I'm not sure.

DNA evidence would help .somewhat if it could prove interbreeding. Or... a time machine would help.
****The problem Is that even in living organisms, evolutionists do not always use homology as evidence of close ancestry. Sometimes they say its analogous...
it looks similar but it doesn't seem to fit the imaginary tree; *so its called analogous. Also even in living creatures, mistakes have been made classifying things. There can even be huge differences between male and female of same species. So.... when you start to assemble and arrange bones in patterns to fit your beliefs, it isnt very convincing. Even with the arranged patterns, paleontologists often re-shuffle the patterns.*
Science ALWAYS supports and is consistent with the Word of the One who created science and scientists...and everything else.*
He nor more says they are 4.5 billion years old; than you would say dinosaurs lived 35,000 years ago after seeing C14 lab results. You posted part of what Snelling said before about meteorites, but ignored his conclusion.
Science says no such thing. Evolutionist eye glasses / interpretations of data say the earth is billions of years old. When we put on clear glasses

we see how geology supports the truth of Gods Word and the global flood.*
All the various fields of science help support the truth of God'sWord. *We have discussed a little in the past... we interpret evidence differently. Examples:
1. Comets can't last billions of years. They support a young earth.*
However you imagine there is an Oort belt...comets in waiting.*
2. We know soft tissue and DNA decomposes rapidly. Soft tissue in dinosaurs support a young earth.
However, you imagine that iron or something must have preserved soft tissue millions of years.
3. We know deleterious mutations are accumulating in our genome... supporting God's Word of a perfect creation that has been corrupted.
However, you imagine that things might have been different in the past...or that there is some saving mechanism we don't understand.
Etc etc... Science DOES support the truth of God's Word, and helps to reveal the majesty of our Creator.*
That is all true. We can use the scientific method prove that. However, we can't use the scientific method to test a unique one time event in the past. You can't use the scientific method to prove your 'miracles' either, such as life from non life. What we can do though is use logic and science to help confirm our beliefs about the past. Science does help confirm the inerrancy of scripture.*
Isn't it amazing that in spite of these prominent institutions being solidly against Biblical creation... that there are now thousands of PhD scientists who reject common ancestry beliefs. They obviously understand the theory....and even though indoctrinated in Evolutionism - They feel there are better explanations of the evidence.*