Christians worship Christ; JW's do not!


I believe that Paul preached the truth and truly followed Jesus in the way that Jesus taught, and he didn't organise the way churches of today do, with their practices and having statues which God says is wrong and bowing down to some including the cross that was a murder weapon!

These are things that Jesus didn't teach and they're building up worldly churches, storing millions in banks and taking wages for doing God's work, we should take no money for speaking the word of God, and any money that is gathered should be shared with those in need, not stored up. And they wear robes of gold and silver, Paul did none of these things, he gave instructions on how to live right before God and how to follow Jesus and he spoke the truth.

Paul said follow me as I follow Christ, in other words don't do as I do if I'm not living right before God and living how Christ Jesus taught us to live.

So you believe it is of Jesus how he instructs about fellowshipping their members if they are not following their rules?


New member
You seem to be closing your eyes off of obvious trin churches.

Sin is sin is sin.
So your main concern is about trin churches not about helpless, defenseless children who are being victimized. You are closing your eyes to that. So go ahead and continue your trin vs non-trin war while children continue to suffer which you expect me to keep quiet about. That's not going to happen.


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So your main concern is about trin churches not about helpless, defenseless children who are being victimized. You are closing your eyes to that. So go ahead and continue your trin vs non-trin war while children continue to suffer which you expect me to keep quiet about. That's not going to happen.
Atta girl!
Like I said, Meshak is a hypocrite.


So your main concern is about trin churches not about helpless, defenseless children who are being victimized. You are closing your eyes to that. So go ahead and continue your trin vs non-trin war while children continue to suffer which you expect me to keep quiet about. That's not going to happen.

Nope, my main concern is about spreading Jesus' messages. No one has credibility to judge anyone or any organization.

I know JWs know the very basics of Christianity but trin churches do not, IMO.

But how they practice what they spread is whole different matter. No one knows what is going on inside the organization.

So if we are so blind that cannot see what is going on even when it is practiced in the public, it is sin too.


Well-known member
Does it not take money for all the printed literature that JWs pass out?
I haven't got a clue, why don't you ask them, I'm not a JW, I only read the Bible, it's got everything in it that we need, I don't read literature from various denominations!


New member
Nope, my main concern is about spreading Jesus' messages. No one has credibility to judge anyone or any organization.
No your main concern is to bash trins. You've been doing it for as long as I can remember, since I joined and probably before that. And now you're whining about being called names etc. Well, you reap what you sow.

I know JWs know the very basics of Christianity but trin churches do not, IMO.

But how they practice what they spread is whole different matter. No one knows what is going on inside the organization.

So if we are so blind that cannot see what is going on even when it is practiced in the public, it is sin too.
You don't know even a fraction of what I know about the Watchtower Society. You don't know what you are defending. Even after I defended you for the way JWs treated you, you continued to accuse and attack me.
I'm seriously considering putting you on ignore if you don't stop it.


Well-known member
That's where we disagree.

I know Paul instructed the church how to operate the church. that's organization.
Yes we disagree regarding Paul, I can hear the Spirit of God in him. And he lived and suffered to bare witness to the truth and he truly followed Jesus.


Yes we disagree regarding Paul, I can hear the Spirit of God in him. And he lived and suffered to bare witness to the truth and he truly followed Jesus.

I know Paul is not completely in line with Jesus.

There are so many things so questionable what he teaches.

You seem to put Paul in the same level as Jesus.

We have Jesus' instructions, we don't need Paul's instruction.


Well-known member
I know Paul is not completely in line with Jesus.

There are so many things so questionable what he teaches.

You seem to put Paul in the same level as Jesus.

We have Jesus' instructions, we don't need Paul's instruction.
No meshak I really don't, Jesus is the way, and Paul followed the way that Jesus taught, Paul is very strong in the Spirit. I follow Jesus not Paul, but I believe that Paul teaches the truth.


No meshak I really don't, Jesus is the way, and Paul followed the way that Jesus taught, Paul is very strong in the Spirit. I follow Jesus not Paul, but I believe that Paul teaches the truth.

We are talking about the instruction of the churches.

Don't you think Jesus gave enough information on how to follow God and Jesus?


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Do I give judgement of your salvation?

I know you guys do.

And I don't. So you are false witnessing again.

You're judging me, you hypocrite.

No one has credibility to judge anyone or any organization.

Stop judging, you hypocrite. Obey what Jesus himself said.

“Judge not, that you be not judged.For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’; and look, a plank is in your own eye?Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. - Matthew 7:1-5