Creation vs. Evolution II


New member
No there aren't. You've provided absolutely no evidence for the existence of these "thousands of PhD scientists who reject common ancestry".

Since there are tens of millions of PhDs in the world, having a few believing silly things will not be much of an argument. Project Steve will have more names than 6days can provide.

Greg Jennings

New member
He nor more says they are 4.5 billion years old; than you would say dinosaurs lived 35,000 years ago after seeing C14 lab results. You posted part of what Snelling said before about meteorites, but ignored his conclusion.
Carbon dating and its limitations have been explained to you tens of times. Either you're too stupid to understand it, or (I think more likely) you are parroting what you know to be false in order to convince others of your absurd narrative.

1. Comets can't last billions of years. They support a young earth.*
Do explain with a credible source, please

If the Bible is always true, explain how either A) a stick becomes a snake or B) a woman turns into a pile of salt. If you can't scientifically explain either if those away then the Bible is scientifically useless

Greg Jennings

New member
Since there are tens of millions of PhDs in the world, having a few believing silly things will not be much of an argument. Project Steve will have more names than 6days can provide.

Ahhh Project Steve. The only piece of evidence that anyone needs to see to be convinced of the dishonesty of creationism.

Greg Jennings

New member
No there aren't. You've provided absolutely no evidence for the existence of these "thousands of PhD scientists who reject common ancestry".

There probably are. He's using the same dishonest talking point as when he says that "more and more people are rejecting common ancestry beliefs and returning to God's word."

By default, he's right. There are billions more people now than there were 30 years ago. There are more YECs because of this, but their proportion to both the scientific population and general population is rapidly dropping. More people means more YECs, but also many more people that see it for the silly myth that it is

Jose Fly

New member
There probably are.

I see no evidence that there are.

He's using the same dishonest talking point as when he says that "more and more people are rejecting common ancestry beliefs and returning to God's word."

That's not true either. We actually have quite a bit of survey data showing the trend is in the opposite direction.

By default, he's right.

No, "there are thousands of PhD scientists who reject common ancestry" is not true by default.

There are billions more people now than there were 30 years ago. There are more YECs because of this, but their proportion to both the scientific population and general population is rapidly dropping. More people means more YECs, but also many more people that see it for the silly myth that it is

That doesn't establish the existence of "thousands of PhD scientists who reject common ancestry",


Active member
there are now thousands of PhD scientists who reject common ancestry beliefs.
There are many in Australia, Canada, USA, UK, and even Russia.

Something much more relevant than sheer numbers would be their motivation. Take the most academically and professionally qualified of these scientists you allude to that reject common ancestry beliefs, and tell us which of them is part of a fundamentalist religious group. I will match them several times over with equally qualified scientists, who are faithful Christians, who accept Darwinian evolution.

One of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, South Korea may have the most active group of Bible believing scientists.

Already your stripes are showing. You yourself specify that the scientists you are speaking of are “Bible believing”. Is this because you are bereft of PhD scientists who disbelieve in evolution, but do so from a secular stance? Can’t muster up any support for your anti-evolution platform without running to the church to do it?

Also, keep in mind that many creationist scientists don't add their names to these lists for fear of some type of retribution.

That kinda says something about how committed they are to their religious beliefs, doesn’t it? “Fearing men more than God?”

But much more relevant than that silliness is simply – their science. Show me the documented data and conclusions that falsify evolution that must surely be spewing forth from these “thousands of PhD scientists who reject common ancestry beliefs.” I will try to read what they say, as I have time during my reading of the dozens of peer-reviewed common descent studies I am inundated with each week right now. (Korean is fine, since I have a couple of friends who are fluent in Korean, and you suggest Korea may be a hotbed of PhD opposition to evolution.)


Active member
create children …out of a few rocks.
Wow, I don’t know what you were taught about the birds and the bees. I thought I understood this creating children thing, but maybe I was given some bad info.
He can certainly change a woman into salt.
Can I do it too? That sassy old lady that sits on her porch and yells at everyone. Salt on the porch. When it rains, will she dissolve?
What's that to Him??!
Don’t know, ask Him.
you have a problem.
Yeah I know. I forgot what kind of book my friend wanted as a Christmas present.
There are no other explanations except God creating what He wants to and He is a Master Chemist and Biologist.
Maybe you ought to dump that doctor you are going to and go to the “Master Chemist and Biologist” instead. That doctor you see is actually relying on that filthy thing called science.
You don't know Him
Send Him by next time he pops in for a visit.
God saved Daniel and his friends, first from a den of lions, who were evidently, not hungry!
Well that big dog that bit me was hungry, and I sure didn’t get saved from it.
the same Daniel and his friends survived being burned in a great, extremely hot furnace of fire.
Kinda like I hope to be in when I get sent to Hell? Center of the earth – I got some serious geology studying to do, since that would be a geologists dream.
you don't believe there is such a color as sky blue
But I do believe it is blue. Ask me sometime about what frequencies of light refract the most in the atmosphere, and what that has to do with a blue sky.
Your mind is cluttered by trash from Satan
Oh, oh, I thought that trash was just leftovers from my TOL conversations.
you will terribly regret your decision not to believe in that God Whom you deny? You will gnash your teeth and extremely cry tears. You won't believe how you had the chance to believe and live forever happily, and you didn't take advantage of that situation.
Does just plain old honesty count at all, or is it all just “shut up and mindlessly believe”?

BTW, I am really concerned Michael. Your field of expertise – can you tell me if the rapture is gonna happen before the end of 2016?

Greg Jennings

New member
I see no evidence that there are.

That's not true either. We actually have quite a bit of survey data showing the trend is in the opposite direction.

No, "there are thousands of PhD scientists who reject common ancestry" is not true by default.

That doesn't establish the existence of "thousands of PhD scientists who reject common ancestry",
As many millions of scientists as there are, it shouldn't be shocking that a few accept YEC. That's all I'm saying


New member
Greg Jennings said:
If the Bible is always true, explain how either A) a stick becomes a snake or B) a woman turns into a pile of salt.
The Bible is true.

We have an omnipotent God.

Greg Jennings said:
*If you can't scientifically explain either if those away then the Bible is scientifically useless
Ha... I think it is your arguments which are scientifically useless. *Our beliefs, (yours and mine), about the past are based on our worldview and evidence. For example... some believe nothing caused everything. I believe an omnipotent Creator caused everything. Logic and science show us that our universe had a beginning...something / someone caused it. I happen to know that Someone.*


New member
redfern said:
*Something much more relevant than sheer numbers would be their motivation....
The sheer numbers...majority opinion of evolutionism does not determine truth. The motivation is naturalism. As you is not done by popular opinion.*

The number of creation scientists is relevant only in reply to the bandwagon argument you made.*

redfern said:
Already your stripes are showing. You yourself specify that the scientists you are speaking of are “Bible believing”. Is this because you are bereft of PhD scientists who disbelieve in evolution, but do so from a secular stance?
Secularists have no alternative other than to *believe in common ancestry.*

redfern said:
6days said:
Also, keep in mind that many creationist scientists don't add their names to these lists for fear of some type of retribution.
That kinda says something about how committed they are to their religious beliefs, doesn’t it? “Fearing men more than God?”
What it speaks of is the intolerance of the evolutionary belief system.*

redfern said:
Show me the documented data and conclusions that falsify evolution
Sure...Show me the documented data and conclusions that falsify creation....then we cab discuss. Both creationism and evolutionism have the exact same data, but different conclusions . If you want to read conclusions that contradict your beliefs, subscribe to 'Journal of Creation'.*


Greg Jennings

New member
The Bible is true.

We have an omnipotent God.

Ha... I think it is your arguments which are scientifically useless. *Our beliefs, (yours and mine), about the past are based on our worldview and evidence. For example... some believe nothing caused everything. I believe an omnipotent Creator caused everything. Logic and science show us that our universe had a beginning...something / someone caused it. I happen to know that Someone.*
That has nothing to do with evolution or age of the Earth. God can still be present and be the beginning of all if you accept evolution for the fact that it is. Whether He is there or not is another convo entirely

Greg Jennings

New member
Sure. In fact He was present and He tells us all sbout it in His Word.*

I accept the facts ...not your false beliefs.*
No, by your own admission you reject any scientific evidence that contradicts your idea of a 6000 year old planet.

There is not one single scientific body that recognizes YEC as a valid scientific ideology. Not. A. One. If it was truly supported by science, then at least one of the hundreds of scientific organizations would say so.

Your denials are at this point fairly pathetic. Dave makes arguments for a flat earth on about the same level as your anti-evolution arguments


New member
Greg Jennings said:
*No, by your own admission you reject any scientific evidence...
Do you understand the difference between evidence and interpretations? Nobody rejects evidence. Both of us reject interpretations not consistent with our beliefs.

Greg Jennings said:
There is not one single scientific body that recognizes YEC as a valid scientific ideology. Not. A. One. If it was truly supported by science, then at least one of the hundreds of scientific organizations would say so.

By your logic one scientific body like 'Creation Biology Society' that recognizes YEC, makes it a "valid scientific ideology". Greg... give up on the silly 'argumentum ad populum'.

Greg Jennings said:
Your denials are at this point fairly pathetic. Dave makes arguments for a flat earth on about the same level as your anti-evolution arguments

Haha..... Well, since you seem frustrated and unable to counter my arguments with logic...I suppose you believe in turtles all the way down?

Greg Jennings

New member
Do you understand the difference between evidence and interpretations? Nobody rejects evidence. Both of us reject interpretations not consistent with our beliefs.
Zircon dating is not an interpretation. Rock layers containing only certain organisms that aren't found in older layers is not an interpretation. Tree ring and ice core data are not interpretations. You keep on claiming you aren't denying plain science, when you plainly are

By your logic one scientific body like 'Creation Biology Society' that recognizes YEC, makes it a "valid scientific ideology". Greg... give up on the silly 'argumentum ad populum
And there's the issue: there is no valid scientific organization that supports YEC. If the 'Creation Biology Society' was formed and did actual scientific work (like in the fields of geology or biology) then they would gain credibility and that opinion would be valid.

YEC is an ideology that has been inspected by every single scientific organization and rejected by every single one. If you can't recognize the significance of that, then you can't think rationally. You probably go to restaurant that got an F from the health inspector, too

Haha..... Well, since you seem frustrated and unable to counter my arguments with logic...I suppose you believe in turtles all the way down?
Not really. But I do find it funny that a flat earther Christian on this site uses your exact same scriptural arguments to support his theory: that if the bible is interpreted rigidly then the language suggests a flat earth of around 6-10000 years.

It's even funnier because you were always saying that "evolutionists" are flat earthers. Two Christian flat earthers on this site alone. None that were not Christian that I counted