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Is Meshak now denying she doesn't trust the writings of the Apostle Paul? Oh, what a LIE. :)
Not only Paul, but GOD as well.
One cannot read all of scripture and think that GOD does not support a military.
Not only does GOD support the military, but commanded that there be a military as well.
Meshak cherry picks a little here and there, and leaves out the rest, so as to support her own man conceived agenda, as we can plainly see by her own words.

And I never said I don't believe the Bible.

All I said was I dismiss the part if the verses don't harmonize with Jesus' love messages.


Well-known member
Jesus is not God. In Matthew when Jesus said what he did there to the Devil, he was quoting from Deuteronomy. In Deuteronomy Jehovah's name appears there as "the LORD" your God. Anyone can see this in the Hebrew text. So when Jesus said that to Satan, he was saying that Jehovah God in heaven should not be tempted to give His Son power to do something that is not aligned with His will. Jehovah had never approved of His Son jumping off the battlement of the Temple.

Can your mind wrap itself around that?

Nope, as that's just the reasoning of stupid men who refuse to read what is plainly written.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Not only Paul, but GOD as well.
One cannot read all of scripture and think that GOD does not support a military.
Not only does GOD support the military, but commanded that there be a military as well.
Meshak cherry picks a little here and there, and leaves out the rest, so as to support her own man conceived agenda, as we can plainly see by her own words.

I suppose she THINKS she's some kind of EDITOR?


Meshak I know that Paul is strong in God, he is full of wisdom and understanding and he speaks the truth but it's hard to understand at times because he is so strong in God and speaks very deeply.

Jesus says don't let anyone call you a teacher because He is the Teacher, yet Paul told Jesus' servants to follow him because he follows Jesus.

That is so wrong the way he put it. Jesus gives discernment what is wrong or not to all His sincere followers.

Jesus also says have a child like faith. do you think we need deeper understanding to follow Jesus? I don't think so.

Children don't understand deeper meanings.

I believe Jesus was saying to concentrate on to be like Jesus.

This is how I understand child like faith.



My soul mate from Australia is very godly woman like you and she is not worldly like me. But our position of Paul is 100% in agreement.

She is very spiritual and faithful and mature Christian.

We contact by e-mail.

I did not know her faith very well. I have read her posts after she left this site. I was so excited that someone agrees with me about Paul.


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Jesus says don't let anyone call you a teacher because He is the Teacher, yet Paul told Jesus' servants to follow him because he follows Jesus.

That is so wrong the way he put it. Jesus gives discernment what is wrong or not to all His sincere followers.

Jesus also says have a child like faith. do you think we need deeper understanding to follow Jesus? I don't think so.

Children don't understand deeper meanings.

I believe Jesus was saying to concentrate on to be like Jesus.

This is how I understand child like faith.

You make yourself out to be a teacher, and a teacher you are, a false teacher.


Well-known member
Jesus says don't let anyone call you a teacher because He is the Teacher, yet Paul told Jesus' servants to follow him because he follows Jesus.

That is so wrong the way he put it. Jesus gives discernment what is wrong or not to all His sincere followers.

Jesus also says have a child like faith. do you think we need deeper understanding to follow Jesus? I don't think so.

Children don't understand deeper meanings.

I believe Jesus was saying to concentrate on to be like Jesus.

This is how I understand child like faith.

Jesus NEVER says to have faith like a child. Jesus is too hard for you to understand, obviously. :nono:


Well-known member
Jesus says don't let anyone call you a teacher because He is the Teacher, yet Paul told Jesus' servants to follow him because he follows Jesus.

That is so wrong the way he put it. Jesus gives discernment what is wrong or not to all His sincere followers.

Jesus also says have a child like faith. do you think we need deeper understanding to follow Jesus? I don't think so.

Children don't understand deeper meanings.

I believe Jesus was saying to concentrate on to be like Jesus.

This is how I understand child like faith.
No we don't need a deeper understanding to follow Jesus, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a deeper understanding in the Bible, Jesus says those who have ears to hear, hear, and he also says those who have ears to hear, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. So there are deeper meanings.

Just look at the book of Revelation, that is very spiritual and very deep, And it is John who wrote that not Paul.


Well-known member

My soul mate from Australia is very godly woman like you and she is not worldly like me. But our position of Paul is 100% in agreement.

She is very spiritual and faithful and mature Christian.

We contact by e-mail.

I did not know her faith very well. I have read her posts after she left this site. I was so excited that someone agrees with me about Paul.
Ok, but I'm sorry I don't agree with you regarding Paul, I read his epistles often, and I can hear the Spirit in him, and he gave up all for Christ and suffered to bare witness to the truth and truly follow Jesus, and I know that he is a true apostle and a strong man of God.