Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
I have no problem with "ebonics.". As a young person in the city, some ebonic words will make their way into your casual vocabulary, regardless of race. I just thought the joke was lame. Ya dig?


Well-known member
I have no problem with "ebonics.". As a young person in the city, some ebonic words will make their way into your casual vocabulary, regardless of race. I just thought the joke was lame. Ya dig?

Fo sho, I gotcha. But you are missing the roots by only being exposed to what has made into modern urban slang.

I grew up with a black family up north (Litchfield Cty, Connecticut). The children I knew did not speak that way, because they learned English in the same school as I did. But their parents did. Their parents were from a rural area of South Carolina.

Then in college I dated a girl from Fairfield County, CT. Her family was from Vicksburg Mississippi. My exposure has been very in depth. I have also been an amateur musician (sax) and played in many bands, learned the history of blues, jazz and the other cultural roots of modern hip hop culture. Believe things have changed quite a bit since I was young.

Also I had 5 years of Spanish in high school and college. I still have a problem conjugating verbs, and learned a lot of slang from Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Mexicans. To a Spanish person that is not correct Castilian Spanish. Recognizing my incorrect usage of Spanish verbs is not racism.

Perhaps you just have a poor sense of history and humor.


New member
Music is probably where we have common ground. I'm a musician too. I'm a blues fanatic. I've never had the chance to go to Mississippi, but I hope to one day see the places where Robert Johnson, Son House, Charley Patton, Skip James et al. Walked the earth. Mississippi Delta blues is my favorite.


Well-known member
Music is probably where we have common ground. I'm a musician too. I'm a blues fanatic. I've never had the chance to go to Mississippi, but I hope to one day see the places where Robert Johnson, Son House, Charley Patton, Skip James et al. Walked the earth. Mississippi Delta blues is my favorite.

When I lived in Albany, NY I use to jam with this old black guy who played Chicago style named Ernie Williams. As you know Chicago style erupted when Mississippi Delta Style met up with the electric sound.

Bad Luck and Trouble

My ex whose family was from Mississippi had an aunt who was Branford Marsalis' professor in college. I met him a few times as well. He gave me a strap for my sax that was really comfrotable.


New member
When I lived in Albany, NY I use to jam with this old black guy who played Chicago style named Ernie Williams. As you know Chicago style erupted when Mississippi Delta Style met up with the electric sound.

Bad Luck and Trouble

My ex whose family was from Mississippi had an aunt who was Branford Marsalis' professor in college. I met him a few times as well. He gave me a strap for my sax that was really comfrotable.

That's pretty awesome. Have you ever read the book "Escaping the Delta"? If not, I recommend it. Really cool stuff in that book. Some of it is common knowledge stuff to people like you and me, but there is a lot of really cool information in it. Its probably the best blues book I've read so far.


Well-known member
That's pretty awesome. Have you ever read the book "Escaping the Delta"? If not, I recommend it. Really cool stuff in that book. Some of it is common knowledge stuff to people like you and me, but there is a lot of really cool information in it. Its probably the best blues book I've read so far.

Thanks. I'll check it out. Do you like the New Orleans style from these guys?


Madonna covered that song. That was surprising.


Just open the other post in a separate window so you can easily refer to it or copy from it as you compile your one Michael. :idea:

Dear alwight,

I don't know what you mean by a separate window. I can sort of tell what you mean. Just copy the previous thread and paste it somewhere in the post you're trying to write. Is that what you mean?



It's because some of the footage was done with a digital camera in "time lapse" mode. If you have a camera with that facility, once set up, you simply point the camera then press and hold the take button. You can actually buy a device that will sync to the camera and do all of that for you. You end up with a large array of stills which you drag into your video editing software and then set the time for each still. About a third of a second works well.

It's a technique used by a lot of star gazers and great for sky filming.

Time Lapse

Dear Hedshaker,

Thanks for the Time Lapse video. Interesting. Now, I could not do that with my phone cam. I don't know if the video camcorder will do it either, because it's not My camcorder, but it probably can do that. It sounds like you have to do some cutting and pasting too, eh? That's a skill that I don't have yet. Thanks for the tour into a part of your world!!

Warm Wishes,


:guitar: :guitar: :singer: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:


re: "Try reading Acts 10 KJV and also Act 11 KJV, and tell me what do you think."

If the dietary rules were canceled at the time of the crucifixion why do you suppose Peter, who walked with and was taught by the Messiah for 3 years and who was filled with the Holy Spirit, didn't know about it some 10 years later?

So what did Peter understand the vision to mean? Well, at first he went away wondering what it was all about. He certainly didn't understood it in a literal way, for immediately after the vision it is stated that "Peter was inwardly perplexed as to what the vision which he had seen might mean" (vs. 17) It wasn't until after the messengers from Caesarea had summoned him and he had arrived at the home of Cornelius, that Peter had realized the meaning of the vision, for he said: "You yourselves know how unlawful it is for a Jew to associate with or visit any one of another nation; but God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean "(Acts 10:28).

For Peter, the vision had absolutely nothing to do with animals or eating, but was a reference to men being declared clean before God. After this vision, we never see or hear of Peter instructing another to eat unclean animals, and neither do we see any instances of Peter doing so himself. The Bible is full of metaphors and the vision was obviously a metaphorth for its intended meaning. Think about it - if the vision had a dual purpose, and if Peter had understood it as such, I should imagine that he would have been shouting it from the rooftops since it would have increased their available food sources by a considerable margin.

Dear rstrats,

I don't know if you have a point or not. I will have to ponder it and talk with 6days about it. Thanks very much for your concern.

God Be With You!!



When I was a youngster if I got hiccups in the morning I would be pretty sure of still having them when I went to bed, nothing seemed to stop them, none of the traditional remedies anyway.

Then one day I heard about downing a spoonful of sugar soaked in vinegar, yuck. :vomit:
In desperation one day I tried it with some trepidation, and it was revolting, but lo and behold, no hiccups, cured! :)

This worked well for a couple of years until I decided that I actually rather liked it...:(

I rarely ever get them now, except perhaps if I've over-eaten, and they don't usually last long.
God perhaps is ticking me off for gluttony? :think:

Dear alwight,

Yes, a spoonful of sugar will usually stop the hiccups. I don't even know if you need the vinegar. It is because you change your mindset to cravings, which is of the devil. Thus, you lose the hand that feeds you {getting God's Spirit}. No, I am being serious. I don't know if I'm explaining it well enough, but you should get the jist of it. You alter your brain's thinking.

Have a good one, alwight. Make it count!!


:thumb: :idea: :cloud9: :angel:


It is what it is.


Did you hear about the zebra that died and went to heaven?

He was standing in front of St Peter and he says;

"In life I was never able to figure this out. Am I white with black stripes or black with white stripes?"

St. Peter says:

"I really can't answer that, but the big guy is in the next room. Why don't you go in there and ask him?"

So the zebra goes into the next room, standing in front of God he says the same thing;

"In life I was never able to figure this out. Am I white with black stripes or black with white stripes?"

God says in a booming voice:

"You are what you are."

Now the zebra leaves that room even more confused, and as he is walking by St Peter, St Peter says;

"Did you get your answer?"

The zebra says, well I got an answer but I do not know what it means. St Peter says:

"Well what exactly did he say?"

The zebra tells him. And St. Peter says;

"Oh, that means you are white with black stripes. Because if you were black with white stripes God would have said;

"You is what you is".

A black friend told me that joke, so I hope no one reports me for a racist post.

Dear noguru,

Well, I thought your joke was fine and quite funny!! I can't see any black person being offended by it. I've had many black friends and I don't see them minding at all.

So how have you been doing? You getting out to the beach at all this summer? We've got the in-ground pool in the backyard. It takes a bit of care and expense, but it's kept clean all year round, regardless. Plus we have an impenetrable fence surrounding the back yard, 7 ft. high concrete block, so that no little kids get in the yard and drown. That happens a lot here in Phoenix, especially during the summer. Now in the winter, we don't put a cover over it. If we didn't keep it clean all winter and summer, we would have mosquitoes BAD!!

So what do you think about Pluto? Lots of info and mystery. Cool. So we've finally made it to every planet in our solar system. I guess we did it just in time. Heheheheee!! No, I'm not explaining that one. Too bad we don't know more about Venus!! Someday, I'm sure. Yeah, like after we make it to Heaven!! Yippee!!!

Praise The Lord!!


:thumb: :guitar: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:


New member
It is what it is.


Did you hear about the zebra that died and went to heaven?

He was standing in front of St Peter and he says;

"In life I was never able to figure this out. Am I white with black stripes or black with white stripes?"

St. Peter says:

"I really can't answer that, but the big guy is in the next room. Why don't you go in there and ask him?"

So the zebra goes into the next room, standing in front of God he says the same thing;

"In life I was never able to figure this out. Am I white with black stripes or black with white stripes?"

God says in a booming voice:

"You are what you are."

Now the zebra leaves that room even more confused, and as he is walking by St Peter, St Peter says;

"Did you get your answer?"

The zebra says, well I got an answer but I do not know what it means. St Peter says:

"Well what exactly did he say?"

The zebra tells him. And St. Peter says;

"Oh, that means you are white with black stripes. Because if you were black with white stripes God would have said;

"You is what you is".

A black friend told me that joke, so I hope no one reports me for a racist post.
Is You Is?


New member

Dear alwight,

Yes, a spoonful of sugar will usually stop the hiccups. I don't even know if you need the vinegar. It is because you change your mindset to cravings, which is of the devil. Thus, you lose the hand that feeds you {getting God's Spirit}. No, I am being serious. I don't know if I'm explaining it well enough, but you should get the jist of it. You alter your brain's thinking.

Have a good one, alwight. Make it count!!


:thumb: :idea: :cloud9: :angel:
Hi Michael, the idea was that it's about mind over matter, just the thought of having to deal with something unpleasant seems to be enough to overrule hiccups. If it isn't unpleasant any more then it seems to stop working.

I wonder if your mother didn't tell you that God sent hiccups, which was easier than perhaps having to explain to kids what they were and why they had them? :)
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