Creation vs. Evolution

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Well-known member
Aparently "Eggs Benedict" was in fact nothing to do with Benedict Arnold at all, my bad.
I gather that a Lemuel Benedict is credited with them.

Clearly, getting the real facts straightened out from evidence rather than sticking to your own faulty assumptions is way better than what you may want to believe instead Michael? :plain:

It was invented as a cure for a hangover.



Well-known member
Good buddy Michael, back in post 10689 you seemed to conclude I lived in Japan. However, if you backtrack you will find I indicated I was in Japan “right now”. (I also mentioned that in my recent private response to you.) I have need to visit Japan occasionally for a few weeks at a time.

But where do I really live? If the most dangerous volcano in the US had a major eruption, my community could be cut off as far as access to potable water, food, gas, electricity, and most communications. But my neighborhood is not likely to be in the path of any lahars or lava flows.

Yes, it is enough. But let me show you what this tells me in summary. You frequently ask others to trust you, to accept that you have received knowledge not generally known, and so on. Here is a snapshot of how reliable you are as a source of religious teaching.

It starts when in your book, you said:
:)jawdrop: YEC)It was additionally made very clear to me…​
Aug 11, 2013, post 1 :)jawdrop: YEC)you explicitly defended old-earth.
Aug 14, 2013,post 44, speaking of old earth ideas:
:)jawdrop: YEC)for those who can understand it. For those of you who can't, it is meant to be that way. It is kept from minds that are not ready for it.​
You reiterated old earth in a couple more posts :)jawdrop: YEC).
You challenged Delmar on old earth, (Sep 1, 2013, post 156.

You touched on old earth in a few more posts, but then on Sep 20, 2013,post 432 you again declared how firm your knowledge was:
:)jawdrop: YEC)I KNOW about these things without any DOUBTS because I truly received them from the Lord God and angels. … the Lord has spoken to me when He has wanted to. … We have already lived many lives and returned back in different bodies to get another chance at choosing God over Satan, but this right now is the last chance for a long time to come.​
Oct 22, 2013, post 767, you really went into left field:
:)jawdrop: YEC)There was life on Mars at one time and Our God oversaw it. … And He created man there and woman there. … And a whole existence happened there before this life we have on 'this' Earth…. This is what I've been told about the matter. God has not been too privy on the details, just He wanted me to know the basics.​
Interspersed in the next few thousand posts, you strongly disavow allegiance to YEC. :)jawdrop: YEC)

Then comes July of 2014. That was an amazing month watching how many times you switched sides.
Jul 12, 2014, post 4302:
:)D YEC)I am now a YEC.​
Jul 23, 2014, post 4413:
:)jawdrop: YEC)You're photos … have caused me to stick with my original beliefs that I had before embarrassing myself terribly. I am going to stick with being an OEC (Old Earth Creationist), just like I was before. I thought that maybe I should think YEC (Young Earth Creationist) because I was swayed and thought, well maybe I had heard a 'lying spirit'. But no, it was really the Lord Who did guide me through that experience. There has been more than one Adam and I stick with my original premise. I hope that I did not delete it from my Post No. 1 on THIS THREAD.​
Jul 23, 2014, post 4417:
:)D YEC)Well, I guess I will remain a YEC instead​
(Jul 25, 2014,post 4464:
:)jawdrop: YEC)I prayed to God once again … The Lord told me He made MORE than one Adam. It is still exactly as I originally wrote in my book. So I got talked into becoming a YEC by 6days for nothing.​
Jul 27, 2014, post 4490:
:)D YEC)Maybe I should be YEC.​
On average, in 4 days of the last week July of 2014, you switched sides every day.

Since then, you haven’t been as wishy-washy, but you have hardly been a gung-ho YEC.

Aug 1, 2014, post 4679:
:)D YEC)I'm still trying to decide whether I want to be OEC or YEC. It's like 40-60 right now.​
Aug 1, 2014, post 6064:
:)jawdrop: YEC)I've gone from OEC to YEC and back.​
Oct 23, 2014, post 6396:
:)D YEC)I am a YEC now.​
Apr 4, 2015, post 8016:
:)D YEC)I am a YEC. … If I am an OEC, then God will ask me why I didn't believe the Bible as the Creation story is written. He will say, where is your faith regarding the Creation by Him​
Apr 16, 2015, post 8185:
:)D YEC)How is it that the Earth was created a few days apart from when man was created, and yet the Earth is older than man by billions of years? You figure someone lied in the Bible? Or didn't know they were mistaken?​
May 20, 2015, post 8881:
:)jawdrop: YEC)I am leaning towards being an OEC quite quickly. I prayed about it.​
May 20, 2015, post 8892:
:)D YEC)You both brought me back to being a YEC.​

Michael, Though I am surprised at how frequently you have flip-flopped on the YEC issue, I am more amazed at how little regard you have demonstrated for what you claim were your original sources. Here in one package is what you have said about the sources that led you to conclude YEC is right:

A - It was additionally made very clear to me…

B - for those who can understand it. For those of you who can't, it is meant to be that way. It is kept from minds that are not ready for it.

C - I KNOW about these things without any DOUBTS because I truly received them from the Lord God and angels

D - God has not been too privy on the details, just He wanted me to know the basics.

E - it was really the Lord Who did guide me through that experience (briefly into YEC and out).

F - I prayed to God once again … It is still exactly as I originally wrote in my book.

G - I am leaning towards being an OEC quite quickly. I prayed about it.

7 separate times you claimed personal divine guidance directing you that OEC was correct.

Do you know how many times you have claimed personal divine guidance towards YEC? I’ll let you look through the thread to count.

Your logic:
God told me … God told me … God told me … God told me … God told me ... God told me ... God told me
6days told me the opposite… Wow, thanks, 6days, for revealing the truth.
Michael, do you see just a smidgeon as to why there is no credibility left in your claims of carrying a divine message for the world?

It should be rather obvious that I have your book, and have read it, and that I am well acquainted with Christian doctrine. I really wish you were equally as well acquainted with science.

Oyasumi Nasai


Apparently his divine messenger went from being God to being 6days.


Maybe he should just have 6days write his next book.


Well-known member

Dear noguru,

You have some excellent choices. You have a beach and a swimming pool. I'll bet the kids love to go to the beach though. They don't realize what is all involved with taking a cooler with drinks and some food in it. And the hot sand sometimes. I'm really glad that you can do laps for 40 minutes. Sounds like you've been working out. How old is Dallas? I didn't learn to swim until I was 16 years old. I learned in high school. My father and my uncle were teaching me and my sister to swim. They took us out into the deeper water and said 'cup your hands and swim,' and let us go. I swallowed a lot of water that day and did NOT learn how to swim. Just gave me a terrible experience. My sister felt the same way. We did not learn to swim that day. Eeeeeeeeeeekk!!

Much Love, In Christ, noguru,


:singer: :cloud9: :cloud9: :guitar:

Dallas is 8. The problem with teaching him to swim in the ocean is the surf. The waves/surf distract him and make him a little fearful/anxious. So he has difficulty focusing on the techniques he needs to be a strong swimmer. When we are swimming at the ocean he and his younger brother tend to cling to me and sometimes their mother, because they are very cautious of the surf. Of course their mother prefers that also, because she loves them and wants to protect them.

A pool is a much more tranquil place to focus on lessons. Eventually he will be a strong enough swimmer to be comfortable in the surf. Then I can teach him how to body surf and use a boogie board.

I learned to swim in the summer and ski in the winter when I was 5. I was a bold young child. I grew up 3 blocks from a lake, and 15 minutes from a ski mountain.


Dallas is 8. The problem with teaching him to swim in the ocean is the surf. The waves/surf distract him and make him a little fearful/anxious. So he has difficulty focusing on the techniques he needs to be a strong swimmer. When we are swimming at the ocean he and his younger brother tend to cling to me and sometimes their mother, because they are very cautious of the surf. Of course their mother prefers that also, because she loves them and wants to protect them.

A pool is a much more tranquil place to focus on lessons. Eventually he will be a strong enough swimmer to be comfortable in the surf. Then I can teach him how to body surf and use a boogie board.

I learned to swim in the summer and ski in the winter when I was 5. I was a bold young child. I grew up 3 blocks from a lake, and 15 minutes from a ski mountain.

Dear noguru,

I've got to admit, they might be afraid of the ocean, a bit or more. So Dallas has a little brother too? You could probably teach them both to swim in the pool and once they've mastered it, then they can try out the powerful ocean. I remember being in the ocean and how all of a sudden, you try to stand up, and there's no sand there. Just water. That's when you trying floating back to the beach again to get in the shallow water. Noguru, teach them both to float. It is a life-saving technique. You can still swim, even if you're floating. It could help you to get back to shore.

Well, noguru, I'm glad you know how to body surf! And skiing is wonderful too!! Sounds like you lived in a very lucky house when you were that young, so that you had the beach and the mountains within driving distance. It looks like you're pretty active and healthy. I've already seen pics of you, so I know you are muscular, from what I can tell. You're lucky that you love the outdoors. I do too. Hey, did you do any ice skating too, and play hockey with your friends. I used play hockey with my friends, and we had a thermos full of coffee laced heavily with Jim Beam. Talk about warming you up!!

Well, I'm going to make this post look great. I'm in the mood and I enjoy it, so might as well. I've got the time, and the inclination, so I think I'll go for it!! Noguru, thanks so much for sharing parts of your life with us. It's how we get to know each other as friends. It's really an important and integral part of making friends with some of the new people you meet on this website.

May God Fill You With His Spirit And Love!!


:angel: :rapture: :singer: :cloud9: :cloud9:

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Hi Michael, then all you need do is to right click (one click) on a link you would normally left click on to go to a post. You should then get a pop-up menu from which you can choose to open it in a new window (or a new tab). You will keep the first window as it was to use it as normal, compose a reply, but you will now have a second widow that you can set up on any post you want to refer to or copy from. Geddit? :sherlock:

Dear alwight,

Hey Amigo!! I will try right-clicking on a link, but I don't know what a link is except for those links someone puts in their post so others can open them and find more info about something. Is that what you mean by right-clicking on a link? Hey, I will try it. It sounds wonderful. I'm also going to try to get free Windows 10.0 today after I chat with you guys. Al, I'm not that computer savvy, so bear with me without getting upset. I remember when you taught me how to do boxes and you were a wonderful teacher!! We'll see what happens. I'll try a few maneuvers and see what I can come up with.

Tons O' Love And Cheerio, Matey!!


:guitar: :singer: :cloud9: :angel: :cloud9:


Benedict Arnold was hatched in Connecticut, too. Still a bad guy. Let the hens feel patriotic, scramble their eggs.

Dear DavisBJ,

I've got to get going for a couple hours, so I'll be back tonight to answer the remainder of your posts here and also Alwight's post!! Thanks for being so patient. I believe you live in Seattle or Hawaii. Which is it?

Tal Luego!

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Aparently "Eggs Benedict" was in fact nothing to do with Benedict Arnold at all, my bad.
I gather that a Lemuel Benedict is credited with them.

Clearly, getting the real facts straightened out from evidence rather than sticking to your own faulty assumptions is way better than what you may want to believe instead Michael? :plain:

Dear alwight,

Did I say they were named after Benedict Arnold somewhere? I'm sorry if I did. Good investigation, Al. Never heard of Lemuel. He's QUITE creative with his eggs.




New member
Dear alwight,

Did I say they were named after Benedict Arnold somewhere? I'm sorry if I did. Good investigation, Al. Never heard of Lemuel. He's QUITE creative with his eggs.


Hi Michael,
No it was my mistake.
I've assumed for years that Eggs Benedict were eggs "turned over" because of Benedict Arnold, but I was wrong, you live and learn.


Well-known member
Hi Michael,
No it was my mistake.
I've assumed for years that Eggs Benedict were eggs "turned over" because of Benedict Arnold, but I was wrong, you live and learn.

Turncoat Eggs.

Speaking of changing national loyalties, I was watching Anthony Bourdain last night and he was in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He was very diplomatic while addressing the issue of the secessionist movement. But in the end of the show they all got together to watch the Montreal Canadians beat the Hurricanes from N. Carolina. Not surprising considering that in North Carolina you can only practice on an indoor rink. While in Canada they can practice for a good portion of the year almost anywhere.


Well-known member

Dear noguru,

I've got to admit, they might be afraid of the ocean, a bit or more. So Dallas has a little brother too? You could probably teach them both to swim in the pool and once they've mastered it, then they can try out the powerful ocean. I remember being in the ocean and how all of a sudden, you try to stand up, and there's no sand there. Just water. That's when you trying floating back to the beach again to get in the shallow water. Noguru, teach them both to float. It is a life-saving technique. You can still swim, even if you're floating. It could help you to get back to shore.

Well, noguru, I'm glad you know how to body surf! And skiing is wonderful too!! Sounds like you lived in a very lucky house when you were that young, so that you had the beach and the mountains within driving distance. It looks like you're pretty active and healthy. I've already seen pics of you, so I know you are muscular, from what I can tell. You're lucky that you love the outdoors. I do too. Hey, did you do any ice skating too, and play hockey with your friends. I used play hockey with my friends, and we had a thermos full of coffee laced heavily with Jim Beam. Talk about warming you up!!

Well, I'm going to make this post look great. I'm in the mood and I enjoy it, so might as well. I've got the time, and the inclination, so I think I'll go for it!! Noguru, thanks so much for sharing parts of your life with us. It's how we get to know each other as friends. It's really an important and integral part of making friends with some of the new people you meet on
this website.

May God Fill You With His Spirit And Love!!


:angel: :rapture: :singer: :cloud9: :cloud9:

Yes, Michael I skated and played hockey as young person. It was very popular in my hometown. There were a lot of "toque" clad people with French Canadian ancestry in my hometown, eh.


Good buddy Michael, back in post 10689 you seemed to conclude I lived in Japan. However, if you backtrack you will find I indicated I was in Japan “right now”. (I also mentioned that in my recent private response to you.) I have need to visit Japan occasionally for a few weeks at a time.

But where do I really live? If the most dangerous volcano in the US had a major eruption, my community could be cut off as far as access to potable water, food, gas, electricity, and most communications. But my neighborhood is not likely to be in the path of any lahars or lava flows.

Yes, it is enough. But let me show you what this tells me in summary. You frequently ask others to trust you, to accept that you have received knowledge not generally known, and so on. Here is a snapshot of how reliable you are as a source of religious teaching.

It starts when in your book, you said:
:)jawdrop: YEC)It was additionally made very clear to me…​
Aug 11, 2013, post 1 :)jawdrop: YEC)you explicitly defended old-earth.
Aug 14, 2013,post 44, speaking of old earth ideas:
:)jawdrop: YEC)for those who can understand it. For those of you who can't, it is meant to be that way. It is kept from minds that are not ready for it.​
You reiterated old earth in a couple more posts :)jawdrop: YEC).
You challenged Delmar on old earth, (Sep 1, 2013, post 156.

You touched on old earth in a few more posts, but then on Sep 20, 2013,post 432 you again declared how firm your knowledge was:
:)jawdrop: YEC)I KNOW about these things without any DOUBTS because I truly received them from the Lord God and angels. … the Lord has spoken to me when He has wanted to. … We have already lived many lives and returned back in different bodies to get another chance at choosing God over Satan, but this right now is the last chance for a long time to come.​
Oct 22, 2013, post 767, you really went into left field:
:)jawdrop: YEC)There was life on Mars at one time and Our God oversaw it. … And He created man there and woman there. … And a whole existence happened there before this life we have on 'this' Earth…. This is what I've been told about the matter. God has not been too privy on the details, just He wanted me to know the basics.​
Interspersed in the next few thousand posts, you strongly disavow allegiance to YEC. :)jawdrop: YEC)

Then comes July of 2014. That was an amazing month watching how many times you switched sides.
Jul 12, 2014, post 4302:
:)D YEC)I am now a YEC.​
Jul 23, 2014, post 4413:
:)jawdrop: YEC)You're photos … have caused me to stick with my original beliefs that I had before embarrassing myself terribly. I am going to stick with being an OEC (Old Earth Creationist), just like I was before. I thought that maybe I should think YEC (Young Earth Creationist) because I was swayed and thought, well maybe I had heard a 'lying spirit'. But no, it was really the Lord Who did guide me through that experience. There has been more than one Adam and I stick with my original premise. I hope that I did not delete it from my Post No. 1 on THIS THREAD.​
Jul 23, 2014, post 4417:
:)D YEC)Well, I guess I will remain a YEC instead​
(Jul 25, 2014,post 4464:
:)jawdrop: YEC)I prayed to God once again … The Lord told me He made MORE than one Adam. It is still exactly as I originally wrote in my book. So I got talked into becoming a YEC by 6days for nothing.​
Jul 27, 2014, post 4490:
:)D YEC)Maybe I should be YEC.​
On average, in 4 days of the last week July of 2014, you switched sides every day.

Since then, you haven’t been as wishy-washy, but you have hardly been a gung-ho YEC.

Aug 1, 2014, post 4679:
:)D YEC)I'm still trying to decide whether I want to be OEC or YEC. It's like 40-60 right now.​
Aug 1, 2014, post 6064:
:)jawdrop: YEC)I've gone from OEC to YEC and back.​
Oct 23, 2014, post 6396:
:)D YEC)I am a YEC now.​
Apr 4, 2015, post 8016:
:)D YEC)I am a YEC. … If I am an OEC, then God will ask me why I didn't believe the Bible as the Creation story is written. He will say, where is your faith regarding the Creation by Him​
Apr 16, 2015, post 8185:
:)D YEC)How is it that the Earth was created a few days apart from when man was created, and yet the Earth is older than man by billions of years? You figure someone lied in the Bible? Or didn't know they were mistaken?​
May 20, 2015, post 8881:
:)jawdrop: YEC)I am leaning towards being an OEC quite quickly. I prayed about it.​
May 20, 2015, post 8892:
:)D YEC)You both brought me back to being a YEC.​

Michael, Though I am surprised at how frequently you have flip-flopped on the YEC issue, I am more amazed at how little regard you have demonstrated for what you claim were your original sources. Here in one package is what you have said about the sources that led you to conclude YEC is right:

A - It was additionally made very clear to me…

B - for those who can understand it. For those of you who can't, it is meant to be that way. It is kept from minds that are not ready for it.

C - I KNOW about these things without any DOUBTS because I truly received them from the Lord God and angels

D - God has not been too privy on the details, just He wanted me to know the basics.

E - it was really the Lord Who did guide me through that experience (briefly into YEC and out).

F - I prayed to God once again … It is still exactly as I originally wrote in my book.

G - I am leaning towards being an OEC quite quickly. I prayed about it.

7 separate times you claimed personal divine guidance directing you that OEC was correct.

Do you know how many times you have claimed personal divine guidance towards YEC? I’ll let you look through the thread to count.

Your logic:
God told me … God told me … God told me … God told me … God told me ... God told me ... God told me
6days told me the opposite… Wow, thanks, 6days, for revealing the truth.
Michael, do you see just a smidgeon as to why there is no credibility left in your claims of carrying a divine message for the world?

It should be rather obvious that I have your book, and have read it, and that I am well acquainted with Christian doctrine. I really wish you were equally as well acquainted with science.

Oyasumi Nasai


Dear DavisBJ,

I'm sorry I've been so uncertain. I don't believe I've ever said that God has led me to be YEC. I've probably said that about being OEC though. To tell you seriously, I have to tell you that I'm not sure. I've gone back and forth. I believe it's the only thing that I've been mistaken about in my book, period. So to be actually honest about it, you have to wait, just like me, until you meet Jesus or God and you are told the truth about the matter. Haven't I mentioned numerous times that same thing, in my posts? Haven't I said we will find out when we go to be with God? You ignore those passages.

You sure must have a lot of time on your hands, or nothing better to do than worry about how uncertain I am about being a YEC. I mean, haven't you got anything better to do? Well, it's fine. Yes, I am only human, and not fallible. I make mistakes too. I've told you I am uncertain about it, and I do flop back and forth. It will be one of those things that I might not learn until I am with Him. Then I will know, but you won't, because you don't want to be with Him.

You can see that I'm uncertain, I have told you that I'm uncertain in many instances, so you can come to the conclusion that I am uncertain. Thanks for being so thoughtful to look for all of my uncertain posts. I know you've been wrong too. None of us are without making big mistakes, and little ones. Well, thanks for all of your hard work. There is nothing wrong with me changing my beliefs. It's my own prerogative, right?

God Be With You,


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :rapture:


Hi Michael,
No it was my mistake.
I've assumed for years that Eggs Benedict were eggs "turned over" because of Benedict Arnold, but I was wrong, you live and learn.

Dear Alwight,

I was wondering what you meant by that, but to be honest, it sounds like a good idea to cook more of the yolk first, at least fried a little. Still, my poacher does a good job of cooking each egg with steam. Thanks for letting me know. I will talk with you again soon in more depth. Most likely, 2morrow night. You take care buddy. You are an honest, heartfelt, good guy. I'm so happy and also blessed, to have an excellent friend like you!!!

Have A Wonderful Day, Today Al,


:cloud9: :cloud9: :angel: :angel: :thumb:


Yes, Michael I skated and played hockey as young person. It was very popular in my hometown. There were a lot of "toque" clad people with French Canadian ancestry in my hometown, eh.

Dear noguru,

Cool, dude!! So you are talking about New Hampshire, eh? And you lived a few blocks from the ocean. I'll bet it is beautiful there in the summertime! I've never been to the New England states. I know New Hampshire must be cold in winter, but maybe not as bad as Michigan was to me. -50 below wind chill factor sometimes during the winter. Not my cup of frozen iced tea. I used to live in Manhattan, NYC, so I was close. So what does "toque" mean?

I used to live in Michigan, and we had Canadians come and go. My dad's family came here through Canada. Then worked in Michigan for the rest of his life and raised a family here with his wife, my grandma. But I used to go to Canada to go smelt fishing {with a seine}, in Lake Erie. That was 40 years ago. Back then, the water wasn't too bad. We used to get tons of smelt and bring them home, and clean them. Fry them up and they're delicious. A lot of work, but a lot of taste!!

I do believe in YEC now. I staunchly did not for many years. I could not understand how 6,000 years would be long enough, but now I believe it was enough, if God wanted it to be. God is One Who can do whatever He wants. So, I chose YEC. But, back then, I thought OEC would be the answer for my uncertain deductions. But, as I told Davis, I am still NOT certain and I do have the option to change my mind, just like everyone else does. As I gather other facts, like science, I will change my beliefs,
if necessary.

It's what is written in the Bible and yes, I easily think God could make the Universe and everything else within a week. I know that He is very capable, to say the least. I also can agree with 6days. Only when we get to Heaven and ask God, will we get the real truth of the matter on that question.

Don't forget to tell me what does "toque" mean. Will chat with you soon. It is almost 5 a.m. here.

May God Pour His Spirit Upon You, Noguru!!


:guitar: :singer: :angel: :cloud9:
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New member
Don't forget to tell me what does "toque" mean. Will chat with you soon.
Hi Michael, I don't mean to come down on you but you can be a little frustrating sometimes.
Why can't you do what I did and use the internet to find out for yourself when you don't know something?



Well-known member
Hi Michael, I don't mean to come down on you but you can be a little frustrating sometimes.
Why can't you do what I did and use the internet to find out for yourself when you don't know something?


Because he has to make sure 6days approves of his research. After all he is a YEC now and he can agree with the ever so brilliant 6days. Hooray!!!


Getting frustrated with Michael for not understanding appropriate research and science is like getting frustrated with a 4 year old for not understanding calculus. Obviously he is a simpleton, as is his new guru 6days.


New member
Because he has to make sure 6days approves of his research. After all he is a YEC now and he can agree with the ever so brilliant 6days. Hooray!!!

It used to be Mark SeaSigh who was his adviser, who is an OEC iirc. :chuckle:


Well-known member
Dear noguru,

Cool, dude!! So you are talking about New Hampshire, eh? And you lived a few blocks from the ocean. I'll bet it is beautiful there in the summertime! I've never been to the New England states. I know New Hampshire must be cold in winter, but maybe not as bad as Michigan was to me. -50 below wind chill factor sometimes during the winter. Not my cup of frozen iced tea. I used to live in Manhattan, NYC, so I was close. So what does "toque" mean?

No, Michael. Sometimes I feel you are so oblivious to information that is readily available that it is not worth communicating with you. Then I realize my commitment to being patient and understanding of those with emotional/mental deficiencies.

I have posted this many times. I grew up in the NW corner of Connecticut (land of the great tidal river in Mashantucket Pequot language) Litchfield County, CT. The Connecticut River does start up in Northern NH and Vermont. It actually marks the border between the 2 states. In CT, for the first 18 years of my life, I lived 3 blocks from a lake. The ocean was about a 2 hour drive to the east in RI. Because Connecticut does not have an ocean, it has Long Island Sound.

I am very familiar with NY City. I grew up just a 2 hour drive from The Bronx and my father was a Yankee fan. I also lived in Albany, NY for several years, have many friends in Manhattan and Fairfield County, CT.


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New member
Turncoat Eggs.

Speaking of changing national loyalties, I was watching Anthony Bourdain last night and he was in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He was very diplomatic while addressing the issue of the secessionist movement. But in the end of the show they all got together to watch the Montreal Canadians beat the Hurricanes from N. Carolina. Not surprising considering that in North Carolina you can only practice on an indoor rink. While in Canada they can practice for a good portion of the year almost anywhere.
Not only that, those Canadians live in igloos in most of the country!
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