Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear Michael,

I am not the one who has been two-faced about my position. Right or wrong, at life’s end I will have been honest. You haven’t been.


I am not two-faced whatsoever. I am very honest, even though I make a mistake sometimes, which we all do because we are human. I prayed to God today and He sent me a sign that I was wrong believing that there were men before our own Adam. I've prayed to Him before about it also. I was errant in my prior belief. So I made a mistake. Whoopee! At least I am honest enough to admit it. But being honest alone does not get you into Heaven. Believing and loving God and the Lord Jesus Christ is paramount to anyone going to Heaven. You don't LOVE God or Jesus and I guess you wouldn't know how. My whole world revolves around them. I do everything to please them both. I believe that Jesus is my Savior also and that He is the Son of God. Do you believe all of this BJ? If you don't, you won't be making it to Heaven this time around. Tons of luck having your honesty that doesn't include Christ as your Savior.



Dear Michael,

You are the one who elected to start this thread, and repeatedly threaten disbelievers for their lack of belief. But when it is pointed out that you yourself don’t have the personal strength of character yourself to really care about what God has told you, then you try to deflect the blame on us.

I listed multiple times you said you got an answer from God, true or false? You have declared your belief is contrary to the answer you said God gave, true or false?

You said you already did, and got an answer. Are you going to keep pestering God until you get the answer you want, instead of the one He already gave you?

Obviously it’s not God.


In your opinion, can one be dishonest about their beliefs and get into heaven?

Dear noguru,

I have not been dishonest. I've made a mistake, just like every other human does. Moses, Job, and Jonah made mistakes also, but God forgave them. I ask God's forgiveness and yours, also. I have exuded honesty since I've been on this thread. And when I make a mistake, I get pummeled. What kind of world is this?? Will chat with you later.

God Forgives,


:angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:



In your opinion, can one be dishonest about their beliefs and get into heaven?

Dear Noguru,

Hey Dude! How are you doing? I hope all is well. How's the weather where you're at? Is it warm or cool? It's downright Hot here. Near 100 or over. I didn't hear the weather yet today. I just go by my thermometer outside. Oh, I'm not saying someone who is dishonest can't make it to Heaven. They just have to repent, change their ways, and they can make it to Heaven. I have done all of that. I think BJ is just trying as hard as possible to get me to be an OEC again and believe in an Old Earth, which is how he believes, with his Earth being billions of years old!! Ha!! Well, I can't and won't. Hey, I've paid my dues, trust me! That's a certainty!!

May God Boost Your Countenance!!


:guitar: :singer: :angel: :angel: :cloud9:
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Dear Michael,

The list of each time you claimed to have been divinely told the earth is old came from what you said. Don’t blame me when it was you that provided the information that God told you multiple times.

God doesn't tell you multiple times. He tells you once usually. I misunderstood ONCE also.

Which would mean that you accepted lies from Satan and published them in your book, you promoted those lies in this thread, and even when you say you prayed about it, the answer came not from God, but Satan. And you honestly think we are going to trust you as a messenger on any message you say is from God?

I have corrected my mistake and have published a Seventh Edition. The mistake I made previously will not have any effect as far as a person being ready for Jesus' Second Coming. There are tons of people who have never read my book, and they will have to be on their own. If they have God and Jesus in their lives, they will do fine.

Since when you went to God in prayer, as you said you did earlier in this thread, God must have stepped aside and let a “lying spirit” take over, then “giv(ing) it some thought” seems to about all you are left with. Not personal revelation, not answer to prayer – no, you have shown those to be unreliable ways of communing with God,

I have done the best I can. How about YOU walking a block in my shoes?! You couldn't handle a mile, trust me. You don't have enough of God's Spirit within you or you would love Jesus.

Neither Moses, nor Jonah, nor Job sought and received an answer over and over again that they then betrayed. You are a really sad parody of the Biblical Prophets.

You don't know your Bible. Moses was dishonest when he struck the rock to let water run from it as if he was doing the miracle himself. That's why he didn't get to go to the Promised Land. Jonah ran from God, refusing to obey God's commandment to go to the people of Ninevah and tell them the God would destroy them if they didn't change their ways. Job spoke in error about God and he repented and God forgave him. Go and read your Bible better.

You are enamored with some caricature of God that you use to put His stamp of approval on whatever doctrines you fancy on a given day.

Your best seems to be defying the answer he repetitively gave to you.

BJ, you have no idea what it is to actually LOVE God and Jesus. You are void of even the possibility, it would seem. You speak about God very unholy and sarcastically. No, I will not go back through the posts in this thread to find those times. But I was appalled by it all. I know truly the God I serve and you don't. So don't tread on me, because God will charge you with it in your future. Why? Because you don't repent {feel sorry} and change your ways. The Lord did not repetitively give me an answer. He says it ONCE usually. Yes, it would be nice if He would say it over again. You are TONS worse than the pot calling the kettle, black! Repent Yourself, Dude!!

(BTW – at least in the last couple of responses to me you have forgone the psychedelic coloring and fonts. So I do see some faint signs of more maturity on your part. Thanks.)

You have said you are for God. God gave you the same answer again and again. You turn against that answer. Definitely two-faced.

I am for God. God gives answers not again and again. It's usually ONCE! And God knows I'm not two-faced. And He helps me with this thread abundantly.

Also, I have quit the appealing colors and fonts for you, because I only give them to those I feel deserve them, and you are not one of them. So why should I go to the bother? It takes some doing to put together those "psychedelic" posts. I put Love into them when I write them. I used to be a Graphic Artist and Editor, so I know a lot of fonts and colors. I use them for people I love more. You're no longer worth my time to put it together for you any more. Maybe after you've changed for a good amount of time. I am forgiving, for Jesus told me to forgive seventy times seven. He has forgiven me tons more than that. But that's because I accept reproof from Him to become as good as I can be. Sure I get deceived sometime, but God always corrects me in the end. I don't STAY deceived at all.

If God were to send divine messengers to me with a message, I would hope I would accept it. If He gave me the message again (and again) I would either embrace the message, or declare myself in rebellion. But look at how you handle it. You know the scriptural admonition about being either hot or cold, else God will spew you out of his mouth? He was talking about you.

He did NOT give me the message again, and certainly not again and again! I know about Jesus spewing out of His mouth those who were neither hot or cold. Don't worry, He has confirmed with me that He will love me forever. You don't know who I am, BJ. I am one of those two witnesses in Rev. 11:3KJV who is an olive tree and candlestick standing before the God of the whole Earth. I have given my testimony to all I can here and trust those whom I've given it to, it will help them in the times to come. And they will be able to tell their loved ones and neighbors, and even strangers, about the things I've said, and how important Love and Forgiveness is. I have made more than one mistake along the way, but God has forgiven me with each one I make, and I pray asking Him to forgive me and I don't do it again, and I become a Better Person for it.

But at least I have honesty, and you don’t.

Once again you try to dismiss defiance of what God told you multiple times as just “a mistake.”

You really like your fair-weather friends, don’t you?

A good way to start would be by being truthful.

Yippee! You have honesty. Heck no, you are lucky your honesty will get you anywhere. You honestly don't believe in God or Jesus, nor accept Jesus as your Savior. How honest is that?

I don't keep fair-weather friends. I keep real friends. The rest, I don't associate with any longer. I have a lot of friends that have a deep and lasting love for me and I have the same for them. We have been friends for over 40 years. I don't call them fair-weather friends. I'm really not sure I want to call you a friend! You don't act like one at all. I said I made a mistake, forgive me for it, and you just don't let up. Do you know How to forgive??


You need a dose of God's Spirit!!

You have always had the ability to put me on ignore. But that will not hide your deceit from others, nor from your God.

My God is the One Who will judge us both. So how do you think you are going to do? You don't even believe in Him. Nor do you know how to serve Him, or please Him, or Love Him, nor have a meaningful relationship with Him and His Son.



New member
Dear Michael,

I prayed to God today and He sent me a sign that I was wrong believing that there were men before our own Adam. I've prayed to Him before about it also.
Yes, I itemized the time before when you said you prayed about it, and got a different answer than you did this time. 40 years of the wrong answer, but in the last day or so God has decided to give you the answer you want right now. The answer to your prayers are just the answers you want at the time. God has nothing to do with them.
Believing and loving God and the Lord Jesus Christ is paramount to anyone going to Heaven. You don't LOVE God or Jesus and I guess you wouldn't know how. My whole world revolves around them. I do everything to please them both. I believe that Jesus is my Savior also and that He is the Son of God. Do you believe all of this BJ? If you don't, you won't be making it to Heaven this time around. Tons of luck having your honesty that doesn't include Christ as your Savior.
When you find your dishonesty doesn’t get the result you want, naturally you resort once again to threats of damnation.
God doesn't tell you multiple times. He tells you once usually. I misunderstood ONCE also.
I listed the several times that you told us you had received divine answers on the old earth issue. Your dishonesty in pretending you didn’t get the answer again and again just compounds your guilt before God, and shows us that you are fundamentally dishonest.
I have corrected my mistake and have published a Seventh Edition.
Really? Let’s see what you actually say in the Seventh Edition. The last paragraph on page 59 starts like this:

It may help you to know that Satan is but a man who fell from God’s graces during a race of men and women before our own Adam and Eve. Lucifer (now an evil spirit who was once an angel of God) misled Satan (while he was previously a man on earth before our own Adam and Eve)

Isn’t it sad, Michael, when even your seventh edition references (several times) men who lived before the Biblical Adam?
There are tons of people who have never read my book, and they will have to be on their own.
Since even your seventh edition speaks of men living before Adam, then people who have read any edition of your book will likewise be in deep doo doo.
You don't know your Bible. Moses was dishonest when he struck the rock to let water run from it as if he was doing the miracle himself. That's why he didn't get to go to the Promised Land. Jonah ran from God, refusing to obey God's commandment to go to the people of Ninevah and tell them the God would destroy them if they didn't change their ways. Job spoke in error about God and he repented and God forgave him. Go and read your Bible better.
But none of them made a career of lying about it, like you have.
BJ, you have no idea what it is to actually LOVE God and Jesus. (obligatory threats of damnation redacted)
The Lord did not repetitively give me an answer. He says it ONCE usually.
I’ve now lost count of how many times you have repeated this lie in the last few days. I will simply refer you back to the itemized list I included in post 10780.
I am for God. God gives answers not again and again. It's usually ONCE!
Post 10780.
And God knows I'm not two-faced.
Yes you are.
And He helps me with this thread abundantly.
Yeah, you tell Him the answer you want at the moment, and He obliges you.
Also, I have quit the appealing colors and fonts for you, because I only give them to those I feel deserve them, and you are not one of them. So why should I go to the bother? It takes some doing to put together those "psychedelic" posts. I put Love into them when I write them.
Oh, this is like a stab to my heart. No more wacky-dacky fonts and eye-straining colors? No love? And No truth?
You're no longer worth my time to put it together for you any more. Maybe after you've changed for a good amount of time.
Would after the thousand years be long enough?
I am forgiving, for Jesus told me to forgive seventy times seven.
But I have only done three wrong things in my life. Can you recommend some not-too-time consuming sins that I might up the count with?
He did NOT give me the message again, and certainly not again and again!
Post 10780.
You don't know who I am, BJ. I am one of those two witnesses in Rev. 11:3KJV who is an olive tree and candlestick standing before the God of the whole Earth. I have given my testimony to all I can here and trust those whom I've given it to, it will help them in the times to come.
I don’t know if narcissist is the right term, but I do see that you think a number of Biblical passages refer to you and those you know. Did I get special mention in the Bible, like you, or Uri, or your mom, or that guy who lived before Adam that became Satan, or ???
I'm really not sure I want to call you a friend! You don't act like one at all. I said I made a mistake, forgive me for it, and you just don't let up. Do you know How to forgive??
Admitting the error is the first step in forgiveness. Do you admit that I itemized several times that God answered you, and do you admit that the Seventh Edition still speaks of people before Adam?

Good buddy Michael, glad I can be of service to you.



New member
Hi Michael,
The implication here is that we are all capable of being wrong which unless we have evidence to support our personal conclusions then they really don't amount to a hill of beans.
Being wrong about Eggs Benedict is one thing but claims that the world as we know it will end before this year is out is only a matter of scale. But ultimately any such assumptions and beliefs need to be stacked up against real facts rather than what is going on only within the confines of our own heads.



Dear Alwight,

Now I can finally take a breather and post to you! How have you been doing, dude?! I've missed talking with you. Hey, I'm going to see about getting Windows 10. I see what you mean about right-clicking on the quote link and getting different things I can do. I don't know how to work it all yet, but at least I'm getting there. It's just like when you taught me how to do boxes. I didn't understand a lot at first, but then, I caught on.

Al, I am not that computer literate. Between answering my email and posting at TOL, that's about all of the stuff I can do on the computer. I can use the MS Word to write letters, etc. I suppose you know that I put a lot of love into each post to you all. It takes a lot more effort to put a good post together, but it's not too bad. I know about 60 fonts, but some I don't use here yet. Plus, I have another 60 or more that I've never used. I just want to make posting to each other fun to do. And colorful!!

Well, will keep it short 2nite. I am going to call my Comp. Tech and see about getting my MS Windows 10. He will help me over the phone and may need to take over my computer screen. I don't know how to explain it to you any better, but he takes over my mouse, etc. I hope that August will be a real good month!! Will PM you!!

Many Good Blessings For You!!


:guitar: :singer: :cloud9: :thumb: :think:



It doesn't matter about those instances in my 7th Edition. The book still tells people the message I'm trying to explain to them. My message has little to do with OEC or YEC. Do you understand that by any chance?? The book is to help people to love each other and help each other when Armageddon comes, which is very soon. You are so anti-God anyway, so what does it matter to you? Maybe you are learning things about God in this process you have decided to put yourself into. Study all of my book and the KJV Bible. You will learn a lot. Maybe that will put your heart in the right place.



New member
Dear Alwight,

Now I can finally take a breather and post to you! How have you been doing, dude?! I've missed talking with you. Hey, I'm going to see about getting Windows 10. I see what you mean about right-clicking on the quote link and getting different things I can do. I don't know how to work it all yet, but at least I'm getting there. It's just like when you taught me how to do boxes. I didn't understand a lot at first, but then, I caught on.
Hi Michael,
If you really do think that in a few months that life as we know it will cease then the benefits of Windows 10 seem a little hard to understand? :think:
I've just about got a handle on Windows 8, whatever happened to 9? :think:
I rather think that you'd probably be far better off learning some basic Windows skills before worrying about Windows 10.

Al, I am not that computer literate.
I kinda knew that already Michael.

Between answering my email and posting at TOL, that's about all of the stuff I can do on the computer. I can use the MS Word to write letters, etc. I suppose you know that I put a lot of love into each post to you all. It takes a lot more effort to put a good post together, but it's not too bad. I know about 60 fonts, but some I don't use here yet. Plus, I have another 60 or more that I've never used. I just want to make posting to each other fun to do. And colorful!!
I usually remove all the flowery stuff, as you will notice, since it tends to make compiling a reply a bit messy and complicated.
Fonts really don't matter Michael, it's the words that count.

Well, will keep it short 2nite. I am going to call my Comp. Tech and see about getting my MS Windows 10. He will help me over the phone and may need to take over my computer screen. I don't know how to explain it to you any better, but he takes over my mouse, etc. I hope that August will be a real good month!! Will PM you!!

Many Good Blessings For You!!


:guitar: :singer: :cloud9: :thumb: :think:
I am familiar with IT/tech guys taking over your computer remotely, but I suspect that any change to Windows 10 will be more for his benefit rather than yours, right?
Personally I'd wait since it only becomes available in a few days and I'd like to see how others get on with it first.
In any case the world ends soon right? ;)
However I'm rather sure that a Windows 11 will come along in due course. :)


Hi Michael,
The implication here is that we are all capable of being wrong which unless we have evidence to support our personal conclusions then they really don't amount to a hill of beans.
Being wrong about Eggs Benedict is one thing but claims that the world as we know it will end before this year is out is only a matter of scale. But ultimately any such assumptions and beliefs need to be stacked up against real facts rather than what is going on only within the confines of our own heads.

Hey Alwight,

Everything is fine. Some here expect me to be "perfect." Isn't that special? Who could it be now??? SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!! We can call him by his regular name: DavisBJ. So BJ, I believe you said that you only made 3 mistakes in your entire life. Have fun getting me to believe that crud. You've made hundreds, or thousands of mistakes. Whether I am a man of God or not, I can still make mistakes; just not as often and fewer
than most.

I'm sorry Al, I should not bring this up in a response to you, so I'll end that right now. Time will tell if God is with me or not. Right? Do you think He is unable to forgive me, one of His children, who is doing the absolute best I can? I'm gonna go have a crunchy peanut butter and strawberry preserves on sunflower seed bread. YUUUUMMM!!

Much Love To You And Yours, Al,


:angel: :angel: :guitar: :cloud9: :cloud9:


Hi Michael,
If you really do think that in a few months that life as we know it will cease then the benefits of Windows 10 seem a little hard to understand? :think:
I've just about got a handle on Windows 8, whatever happened to 9? :think:
I rather think that you'd probably be far better off learning some basic Windows skills before worrying about Windows 10.

I kinda knew that already Michael.

Dearest alwight,

The world will not come to an end at all. 1/3 of the people on it will live and rebuilt the Earth. You have heard that the meek shall inherit the Earth? Yep, 1/3 go to Heaven, 1/3 go to sleep for a thousand years and 1/3 inherit the Earth. Now as to who goes to hell, God only knows. Probably they are taken from the 1/3 that go to sleep for a thousand years. Anyway, the Earth will undergo a disaster or change, but it will be okay. At least the people left won't have to worry about others stealing from them, because Jesus will come and people shall observe the words of "Do not steal." And "Do not kill."

I usually remove all the flowery stuff, as you will notice, since it tends to make compiling a reply a bit messy and complicated.

Fonts really don't matter Michael, it's the words that count.

I am familiar with IT/tech guys taking over your computer remotely, but I suspect that any change to Windows 10 will be more for his benefit rather than yours, right?
Personally I'd wait since it only becomes available in a few days and I'd like to see how others get on with it first.
In any case the world ends soon right? ;)
However I'm rather sure that a Windows 11 will come along in due course. :)

The world does not End soon. It will change dramatically, though. You'll be fine, Al. God knows I have a special place in my heart for you and you have been very good to me, lasting longer than them all. He will make note of that, I'm sure.

If I get Windows 10 now, before it comes out, I can get it for free. I'm gonna do it 2morrow nite now because it's too late and I'm going to bed.

Goodnight, Al!!



New member

It doesn't matter about those instances in my 7th Edition. The book still tells people the message I'm trying to explain to them. My message has little to do with OEC or YEC. Do you understand that by any chance?? The book is to help people to love each other and help each other when Armageddon comes, which is very soon. You are so anti-God anyway, so what does it matter to you? Maybe you are learning things about God in this process you have decided to put yourself into. Study all of my book and the KJV Bible. You will learn a lot. Maybe that will put your heart in the right place.

Dear Michael,

So instead of having the personal integrity to admit your deceit, the sum of your response is “What you said doesn’t matter and you are a bad man.”

You are a real class act, my good buddy Michael


New member
Hey Alwight,

Everything is fine. Some here expect me to be "perfect." Isn't that special? Who could it be now??? SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!! We can call him by his regular name: DavisBJ. So BJ, I believe you said that you only made 3 mistakes in your entire life. Have fun getting me to believe that crud. You've made hundreds, or thousands of mistakes. Whether I am a man of God or not, I can still make mistakes; just not as often and fewer
than most.
I think that Davis knows full well that he is just as fallible as anyone else Michael and that Satan is no part of that. The point is that there is no reason at all to think that you can't be wrong too.

I'm sorry Al, I should not bring this up in a response to you, so I'll end that right now. Time will tell if God is with me or not. Right? Do you think He is unable to forgive me, one of His children, who is doing the absolute best I can? I'm gonna go have a crunchy peanut butter and strawberry preserves on sunflower seed bread. YUUUUMMM!!

Much Love To You And Yours, Al,


:angel: :angel: :guitar: :cloud9: :cloud9:
You can always hope that your God has good things in store for you Michael but you can't know it imo, so I suggest you please yourself while you can, with respect for others of course.


New member
<off topic>I'm a little apprehensive about Windows 10 tbh. As some of you know my computer is used mainly for Music production and my DAW (digital audio workstation) is Cubase 8, along with a bunch of hardware units connected via USB, firewire, PCI and PCIe. Suffice to say it's no ordinary PC. And since my system (almost) works like a dream in Window 7 I'm a little reluctant to change but, I've been told that it wont be long before support for Windows 7 will be withdrawn all together.... dunno?!</off topic>

Sometime the pace of changing technology in this day-and-age is a bug bare.

<back on topic /> don't worry about updating your PC Michael. There isn't going to be any Armageddon any time soon</on topic>


New member
Dear All,

It says that God created the Universe, Heaven and Earth, the host of heaven, etc. "And God called the light Day and the darkness Night. And the evening and the morning were the "1st Day". "And God separated and divided the waters which were above and the waters on Earth, and He created the firmament (Heaven). And that was the second day.

And it goes on further to say that that God created the Earth and Seas; plants and trees. And the evening and the morning were the third day. And in the fourth day, God made the hosts of Heaven, tons of angels and servants (helpers), including the Sun and the Moon, all on one day. And the planets, etc. And Orion and the Big Dipper, so they could be used for signs and for seasons, for days and for years.

Then it says that on the fifth day, God created great whales and everything in the seas, and He brought forth fowl from the waters to fly in the firmament. And this was alot of work. But for God to create all of that in 24 hours, no big deal. Then, in the sixth day, God created all of the creatures of the Earth, beasts, cattle, mastodons, elephants, beasts, dinosaurs {Ty Rex, Brontosaurus, raptors, etc. Even alligators, crocodiles, tortoises and turtle, armadillo, dinosaurs}. I know much more than these. And all of the creeping critters, and bugs {roaches, millipedes, centipedes, etc}. Then God created Man and then Woman. And all of this was done during the sixth day. Now, God said all He has to do is speak what He wants to envision and that it does not come back to Him Undone. I will find that quote for you soon. That He just gives the word and it is. He is the Master Chemist don't forget. He is Grand and Great, and Omnipotent, and Full Of Love To Give For Those Who Want It. But as loving as He is, yes He has also had to create a bottomless pit in the center of the earth. It has a center and a top (because of gravity) but no bottom, figuratively. It also has hot magma and lava and is Hell. The Lake of Fire is our Sun. And once our Sun burns out, God will provide another sun for the devil to burn in. Now, He does all of these things because He knows what the future would bring, and that man can not help but fall, because they are no match for the devil, Satan. That's why we're having a time now of learning how to choose good from evil, and keeping the good or keeping the evil, or some of both, which makes us have certain personalities.

Did you know that the above scriptures are the ones that trinity uses to prove there is more than one God. They can do this because the Greek word 'Elohim' is plural. So let us see how this fits

In the beginning God(s) (my interpretation that fits trinity) created the heavens and the earth.
On the sixth day, the following is the actual quote from bible:And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness

Let us(Plural) and in our(plural)

Does that fit your belief?

Let's look in Gen 2

Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Now this is different, one can not change this to mean 3 Gods. For it says: 'And the Jehovah God formed(not created), and when Jehovah is used with the word God, it is singular. This is why I worship the Jewish God, not just any God(s).

All of this to point out that Jehovah God made a covenant with Adam and his descendents, not those that the God(s) created in the sixth day and were told to go out and replenish the earth.
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