ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
So were you until you looked it up.
nah, i'd heard of it long ago and wasn't surprised
So were you until you looked it up.
right, you keep making that claim
i don't think anybody believes you
nah, i'd heard of it long ago and wasn't surprised
watts bio came out in 2008
i prolly read about it in acw (or asc)'s gay thread eight years ago
but there were rumors long before that
as well as his experiences with pedophilia
i could choose to murder, but that doesn't make me "kinda" a murderer
and you keep referring to my "logic" without having any understanding of what I'm taking about
So, doser...can you describe to me the moment(s) you had/have a set down with yourself and consciously decide to actively pursue heterosexuality over homosexuality exactly as you do when perhaps wresting a similar choice for yourself, say of a hotdog over a hamburger?
It's not about act, it's about attraction. Sure, you can choose to act on an attraction, be it sexual or otherwise but you don't choose the attraction itself.
Easy: If I found out the difference between vanilla and a cigarette was self-absorbed and did damage, like all unrestrained sexual behavior (whether blinders are on or not, there is no denial), that it does damage to the body, etc. Such makes 'choice' a no brainer. Does the guy have a right to smoke? Yeah, but in front of me. My lungs don't need that.So, doser...can you describe to me the moment(s) you had/have a set down with yourself and consciously decide to actively pursue heterosexuality over homosexuality exactly as you do when perhaps wresting a similar choice for yourself, say of a hotdog over a hamburger?
Hugh Hefner, who maintains that Watts' book "is all essentially true," said “he was propositioned [by a man] and, thought, 'What the hell...'"
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them (Ro 1:28–32)....he chose to engage in a homosexual encounter
i would wager that it was because he was bored with "normal" depravity
[Could Hugh Hefner & Donald Trump Be Homosexual? So he entertained something and then went on to exclusive heterosexual relationships wrapped up in the typical playboy lifestyle...
Poor rabid bunny. :sigh: Was Hef your hero?Think the Donald :greedy: is a man to be admired? :banana: 1 Co 6:8-9, 18![]()
That is my point: Attraction is simply impulse. We are 'reasoned' beings. Most of this political much-ado reduces down to 'just do it.' It is unworthy of such attention from reasoned beings. It literally dumbs us down to worse than animals because we literally know better. When, if I get that point across to you, it will settle most of this in your mind. It really will.
So, doser...can you describe to me the moment(s) you had/have a set down with yourself and consciously decide to actively pursue heterosexuality over homosexuality exactly as you do when perhaps wresting a similar choice for yourself, say of a hotdog over a hamburger?
We haven't banned so there's that yet?[Could Hugh Hefner & Donald Trump Be Homosexual?, Was Hef your hero? Think the Donald is a man to be admired? 1 Co 6:8-9, 18] Well, no and no respectively.
So there's that.
Well, one thing you and aCW do share in common is a bizarre fixation on trying to paint other posters as gay...kinda funny in a sad way.
Ok doser isn't even sure if he's straight or not ...
That is my point: Attraction is simply impulse. We are 'reasoned' beings. Most of this political much-ado reduces down to 'just do it.' It is unworthy of such attention from reasoned beings. It literally dumbs us down to worse than animals because we literally know better. When, if I get that point across to you, it will settle most of this in your mind. It really will.
Attraction is simply impulse. We are 'reasoned' beings. Most of this political much-ado reduces down to 'just do it.' It is unworthy of such attention from reasoned beings. It literally dumbs us down to worse than animals because we literally know better.
You are basically supporting a right to kill oneself.
Well, okay, the obvious answer is no but given that some here seem to think that any sort of 'non virtuous' sexual life can somehow lead towards developing homosexual desires if straight I'd be interested in hearing just how that happens...