Christians worship Christ; JW's do not!


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You haven't done your homework, as usual.
You jump to conclusions.

Revelation 1:17,18 does not say "Alpha and Omega,"
I have not made a case that it does.

as you would know if you examined the original Greek in an Interlinear Version.
I don't need to, as I can already read, write, and speak Greek (and Hebrew also).


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Those are not wages that support the brothers and their families. They all work for a living. The literature is given FREE, and if someone wants to donate a something, they may. JWs give what they can, and mostly a very small amount. It's amazing how little it takes, on the part of each JW, to keep the Kingdom Halls running and the literature printed. Members of the churches in Christendom are getting ripped off with their paid clergy and the demand for tithes. It's quite a racket!
I'm not talking about someone that you give a pamphlet to paying anything.
I'm asking how much you have to give for those pamphlets to begin with so that you have them to pass out.


No, Jesus established the organization. Get it right....

Jesus would not establish the way Paul did. Look at the organizations and denominations' corruption.

Organization is a loot of all corruption.

Organizations operate to follow their leaders.

His followers follow Jesus, not organization, nor any man.

I have exposed organizations' corruption many times and So did truthjourney.

I have exposed both, trin churches and JWs.

Jesus says to come out of Babylon, I believe Jesus is talking about the organizations.


Well-known member
Jesus would not establish the way Paul did. Look at the organizations and denominations' corruption.

Organization is a loot of all corruption.

Organizations operate to follow their leaders.

His followers follow Jesus, not organization, nor any man.

I have exposed organizations' corruption many times and So did truthjourney.

I have exposed both, trin churches and JWs.

Jesus says to come out of Babylon, I believe Jesus is talking about the organizations.

You are not making any sense....

How did Paul establish the "Body of Christ," which is Christ's Church?


Ok well, amazingly we might agree on something, albeit for different reasons.

The 12 are to sit and judge the 12 tribes. We are not the 12 tribes so the 12 will not be judging us. Paul was the 1st member of the Church which is Body of Christ.

Nope, Paul is not one of the original ones.

Those twelve followed Him like children from the beginning..

that makes a big difference.


Ok well, amazingly we might agree on something, albeit for different reasons.

The 12 are to sit and judge the 12 tribes. We are not the 12 tribes so the 12 will not be judging us. Paul was the 1st member of the Church which is Body of Christ.

Twelve tribes are symbolic. Jesus will judge all of us, not just the Jews.

You are greatly mistaken.

My reasoning is all contextual.

I follow overall context.


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It's too hard for you to understand the way to properly translate Greek into English. John didn't say that the Word was THE God. There is no definite article before "god" in the phrase "and the word was god." Therefore correct translation would place an English INDEFINITE article there, as this "god" has no definite article designating that this "god" is THE God.

So....the Word is NOT the Almighty God. And it is THE WORD that came to dwell among us, not THE God. The Scripture does not say that THE God came in the flesh. Do some research.
A Greek lesson for you.

John 1:1 (Greek and English)

εν αρχη ην ο λογος και ο λογος ην προς τον θεον και θεος ην ο λογος

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

The article in a prepositional phrase is normally dropped in Koine Greek.
The absence of the article in a prepositional phrase is normal, and thus no significance.

For example:
The prepositional phrase 'εν αρχη' (literally, 'in beginning')doesn't use
an article (the), but is properly translated to English grammar as "in the beginning."

It is the inclusion of the article in a prepositional phrase that is unusual, and thus draws attention to it (placing an emphasis on it).

Greek makes a distinction of the role a noun plays in a sentence by changing the case.
Generally, when the noun is the subject, it is in the nominative case, and if it is the direct object, it is in the accusative case.
But there will be times when there are two nominative case nouns in the same phrase, so how does one determine which is the subject?
Here is the rule to determine it:

A. If both nouns have the article attached, the first is the subject, the second is the predicate.

B. If neither noun has the article attached, the first is the subject, the second is the predicate.

C. If one noun has an article and the other does not, the one with the article is the subject, and the one without the article is the predicate.

There are 3 phrases in the verse.

εν αρχη ην ο λογος
και ο λογος ην προς τον θεον
και θεος ην ο λογος

So let's look at the last phrase of John 1:1.
και θεος ην ο λογος
Both nouns are in the nominative case, but one has an article and the other does not.
και means "and".

has an article (o) and θεος does not.
Thus it falls under C. --- o
λογος (the Word) is the subject, while θεος (God) is the predicate.

Some folks get mixed up due to Greek syntax, because in Greek it doesn't matter WHERE is the phrase the subject falls (first or last), it will not change the grammatical construction, while in English it does.
English grammar puts the subject first.
Thus the English translation is "the Word was God", instead of "God was the Word", because "the Word" is the subject.

But it goes even further than that, as the last phrase causes us to place emphasis on it because of the unusual placement and thus drawing attention to it.
It is akin to saying 'After hearing what I have just said (in the first two phrases), let me make it VERY CLEAR!!!!!! that the Word is God'.

The ruling is often referred to as the Granville Sharp rule.
The interesting thing about this rule is that there has never been an exception found.
Not only in biblical literature, but in any Greek literature.



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MPs are demanding government action after more than 100 people contacted the Guardian with allegations of child sexual abuse and other mistreatment in Jehovah’s Witness communities in the UK.
Mon 26 Mar 2018

“I am extremely concerned, but not surprised, by the allegations of child abuse within the Jehovah’s Witness movement. Whenever there is a closed society with an inherent power imbalance, the potential for abuse is there,” said the Labour MP Sarah Champion.
She said she would be raising the issue in parliament and demanding that the government take action to make sure all children were safe.
Alex Chalk, the Conservative MP for Cheltenham, said he planned to raise the issue in parliament, saying it was not just a historical issue but an ongoing child safety concern.

The Guardian was told that members of the community were taught to avoid interaction with outside authorities. It was also claimed that, according to rules set by the group, for child sexual abuse to be taken seriously there must be at least two witnesses to it. If that happened or a perpetrator admitted abuse, a judicial committee would be called and the case investigated.

A solicitor representing some of the alleged victims said she believed there were thousands of complainants in the UK and that the people who had contacted the Guardian were “just the tip of the iceberg”.

She also expressed concern that abuse claims could only be taken before a committee for investigation if there were two witnesses to it. “Abuse happens in the shadows, so to ask for a second witness is ludicrous and effectively prevents reporting,” Champion said.

Several more alleged victims came forward after the initial claims were published. One woman, speaking anonymously, said: “I’m a former Jehovah’s Witness and know personally of two girls who were abused and silenced within their congregations.”

Another woman, also speaking under the condition of anonymity, said she tried to kill herself when she was 14 after being abused by her father. “I found an old article in the Awake magazine on abuse in the congregation library and left it open for the elder. I had left the same article for my father at one stage hoping he would read it and stop. When it was found out, I too was subjected to being told not to say anything and a cover-up. In my case the evidence was also destroyed by the elders,” she said.

She said she was told never to speak to anyone about what happened and was not given any counselling. “I asked the elders privately if I could go live with a friend’s family ... and they said I had to ask my father as he was the head of the household.”
I hope they roast every single one of them.
It's sickening how men will distort scripture in order to let evil continue.