *favor of Biblical creation.
Clearly as a creationist advocate Dr John Sanford, geneticist, is probably not your typical clever scientist.
As a creationist, for him a literal Genesis will always trump whatever science is presented however rigorous and honest, even his own.

alwight; said:
What you and YECs refuse to grasp here is that the boundary between different geological strata does not indicate a sudden change or a mass destruction or extermination at all
We totally agree that the boundary between geological strata *does not indicate a sudden change change
Read peer reviewed "Defining the Flood/post-Flood boundary in sedimentary rocks"
Then spread the news to Michael and a few other creationists around these here parts.
The supposed Biblical flood was however imagined to be a single relatively short mass extinction event, but what we see in geology however is anything but that.

alwight; said:
Also evolution can happen very rapidly indeed if it is required to.*
Yes...that is the Biblical creationist model. God has given organisms a genome allowing rapid adaptation and the ability to survive in various environments.*
Please cite your factual evidence that God gives anything.

alwight; said:
Only very rarely do fossils occur, they don't represent a steady timeline but require specific conditions. The likelihood of finding any helpful transitional fossils within the boundaries is fairly remote.
The likelihood of finding "helpful transitional fossils" depends on a a persons belief system. That is why we see grand announcements of transitionals such as "Ida" and "Sediba". .. then slow quiet retractions as science shows it isn't transitional at all.*
If you'd care to watch the PZ Myers video that noguro posted earlier you would perhaps understand the extraordinary amount of exhaustive work that scientists put into understanding how evolution works and of how genetic changes come about. He also explains how when creationists are presented with all kinds of transitional facts, often exactly what they were previously demanding, that they then wave it all away and trivialise it.
Do watch it, but I suspect you won't:
PZ Myers from earlier

alwight; said:
If you accept that the fossils found within the geological column represents a record of the life around at different time periods on Earth then there are many more species around today than in the past, which is a sign of evolution not a sudden creation...
If you accept that's the fossils found within the geological column represents an order of burial from the great flood, we see evidence of sudden appearance of various life forms, and the catastrophic extinction.*
We actually find different creatures in different layers, not something caused by a single event.
But as PZ Myers explains in that video the facts and evidence shows that humans were training dogs as pets some 9000 years before your supposed global flood.


Hi Michael,
your understanding of evolution is something I have to agree with noguru about, pretty woeful.

Dear alwight,

My understanding about evolution is better than you think. But I don't believe evolution exists. I believe that God created everything when He created the Earth.

First of all scientists are typically clever people who do understand the issues and evidence, while creationists typically aren't and don't even want to understand beyond a literal Genesis.

How clever are they when they try to deceive the world with their Piltdown Man, and Lucy?? Is that clever? It's downright lying to the world.

You have probably been reading and parroting far too many creationists.
Don't you think that your rather overly simplistic understanding isn't something that science can indeed fully explain?

What you and YECs refuse to grasp here is that the boundary between different geological strata does not indicate a sudden change or a mass destruction or extermination at all, not in human lifetime terms anyway. There is usually plenty of scope and time within the boundary for much change and adaption to happen.
Also evolution can happen very rapidly indeed if it is required to.
When there is no real requirement for much change then it may not happen to any extent while the particular environment remains the same. It's typically environment change that stokes evolutionary changes to happen.

You don't know for sure anyways, Alwight. Have you checked out the articles I pasted here a few posts ago, plus the most recent one that has Science discovering Biblical Scrolls. Now, noguru says Science doesn't go to the Bible for anything.

Only very rarely do fossils occur, they don't represent a steady timeline but require specific conditions. The likelihood of finding any helpful transitional fossils within the boundaries is fairly remote.
You also need to understand that the geological column is a record of the particular local environment, it doesn't show how evolution was happening more globally. As local environments change life from outside may find it more to their liking and move in.

If you accept that the fossils found within the geological column represents a record of the life around at different time periods on Earth then there are many more species around today than in the past, which is a sign of evolution not a sudden creation...
I could go on...

Alwight, you forget that I'm living in the State of the Grand Canyon, AZ. They've done much research here and they said it matches other layers as such, in other countries in the world. I read it somewhere, but it was a scientific journal, I believe. Either way, I don't believe in Evolution. I believe everything was created by God, not evolved from something else, Al. Tell me one instance of Evolution. Which animal? Wolves don't count because they are dogs also. And man's interbreeding dogs doesn't count either, etc.

Okay, I've got to run, Al. You get back to me on this. I will answer other's thread here in a couple hours.

Bless You And Cheerio!!



New member
Dear alwight,

My understanding about evolution is better than you think. But I don't believe evolution exists. I believe that God created everything when He created the Earth.
I will only go by what the facts and evidence seems to suggest Michael, you however have apparently pre-concluded that "God" supplies all the answers you need regardless of facts and evidence.

How clever are they when they try to deceive the world with their Piltdown Man, and Lucy?? Is that clever? It's downright lying to the world.
As mentioned in my post to 6days some scientists (not many) are also creationists who will even deny their own science should it conflict with a literal Genesis.
The fact that some scientists are also creationists or frauds does not seriously affect the direction that peer reviewed scientific consensus goes. Both examples you mentioned are often trotted out by creationists but to suggest that all of science is false because of a few cases of individual fraud is nonsense. The Piltdown man example was shown to be wrong by science itself, not sceptics or creationists. Peer reviewed science will correct itself by the efforts of its more honest contributors.
As for "Lucy" perhaps you will explain to me in what way it is lying or a fraud and I will see if what you say seems right or wrong to me?
As far as I'm aware "Lucy" still remains good, properly evidenced and genuine science. If some of the speculation has since been has been jumped on by creationists then I can't help that, only try to answer what they say.

You don't know for sure anyways, Alwight. Have you checked out the articles I pasted here a few posts ago, plus the most recent one that has Science discovering Biblical Scrolls. Now, noguru says Science doesn't go to the Bible for anything.
Ancient scrolls are only evidence that ancient people wrote words in ancient times. Their only evidential value is for their antiquity and anthropology context, they aren't somehow magical and evidence of a supernatural.

Alwight, you forget that I'm living in the State of the Grand Canyon, AZ. They've done much research here and they said it matches other layers as such, in other countries in the world. I read it somewhere, but it was a scientific journal, I believe. Either way, I don't believe in Evolution. I believe everything was created by God, not evolved from something else, Al. Tell me one instance of Evolution. Which animal? Wolves don't count because they are dogs also. And man's interbreeding dogs doesn't count either, etc.
Yes I understand where you live Michael, but just as Sarah Palin could see Russia from Alaska it didn't give her any special insight into Russians.
My understanding is that geologists can usually match-date the geological column to different ages all around the world. It shows many different ages and many different events, but it doesn't show a simultaneous creation nor a Global flood. You should not imo try to saddle your God with YEC nonsense.
If your God exists then He has shown you His wondrous creation in all the splendid physical evidence, not in ancient contrived scriptures written by men.

Okay, I've got to run, Al. You get back to me on this. I will answer other's thread here in a couple hours.

Bless You And Cheerio!!

OK Michael, I will take this as far as you want to take it, but remember it's about what you say you believe not an attack on you personally. ;)


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Full Disclosure

Full Disclosure

I'm here to stay, as well. I think it's a great responsibility that has fallen to us few that will unashamedly stand by the bible and preach God's Word.
Dear Joel,

If you present rational arguments for your position, then you will be a welcome addition to the conversation.

But this is already a very long thread, and I suspect you have not had time to acquaint yourself with many of the more relevant ideas that have come to light. It should be of particular interest for you to be aware of some very unique beliefs held by Michael Cadry, the thread originator (whom you have already exchanged pleasantries with.)

In his opening post (and periodically since) Mr. Cadry links to a small booklet he has published, and which is available online. Within that book, Mr. Cadry asserts:

Hiccups are the way in which God gives His Spirit to people by putting it into them, sometimes forcefully. The diaphragm spasms as this is happening, but that is not just air going into your left ear. I have found this to be true by my own experience. You’ll find out soon enough, so you don’t have to believe me now. Also, this is not the same as having the Holy Spirit descend on you.

Now I must mention something written of in Revelation, chapter 12. I know most of you won’t believe this, but you’ll need to know it for later. The scripture speaks of a woman. The woman was my mother. She has passed away and gone to be with God recently. In Revelation 12:15, it says that the serpent (Satan) cast out a flood of water after the woman (symbolism, figure of speech), that she might be overcome by it. This was my mother’s battle with beer and alcohol.

The only ones for sure who are written to go to the lake of fire are Lucifer, the beast, the antichrist, the false prophet, and Satan, and possibly the 666 who are deceived by Uri Geller (the antichrist) and Jean-Pierre Girard, the false prophet.

… a woman from Hollywood named Betty Hutton. It said she was a movie actress from past days, and that she’d been married many times and made lots of money…. a voice again spoke from the air above me, exactly as I’d heard the first angel speak to me. “Babylon is fallen, is fallen,” he said. I didn’t really understand what it all meant initially, but I knew it had something to do with this woman. … God’s spirit helped me to understand what I’d heard and what it meant … It concerned … the Old Testament (Please see Hosea 2:16) about a woman who had many husbands and riches, but would lose them both.

I had an out-of-body experience and was in a hospital room. I saw ex-singer-songwriter Cat Stevens (a.k.a. Yusuf Islam) lying near death in a hospital bed with tuberculosis. Then I listened as God spoke to him from a corner near the ceiling of the room and told him that he would live and would sing new songs. I understood that Cat was made aware of the fact that God really existed and that the latter days were upon us.

Michael is planning on being killed (late this year?), and his body will lie in the street for a few days:

The Lord told me I am one of two witnesses and one of two olive branches who would come before the second coming and give pertinent information to others on earth. This is so everyone won’t have to experience to the letter, everything I’ve had to suffer through and learn. This way others can read about what I had to learn in 40 years instead. (See Rev. 11:3).

I do know what I’m talking about because it’s not my interpretation, but was given to me by the Lord directly and also through a number of angelic visits and certain visions.

I was told by an angel that a great earthquake in Phoenix, Arizona must first happen after the two witnesses ascension or resurrection. It will be the greatest earthquake since man has been on earth. Another earthquake, in Hollywood, California will follow the Phoenix earthquake

Jesus’ heavenly body will be Venus

Satan is but a man who fell from God’s graces during a race of men and women before our own Adam and Eve. Lucifer (now an evil spirit who was once an angel of God) misled Satan (while he was previously a man on earth before our own Adam and Eve) against God. He just uses talking telepathically to sway you from God.

When Michael started this thread 2 years ago, he fiercely defended his belief that God had populated the earth with people and then wiped them out again and again, before Biblical Adam was formed (you still see a remnant of that belief in the excerpt from his book above about the origin of Satan). About 1 year ago in this thread he vacillated between old-earth and young earth beliefs, before finally jettisoning (most) of his old-earth ideas (this required a revision to his on-line book to eradicate the mention of old-earth ideas there as well). Interestingly, prior to jettisoning his old-earth beliefs, on a number of occasions he defended his old earth beliefs with statements like:
… See Gen. 1:21 and Gen. 1:22 … Now see in Gen. 2:19 … this refers to at LEAST two separate incidents, for those who can understand it. For those of you who can't, it is meant to be that way. It is kept from minds that are not ready for it. … Why do you think we find men's and women's bones thosuands of years older than just our most recent Adam. Our Bible KJV is a book about OUR generations of Adam. …
… I'm not saying these things are a POSSIBILITY. I'm saying they are the truth as the Lord has TOLD ME. These are of the seven thunders which John heard and was about to write them down, and was told to seal them up until the time of the end (for man was not ready yet mentally and spiritually to handle them yet). See Rev. 10:4. I KNOW about these things without any DOUBTS because I truly received them from the Lord God and angels. Yes, the Lord has spoken to me when He has wanted to. I also pray to Him every day for guidance. … We have already lived many lives and returned back in different bodies to get another chance at choosing God over Satan, but this right now is the last chance for a long time to come…
… There was life on Mars at one time and Our God oversaw it. And He created man there and woman there. And a whole existence happened there before this life we have on 'this' Earth. Mars was in this orbit of Earth before it was popped out into a different path, just as it says this earth shall reel to and fro' like a drunkard and be utterly removed out of her place. Someone out there with a knowledge of the Scriptures knows where this is written in the Bible. But all the men and women did there continuously with Creation and re-forming, was learn to make war with each other and kill each other. This is what I've been told about the matter. God has not been too privy on the details, just He wanted me to know the basics. Yes, Mars used to have life on it. …
… I am going to stick with being an OEC (Old Earth Creationist), just like I was before. I thought that maybe I should think YEC (Young Earth Creationist) because I was swayed and thought, well maybe I had heard a 'lying spirit'. But no, it was really the Lord Who did guide me through that experience. There has been more than one Adam and I stick with my original premise. … I'm not changing my mind again…

… The Lord told me He made MORE than one Adam. It is still exactly as I originally wrote in my book. So I got talked into becoming a YEC by 6days for nothing. And I apologized to everyone because I thought I was wrong and that it might be a lying spirit, but the Lord reassured me that it was not. So I embarrassed myself for nothing… The way it was told to me was that God created Adam before a number of times, and destroyed them each time, because they kept choosing wickedness and war, etc. each time He had to wipe the earth clean of them… Man has spanned a much longer time on earth than just 6,000 years…
… I am leaning towards being an OEC quite quickly. I prayed about it. …
Note in the above explanations that Michael authored his rationale for his old-earth beliefs comes from what he says was divinely endowed knowledge. You judge how sincere he was when shortly after he turns against his self-avowed divine instructions and jumps over into the YEC camp. You think Michael is the sort of reliable teammate you can rely on?

A final note. According to Mr. Cadry, your tenure at TOL will probably be rather brief. This is because he has asserted numerous times that he feels certain that the rapture will occur late this year.


Dear Joel,

If you present rational arguments for your position, then you will be a welcome addition to the conversation.

But this is already a very long thread, and I suspect you have not had time to acquaint yourself with many of the more relevant ideas that have come to light. It should be of particular interest for you to be aware of some very unique beliefs held by Michael Cadry, the thread originator (whom you have already exchanged pleasantries with.)

In his opening post (and periodically since) Mr. Cadry links to a small booklet he has published, and which is available online. Within that book, Mr. Cadry asserts:

Hiccups are the way in which God gives His Spirit to people by putting it into them, sometimes forcefully. The diaphragm spasms as this is happening, but that is not just air going into your left ear. I have found this to be true by my own experience. You’ll find out soon enough, so you don’t have to believe me now. Also, this is not the same as having the Holy Spirit descend on you.

Now I must mention something written of in Revelation, chapter 12. I know most of you won’t believe this, but you’ll need to know it for later. The scripture speaks of a woman. The woman was my mother. She has passed away and gone to be with God recently. In Revelation 12:15, it says that the serpent (Satan) cast out a flood of water after the woman (symbolism, figure of speech), that she might be overcome by it. This was my mother’s battle with beer and alcohol.

The only ones for sure who are written to go to the lake of fire are Lucifer, the beast, the antichrist, the false prophet, and Satan, and possibly the 666 who are deceived by Uri Geller (the antichrist) and Jean-Pierre Girard, the false prophet.

… a woman from Hollywood named Betty Hutton. It said she was a movie actress from past days, and that she’d been married many times and made lots of money…. a voice again spoke from the air above me, exactly as I’d heard the first angel speak to me. “Babylon is fallen, is fallen,” he said. I didn’t really understand what it all meant initially, but I knew it had something to do with this woman. … God’s spirit helped me to understand what I’d heard and what it meant … It concerned … the Old Testament (Please see Hosea 2:16) about a woman who had many husbands and riches, but would lose them both.

I had an out-of-body experience and was in a hospital room. I saw ex-singer-songwriter Cat Stevens (a.k.a. Yusuf Islam) lying near death in a hospital bed with tuberculosis. Then I listened as God spoke to him from a corner near the ceiling of the room and told him that he would live and would sing new songs. I understood that Cat was made aware of the fact that God really existed and that the latter days were upon us.

Michael is planning on being killed (late this year?), and his body will lie in the street for a few days:

The Lord told me I am one of two witnesses and one of two olive branches who would come before the second coming and give pertinent information to others on earth. This is so everyone won’t have to experience to the letter, everything I’ve had to suffer through and learn. This way others can read about what I had to learn in 40 years instead. (See Rev. 11:3).

I do know what I’m talking about because it’s not my interpretation, but was given to me by the Lord directly and also through a number of angelic visits and certain visions.

I was told by an angel that a great earthquake in Phoenix, Arizona must first happen after the two witnesses ascension or resurrection. It will be the greatest earthquake since man has been on earth. Another earthquake, in Hollywood, California will follow the Phoenix earthquake

Jesus’ heavenly body will be Venus

Satan is but a man who fell from God’s graces during a race of men and women before our own Adam and Eve. Lucifer (now an evil spirit who was once an angel of God) misled Satan (while he was previously a man on earth before our own Adam and Eve) against God. He just uses talking telepathically to sway you from God.

When Michael started this thread 2 years ago, he fiercely defended his belief that God had populated the earth with people and then wiped them out again and again, before Biblical Adam was formed (you still see a remnant of that belief in the excerpt from his book above about the origin of Satan). About 1 year ago in this thread he vacillated between old-earth and young earth beliefs, before finally jettisoning (most) of his old-earth ideas (this required a revision to his on-line book to eradicate the mention of old-earth ideas there as well). Interestingly, prior to jettisoning his old-earth beliefs, on a number of occasions he defended his old earth beliefs with statements like:

Note in the above explanations that Michael authored his rationale for his old-earth beliefs comes from what he says was divinely endowed knowledge. You judge how sincere he was when shortly after he turns against his self-avowed divine instructions and jumps over into the YEC camp. You think Michael is the sort of reliable teammate you can rely on?

A final note. According to Mr. Cadry, your tenure at TOL will probably be rather brief. This is because he has asserted numerous times that he feels certain that the rapture will occur late this year.

Dear DavisBJ,

Well, BJ, you did an okay job explaining my position, but not well enough. You left out many details for your own purposes. I'm not going to give you good rep. pts. because your intent is to try to work against me and you know it. I'll tell you right now, it really doesn't matter either way whether I am YEC or OEC. Everything that is important is all written in my book. You just want me to be OEC like you. Because if it's not OEC then your beliefs will be shot in the butt. But your beliefs are already shot in the butt and you don't even know it. I've told you more than once to turn to God and Jesus, and hope they'll save your soul, but you will have none of it. So the real loser will be you. Woe to the man who messes with God. You will find out soon enough.



New member
Dear DavisBJ,

I'll tell you right now, it really doesn't matter either way whether I am YEC or OEC. Everything that is important is all written in my book. You just want me to be OEC like you. Because if it's not OEC then your beliefs will be shot in the butt. But your beliefs are already shot in the butt and you don't even know it. I've told you more than once to turn to God and Jesus, and hope they'll save your soul, but you will have none of it. So the real loser will be you. Woe to the man who messes with God. You will find out soon enough.

Dear Michael,

That post was a heads-up to your new companion who has said he wants to participate in the discussions. I said nothing to him that didn’t come first from you. Do you think I misrepresented you in what I said?

And I can assure you that I am not an OEC, since that would invalidate my standing as a non-believer.

I have consistently hoped and tried to get you to honestly understand science. If I were successful in that, I would be unconcerned with your theology.


New member
Have you checked out the articles I pasted here a few posts ago, plus the most recent one that has Science discovering Biblical Scrolls. Now, noguru says Science doesn't go to the Bible for anything.
Michael, the article about ancient scrolls you put in a recent post shows that science is useful in a variety of ways. It is not restricted to laboratories, nor to secular needs. It simply works, by whoever employs it properly. But you seem to be once again saying this shows that science “goes to the Bible” for help. In fact the opposite is true. It was the theologians and archaeologists who turned to science asking for its help. Nowhere in the article does it say, or even imply that science relied in any way on the Bible, or on what was found in the scrolls. The science used in reading the scrolls depended in no way on knowledge found in any sacred text.


New member
My understanding about evolution is better than you think.
In the early days of this thread, and prior to the revision of your book to expunge some old-earth claims, you said the lack of finding apes that were midway to becoming men showed evolution to be false. Is that still your belief?

But I don't believe evolution exists.
It is good that what you believe has almost nothing to do with how nature works. You really should look at nature and see what it tells you about reality.


New member
How clever are they when they try to deceive the world with their Piltdown Man, and Lucy?? Is that clever? It's downright lying to the world.
I am not aware that we know who perpetrated the fraud known as Piltdown man. Do you? Some scientists were probably remiss in not detecting the fraud earlier than they did, but the deception was against the scientific community, not by science. It is far more likely that someone like you, with a pathological hatred of the success that science has had when compared with religion, who was the one that perpetrated the deception.
Last edited:


Michael, it is not just one error that you make. Every post you make is a comedy of errors. You certainly are a good source of entertainment, but not a good source for science. Your claims to have had science, chemistry, physiology... in school don't amount to a hill of beans. The proof is in the pudding, and you have no pudding.

Dear noguru,

As a matter of fact, I've made two errors. The one about me being OEC or YEC, or back again. It could be either way, to be honest. The thing is, it doesn't matter a whole heck of a lot considering all that is involved in the scheme of things. Also, a mistake about clean food. When you see the Lord's angry face upon you, then see what you do. I'm not trying to be a 'good source of science at all. You have no idea what pudding I've got. I've got proof that God visited me, when He sent 7 inches of snow on a Daily News reporter's bldg. within 48 hours of his receiving my letter, so he would know that God was with me. He was terrified and was frantically calling me all day, because when I got home, my girlfriend told me, so that's how I know. I was working at ABC-TV in Manhattan at the time. So what's your life been like??

Please do not take this as me judging you in regard to your "eternal salvation", that is something only God can do. But when it comes to science your methodology and understanding is horrendous. I am not going to keep :deadhorse:. I have seen what I need to see in regard to your ability to understand anything that requires rigorous logic.

Don't worry. I don't care if anyone is trying to judge me or not. I just want to get the Lord's message out that His Son is returning very soon. I don't care a hill of beans about Science. Haven't you figured that out by now. Science will not save me; God and Jesus will. I understand enough about science. I have no problem with anything that requires rigorous logic. Don't you know that by now. Have you ever walked a block in my shoes. You have no idea how much the Lord has taught me. Finally, I am invincible against Satan, and can therefore, handle you.

I did not read your book because I have seen all the glaring misconceptions and misrepresentations you make on a regular basis here. Again, it is not just one error, 99% of them you do not even realize.

You Think it's 99% that I don't realize. There is no way that that is true and you will find that out shortly, also. You've made more errors than me, noguru, especially by putting science before God's Creation Story.

And personally I do not have time to keep a career, spend time with Amy and her children, exercise regularly, eat and take care of the rest of things in life, while at the same time correcting all your errors. Addressing your errors would become another full time job if it were done adequately. That is really something you should be working on for yourself, since you are the one who is trying to broadcast your ideas to the public.

I am not trying to keep you away from your Amy and her children. You are the one who keeps poking at me. If you didn't want to keep dissing me, then you'd spend a lot less time on the computer, and more time with Amy. I have few errors, noguru. Just one sizable one and one small one, neither which matter much. What matters is that Jesus is Returning. That's all.

I have considered looking at your book for its comedic value though. Have you considered getting into comedy? Because science does not seem to be your forte. You should put your efforts into something for which your character is a good fit.

I hardly believe that you know what to say to me. Theology is evidently not your forte either, noguru. You're too busy studying evolution, which also takes up a lot of your time.

You are quite inept at science, but don't be alarmed. I still wish you peace and understanding. Though I do realize any hope for the latter is probably in vain.

Your dear friend

Hey, dear friend, why do you treat me this way, Friend? I am hardly inept at Science. And you wish the latter is probably in vain. Like I told you: time will tell.

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Al, don’t tell Michael what I am about to confide in you. My world is collapsing around me. I found that I had bumped one of the switches on my personal mistake-o-meter™, and inadvertently set it so it was only reporting the mistakes I have made in the previous hour. 5 mistakes per hour (average), extrapolated over decades - just think what Cadry would do with such ammunition against me. About a week ago he sent me a TOL friend request, but already he has gone from considering me a friend to calling me Satan. And what’s even worse, is he hasn’t given me a rep in ages. I’m going to go cry now.

I don't remember it being a week ago, BJ. I thought it had been a few weeks ago. Let me collaborate with you on that one! I'm not giving you good rep. pts. because you are against me all of the time. Comprendo?




New member
I don't remember it being a week ago, BJ. I thought it had been a few weeks ago. Let me collaborate with you on that one! I'm not giving you good rep. pts. because you are against me all of the time. Comprendo?


It was July 12. If no good rep pts, then can you give me bad ones? Anything to show you are thinking about me? Pretty please?


re: "... I made a pot of Ham Soup today. It was really tasty."

Isaiah speaks about "a rebellious people which walk in a way that is not good, after their own thoughts; a people that provoke Me to anger continually to My face" (65:2,3). One of the reasons these people provoke the Lord is because they "eat swine's flesh, and broth of unclean meat is in their pots" (65:4). Before the new heavens and new earth are established, the Lord declares that He will consume those people "who eat swine's flesh, detestable things, and mice" (Isa.66:17). The context of this prophecy is the end times, right before the new heaven and new earth. This would certainly seem to suggest that the Lord will still expect an obedience to His dietary laws.

I offer this as an additional comment for your use in considering the current applicability of the levitical dietary laws.

Dear rstrats,

I suppose many of us on Earth have eaten pork or ham soup. And bacon, and crab legs, clams, or oysters, etc. But seeing I agree with you, I will consider taking it all off of my menu from now on. I believe you. Thanks for your post, dude. I can't give you any more good rep pts. yet.

God Be With You!!


:cloud9: :cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel:

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A couple of years ago I sat in a meeting next to PZMeyers for a couple of hours. He didn’t hold back in that discussion, and I suspect he would tolerate Cadry type silliness for about 1 minute.


That is just what you surmise, but it is not true. You know nothing, including that I am hardly silly. You are the inept one, BJ. You don't even believe in God yet. So you have mistake no. 1 right there. And you don't believe in Jesus, so that is mistake no. 2 right there. And you don't believe in angels, or being visited by one, so that is mistake no. 3 and 4. I could really go on for a Loooong time. But I digress. Enough said. Tons of luck when Jesus comes! I don't have to prove myself to anyone except God, so bite down hard on that one. I can only feel sorry for you and noguru.



New member

That is just what you surmise, but it is not true. You know nothing, including that I am hardly silly. You are the inept one, BJ. You don't even believe in God yet. So you have mistake no. 1 right there. And you don't believe in Jesus, so that is mistake no. 2 right there. And you don't believe in angels, or being visited by one, so that is mistake no. 3 and 4. I could really go on for a Loooong time. But I digress. Enough said. Tons of luck when Jesus comes! I don't have to prove myself to anyone except God, so bite down hard on that one. I can only feel sorry for you and noguru.


You are my very best wacky nutso goofball friend.

Sometimes it can be quite beneficial to set aside enough time to gain an honest understanding of opposing viewpoints. The PZMeyers video that noguru linked to recently might offend you, but that does not diminish the message it contains. In contrast, I have read the Christian scriptures cover to cover multiple times, biblical commentaries, magazines, blogs, and even your on-line missive. You prefer to argue from ignorance. You think that is a good idea?



Good buddy Michael,

My initial urge was to simply trash most of what you posted in your last post to me. My reason was that I was responding to a couple of specific claims you made, but your counter-response pretty much ignored the claims that you had made. But, there are a few items that I think may be worth commenting on.

Yup, for the same reason you call a duck a duck. I tried to use the most accurate word.

That has squat to do with your original claim. Here is what you originally said that I was responding to:

I contested that the idea for the big bang came from scripture. I said it was the result of asking a natural question about the observation that Hubble made about the Galaxies receding from each other. Now can you present some specific evidence that supports what you originally said about the idea for the big bang coming from scripture?

Untrue. A whole lot of people of faith have no issue with old earth timelines. In the case of the big bang, it is a very elementary calculation to come up with the date, if you know the Hubble constant. Do you object to applying simple math to measured data?

By “we” you mean that small minority who demands that Genesis be read as an accurate physical description of creation. Don’t pretend your narrow view of the Genesis creation account is recognized as scientifically valid outside your own YEC club.

I didn’t forget it at all, and I fail to see what relevance that has to the big bang.

That’s fine. Yours is a religiously derived belief, based on documents filled with supernatural lore. Science restricts itself to the natural world.

We have covered this before. And you are quite correct when you say you simply “don’t believe”. As a scientist, I try to ascertain what nature tells me. Kinda silly for me to expect nature to bend to my personal preferences.

Do you think that nature cares a whit for popular opinion?

Do you think that nature cares a whit about what is written in a popular book?

Why people have faith has nothing to do with the big bang.

And many many good Christians who are scientists understand that multiple lines of scientific evidence show that literal Genesis is wrong as a scientific account.

When earlier you said:

I responded with:

You responded

I call a duck a duck.

Then presents enough of those instances to show you are right.

OK, watery moon, searching for ancient cities, lots of salt in Sodom and Gomorrah, flood, parting of the Red Sea. I am aware on several of these where religiously motivated studies and research were done. Is that it? Tell you what. I’ve got all of the “Scientific American” magazines and the “Science” magazines going back some years. Of the thousands of articles in those, how many reference the Bible?

Side subject – Michael, I know you view me as a sort of arch-nemesis right now, but that perception is one you choose, not me. Friendship is fine. So is truth. But when they come in conflict, I am inclined to politely but firmly, not compromise. The best way to curry my favor is to show that you too put a premium on truth.



I have no intention of answering this post. Yes, truth is fine. Why do you not give a hoot about the fact that you don't believe in God, you don't believe in Jesus, you don't believe in Daniel, angels, the Immaculate Conception, Jesus' birth, Isaiah, Abraham, Moses, etc. I could go on a long time to list all of your mistakes--way longer than your post here. I don't agree with half of what you said. But whatever. What is most important is that Jesus is Returning. You can tell Him your problems, and your lack of making mistakes. :Ha:



New member

I have no intention of answering this post. (Usual damnation rhetoric goes here).

Dear Michael,

Of course you have no intention of answering my post. You are a creationist, after all. For you it is sufficient to invent lies about the big bang being based on Biblical ideas, and then to compound your perfidy by refusing to back your claim.
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