Creation vs. Evolution

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Hi Michael, I don't mean to come down on you but you can be a little frustrating sometimes.
Why can't you do what I did and use the internet to find out for yourself when you don't know something?


Dear alwight,

Because I don't know enough about the Internet as you do. It is that simple. I will call my Tech Support and ask them how to do it. They can do it and show me how. They can do almost everything. I'm just not sure they know how to use this IncrediMail though. But the rest of the computer, they know what to do. They will explain what a link means, etc. I'm messing up the Line Length, I think, and I don't know how to fix it.

Well, Thanks Anyway!!


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New member
Hi, Benedict Michael,
Dear DavisBJ,

I don't believe I've ever said that God has led me to be YEC.
Well, then since you repetitively said God confirmed OEC ideas to you, but you declare you agree with YEC, then either you are in defiance of what God told you, or you lied about what you said God told you. Which is it - defying God or lying about what God said?
I've probably said that about being OEC though.
Michael, quit playing like an ignoramus. I specifically listed a bunch of times where you said God confirmed OEC to you. No “probably” about it.
To tell you seriously, I have to tell you that I'm not sure. I've gone back and forth.
Precisely. You, claiming to be a prophet of God, having been told by God more than a half-dozen times that the earth is old, but you’re “not sure”.
I believe it's the only thing that I've been mistaken about in my book, period.
What was the mistake? Lying about what God told you, or defying what He told you?
You sure must have a lot of time on your hands, or nothing better to do than worry about how uncertain I am about being a YEC.
Does it bother you that I am sensitive to someone claiming to have a divine message turning out to be just a wishy-washy opportunist, using God’s name to bolster whatever wacky belief they have on a certain day?
I know you've been wrong too.
But even as an atheist, I have never dishonored God the way you have, by claiming my personal ideas were given to me by God.
There is nothing wrong with me changing my beliefs. It's my own prerogative, right?
Ask that question to God. According to scripture, you are not the first of his messengers to defy Him.


New member
This whole idea of thing being billions of years old arose as a way to explain away the nonsense of evolution. They act like giving it a trillion tears can make anything happen.


Hi Michael,
No it was my mistake.
I've assumed for years that Eggs Benedict were eggs "turned over" because of Benedict Arnold, but I was wrong, you live and learn.

Dear alwight,

Thanks for letting me know. You're so honest, it's awesome. Very commendable in my opinion. It's too rare here!

Warm Regards & Cheerio!!



Hi, Benedict Michael,

Well, then since you repetitively said God confirmed OEC ideas to you, but you declare you agree with YEC, then either you are in defiance of what God told you, or you lied about what you said God told you. Which is it - defying God or lying about what God said?

Michael, quit playing like an ignoramus. I specifically listed a bunch of times where you said God confirmed OEC to you. No “probably” about it.

Precisely. You, claiming to be a prophet of God, having been told by God more than a half-dozen times that the earth is old, but you’re “not sure”.

What was the mistake? Lying about what God told you, or defying what He told you?

Does it bother you that I am sensitive to someone claiming to have a divine message turning out to be just a wishy-washy opportunist, using God’s name to bolster whatever wacky belief they have on a certain day?

But even as an atheist, I have never dishonored God the way you have, by claiming my personal ideas were given to me by God.

Ask that question to God. According to scripture, you are not the first of his messengers to defy Him.

Dear BJ,

What does it matter if I've made a mistake about one thing. That doesn't mean to throw the whole cart out. If I change my mind back to OEC, I will let you know. When everything starts coming down and coming apart, you will remember the other things that I said coming true, and the last thing on your mind will be if God wanted me to be OEC or YEC. So have at it!! You say you are my friend and yet you practically call be an ignoramus and wishy-washy in the same breath. I don't feel much like you're my friend.



Well-known member
This whole idea of thing being billions of years old arose as a way to explain away the nonsense of evolution. They act like giving it a trillion tears can make anything happen.

Again, you are inaccurate about the chronology here. Geologists, way before Darwin pointed out the mechanisms for biodiversity, were seeing evidence for an older (than 6 to 10k years) earth. Here is the chronology of those events so that you are no longer confused about this issue.

Studies of strata, the layering of rocks and earth, gave naturalists an appreciation that Earth may have been through many changes during its existence. These layers often contained fossilized remains of unknown creatures, leading some to interpret a progression of organisms from layer to layer.

Nicolas Steno in the 17th century was one of the first naturalists to appreciate the connection between fossil remains and strata. His observations led him to formulate important stratigraphic concepts (i.e., the "law of superposition" and the "principle of original horizontality"). In the 1790s, William Smith hypothesized that if two layers of rock at widely differing locations contained similar fossils, then it was very plausible that the layers were the same age. William Smith's nephew and student, John Phillips, later calculated by such means that Earth was about 96 million years old.

Other naturalists used these hypotheses to construct a history of Earth, though their timelines were inexact as they did not know how long it took to lay down stratigraphic layers. In 1830, geologist Charles Lyell, developing ideas found in James Hutton's works, popularized the concept that the features of Earth were in perpetual change, eroding and reforming continuously, and the rate of this change was roughly constant.

This might be to what you are referring:

In 1862, the physicist William Thomson published calculations that fixed the age of Earth at between 20 million and 400 million years. He assumed that Earth had formed as a completely molten object, and determined the amount of time it would take for the near-surface to cool to its present temperature. His calculations did not account for heat produced via radioactive decay (a process then unknown to science) or, more significantly, convection inside the Earth, which allows more heat to escape from the interior to warm rocks near the surface.

Geologists such as Charles Lyell had trouble accepting such a short age for Earth. For biologists, even 100 million years seemed much too short to be plausible. In Darwin's theory of evolution, the process of random heritable variation with cumulative selection requires great durations of time. (According to modern biology, the total evolutionary history from the beginning of life to today has taken since 3.5 to 3.8 billion years ago, the amount of time which passed since the last universal ancestor of all living organisms as shown by geological dating.

Later discoveries made 100 million years far below what scientific calculations indicated.

In 1892, Thomson had been made Lord Kelvin in appreciation of his many scientific accomplishments. Kelvin calculated the age of Earth by using thermal gradients, and arrived at an estimate of 100 million years old. He did not realize that Earth has a highly viscous fluid mantle, and this invalidated his estimate. In 1895, John Perry produced an age-of-Earth estimate of 2 to 3 billion years using a model of a convective mantle and thin crust. Kelvin stuck by his estimate of 100 million years, and later reduced it to about 20 million years.

The discovery of radioactivity introduced another factor in the calculation. After Henri Becquerel's initial discovery in 1896, Marie and Pierre Curie discovered the radioactive elements polonium and radium in 1898; and in 1903, Pierre Curie and Albert Laborde announced that radium produces enough heat to melt its own weight in ice in less than an hour. Geologists quickly realized that this upset the assumptions underlying most calculations of the age of Earth. These had assumed that the original heat of the Earth and Sun had dissipated steadily into space, but radioactive decay meant that this heat had been continually replenished. George Darwin and John Joly were the first to point this out, in 1903.

Age of the earth.

You need to be much more thorough in your research.


Well-known member
Dear BJ,

What does it matter if I've made a mistake about one thing. That doesn't mean to throw the whole cart out. If I change my mind back to OEC, I will let you know. When everything starts coming down and coming apart, you will remember the other things that I said coming true, and the last thing on your mind will be if God wanted me to be OEC or YEC. So have at it!! You say you are my friend and yet you practically call be an ignoramus and wishy-washy in the same breath. I don't feel much like you're my friend.


Being accurate is important. Choosing sources with demonstrated credibility due to methodology which also leads to accuracy is important as well.


Well-known member
It's still all made up. You don't know how old a rock is.

You have demonstrated that you never admit your errors. Why should we take your word on any of this?

I think I will go with people who actually admit their errors. That gives them more credibility than your lack or courage to admit your errors.

Also, it is not just "how old a rock is" than indicates the age of the earth. You just keep demonstrating your ignorance on these issues.


New member
You have demonstrated that you never admit your errors. Why should we take your word on any of this?

I think I will go with people who actually admit their errors. That gives them more credibility than your lack or courage to admit your errors.

Go with whoever you want. Nothing exploded 15 Trillion years ago and out came a rock that eventually turned into a person and the omniscient men who believe this garbage can prove it. If you're that gullible or zealous for that religion, that's your choice. You make absurd claims, and I called it. If you want to cling to them and the priests of the sun, Neil Degrasse Tyson or Richard Dawkins or whoever your oracles are, by all means, go right ahead.


Well-known member
You forgot this part:

Also, it is not just "how old a rock is" than indicates the age of the earth. You just keep demonstrating your ignorance on these issues.

Go with whoever you want. Nothing exploded 15 Trillion years ago and out came a rock that eventually turned into a person and the omniscient men who believe this garbage can prove it. If you're that gullible or zealous for that religion, that's your choice. You make absurd claims, and I called it. If you want to cling to them and the priests of the sun, Neil Degrasse Tyson or Richard Dawkins or whoever your oracles are, by all means, go right ahead.

I have no oracles or priests in science.

It is simple logic to trust a person who admits their errors over a person like you who refuses to admit their errors, and tries to use a belief in God to compensate for their own ineptitude.
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Dear rstrats,

Go back to Post #10721 yourself, and read what 6days wrote in the box there. Then you will understand what we can eat. I'm sorry to take so long to answer your post, but I was going through all of my posts to make sure I hadn't missed any and so far, I've found you.

God Bless You, rstrats,


:angel: :cloud9: :angrymob:


New member
Dear BJ,

What does it matter if I've made a mistake about one thing. That doesn't mean to throw the whole cart out. If I change my mind back to OEC, I will let you know.

Dear Michael,

What does it matter? You claim that you are bringing a message from God for the world. According to your own testimony, God told you the same thing over and over. And you then openly declare beliefs that are the exact opposite of what God told you. But to you, that is just a “mistake”.

It is not a mistake, it is an open act of defiance in opposition to what you say God told you. And, I note it is not something you have indicated you are rectifying. You are against God, not for Him, Judas.
You say you are my friend and yet you practically call be an ignoramus and wishy-washy in the same breath. I don't feel much like you're my friend.
I warned you that true friends don’t let friends drive drunk, even in spiritual matters. You apparently don’t want a friend, you want an enabler.


Dallas is 8. The problem with teaching him to swim in the ocean is the surf. The waves/surf distract him and make him a little fearful/anxious. So he has difficulty focusing on the techniques he needs to be a strong swimmer. When we are swimming at the ocean he and his younger brother tend to cling to me and sometimes their mother, because they are very cautious of the surf. Of course their mother prefers that also, because she loves them and wants to protect them.

A pool is a much more tranquil place to focus on lessons. Eventually he will be a strong enough swimmer to be comfortable in the surf. Then I can teach him how to body surf and use a boogie board.

I learned to swim in the summer and ski in the winter when I was 5. I was a bold young child. I grew up 3 blocks from a lake, and 15 minutes from a ski mountain.
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Hi, Benedict Michael,

Well, then since you repetitively said God confirmed OEC ideas to you, but you declare you agree with YEC, then either you are in defiance of what God told you, or you lied about what you said God told you. Which is it - defying God or lying about what God said?

Michael, quit playing like an ignoramus. I specifically listed a bunch of times where you said God confirmed OEC to you. No “probably” about it.

Precisely. You, claiming to be a prophet of God, having been told by God more than a half-dozen times that the earth is old, but you’re “not sure”.

What was the mistake? Lying about what God told you, or defying what He told you?

Does it bother you that I am sensitive to someone claiming to have a divine message turning out to be just a wishy-washy opportunist, using God’s name to bolster whatever wacky belief they have on a certain day?

But even as an atheist, I have never dishonored God the way you have, by claiming my personal ideas were given to me by God.

Ask that question to God. According to scripture, you are not the first of his messengers to defy Him.

You are a Benedict Arnold to Him more than me. You turned Him away long ago, so I don't need this, that's for sure. Get yourself behind me, Satan.



This whole idea of thing being billions of years old arose as a way to explain away the nonsense of evolution. They act like giving it a trillion tears can make anything happen.

Dear Daniel1611,

You are so very right!! They make it seem so impossible to try to prove, or reprove, that they don't even try in the first place. I'm not that way. I'm really frustrated tonight because I can't fix a line length problem that I'm thinking that I caused. It might be someone else' fault, or maybe not. I'll keep on working on it til 5am. this morning probably. Heck, even my Tech Help won't be able to help me with this one. But Sherman sure can, I'll bet. I'll see what happens. Watch out when they say a trillion years.

God Be With You, Daniel!!


:angel: :cloud9: :thumb: :rapture:
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