Youve already outed yourself, first you claim ANY attraction is a by birth thing, then we said we bet hugh being a sex freak and all, most likely tried gay sex at some point, you objected, since he loves women so much, till it was proven to you, that he did INDEED try it (because of his hedonism that YOU mentioned too) then went right back to women, like prisoners often do.
Congrats you learned, its A CHOICE. Anyone can wake up one day and decide to try something, just like hugh did, and depending on what they feed themselves (porn, worldliness, hedonism, etc.. ) is more or less likely to try and go with something deviant.
I hope you enjoyed todays lesson, it was brought to you by the letter C for CHOICE.
The hugh thing completely invalidates your claim that can choose to be attracted to something else.
Have a nice day!