Creation vs. Evolution II


How does the idea that there can be a variety of different forms of any particular gene in the gene pool from which you draw your genome actually confuse anyone?

You seem too tied up in a rigid framework even be able to comprehend simple concepts. You can't call something irrational simply because the idea is beyond you.

Saying a process is both "normal" and "not normal" is a contradiction. Mutations are not normal.



Calculations of airplane travel times correlate with a flight path curved around a plane. The calculations do not support a straight line flight path, as would be the case in a flat Earth.

The flight path of a plane is curved because it goes up, levels off, then comes down.



Well-known member
All that the fossil record shows us is the diversity of extinct species, and a diversity with in each species. Which is no different then what we see in each species today.


The most important, obvious thing about the fossil record tends to get ignored in these discussions of mechanisms. Namely: the plants and animals that live today are different than those that lived ages ago. This leads one to the conclusion that the plant and animal populations somehow changed over time. i.e. Evolved over time. There is no point in quibbling over mutations and the like- the fact is that plants and animals evolved. It would remain a fact even if nobody had the foggiest notion of how it happened.


New member
Saying a process is both "normal" and "not normal" is a contradiction.
Quite. And you'll find I didn't say that. What I did say was that the idea of normal/abnormal is not applicable to much of genetics. You seem to have in mind that every gene had a perfect version, and everything else is suboptimal. But that does not match reality.
Mutations are not normal.

They are not only normal, they are universal.

Greg Jennings

New member
The most important, obvious thing about the fossil record tends to get ignored in these discussions of mechanisms. Namely: the plants and animals that live today are different than those that lived ages ago. This leads one to the conclusion that the plant and animal populations somehow changed over time. i.e. Evolved over time. There is no point in quibbling over mutations and the like- the fact is that plants and animals evolved. It would remain a fact even if nobody had the foggiest notion of how it happened.

That's not a problem for 6days. According to him, ALL animal/plant/fungi/protist/bacteria species that ever existed lived on Earth at the same time. He doesn't seem to understand that the Earth can't possibly support that much life :chuckle:


New member
That's not a problem for 6days. According to him, ALL animal/plant/fungi/protist/bacteria species that ever existed lived on Earth at the same time. He doesn't seem to understand that the Earth can't possibly support that much life :chuckle:
Unable to make honest arguments, you love your strawmen.


The most important, obvious thing about the fossil record tends to get ignored in these discussions of mechanisms. Namely: the plants and animals that live today are different than those that lived ages ago. This leads one to the conclusion that the plant and animal populations somehow changed over time. i.e. Evolved over time. There is no point in quibbling over mutations and the like- the fact is that plants and animals evolved. It would remain a fact even if nobody had the foggiest notion of how it happened.

Plants are still plants, always have been always will be.

Australopithecines were always australopithecines until they became extinct.

I changed my clothes every day, is that evolution?

We both are a day older, are we evolving?

Obviously, the world evolution cannot be applied to every kind of change.

The theory of evolution is rejected by DNA.

Only a mind/God can produce specific information/DNA that produces offspring after it's kind.



Quite. And you'll find I didn't say that. What I did say was that the idea of normal/abnormal is not applicable to much of genetics. You seem to have in mind that every gene had a perfect version, and everything else is suboptimal. But that does not match reality.

They are not only normal, they are universal.

And what is the evidence for all these "abnormal" and "universal" mutations that are occurring?


Greg Jennings

New member
Unable to make honest arguments, you love your strawmen.

Now that you mention it, you did narrow it down a tad. You said that all "kinds" existed together on Earth at the same time. I inserted a real scientific term in place of your creationist jargon. My bad.

Have you changed your mind on that?

Greg Jennings

New member
Rather than "narrow it down", why not quote what was really said? Or, is it easier for you to argue against a 'snow'man?

Because that's from months ago. I'm not going through the effort to find that when I can just paraphrase.

Set me straight, please. What do you believe? Maybe I am mistaken, but I seem to recall you saying that prior to sin, there was no death. And that all "kinds" of creatures lived harmoniously amongst each other. Then Adam sinned and death was permitted, leading previously herbivorous creatures to predation. The "kinds" then diversified to become the life we see today, while some died out and are the fossils we see.

What did I get wrong?


Literal lunatic
Because that's from months ago. I'm not going through the effort to find that when I can just paraphrase.

Set me straight, please. What do you believe? Maybe I am mistaken, but I seem to recall you saying that prior to sin, there was no death. And that all "kinds" of creatures lived harmoniously amongst each other. Then Adam sinned and death was permitted, leading previously herbivorous creatures to predation. The "kinds" then diversified to become the life we see today, while some died out and are the fossils we see.

What did I get wrong?

For starters, you have no idea what a fossil is.


Hey Y'All,

Haven't been on much lately. I've been so extremely busy and still wasn't able to get all of my Christmas Cards done. It's too late now, because everyone will get them after Christmas Day. Ah well, phone calls are as good as cards, if not better.

Had to go to Cancer Dr. {Oncologist} too. Will know more by the fourth week of January. That's when he will go over my tests. Had to go to other doctors too, and also the Dentist.

I do hope that you are all in the holiday anticipation and are looking forward to Christmas, or at least, New Year's Eve, etc. I think 2017 might be really interesting. Plus we'll have a new President. He may surprise us! One way or the other, Lol. Well. I do hope your holiday is exceptional this year!

God Watch Over You All!!


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :singer: :guitar: :singer:


Well-known member
Hey Y'All,

Haven't been on much lately. I've been so extremely busy and still wasn't able to get all of my Christmas Cards done. It's too late now, because everyone will get them after Christmas Day. Ah well, phone calls are as good as cards, if not better.

Had to go to Cancer Dr. {Oncologist} too. Will know more by the fourth week of January. That's when he will go over my tests. Had to go to other doctors too, and also the Dentist.

I do hope that you are all in the holiday anticipation and are looking forward to Christmas, or at least, New Year's Eve, etc. I think 2017 might be really interesting. Plus we'll have a new President. He may surprise us! One way or the other, Lol. Well. I do hope your holiday is exceptional this year!

God Watch Over You All!!


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :singer: :guitar: :singer:

May God watch over you too Michael, and I hope and pray that all goes well with your test results.

All the best for Christmas and the new year, God bless


Because that's from months ago. I'm not going through the effort to find that when I can just paraphrase.

Set me straight, please. What do you believe? Maybe I am mistaken, but I seem to recall you saying that prior to sin, there was no death. And that all "kinds" of creatures lived harmoniously amongst each other. Then Adam sinned and death was permitted, leading previously herbivorous creatures to predation. The "kinds" then diversified to become the life we see today, while some died out and are the fossils we see.

What did I get wrong?

Dear Greg J,

6days is correct, as usual!! Before Eve and Adam sinned, there was no death, and also, the animals were just vegetarians, and it will be that way again soon, I would say. After the Lord Jesus does return, it is written that the lion shall eat straw like the horses and the lion and the lamb shall lie together safely. The Bible says this and it is true. We will all eat plants, and vegetables, and fruits. My older sister, Diana, has been a vegetarian for years now, so it is quite possible. We know that, if there is no devil/Satan to cause death, then there won't be any death. He will be locked away in Hell for 1,000 years {see Rev. 20:3-4KJV, also see Rev. 20:10KJV}.

So men will live again until they are 900-some years old, like they did during Adam's time and his descendants did. Methuselah lived until he was over 969 years and he was the oldest man out of everyone {See Gen. 5:27KJV}. Oh the things I could tell you all, but you would not.

Anyway, I'll close for now. Just trying to help.

Best Acknowledgements, and God's Grace Upon Your Souls!!



May God watch over you too Michael, and I hope and pray that all goes well with your test results.

All the best for Christmas and the new year, God bless

Dear marhig,

You are such an angel!! Thanks so very much for your kind and thoughtful words of comfort. I feel much happier now knowing that someone cares!! We shall meet personally in Heaven!!

God's Best For You Always,
