Creation vs. Evolution II


Dear gcthomas,

It's good to have you post here!! Be sure to have a pleasant and spectacular New Year's Eve and Day!! I hope that you will enjoy it, along with the rest of those on ToL.

Much Care And Cheerio!!


Greg Jennings

New member
Dear Greg J,

6days is correct, as usual!! Before Eve and Adam sinned, there was no death, and also, the animals were just vegetarians, and it will be that way again soon, I would say. After the Lord Jesus does return, it is written that the lion shall eat straw like the horses and the lion and the lamb shall lie together safely. The Bible says this and it is true. We will all eat plants, and vegetables, and fruits. My older sister, Diana, has been a vegetarian for years now, so it is quite possible. We know that, if there is no devil/Satan to cause death, then there won't be any death. He will be locked away in Hell for 1,000 years {see Rev. 20:3-4KJV, also see Rev. 20:10KJV}.

So men will live again until they are 900-some years old, like they did during Adam's time and his descendants did. Methuselah lived until he was over 969 years and he was the oldest man out of everyone {See Gen. 5:27KJV}. Oh the things I could tell you all, but you would not.

Anyway, I'll close for now. Just trying to help.

Best Acknowledgements, and God's Grace Upon Your Souls!!


Forgive me if your say-so on matters of science isn't particularly convincing. A human surviving off of plants is perfectly normal. A shark doing it? Or a crocodile? Or a leopard? Not a chance. What about a spider or scorpion? They don't even have the right mouthparts to eat vegetation with! It's hard to slurp down a poisoned plant

I hope your doctor's visit goes well. Let us know

Jose Fly

New member
Just as I suspected would happen, as soon as I asked 6days to explain why he deliberately left out the latter part of a dictionary definition...

So now that I've answered your question, can you answer mine? Why did you leave out the second half of the Collins definition for "evolutionist"?

....he disappears from the thread for a few days, waits until the question gets good and buried, then returns hoping everyone has forgotten about it.

So predictably dishonest. :rolleyes:


Forgive me if your say-so on matters of science isn't particularly convincing. A human surviving off of plants is perfectly normal. A shark doing it? Or a crocodile? Or a leopard? Not a chance. What about a spider or scorpion? They don't even have the right mouthparts to eat vegetation with! It's hard to slurp down a poisoned plant

I hope your doctor's visit goes well. Let us know

Dear Greg J,

Thank you for your well-wishes! I think everything will be okay!

Only God knows what they will eat. The leopard shall eat straw, I would say, in the same way as a lion. For spiders and scorpions, I suppose they will eat the same type of things that a hermit crab would eat, dead matter on the ground. They're all arachnids {8 legs}. For other sea crabs and sea life, they will probably be scavenging off of the sea floor, or eat algae and seaweed for all I know. I'm simply telling you what the Lord said about Lions! You wouldn't think that lions would eat straw, so see what happens. No matter how impossible it seems, it will happen. Thanks for asking Greg!!




Just as I suspected would happen, as soon as I asked 6days to explain why he deliberately left out the latter part of a dictionary definition...

....he disappears from the thread for a few days, waits until the question gets good and buried, then returns hoping everyone has forgotten about it.

So predictably dishonest. :rolleyes:

Dear jose fly,

He's hardly dishonest! Sometimes you are called to do more than just post on this thread. I have been gone a day sometimes, when I can't get on. Even two days. If I go in the hospital, it will be a few days or more. If I'm tired of posting, it will be a while also. I do my best to check in on this thread every day, as I can. Sometimes, stuff happens!

So I take it that you are an evolutionist. Are you also an atheist? Science doesn't hold many answers and has its limits. Just for starters, science doesn't know about lions pending to eat straw, right. Science doesn't know that Jesus will return with the clouds, from the East to the West, redeeming those whom are ready, and a sad reward for others. Some shall sleep for a 1,000 years. Some will go to Hell, or the lake of fire. I'll bet that science doesn't know that the 'lake of fire' is our Sun, now do they? You speak of some things that you know not. I could go on and on! Some shall go to Heaven also, of course. You do what you think is right, Jose. Science has grabbed you up and has become your mistress.

In Earnest,



Dear All,

It's been really nice having you post here! I know sometimes I answer your questions, and you have none left. I will try not to post on here very much. I've got some good sources for my proclamations. They are extremely reliable. Anyways, YOU all have a Beautiful Christmas!! Make It Count!!

Soon it will be 2017!! And Israel shall celebrate 50 years of being a country. Hopefully, Trump will get in and fix things for Israel. I guess there is not much scientific stuff I have to say. I could tell you that I think Spectrometry, and all of your Uranium Lead testing methods are useless. I don't care if you go by their half-lives or quarter-lives. Many other factors influence your testing correctly. You swore up and down that Carbon14 Dating was testing everything precisely. Look what happened.

You told us all of Piltdown man, and Lucy, and of course, Darwin. You are led by fools. I wouldn't want to trade places with you for anything. Your science is 150 years old, and is full of flaws, like Swiss Cheese! The Bible has been around for thousands of years, and is nothing to be made fun of or taken lightly. If you want the truth, look in the Bible. If you want to see how a DVD works, read the package instructions. Darwin was out of his mind. He just saw that some things looked like others, but he didn't know that God created them all separately, despite He made some look like others. I can guarantee you that man is hardly descended from a chimp as a ancestor. God created man is His Image. God is not a chimp. Do you get it now?? Okay, peace and Merry Christmas, y'all!!

Warmest Regards,



Dear All! Check It Out!! :cloud9: :angel: :cloud9:

Archaeologists unearth ancient gate-shrine in Israel

Published September 28, 2016
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Israeli archaeologists have unearthed a 2,900-year-old gate-shrine they say confirms the biblical story of King Hezekiah, who mandated the worship of God and the rejection of all other deities.

The gate-shrine in Tel Lachish National Park was uncovered decades ago, but a new excavation has completely exposed the gate, which is the largest one known from the First Temple period.

“The size of the gate is consistent with the historical and archaeological knowledge we possess, whereby Lachish was a major city and the most important one after Jerusalem,” said excavation director Sa'ar Ganor.

According to the Book of Kings, he said, “the cities’ gates were the place where ‘everything took place’: the city elders, judges, governors, kings and officials — everyone would sit on benches in the city gate. These benches were found in our excavation.”

The 80x80-foot Lachish city gate is 13 feet tall and consists of six chambers, three on either side of the main street that passed between them. Among the artifacts found in its rooms were benches with armrests, jars, a large number of scoops for loading grain and stamped jar handles that bear the name of the official seal impression. Two of those impressions say “belonging to the king of Hebron.”

The continuation of the building is the gate-shrine, whose steps “ascended to a large room where there was a bench upon which offerings were placed,” Ganor said. “An opening was exposed in the corner of the room that led to the holy of holies; to our great excitement, we found two four-horned altars and scores of ceramic finds consisting of lamps, bowls and stands in this room.

“It is most interesting that the horns on the altar were intentionally truncated,” he said. “That is probably evidence of the religious reform attributed to King Hezekiah, whereby religious worship was centralized in Jerusalem and the cultic high places that were built outside the capital were destroyed.”

The archaeologists also uncovered a stone fashioned in the shape of a chair, with a hole in its center — a toilet that was installed to desecrate the place.

This is the first time archaeologists have confirmed the assertion in the Bible that toilets were installed in cultic locations to destroy them. Lab tests suggest the toilet was never used, leading the archaeologists to conclude that it was installed there as a symbol.

“The uncovering of these finds joins a long list of discoveries that enlighten us about our historic past, a past that is manifested in our country’s soil and in the writings of the Book of Books,” said Miri Regev, Israel’s minister of culture and sport.

“The Bible – the founding book of the Jewish people, draws the country’s boundaries and the heritage of the Jewish people that was exiled from its country and returned to its homeland,” she continued.

“It boldly commemorates the way of our forefathers, the prophets, the kings and the judges, and the Israel Antiquities Authority deserves praise for this important discovery, a discovery that deepens our connection to our ancestors who walked this land.”

The Nature and Parks Authority and Israel Antiquities Authority plan to open the gate, which is currently covered, to visitors after they have developed the site and conserved the artifacts.

Thanks, Michael


The Above Post Lays Evidence To Bible's Accuracy!! If it's in the Bible, it's true. Much better than a Science Book.

Mmmm,don't you think?? Get with the program! So much to prove and so little time. I believe Noah's Ark is frozen deep in the ice off Mt. Ararat! Maybe with this climate getting warmer, we may be able to view it in the ice, or if enough ice were to melt, we'd be able to salvage some of it.

You can't refute my words with every instance. Tons Of Love Coming Your Way!!

Goodbye & Cheerio!!



New member
gcthomas said:
The problem for evolutionists is evidence; or, rather...lack of evidence.

As paleontologist Doug Palmer said in 'New Scientist', "The trouble is we probably know more about the evolution of extinxt trilobites than we do about human evolution"

Richard Leaky and Roger Lewin in 'People Of The Lake' said of hominids... "much of what we say about them is pure inference, guesswork".*

Paleontologist David Raup referred to the over simplification of the fossil record as "wishful thinking", saying that the 'predictable progressions have not been found'.*


New member
The problem for evolutionists is evidence; or, rather...lack of evidence.

As paleontologist Doug Palmer said in 'New Scientist', "The trouble is we probably know more about the evolution of extinxt trilobites than we do about human evolution"

Richard Leaky and Roger Lewin in 'People Of The Lake' said of hominids... "much of what we say about them is pure inference, guesswork".*

Paleontologist David Raup referred to the over simplification of the fossil record as "wishful thinking", saying that the 'predictable progressions have not been found'.*

Notwithstanding your omnipresent quote mining chopped from YEC sites, each person mentioned strongly believes the evidence shoes that evolution occurred.

And now that you are back, could you address the questions you failed to answer from previous posts?


Possible... but I would say highly unlikely. Thousands of years of decay processes, avalanches, possibilities of fires etc. It would be cool to find evidence of it, but I think its unlikely.

Dear 6days,

Thanks much for your reply! There's no certainty that we'll find it, but it is possible.

May God Always Bless Your Work,



New member
gcthomas said:
Notwithstanding your omnipresent quote mining chopped from YEC sites, each person mentioned strongly believes the evidence shoes that evolution occurred.*
They do BELIEVE in common ancestry.*

( isn't quote mining....and it wasn't from YEC sites).*
gcthomas said:
And now that you are back, could you address the questions you failed to answer from previous posts?
Sure... what have I missed?*


New member
Notwithstanding your omnipresent quote mining chopped from YEC sites, each person mentioned strongly believes the evidence shoes that evolution occurred.
I was curious to see if my quotes could be found on the net, and I came across a great one about fossils. This one is also from one who BELIEVES in common ancestry, Jeremy Rifkin..."Today the millions of fossils stand as very visible, ever-present reminders of the paltriness of the arguments and the overall shabbiness of the theory that marches under the banner of evolution."

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New member
I was curious to see if my quotes could be found on the net, and I came across a great one about fossils. This one is also from one who BELIEVES in common ancestry, Jeremy Rifkin..."Today the millions of fossils stand as very visible, ever-present reminders of the paltriness of the arguments and the overall shabbiness of the theory that marches under the banner of evolution."

Sent from my SM-G920W8 using TheologyOnline mobile app

Why would I be interested in the opinions of an economist on the subject, even of this quote is all over the apologetics websites?

Jose Fly

New member
Notwithstanding your omnipresent quote mining chopped from YEC sites, each person mentioned strongly believes the evidence shoes that evolution occurred.

Not only that, but again we see 6days' fundamental ignorance of how science works. You post a source that lists and cites some very good and very clear examples of transitional fossils and 6days responds with.....quotes. Apparently he thinks quotes trump data. :chuckle:

And now that you are back, could you address the questions you failed to answer from previous posts?

Doubtful. That's his MO....when asked a question he'd rather not answer (especially one where he's asked to explain his dishonesty), he just ignores it until it gets buried in the thread, and then hopes everyone forgets.

That by itself is incredibly dishonest, but what amazes me is how delusional he must be to not only keep repeating this behavior, but to think no one will notice or that it won't affect his credibility.


New member
Jose Fly said:
*That's his MO....when asked a question he'd rather not answer (especially one where he's asked to explain his dishonesty), he just ignores it until it gets buried in the thread, and then hopes everyone forgets.
This was answered last week if you want to refer back. I think you were saying it was a quote mine? It wasn't.*

Jose Fly said:
*You post a source that lists and cites some very good and very clear examples of transitional fossils
GC posted a site that listed no transitional fossils.....To rephrase the site, they are saying evolutionists believe these are candidates. Did you wish to defend one candidate from the list?

Jose Fly said:

*and 6days responds with.....quotes. Apparently he thinks quotes trump data.*
The thing is Jose... no data was posted. The quotes from evolutionists essentially admit the patterns evolutionists arrange with bones is BELIEFS.*

Jose Fly

New member
This was answered last week if you want to refer back

You're lying again. This is what I asked in post #1137: "So now that I've answered your question, can you answer mine? Why did you leave out the second half of the Collins definition for "evolutionist"?"

You never answered.

GC posted a site that listed no transitional fossils

This is the site he posted:

The site lists 56 different transitionals from different taxa, complete with citations to the scientific literature.

You're lying again.

.....To rephrase the site

Dude, are you really this delusional that you think you can just completely misrepresent a source like this and no one will notice or hold you accountable?

Do you get away with this in real life? After your wife says something to you, do you say "Let me rephrase what you said" and then completely flip what she meant?

Did you wish to defend one candidate from the list?

Not to you. You are a habitual liar who operates under a fundamentally dishonest framework...

"By definition, no apparent, perceived or claimed evidence in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the scriptural record."

So your framework is that since transitional fossils contradict the scriptural record, they can't exist. Therefore those examples at that site are not transitionals.

I have no interest in trying to discuss scientific data with a person who utilizes a framework that dictates said data cannot exist.

The thing is Jose... no data was posted.

Another post from 6days that is full of lies.

One would think at some point you'd realize how habitual lying in the name of your religion only harms that religion, but apparently that concept is beyond your abilities.

Greg Jennings

New member
That by itself is incredibly dishonest, but what amazes me is how delusional he must be to not only keep repeating this behavior, but to think no one will notice or that it won't affect his credibility.
Can you say that his reputation, or Stripe's for that matter, has suffered due to dishonesty?

That's the part that actually scares me a little about these guys. They simply don't care what you do as long as you're on their team, even if you are breaking one of that team's most recognizable rules (don't lie).

Hypocrisy can be found in leaps and bounds around here


New member
Jose Fly said:
The site lists 56 different transitionals from different taxa, complete with citations to the scientific literature

If you mean they list 56 organisms sharing similar traits with different organisms...yes. You could easily list hundreds more. If you think they list organisms that share common ancestry... you are mistaken.

Jose Fly said:
6days said:
Did you wish to defend one candidate from the list?

Not to you.*
*I understand why.*

Jose Fly said:
"By definition, no apparent, perceived or claimed evidence in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the scriptural record."

Yes... that is true. Science always supports the truth of God's Word.*