Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear Michael,

What does it matter? You claim that you are bringing a message from God for the world. According to your own testimony, God told you the same thing over and over. And you then openly declare beliefs that are the exact opposite of what God told you. But to you, that is just a “mistake”.

It is not a mistake, it is an open act of defiance in opposition to what you say God told you. And, I note it is not something you have indicated you are rectifying. You are against God, not for Him, Judas.

I warned you that true friends don’t let friends drive drunk, even in spiritual matters. You apparently don’t want a friend, you want an enabler.

Dear BJ,

Everyone will get the message I get from God either way. You weren't there, so drop it. I am not trying to defy God. Like I said, I will pray about it. And it is no business of yours if He answers me now, or when I get to Heaven. Do you understand that?? I don't trust that you are a true friend. You just like to cause commotion. My other True Friends don't do that here. Now why do you think that? Who is my True Friend?



It used to be Mark SeaSigh who was his adviser, who is an OEC iirc. :chuckle:

Dear Alwight,

No, I don't need confirmation from 6days, nor from Mark SeaSigh, although we do still call each other every weekend. When I make friends, they usually last. If I recall correctly, I still have some who are true to me on this website. I'm just under the weather right now, because of this line length thing being too long. Oh well, maybe Sherman can help a
little later.

Much Loving Kindness!!


:guitar: :singer: :angel: :cloud9:
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Hi, Benedict Michael,

Well, then since you repetitively said God confirmed OEC ideas to you, but you declare you agree with YEC, then either you are in defiance of what God told you, or you lied about what you said God told you. Which is it - defying God or lying about what God said?

Michael, quit playing like an ignoramus. I specifically listed a bunch of times where you said God confirmed OEC to you. No “probably” about it.

Precisely. You, claiming to be a prophet of God, having been told by God more than a half-dozen times that the earth is old, but you’re “not sure”.

What was the mistake? Lying about what God told you, or defying what He told you?

Does it bother you that I am sensitive to someone claiming to have a divine message turning out to be just a wishy-washy opportunist, using God’s name to bolster whatever wacky belief they have on a certain day?

But even as an atheist, I have never dishonored God the way you have, by claiming my personal ideas were given to me by God.

Ask that question to God. According to scripture, you are not the first of his messengers to defy Him.

Dear BJ,

You seem to like to mix my replies up to your quotes; you like finagling my words, it seems. You can pretend I never said anything to you for all I care. You wouldn't believe me before you came to this conclusion and you won't afterwards, no matter what I had to say. So drop the pious stuff. Quit acting like you care so much to not be my enabler.



Hi, Benedict Michael,

Well, then since you repetitively said God confirmed OEC ideas to you, but you declare you agree with YEC, then either you are in defiance of what God told you, or you lied about what you said God told you. Which is it - defying God or lying about what God said?

Dear DavisBJ,

It's not defying God or lying about what He's said. It is an "I am not sure EVERY single time that which He speaks to me of is truth." "This once, He sent a lying spirit to me to test me. I passed the test and am no longer deceived. Does that do it for you now? When we die, we will both know the answer, right? And if He tells me assuredly one way or the other, THEN I will know for sure what to be telling you. The rest of what I've had to say, and this also, you will find to be truth as it happens. If things start falling apart around you, then you'll know it's Armageddon. When and if you see Jesus Return, ask Him your question then.


Michael, quit playing like an ignoramus. I specifically listed a bunch of times where you said God confirmed OEC to you. No “probably” about it.

Precisely. You, claiming to be a prophet of God, having been told by God more than a half-dozen times that the earth is old, but you’re “not sure”.

What was the mistake? Lying about what God told you, or defying what He told you?

Does it bother you that I am sensitive to someone claiming to have a divine message turning out to be just a wishy-washy opportunist, using God’s name to bolster whatever wacky belief they have on a certain day?

But even as an atheist, I have never dishonored God the way you have, by claiming my personal ideas were given to me by God.

Ask that question to God. According to scripture, you are not the first of his messengers to defy Him.

Dear DavisBJ,

It's not defying God or lying about what He's said. It is an "I am not sure which He speaks to me of is truth." Does that do it for you now? When we die, we will both know the answer, right? And if He tells me assuredly one way or the other, THEN I will know for sure what to be telling you. The rest of what I've had to say, and this also, you will find to be truth as it happens. If things start falling apart around you, then you'll know it's Armageddon. When and if you see Jesus Return, ask Him your question then. Ask Him about me then too!! See what the difference is between us both that causes us to part ways.

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New member
You are a Benedict Arnold to Him more than me. You turned Him away long ago, so I don't need this, that's for sure. Get yourself behind me, Satan.

Dear Michael,

I am not the one who has been two-faced about my position. Right or wrong, at life’s end I will have been honest. You haven’t been.


New member
Dear Michael,
Dear BJ,

Everyone will get the message I get from God either way. You weren't there, so drop it.
You are the one who elected to start this thread, and repeatedly threaten disbelievers for their lack of belief. But when it is pointed out that you yourself don’t have the personal strength of character yourself to really care about what God has told you, then you try to deflect the blame on us.
I am not trying to defy God.
I listed multiple times you said you got an answer from God, true or false? You have declared your belief is contrary to the answer you said God gave, true or false?
Like I said, I will pray about it.
You said you already did, and got an answer. Are you going to keep pestering God until you get the answer you want, instead of the one He already gave you?
Who is my True Friend?
Obviously it’s not God.


New member
Dear Michael,
Dear BJ,

You wouldn't believe me before you came to this conclusion and you won't afterwards, no matter what I had to say. So drop the pious stuff.
Clearly you didn't believe God before you came to this YEC conclusion and you didn't afterwards, no matter what God had to say. So quit pretending you actually believe in Him.


New member
Dear Michael,
Dear DavisBJ,

It is an "I am not sure which He speaks to me of is truth."
What?? Is Satan on vacation, and so God told him to take his time, and God will mix truth and lies in what He tells us?
When and if you see Jesus Return, ask Him your question then. Ask Him about me then too!! See what the difference is between us both that causes us to part ways.
I don’t need to wait to know that answer. If there is a judgement day, I will at least have honesty and consistency on my side. I might come down into the fire to visit you once in a while, though.


New member
When will people start understanding that creation has nothing to do with evolution. Creation is a concept that deals with the origin of life.

Evolution doesn't discuss that at all. Evolution is a well-founded theory that deals with speciation.

Two totally different concepts which unfortunately many fundamentalist don't understand or differentiate.


Dear Michael,

What does it matter? You claim that you are bringing a message from God for the world. According to your own testimony, God told you the same thing over and over. And you then openly declare beliefs that are the exact opposite of what God told you. But to you, that is just a “mistake”.

It is not a mistake, it is an open act of defiance in opposition to what you say God told you. And, I note it is not something you have indicated you are rectifying. You are against God, not for Him, Judas.

I warned you that true friends don’t let friends drive drunk, even in spiritual matters. You apparently don’t want a friend, you want an enabler.

Dear BJ,

God tells you only once most all of the time. Not God told you, told you, told you. That shows how much you know about Him. I just don't know for sure if it was God, in this instance, or a lying spirit, to test me with. In hindsight, that could definitely be. I will give it some thought. That hasn't happened often, but yes, I have made other mistakes before. If you think I'm going to be right all of the time, you're sadly mistaken. I am a witness, but I don't know everything. So realign your thoughts, BJ. I doubt that this is all you are doing so we can be friends! And I have said this over and over again, but you won't give it a rest. Moses didn't know everything, Jonah didn't know everything, Job didn't know everything, etc. I've paid my dues. It's soon time to pay yours. And trust me, I am not in defiance with God. You are! I'm in love with God. You should try the same! God doesn't expect perfection out of me. He just expects me to do my best. And you, when have you been to Church last??

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Dear Michael,

What does it matter? You claim that you are bringing a message from God for the world. According to your own testimony, God told you the same thing over and over. And you then openly declare beliefs that are the exact opposite of what God told you. But to you, that is just a “mistake”.

It is not a mistake, it is an open act of defiance in opposition to what you say God told you. And, I note it is not something you have indicated you are rectifying. You are against God, not for Him, Judas.

I warned you that true friends don’t let friends drive drunk, even in spiritual matters. You apparently don’t want a friend, you want an enabler.

Dear BJ,

My reply is in the post before this one. Check it out!!

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Dear Michael,

I am not the one who has been two-faced about my position. Right or wrong, at life’s end I will have been honest. You haven’t been.

I haven't been two-faced. I'm still searching for the truth of some things. Now, at life's end, you will be in trouble, regardless of your honesty. And if you think that honesty alone will get you into Heaven, you're in for a big surprise. I have made one mistake and you harp on me about it. I have tons of other things that HAVE happened to me, and you pick on one thing and try to blow it out of proportion. My friends don't act like you, so it's getting really hard to consider you a real true friend. I've tried to cultivate a friendship with you. Perhaps to help you know more about God and Jesus. You're an atheist, right? So what are you so concerned with what I have to say? Am I going to win your heart over??

You need a dose now!!



Well-known member
I haven't been two-faced. I'm still searching for the truth of some things. Now, at life's end, you will be in trouble, regardless of your honesty. And if you think that honesty alone will get you into Heaven, you're in for a big surprise. I have made one mistake and you harp on me about it. I have tons of other things that HAVE happened to me, and you pick on one thing and try to blow it out of proportion. My friends don't act like you, so it's getting really hard to consider you a real true friend. I've tried to cultivate a friendship with you. Perhaps to help you know more about God and Jesus. You're an atheist, right? So what are you so concerned with what I have to say? Am I going to win your heart over??

You need a dose now!!


So Michael, are you claiming that dishonesty is what you think will get you into heaven?


Dear Michael,

You are the one who elected to start this thread, and repeatedly threaten disbelievers for their lack of belief. But when it is pointed out that you yourself don’t have the personal strength of character yourself to really care about what God has told you, then you try to deflect the blame on us.


I am not trying to deflect the blame on others. Just you. I've told you the situation, and you continue, so I've had enough of you. Go ahead a write things to yourself. If you ever come up with another topic, let me know.


I listed multiple times you said you got an answer from God, true or false? You have declared your belief is contrary to the answer you said God gave, true or false?

You said you already did, and got an answer. Are you going to keep pestering God until you get the answer you want, instead of the one He already gave you?

Obviously it’s not God.


So Michael, are you claiming that dishonesty is what you think will get you into heaven?

Dear noguru,

This subject is something we don't play games with. I am not claiming that dishonesty is what I think will get you into heaven. I'm claiming that there are many things that are necessary to get into Heaven. Jesus said, "No one cometh to the Father, except by Me." There are other references also. Davis is a pure atheist. It's not like he has become skeptic or an agnostic. He has said some very unsavory things against God. No I won't go a look for the posts. I'm just saying that I know he does it. Davis needs to work on getting to really know Jesus. Who knows what could happen?

Praise the Lord!!


:cloud9: :angel: :thumb: :rapture: :rapture:


New member
Dear Michael,
Dear BJ,

God tells you only once most all of the time. Not God told you, told you, told you. That shows how much you know about Him.
The list of each time you claimed to have been divinely told the earth is old came from what you said. Don’t blame me when it was you that provided the information that God told you multiple times.
I just don't know for sure if it was God, in this instance, or a lying spirit, to test me with. In hindsight, that could definitely be.
Which would mean that you accepted lies from Satan and published them in your book, you promoted those lies in this thread, and even when you say you prayed about it, the answer came not from God, but Satan. And you honestly think we are going to trust you as a messenger on any message you say is from God?
I will give it some thought.
Since when you went to God in prayer, as you said you did earlier in this thread, God must have stepped aside and let a “lying spirit” take over, then “giv(ing) it some thought” seems to about all you are left with. Not personal revelation, not answer to prayer – no, you have shown those to be unreliable ways of communing with God,
Moses didn't know everything, Jonah didn't know everything, Job didn't know everything, etc.
Neither Moses, nor Jonah, nor Job sought and received an answer over and over again that they then betrayed. You are a really sad parody of the Biblical Prophets.
I'm in love with God.
You are enamored with some caricature of God that you use to put His stamp of approval on whatever doctrines you fancy on a given day.
He just expects me to do my best.
Your best seems to be defying the answer he repetitively gave to you.

(BTW – at least in the last couple of responses to me you have forgone the psychedelic coloring and fonts. So I do see some faint signs of more maturity on your part. Thanks.)
I haven't been two-faced.
You have said you are for God. God gave you the same answer again and again. You turn against that answer. Definitely two-faced.
I'm still searching for the truth of some things.
If God were to send divine messengers to me with a message, I would hope I would accept it. If He gave me the message again (and again) I would either embrace the message, or declare myself in rebellion. But look at how you handle it. You know the scriptural admonition about being either hot or cold, else God will spew you out of his mouth? He was talking about you.
And if you think that honesty alone will get you into Heaven, you're in for a big surprise.
But at least I have honesty, and you don’t.
I have made one mistake and you harp on me about it.
Once again you try to dismiss defiance of what God told you multiple times as just “a mistake.”
My friends don't act like you, so it's getting really hard to consider you a real true friend.
You really like your fair-weather friends, don’t you?
Am I going to win your heart over??
A good way to start would be by being truthful.
You need a dose now!!

I've had enough of you. Go ahead a write things to yourself.
You have always had the ability to put me on ignore. But that will not hide your deceit from others, nor from your God.


Active member
re: "Go back to Post #10721 yourself, and read what 6days wrote in the box there."

I still don't see what your post #10721 has to do with my question to 6days. In post #10715, 6days, wrote: "Sorry... Its Peter. Paul wrote about it." I then asked 6days in my post #10729 where Paul wrote about Peter's vision? In your post #10751 you responded to my post to 6days by saying: "See my Post #10721." I responded in my post #10781 that I didn't see what your post #10721 had to do with my question to 6days. So I ask again; what do you have in mind? Where does Paul write about Peter's vision?


Active member
Offered for consideration:

The following is from The Jerusalem Council "A Global Association of Orthodox Jewish Believers in Messiah Yeshua":

"The key to understanding the vision is knowing the difference between the Hebrew concepts of tamai (unclean) and tahor (clean), and the Greek concepts of akathartos (unclean) and koinos (impure) which are used to further clarify the Hebrew concept of tamei (unclean). G-d can not contradict his Word. G-d does not say to Peter that that which is akathartos (unclean) is able to be made clean by G-d, but rather G-d only says that that which is koinos (impure) is able to be made clean by G-d. Koinos (impure) can only refer to something that was originally clean before becoming contaminated by contact with something that is unclean. When we understand that G-d is realigning Peter’s false paradigm of Gentiles as somehow being akathartos (unclean without hope of being made clean) to rather instead of G-d’s paradigm that they are koinos (originally created clean but became impure through defilement with unclean things and thus can be made clean again), we can see then why Peter acquiesced and was willing to go with the three Gentiles that immediately knocked on his door. This is why Peter concludes that he is never to call any man, no matter how much they’ve been defiled by idolatry (which is unclean itself and therefore makes clean things impure) unclean (like idolatary). But rather to see all men as koinos (impure, defiled with contact by things unclean such as idolatry) who can then be made clean again by faith in Messiah."
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