Christians worship Christ; JW's do not!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Twelve tribes are symbolic. Jesus will judge all of us, not just the Jews.

You are greatly mistaken.

My reasoning is all contextual.

I follow overall context.

One has to wonder if you're merely a TROLL on TOL? Sometimes it seems as if you're a little bit more articulate than at other times? It's almost as if there's two separate posters? Are you part of a 'Tag-team?' You always seem to be playing 'Devil's advocate' and causing dissension among the posters?

It makes one ponder the following; Is this a diminutive and uneducated Asian woman who doesn't have a command of the English language or is this SOMEONE who has created a very successful ruse, stretching over many years?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Twelve tribes are symbolic. Jesus will judge all of us, not just the Jews.

You are greatly mistaken.

My reasoning is all contextual.

I follow overall context.

One has to wonder if you're merely a TROLL on TOL? Sometimes it seems as if you're a little bit more articulate than at other times? It's almost as if there's two separate posters? Are you part of a 'Tag-team?' You always seem to be playing 'Devil's advocate' and causing dissension among the posters?

It makes one ponder the following; Is this a diminutive and uneducated Asian woman who doesn't have a command of the English language or is this SOMEONE who has created a very successful ruse, stretching over many years?

I wonder?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I believe that Paul had to suffer that much to pay for the consequences for what he did to His followers.

He did not have much choice if he wanted be in God's kingdom.

I don't believe he will be with the original servants of Jesus when the time comes.

What a 'MORONIC' and ignorant conclusion, this is. Back it up? Oh that's right, you guys don't answer questions.


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Well-known member
It's too hard for you to understand the way to properly translate Greek into English. John didn't say that the Word was THE God. There is no definite article before "god" in the phrase "and the word was god." Therefore correct translation would place an English INDEFINITE article there, as this "god" has no definite article designating that this "god" is THE God.

So....the Word is NOT the Almighty God. And it is THE WORD that came to dwell among us, not THE God. The Scripture does not say that THE God came in the flesh. Do some research.

The first time a JW tried that spiel on me, I heard a loud gong go off in my head. :chuckle:


Well-known member
Because I believe that Jesus Christ is the only Person in the universe that deserves to be chosen by God to "stand up" for his people. To say that Jesus is not Michael means that there is another Person that has the authority to mediate between God and men. To say that Jesus is not Michael means that you are calling another Person equal to Jesus in authority.

At Daniel chapter 12 Michael is directly linked to the Great Tribulation. In Jesus' discussion of this Great Tribulation, e.g., Matthew chapter 24, there is no mention of another individual coming with him in power and glory to do away with the wicked people. Have you seen anybody else said to be coming with Jesus? How could Daniel 12 be talking about someone else? Anyone who says Michael is equal to Jesus is obviously taking away Jesus' unique position. Therefore it stands to reason that Michael is the name Jesus has in heaven. Do you think that there is someone else that deserves Jesus' position? I don't.

"And at that time [the time of the end] shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt." (Daniel 12:1,2, KJV)

No Jesus Christ is above all angels in heaven, not Micheal!

Hebrews 1

Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son? And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.

And it's at the name of Jesus that every knee shall bow, not Micheal, because it's Jesus who has been exalted by the father. It's Jesus's name that is above every name, not Micheal's name. Nowhere does it say in the Bible that Jesus is called Micheal in heaven, Jesus is called Jesus and he is the Christ, the only begotten son of the living God, not Micheal who is an angel of the LORD.

Philippians 2

Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.


New member
Therefore, JW's are NOT Christian.

I have had Christians say they do not know who Yahwah is, or want anything to do with Him; they only wanted to worship Jesus.

The act of worshiping any being but Yahwah was punishable by death. Most likely the words "pay tribute" or "honor" were replaced with the word "worship." It is an act that is a very big deal in the Jewish community, but yet you see no mention in the New Testament or history about any Jews objecting. No one complained about him saying they are one, because they knew he was speaking about unity. The Messiah to come (yahshua) was never to be a being to be worshipped. This would have been an extremely big deal in the Jewish community if it was truly taking place. And that is one of a number of reasons the Jewish community rejects the New Testament as being the word of God. Yahshua directed us to worship Yahwah only, and stated that he does not accept any glory from mankind.

John 5:41
“I do not accept glorification from human beings,

Matthew 4:10
Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’ ”

Luke 4:8
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’ ”

In the scripture he is quoting, "the Lord" is Yahwah. Yahshua did rebuke the woman, saying he did not have the authority to decide who sits by him.


New member
I hope they roast every single one of them.
It's sickening how men will distort scripture in order to let evil continue.
We can only hope that they get what's coming to them. The two witness rule needs to be changed too.

There are some within the Watchtower Headquarters who have leaked information to the public and especially to people involved in helping former JWs because they don't agree with the Governing Body's rules, policies and regulations. But they remain there at the Headquarters to have access to information that is kept from the rank and file JW.

I just learned that information was leaked that the Governing Body has ordered elders to destroy evidence; files that have been kept especially those pertaining to child sex abuse, also letters from individual members of the congregations. This is no doubt because of all the court litigations about The Watchtower's cover up of child sex abuse. So they are doing some serious damage control.

This is just one video example among many that is talking about this.
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New member
Did you even watch the W5 Documentary that I posted?
KingdomRose, I am realizing now that when I asked you this question, I was temporarily forgetting the Governing Body's strict information control for JWs. I know about the Governing Body's policy on information control.

JWs are instructed not to read, watch or listen to any material or information that is not directly from the Governing Body. Because the Governing Body considers information outside of their own to be "of the world", "part of Satan's system"; it is an us vs them mentality. JWs are led to believe that anyone outside of the organization to in effect be enemies; that people outside the organization does not love or care about them. That people outside of the organization are part of false religion, Satan's organization that hates JWs and that speak lies in order to damage the organization and hurt those within it. This even includes reputable news sources that expose the Watchtower Society abuses of its members. The Governing Body teaches that only those within the organization will survive Armageddon. All those outside the organization will be destroyed. And for me, this shows how the Governing Body's teachings will diminish even a person's basic human compassion for others.

I know that the Governing Body especially has a strict policy against JWs listening to, watching videos of, or reading material of former JWs who are referred to as "apostates". These people who are called apostates and there are thousands upon thousands of them, have been abused and severely damaged by the Governing Body and its polices, rules, regulations, and teachings. Their lives have been destroyed. They have been cut off from their JW families. They are shunned as if they are invisible and don't exist. They are not shown even an ounce of compassion or love. Many of them have committed suicide because of the pain and devastation of being cut off from their families and friends. And still no compassion was shown for them only condemnation.

Their numbers are growing. Many, many more JWs are waking up to the truth and leaving the organization and see it for what it really is. Kingdom Halls are being sold because of dwindling numbers of people leaving the organization. More people have become aware of what the Watchtower Society truly is and are not joining that organization. I have noticed in many videos I've seen that show many empty seats within Kingdom Halls. And for me, that is encouraging and is good news.

These people have been silenced and controlled for far too long and they are saying that they refuse to be silent anymore. And I say good for them.

There are other organizations with similar tactics that are used and with similar stories from its members such as for example, the Scientologists and the Mormons. And there have been news stories about those organizations as well. Many people in those organizations have left and continue to leave those organizations and they also face similar repercussions like being cut off from their children and their family and friends, facing intimidation, threats, being surveilled, and even physical attacks.

I repeat again, that it is not my intention to accuse or attack the rank and file members of JWs. I know they have been misled, deceived, lied to, intimidated, threatened, bullied, coerced, brainwashed, and even have been subjected to mind control tactics by the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society.

I have compassion for JWs and I want them to wake up to the truth and leave that organization and to be able to live happy and productive lives. Being free to make their own decisions, to be able think freely and to have critical thinking. To be able to be with their families which is very important because families are a support system. But so many JWs lose that kind of support system. It also forces many JWs to remain in that organization just so they can continue to associate with their family and friends. And they don't want to be shunned by family and friends. But many have been brave enough to leave even at that great cost. How parents can shun their children that way is beyond me.

So I don't believe you watched that W5 video and I know why. What are you so afraid of? If you truly believe that you have the truth then nothing will shake that.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
We can only hope that they get what's coming to them. The two witness rule needs to be changed too.

There are some within the Watchtower Headquarters who have leaked information to the public and especially to people involved in helping former JWs because they don't agree with the Governing Body's rules, policies and regulations. But they remain there at the Headquarters to have access to information that is kept from the rank and file JW.

I just learned that information was leaked that the Governing Body has ordered elders to destroy evidence; files that have been kept especially those pertaining to child sex abuse, also letters from individual members of the congregations. This is no doubt because of all the court litigations about The Watchtower's cover up of child sex abuse. So they are doing some serious damage control.

This is just one video example among many that is talking about this.
Attrocious, isn't it.
They go to any lengths to hide their errors and deception.

Speaking of which .......

Here is an instance where they are deceptive about their translation of John 1:1

Jehovah's Witnesses wrongly translate John 1:1 as follows:
"Originally the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god"
- New World Translation, 1960 edition
(emphasis mine)

In their Appendix they have an article explaining why they translate it this way and they quote from A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament by Dana and Mantey to justify their translation.

Mantey, upon learning that he had been quoted, wrote a two page article showing that it is not proper to translate this verse as the Jehovah Witnesses had done. He entitled his article A Grossly Misleading Translation.
Mantey skillfully explains the grammar of this verse and the significance of the absence of the Greek article in the last phrase of verse 1.
Dr. Manley's article is reproduced below in full:


John 1: 1 which reads "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God," is shockingly mistranslated, "Originally the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god," in a New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures, published under !he auspices of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Since my name is used and our Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament is quoted on page 744 to seek to justify their translation, I am making this statement.

The translation suggested in our Grammar for the disputed passage is, "the Word was deity." Moffatt's rendering is "the Word was divine." Williams' translation is, "the Word was God himself." Each translation reflects the dominant idea in the Greek, For, whenever an article does not precede a noun in Greek, that noun can either be considered as emphasizing the character, nature, essence or quality of a person or thing, as theos (God) docs in John 1:1, or it can be translated in certain contexts as indefinite, as !hey have done. But of all the scholars in the world, as far as we know, none have translated this verse as Jehovah's Witnesses have.

If the Greek article occurred with both Word and God in John 1:1 the implication would be that they are one and the same person, absolutely identical. But John affirmed that "the Word was with (the) God" (the definite article preceding each noun), and in so writing he indicated his belief that they were distinct and separate personalities. Then John next stated that the Word was God, i.e., of the same family or essence that characterizes the Creator. Or, in other words, that both are of the same nature, and that nature is the highest in existence, namely, divine.

Examples where the noun in the predicate does not have an article, as in the above verse, are: John 4:24, "God is spirit" (not 'a' spirit; 1 John 4:16, "God is love" (not 'a' love); and Matthew 13:39, "the reapers are angels," i.e., they are the type of beings known as angels. In each instance the noun in the predicate was used to describe some quality or characteristic of the subject, whether as to nature or type.

The apostle John in the context of the introduction to his gospel is pulling all the stops out of language to portray not only the deity of Christ but also His equality with the Father. He states that the Word was in the beginning, that He was with God, that He was God and that all creation came into existence through Him and that not even one thing exists which was not created by Christ. What else could be said that John did not say? In John 1: 18 he explained that Christ has been so intimate with the Father that He was in His bosom and that He came to earth to exhibit or portray God. But if we had no other statement from John except that which is found in John 14:9, "He that has seen me has seen the Father," that would be enough to satisfy the seeking soul that Christ and God are the same in essence and that both are divine and equal in nature.

Besides, the whole tenor of New Testament revelation points in this direction. Compare Paul's declaration in Colossians 1:19 for instance: "That all the divine fullness should dwell in Him," or the statement in Hebrews 1:3, "He is the reflection of God's glory and the perfect representation of His being, and continues to uphold the universe by His mighty word" (Williams' translation). And note the sweeping, cosmic claim recorded in Matthew 28:19, "All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth."

And, if we contrast with that the belittling implication that Christ was only a god, do we not at once detect the discord? Does not such a conception conflict with the New Testament message both in whole and in part? Why, if John, in the midst of the idolatry of his day, had made such a statement would not the first century hearers and readers have gotten a totally inadequate picture of Christ who we believe is the Creator of the universe and the only Redeemer of humanity?

- Julius Robert Mantey, A.B., Th.D., Ph.D., D.D. Professor of Greek and New Testament Northern Baptist Theological Seminary Chicago, Illinois
